You don't need guns in's a better solution......

You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.
Thanks for your advise. We will stick to the concealed 9mm’s
You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.
Good Allah, that's dumm.
You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.
Thanks for your advise. We will stick to the concealed 9mm’s
We open carry at my church.
You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.
Thanks for your advise. We will stick to the concealed 9mm’s
We open carry at my church.
We just let it be known and keep em guessing as to who.
You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.
Or have a police alarm button at the podium like they have at banks

That's actually not a bad idea Bonzi.
Typical libturd response.

You don't need an effective solution, you need a nanny state or be ridiculed.

The shooter managed to avoid the laws that we are supposed to believe prevent insane assholes from getting guns, ignored laws against capital murder in a state that is notorious for fulfilling the death penalty, and managed to kill so many innocents because it's illegal to carry in a church.

Abedwettingshithead is obviously the sort of piece of leftist shit that prefers to ridicule dead people because anyone with a military background knows several layers of soft kevlar will not stop rifle rounds.

Get the nanny state out of the way, and let churches decide for themselves.
The individual churches get to decide if they are gun free zones and if so they have to notify their members.
Typical libturd response.

You don't need an effective solution, you need a nanny state or be ridiculed.

The shooter managed to avoid the laws that we are supposed to believe prevent insane assholes from getting guns, ignored laws against capital murder in a state that is notorious for fulfilling the death penalty, and managed to kill so many innocents because it's illegal to carry in a church.

Abedwettingshithead is obviously the sort of piece of leftist shit that prefers to ridicule dead people because anyone with a military background knows several layers of soft kevlar will not stop rifle rounds.

Get the nanny state out of the way, and let churches decide for themselves.

Really? Might wanna check out the clothing that this company makes. Most of it looks like regular clothing, and there is one vest on the site that is form fitting and almost invisible under a shirt, yet will stop most bullets. It's rated for a 3A threat level, meaning it will stop most bullets.

Here's the link for the whole site..................

BulletBlocker Bulletproof Protective Clothing and Body Armor

And here's the link for the compression vest. If you look at it, it almost looks like a regular black shirt.

Gabriel BBL Compression Vest

So yeah, outside of the expense, it could make a viable solution for church shootings. far as this shooter "managing to avoid laws", you do realize that he bought those guns LEGALLY from a gun shop?
He'd just shoot everyone in the head. He went pew by pew and filled each person full of bullets.
This must be a popular idea that a lot of people are considering. I just saw a story today about a Florida school that is selling bulletproof inserts for backpacks for only $120.

Florida school sells $120 bulletproof panels for children | Daily Mail Online
How many families can afford that, especially if they have more than one kid in school? My family couldn't have afforded something like that when I was in school. When I was in high school, they couldn't even afford bus fare. Mom drove me to school and I walked home every day because she was at work in the afternoon, a one hour walk. When I was in elementary school, they couldn't afford for us to buy school lunches; we brown bagged it every day. I'm just saying: a lot of people would have a hard time affording those for their kids.

Yea, but also a lot of families could afford it.
So what about the kids who can't? They just die?
Here, where there has never been a mass shooting (knock wood), our tiny elementary schools keep their doors locked during the day. Some of the staff have firearms and know how to use them.
Kevlar backpacks aren't necessary. The school secretary is not going to buzz open the door to someone carrying an AR.
Typical libturd response.

You don't need an effective solution, you need a nanny state or be ridiculed.

The shooter managed to avoid the laws that we are supposed to believe prevent insane assholes from getting guns, ignored laws against capital murder in a state that is notorious for fulfilling the death penalty, and managed to kill so many innocents because it's illegal to carry in a church.

Abedwettingshithead is obviously the sort of piece of leftist shit that prefers to ridicule dead people because anyone with a military background knows several layers of soft kevlar will not stop rifle rounds.

Get the nanny state out of the way, and let churches decide for themselves.

Really? Might wanna check out the clothing that this company makes. Most of it looks like regular clothing, and there is one vest on the site that is form fitting and almost invisible under a shirt, yet will stop most bullets. It's rated for a 3A threat level, meaning it will stop most bullets.

Here's the link for the whole site..................

BulletBlocker Bulletproof Protective Clothing and Body Armor

And here's the link for the compression vest. If you look at it, it almost looks like a regular black shirt.

Gabriel BBL Compression Vest

So yeah, outside of the expense, it could make a viable solution for church shootings. far as this shooter "managing to avoid laws", you do realize that he bought those guns LEGALLY from a gun shop?
He'd just shoot everyone in the head. He went pew by pew and filled each person full of bullets.
This must be a popular idea that a lot of people are considering. I just saw a story today about a Florida school that is selling bulletproof inserts for backpacks for only $120.

