You don't like the Rules in the Christian School... Don't go there.

Good. If folks don't want their kids or grandkids getting a dose of morality then there are thousands of public schools to choose from. Why inject their sycophant philosophies into private, Christian schools?

what is immoral about the girl???

She may not be immoral but she needs some psychological treatment. It would be immoral for the grandmother to allow the child to spread beliefs that are contrary to the school's principles and beliefs and it would be immoral for the grandmother to fail to get the child the professional attention that she clearly needs.

why does she need psychological treatment? she doesn't have a psychological problem.

so they can do whatever they want?no matter how much it damages kids?

The kid has already been damaged. It's a private school that teaches a particular curriculum. The child felt that the teachings there were harassing or derogatory. It would have damaged her more (from her perspective) to remain than to move on to a public school that embraces and encourages her form of illness.

so they can do whatever they want?no matter how much it damages kids?

Public School in the 5th Grade is currently "teaching" kids about Deviant Sex...

Does that "damage kids"?...

We shouldn't Entertain or Normalize Mental Illness... But that's what this Fucked Society is doing.


what is immoral about the girl???

She may not be immoral but she needs some psychological treatment. It would be immoral for the grandmother to allow the child to spread beliefs that are contrary to the school's principles and beliefs and it would be immoral for the grandmother to fail to get the child the professional attention that she clearly needs.

why does she need psychological treatment? she doesn't have a psychological problem.

She does have a psychological problem and so does anyone who doesn't believe that she does. Most mentally ill folks don't know they're ill. But they are.

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