You don't need a gym membership, weight bench, or weights to weight train.

You've already got everything you need. All you are lacking is motivation.

Sadly, I can't exercise anymore as I have the pains behind my eyes and other issues that might even be MS. It is eating me inside as I deal with 1000 challenges at once.

I do miss the gym. It was my place of meditation.
There is no way his body is not from weights.

He has engaged in almost certainly some heavy resistance with low reps involved. There is little body weight resistance in our own weight as it pertains to pushups so ultimately it becomes an exercise of shaping/defining and increasing blood flow.
You've already got everything you need. All you are lacking is motivation.

if you think the guy in the vid got that jacked without lifting a lot of weights you are naive ..but body weight exercises are also very good for you .. the military does body weight workouts in the morning for PT ..
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You've already got everything you need. All you are lacking is motivation.


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