Florida school sells $120 bulletproof panels for children | Daily Mail Online
How many families can afford that, especially if they have more than one kid in school? My family couldn't have afforded something like that when I was in school. When I was in high school, they couldn't even afford bus fare. Mom drove me to school and I walked home every day because she was at work in the afternoon, a one hour walk. When I was in elementary school, they couldn't afford for us to buy school lunches; we brown bagged it every day. I'm just saying: a lot of people would have a hard time affording those for their kids.

Yea, but also a lot of families could afford it.
So what about the kids who can't? They just die?
Here, where there has never been a mass shooting (knock wood), our tiny elementary schools keep their doors locked during the day. Some of the staff have firearms and know how to use them.
Kevlar backpacks aren't necessary. The school secretary is not going to buzz open the door to someone carrying an AR.

You DO realize that if you have a cushion to shield yourself behind, you can use it to shield your head as well, right?
Typical libturd response.

You don't need an effective solution, you need a nanny state or be ridiculed.

The shooter managed to avoid the laws that we are supposed to believe prevent insane assholes from getting guns, ignored laws against capital murder in a state that is notorious for fulfilling the death penalty, and managed to kill so many innocents because it's illegal to carry in a church.

Abedwettingshithead is obviously the sort of piece of leftist shit that prefers to ridicule dead people because anyone with a military background knows several layers of soft kevlar will not stop rifle rounds.

Get the nanny state out of the way, and let churches decide for themselves.

Really? Might wanna check out the clothing that this company makes. Most of it looks like regular clothing, and there is one vest on the site that is form fitting and almost invisible under a shirt, yet will stop most bullets. It's rated for a 3A threat level, meaning it will stop most bullets.

Here's the link for the whole site..................

BulletBlocker Bulletproof Protective Clothing and Body Armor

And here's the link for the compression vest. If you look at it, it almost looks like a regular black shirt.

Gabriel BBL Compression Vest

So yeah, outside of the expense, it could make a viable solution for church shootings. far as this shooter "managing to avoid laws", you do realize that he bought those guns LEGALLY from a gun shop?
He'd just shoot everyone in the head. He went pew by pew and filled each person full of bullets.
This must be a popular idea that a lot of people are considering. I just saw a story today about a Florida school that is selling bulletproof inserts for backpacks for only $120.

Florida school sells $120 bulletproof panels for children | Daily Mail Online
How many families can afford that, especially if they have more than one kid in school? My family couldn't have afforded something like that when I was in school. When I was in high school, they couldn't even afford bus fare. Mom drove me to school and I walked home every day because she was at work in the afternoon, a one hour walk. When I was in elementary school, they couldn't afford for us to buy school lunches; we brown bagged it every day. I'm just saying: a lot of people would have a hard time affording those for their kids.

Yea, but also a lot of families could afford it.
So what about the kids who can't? They just die?
Here, where there has never been a mass shooting (knock wood), our tiny elementary schools keep their doors locked during the day. Some of the staff have firearms and know how to use them.
Kevlar backpacks aren't necessary. The school secretary is not going to buzz open the door to someone carrying an AR.

You DO realize that if you have a cushion to shield yourself behind, you can use it to shield your head as well, right?
I have a different idea for how to keep nuts with semiautomatics from shooting up churches.
Japan is another place where it’s made extraordinarily difficult to own firearms.

You've got to go through a comprehensive firearms safety course every so often, undergo a psychological/mental health assessment and a criminal background check, have a secure place to store your guns – the whole nine yards.

Cops can search your premises and seize your guns at any time for any reason. Oh, and you can only buy shotguns and air rifles. No handguns.

But nothing will change until America as a collective whole sees gun ownership not as a sacred right, but a privilege that needs to be managed responsibly.

As long as Sandy Hook, First Baptist Church and other events like it are seen as just the price paid for that sacred right, there won’t see any concrete change.
Japan would be a shitty place to live... So bad life would not even be worth living. That must be why their suicide rate is so high
You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just have metal benches?
Nothing will change until there are a thousand or ten thousand more blood-baths where hundreds of white kids are killed (Because to the white supremacist who run the country only white kids matter)

Hey...dumb ass...this is already happening every kill over 35,000 people every year and are actually the leading cause of death among children... want to ban cars...right? If the number of deaths is your sole issue, then all cars in civilian hands have to go...right?

2 rifles in 2 separate attacks...84 in one year....35,000

Can you tell which number is bigger?
And that's why Cars have seat-belts. Cars have airbags. Cars have sat nav. You need a licence to drive a car. You have to pass a test to drive a car. You have to drive a car that is road worthy. You need insurance. You need to show that your the owner. You need to have your eyes tested. There are safety barriers. There are places where cars can't go. Parking fines. There are many things in place to stop road deaths but there will always be more people dying from road deaths.

Now what is place to stop gun deaths ?

And what's your solution to stop this ?

