"You don't say hi to strangers."


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Philly cops recorded in racially-abusive stop-and-frisk: 'All you do is weaken the f'ing country' | The Raw Story

A video of two Philadelphia police officers racially abusing two pedestrians in a stop-and-frisk went viral Friday, drawing attention to problems with out of control cops from local media.

Officer Philip Nace and another officer from the city’s 25th District can be seen in the video, dated Sept. 27, as they stop two unidentified men, according to reports from the Philadelphia Daily News. The two officers stopped the men after one of the men said hi to another pedestrian in the North Philadelphia neighborhood.

If I'm this sick of this shit, I can't imagine how the people experiencing it are feeling.
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Ya, the way these cops acted was out of control and probably should lose their jobs.

But, I sure would hate to be a cop in a black neigborhood
I often drive through Black "hoods" on the way to the Zoo with my two youngest.

I love it.

Watching the reaction of passing pedestrians as I lock, then unlock, then re lock the doors!!
Fucking hilarious!!
Apparently it bothers some folks.
No one appears to get upset in Southie, but in Drugchester, Murderpan and robbery they act like you just insulted their crack head mothers.

Oh sorry reality confused me!!
That's Dorchester, Mattapan and Roxbury.

Life is funny.
Well the one good thing about these lousy cops is that in this day in age when various types of recording devices are virtually omnipresent, these two dopes just go about business as usual.
Well the one good thing about these lousy cops is that in this day in age when various types of recording devices are virtually omnipresent, these two dopes just go about business as usual.

That's part of what I don't get either.

I don't know how the guy that was on his way to work maintained any kind of calm. They treated him like he was tried and convicted.
Philly cops recorded in racially-abusive stop-and-frisk: 'All you do is weaken the f'ing country' | The Raw Story

A video of two Philadelphia police officers racially abusing two pedestrians in a stop-and-frisk went viral Friday, drawing attention to problems with out of control cops from local media.

Officer Philip Nace and another officer from the city’s 25th District can be seen in the video, dated Sept. 27, as they stop two unidentified men, according to reports from the Philadelphia Daily News. The two officers stopped the men after one of the men said hi to another pedestrian in the North Philadelphia neighborhood.

If I'm this sick of this shit, I can't imagine how the people experiencing it are feeling.

Reminds me of how I would get frisked sometimes walking home or to school as a teenager. The position of police officer is a haven for weak white racists. They know they cant do anything on their own so they flock to these positions like pedophiles do to positions where they can exploit children.

I have a neighbor thats a CO and 2 family members that are Black cops and they are sick of this shit too.
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The position of police officer is a haven for weak white racists.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWHAf70RP8s]POLICE BRUTALITY - Philadelphia Cop Sucker Punches Woman In The Face During Parade - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for the thread bumps, fellas. :thup:

This bump is for the rump. I know your avatar is a cartoon figure, but nonetheless …

This has nothing do do with a prurient interest lest you be tempted to question my sexual innocence (The Professor folds hands in prayer and looks skyward); however from a strictly engineering perspective your avatar is indeed a marvelous structure.
Thanks for the thread bumps, fellas. :thup:

This bump is for the rump. I know your avatar is a cartoon figure, but nonetheless …

This has nothing do do with a prurient interest lest you be tempted to question my sexual innocence (The Professor folds hands in prayer and looks skyward); however from a strictly engineering perspective your avatar is indeed a marvelous structure.

I understand, professor sir. Betty has assured me she is as innocent as the driven snow, and would never wish to cause a single impure thought.

I was not sure of her truthfulness, and questioned her further - she was very scantily-clad at the time. That resulted in her complete silence for two weeks, while garbed like this.

I read somewhere that the officers are on desk duty while this is investigated.
Philly cops recorded in racially-abusive stop-and-frisk: 'All you do is weaken the f'ing country' | The Raw Story

A video of two Philadelphia police officers racially abusing two pedestrians in a stop-and-frisk went viral Friday, drawing attention to problems with out of control cops from local media.

