You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes

to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

See now, you didn't even read the report, did you.

The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office. They expected her to win, just like me, just like you! They were going to use fake news to keep her on the ropes. Everyone was surprised Trump won, including you, me, and them. (most of all, Hilly and Obysmal)

By the way, who do you think Iran was rooting for-)

Ever wonder what Iran might be like today had we not taken out their duly democratically elected govt?

Or if Carter hadn't been such a fuck up?
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

So Obama being willing to play ball with Russia was alright?

Problems with Russian relations didn't start until Kerry started accusing them of war crimes
And what would you call what Russia did to a neighboring country?
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

See now, you didn't even read the report, did you.

The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office. They expected her to win, just like me, just like you! They were going to use fake news to keep her on the ropes. Everyone was surprised Trump won, including you, me, and them. (most of all, Hilly and Obysmal)

By the way, who do you think Iran was rooting for-)

Ever wonder what Iran might be like today had we not taken out their duly democratically elected govt?

Or if Carter hadn't been such a fuck up?

Pfffffffffffffft, sure, that must have been it. No one minds when we take out their leaders so long as all the presidents are republicans.
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

See now, you didn't even read the report, did you.

The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office. They expected her to win, just like me, just like you! They were going to use fake news to keep her on the ropes. Everyone was surprised Trump won, including you, me, and them. (most of all, Hilly and Obysmal)

By the way, who do you think Iran was rooting for-)
Probably Trump. A weak America, and a disbanded EU are huge wins for Russia and Iran. And with Trump threatening to disband NATO and lift the missile shield, Russia and Iran may get some bonuses.

And with Trump threatening to disband NATO and lift the missile shield,

The missile shield that Obama already pulled out of Eastern Europe?
The one that Obama finally completed and activated in Eastern Europe last year smart guy

Obama's decision Wednesday to scuttle a costly and technically challenged long-range missile-defense system in Europe marks his most significant reversal of a Bush foreign policy priority. It could change the dynamic of what has been an increasingly tense relationship between the U.S. and Russia, which viewed the Bush plans for missile defenses in Poland and the Czech Republic as a threat.

Obama scraps Bush missile-defense plan -

Only took him 7 years to reverse his earlier mistake?
It took Obama years to reverse a lot of the dumb shit Bush was up to. Anyways now that you rubes are on Putin's cock, you'll probably support Trump taking this shield down and probably the Aegis defense system that replaced the Polish system too.
The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office.
Just what the Hell did you read? "The whole thing..." my dying ass! Read page 1 under, "Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election". It blows your assertion to shreds!
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

I read what it said, you must not comprehend to well. It said they were trying to make it so her administration would be questioned! As Trump lagged in the polls, they gave up and really started the fake news.

So let me ask you, oh sage of the board---------->if they gave up when Trump was lagging far behind, how did they cause Hilly to lose, hmmmm, cmon, spit it out-) Let me repeat the report.....they STOPPED! They decided to try a new approach.

So somewhere between then, and the election, the Hilly collapsed! When do you think that was?!?!?!?! How about project Veritas, and Comey reopening her e-mail scandal! Now who put James C in charge of the FB!? That is correct, YOUR GUY, so he again screwed the pooch, so cut it out. Everything Obysmal touches turns to doggy poo-poo, even his nominations; and when they help you guys lose, you gotta blame it on everyone else.

YOUR President did this, period! He did NOTHING earlier about the hacking, he put James C in power, he allowed Hilly to have the server instead of saving her from herself, and you blame Moe, Larry, and Curly! Typical blame shifting, far leftist!
Oh boo fucking hoo. I don't care who hacked the DNC. And certainly there are more suspects than just Russia. Because Obama's NSA spy program targeted 123 foreign leaders and up to or over 1,000 more targets including global corporations.
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

Dear DNC:
Don't open obvious phishing emails dumbasses.

Problem solved.

The end.
That won't stop paid trolls, fake news, and spies from influencing elections. The report also says Russia will try to do the same thing to our allies. I know Trump won't care, but maybe somebody will.

So, we know you're the troll, but who are the paid shills for the DNC?
See now, you didn't even read the report, did you.

The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office. They expected her to win, just like me, just like you! They were going to use fake news to keep her on the ropes. Everyone was surprised Trump won, including you, me, and them. (most of all, Hilly and Obysmal)

By the way, who do you think Iran was rooting for-)
Probably Trump. A weak America, and a disbanded EU are huge wins for Russia and Iran. And with Trump threatening to disband NATO and lift the missile shield, Russia and Iran may get some bonuses.