By the way more people die in cars than are killed by Crocodiles. So are cars more dangerous than crocs now ?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, vehicle ownership is a privilege. Dumbass
What's your solution ?
What solution is needed? Literally, you have a 99.995% chance of never being threatened or killed by a gun. Literally.

Do you often create solutions for issues that cause 0.005% problems?
You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.
Thanks for your advise. We will stick to the concealed 9mm’s
We open carry at my church.
We just let it be known and keep em guessing as to who.
Well, some conceal carry. The ushers all open carry. We have gotten a lot.of death threats.
Nothing will change until there are a thousand or ten thousand more blood-baths where hundreds of white kids are killed (Because to the white supremacist who run the country only white kids matter)

Hey...dumb ass...this is already happening every kill over 35,000 people every year and are actually the leading cause of death among children... want to ban cars...right? If the number of deaths is your sole issue, then all cars in civilian hands have to go...right?

2 rifles in 2 separate attacks...84 in one year....35,000

Can you tell which number is bigger?
And that's why Cars have seat-belts. Cars have airbags. Cars have sat nav. You need a licence to drive a car. You have to pass a test to drive a car. You have to drive a car that is road worthy. You need insurance. You need to show that your the owner. You need to have your eyes tested. There are safety barriers. There are places where cars can't go. Parking fines. There are many things in place to stop road deaths but there will always be more people dying from road deaths.

Now what is place to stop gun deaths ?

And what's your solution to stop this ?

By the way more people die in cars than are killed by Crocodiles. So are cars more dangerous than crocs now ?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, vehicle ownership is a privilege. Dumbass
What's your solution ?
What solution is needed? Literally, you have a 99.995% chance of never being threatened or killed by a gun. Literally.

Do you often create solutions for issues that cause 0.005% problems?
so there is no problem with gun deaths in the USA. That's what ur saying. Right ?
Nothing will change until there are a thousand or ten thousand more blood-baths where hundreds of white kids are killed (Because to the white supremacist who run the country only white kids matter)

Hey...dumb ass...this is already happening every kill over 35,000 people every year and are actually the leading cause of death among children... want to ban cars...right? If the number of deaths is your sole issue, then all cars in civilian hands have to go...right?

2 rifles in 2 separate attacks...84 in one year....35,000

Can you tell which number is bigger?
And that's why Cars have seat-belts. Cars have airbags. Cars have sat nav. You need a licence to drive a car. You have to pass a test to drive a car. You have to drive a car that is road worthy. You need insurance. You need to show that your the owner. You need to have your eyes tested. There are safety barriers. There are places where cars can't go. Parking fines. There are many things in place to stop road deaths but there will always be more people dying from road deaths.

Now what is place to stop gun deaths ?

And what's your solution to stop this ?

By the way more people die in cars than are killed by Crocodiles. So are cars more dangerous than crocs now ?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, vehicle ownership is a privilege. Dumbass
What's your solution ?
What solution is needed? Literally, you have a 99.995% chance of never being threatened or killed by a gun. Literally.

Do you often create solutions for issues that cause 0.005% problems?
so there is no problem with gun deaths in the USA. That's what ur saying. Right ?
I'm saying there is no crisis.

Tell Me, are you concerned about the deaths or the tool?
You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just have metal benches?

You can't pick up a metal bench that is bolted to the floor and use it as a shield.

You CAN use a cushion if it's made out of Kevlar and thick enough to stop a level 3A attack.
Nothing will change until there are a thousand or ten thousand more blood-baths where hundreds of white kids are killed (Because to the white supremacist who run the country only white kids matter)

Hey...dumb ass...this is already happening every kill over 35,000 people every year and are actually the leading cause of death among children... want to ban cars...right? If the number of deaths is your sole issue, then all cars in civilian hands have to go...right?

2 rifles in 2 separate attacks...84 in one year....35,000

Can you tell which number is bigger?
And that's why Cars have seat-belts. Cars have airbags. Cars have sat nav. You need a licence to drive a car. You have to pass a test to drive a car. You have to drive a car that is road worthy. You need insurance. You need to show that your the owner. You need to have your eyes tested. There are safety barriers. There are places where cars can't go. Parking fines. There are many things in place to stop road deaths but there will always be more people dying from road deaths.

Now what is place to stop gun deaths ?

And what's your solution to stop this ?

By the way more people die in cars than are killed by Crocodiles. So are cars more dangerous than crocs now ?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, vehicle ownership is a privilege. Dumbass
What's your solution ?
What solution is needed? Literally, you have a 99.995% chance of never being threatened or killed by a gun. Literally.

Do you often create solutions for issues that cause 0.005% problems?
so there is no problem with gun deaths in the USA. That's what ur saying. Right ?

Dumbass, There are much bigger problems… Take your pick
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America

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