Officer Philip Nace and another officer from the city’s 25th District can be seen in the video, dated Sept. 27, as they stop two unidentified men, according to reports from the Philadelphia Daily News. The two officers stopped the men after one of the men said hi to another pedestrian in the North Philadelphia neighborhood.

If I'm this sick of this shit, I can't imagine how the people experiencing it are feeling.

Reminds me of how I would get frisked sometimes walking home or to school as a teenager. The position of police officer is a haven for weak white racists. They know they cant do anything on their own so they flock to these positions like pedophiles do to positions where they can exploit children.

I have a neighbor thats a CO and 2 family members that are Black cops and they are sick of this shit too.

I remember how stunned I was the first time I heard of DWB. Blair Underwood was on LA Law at the time.

A few years after I moved to Los Angeles to be on L.A. Law, I did a TNT movie called Heat Wave about the Watts riots. I played the L.A. Times journalist who led a team whose reporting won the Pulitzer Prize. Then two years after that, the 1992 riots broke out. Martin Luther King said it best: A riot is the language of the unheard. I had this beautiful home in the hills of Los Feliz from which I could see South-Central, and I just had to be down there. Why? Because along with all the incredible wealth and all the glamour and glitz and red-carpet affairs—which are part of my life—I’m also an African American man. And while I wasn’t beaten like Rodney King, I’d been pulled over by the cops. Four times.

It’s happened to a lot of African American men who drive nice cars. Once a cop stopped me and put a gun to my temple. Another time my wife and I were coming home from church at 1 a.m. on New Year’s Eve. Coming up Gower near Hollywood, two cops stop us. I know the dance. They pull us over, guns drawn. “Get out of the car!” I put both my hands out the window and get out. “Get up against the wall!” My wife is in the passenger seat, and she’s watching. They tell her, “Turn around!” and she says, “No. I want to see what you’re doing to my husband.” So they’re patting me down, and one recognizes me. Then they start backtracking, apologizing. Later I called my friend Johnnie Cochran, the lawyer, and I told him about it. He said, “Your offense was DWB: Driving While Black.”

Philly cops recorded in racially-abusive stop-and-frisk: 'All you do is weaken the f'ing country' | The Raw Story

A video of two Philadelphia police officers racially abusing two pedestrians in a stop-and-frisk went viral Friday, drawing attention to problems with out of control cops from local media.

Officer Philip Nace and another officer from the city’s 25th District can be seen in the video, dated Sept. 27, as they stop two unidentified men, according to reports from the Philadelphia Daily News. The two officers stopped the men after one of the men said hi to another pedestrian in the North Philadelphia neighborhood.
If I'm this sick of this shit, I can't imagine how the people experiencing it are feeling.

We need to end the war on drugs. That won't automatically eliminate abuses like this, but it would reduce the excuses cops have to do it.
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Philly cops recorded in racially-abusive stop-and-frisk: 'All you do is weaken the f'ing country' | The Raw Story

A video of two Philadelphia police officers racially abusing two pedestrians in a stop-and-frisk went viral Friday, drawing attention to problems with out of control cops from local media.

Officer Philip Nace and another officer from the city’s 25th District can be seen in the video, dated Sept. 27, as they stop two unidentified men, according to reports from the Philadelphia Daily News. The two officers stopped the men after one of the men said hi to another pedestrian in the North Philadelphia neighborhood.
If I'm this sick of this shit, I can't imagine how the people experiencing it are feeling.

Reminds me of how I would get frisked sometimes walking home or to school as a teenager. The position of police officer is a haven for weak white racists. They know they cant do anything on their own so they flock to these positions like pedophiles do to positions where they can exploit children.

I have a neighbor thats a CO and 2 family members that are Black cops and they are sick of this shit too.

That post might make since if I couldn't come up with black cops doing the eact same thing. Could it be that you are a racist yourself?

Wait, I already concluded that from your posting style. I just like poking racists to stir up trouble.

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