And with Trump threatening to disband NATO and lift the missile shield,

The missile shield that Obama already pulled out of Eastern Europe?
The one that Obama finally completed and activated in Eastern Europe last year smart guy

Obama's decision Wednesday to scuttle a costly and technically challenged long-range missile-defense system in Europe marks his most significant reversal of a Bush foreign policy priority. It could change the dynamic of what has been an increasingly tense relationship between the U.S. and Russia, which viewed the Bush plans for missile defenses in Poland and the Czech Republic as a threat.

Obama scraps Bush missile-defense plan -

Only took him 7 years to reverse his earlier mistake?
It took Obama years to reverse a lot of the dumb shit Bush was up to. Anyways now that you rubes are on Putin's cock, you'll probably support Trump taking this shield down and probably the Aegis defense system that replaced the Polish system too.

It took Obama years to reverse a lot of the dumb shit Bush was up to.

The Bush missile system was a mistake? Tell me more!
It took Obama years to reverse a lot of the dumb shit Bush was up to. Anyways now that you rubes are on Putin's cock, you'll probably support Trump taking this shield down and probably the Aegis defense system that replaced the Polish system too.
Reversed the dumb shit Dubya was up to? You mean like expanding all those middle eastern wars, droning the shit out of civilian populations, and getting more troops killed in Afghanistan than before?

to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

Dear DNC:
Don't open obvious phishing emails dumbasses.

Problem solved.

The end.
And don't be such phony assholes to begin with.
The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office.
Just what the Hell did you read? "The whole thing..." my dying ass! Read page 1 under, "Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election". It blows your assertion to shreds!
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

I read what it said, you must not comprehend to well. It said they were trying to make it so her administration would be questioned! As Trump lagged in the polls, they gave up and really started the fake news.

So let me ask you, oh sage of the board---------->if they gave up when Trump was lagging far behind, how did they cause Hilly to lose, hmmmm, cmon, spit it out-) Let me repeat the report.....they STOPPED! They decided to try a new approach.

So somewhere between then, and the election, the Hilly collapsed! When do you think that was?!?!?!?! How about project Veritas, and Comey reopening her e-mail scandal! Now who put James C in charge of the FB!? That is correct, YOUR GUY, so he again screwed the pooch, so cut it out. Everything Obysmal touches turns to doggy poo-poo, even his nominations; and when they help you guys lose, you gotta blame it on everyone else.

YOUR President did this, period! He did NOTHING earlier about the hacking, he put James C in power, he allowed Hilly to have the server instead of saving her from herself, and you blame Moe, Larry, and Curly! Typical blame shifting, far leftist!
Hey asshole, I'm not running out into the weeds to follow your misdirection and narrative change! YOU made the absurd assertion regarding the Russian invasion of our election process that "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." That is what you wrote, so either you wish to support and stand behind what you were shouting about before or you want to get out from under the weight of your bullshit passed on from your echo chamber minders! Which is it??

Here is just the first paragraph to which I referred you above, but now wish you go through such contortions to avoid even acknowledging exists;
"Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency."
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

How does just that single paragraph match up with your now totally debunked assertion that, "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." The goals were changing as the situation was changing! You are dead fucking wrong!
The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office.
Just what the Hell did you read? "The whole thing..." my dying ass! Read page 1 under, "Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election". It blows your assertion to shreds!
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~
Where does it say they succeeded in any way? Assuming that much is even true.
How is that relevant vis-à-vis my post to another you've piggy-backed? The declassified report those Federal agencies prepared might have the answers to all you off topic questions, so you might want to look there so here is the link to make it a little easier for you to look up;
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances

It's awful that releasing the emails showed the DNC's and Hillary's corruption.

The voters were no supposed to see that. Just awful.

Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ??

With a reset button and increased flexibility? Yeah, that is just awful. AWFUL!

Nothing awful in those emails at all. Nothing.

She was hard on Putin and Putin blamed her and the US for the revolution of his 2011 election.
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

1. IF Russia did what you claim then how is it different from the de-stabilization efforts Obama's minions pulled in other countries. Surely we can agree that this is simply tit-for-tat!

2. I'm rather sad that, if they did it, it was a bit of investigation America's Lugenpresse refused to do - or, if they did it, concealed it.

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