‘You get made fun of’: Trump campaign office shuns masks, social distancing

conservatives and all Americans need to know one thing...I'm approaching 50 years of my life, Grew up overseas, travelled a lot, I speak on daily basis due to the nature of my job, family and friends all over the world to people all over the planet and I have never seen in my life someone mocked and ridiculed in all corners of the globe like trump and his followers. I kid you not, this week especially all I see on my friends FB feeds, Instagram and others memes about Trump getting infected.

I hear often the phrase "we don't care about the rest of the world" and I say that's exactly the problem. When everyone doesn't like what you doing, maybe it is time to reflect and look at yourselves in the mirror why you are hated and made fun of by not only most Americans but also the vast majority of the world....stop being narcissist, look what that led trump to he might or might not make it because of it.
conservatives and all Americans need to know one thing...I'm approaching 50 years of my life, Grew up overseas, travelled a lot, I speak on daily basis due to the nature of my job, family and friends all over the world to people all over the planet and I have never seen in my life someone mocked and ridiculed in all corners of the globe like trump and his followers. I kid you not, this week especially all I see on my friends FB feeds, Instagram and others memes about Trump getting infected.

I hear often the phrase "we don't care about the rest of the world" and I say that's exactly the problem. When everyone doesn't like what you doing, maybe it is time to reflect and look at yourselves in the mirror why you are hated and made fun of by not only most Americans but also the vast majority of the world....stop being narcissist, look what that led trump to he might or might not make it because of it.

‘You get made fun of’: Trump campaign office shuns masks, social distancing

Facing no threat of enforcement, the Trump campaign has continued to make its own rules on coronavirus protections, said the individuals, who requested anonymity to speak freely. For instance, staff have been told to wear masks outside the office, in case they’re spotted by reporters, but they’ve been instructed that it’s acceptable to remove them in the office, the individuals said, adding that staff also publicly joke about the risk of coronavirus and play down the pandemic’s threat.

“You get made fun of, if you wear a mask,” said one person. “There’s social pressure not to do it.”


Risking illness to not offend your co-worker’s stupidity!

You made a miss calculated error posting this:
Mr wear a mask Biden walked on stage with Anderson Cooper both without masks explaining they didn't need to because everyone was tested....
The spreader event was the same situation.
The tests are not reliable, you are at the mercy of the materials, equipment, and test and administers as I warned can infect you as they are higher risk, and political motives of the tester/results.
Masks are the same way, for all you know forcing Trump to show you his mask at the debate (touching it and later using it) was the catalyst making the mask Nazis the root cause of the spread. What would be more ironic then that.
Europe crushed the curve, while it skyrockets in the United States, all because of a leadership vacuum that has exposed the President as being a hopeless basket case.
Another liberal who doesn't know what freedom is.

‘You get made fun of’: Trump campaign office shuns masks, social distancing

Facing no threat of enforcement, the Trump campaign has continued to make its own rules on coronavirus protections, said the individuals, who requested anonymity to speak freely. For instance, staff have been told to wear masks outside the office, in case they’re spotted by reporters, but they’ve been instructed that it’s acceptable to remove them in the office, the individuals said, adding that staff also publicly joke about the risk of coronavirus and play down the pandemic’s threat.

“You get made fun of, if you wear a mask,” said one person. “There’s social pressure not to do it.”


Risking illness to not offend your co-worker’s stupidity!

You made a miss calculated error posting this:
Mr wear a mask Biden walked on stage with Anderson Cooper both without masks explaining they didn't need to because everyone was tested....
The spreader event was the same situation.
The tests are not reliable, you are at the mercy of the materials, equipment, and test and administers as I warned can infect you as they are higher risk, and political motives of the tester/results.
Masks are the same way, for all you know forcing Trump to show you his mask at the debate (touching it and later using it) was the catalyst making the mask Nazis the root cause of the spread. What would be more ironic then that.

Far from it, no precautions were taken in the announcement in the Ross Garden.

Face masks, tickets and a wristband proving a recent negative COVID-19 test result were required to enter the hall for the first 2020 presidential debate and the precautions continue inside. Seating in the hall left space between every attendee. The candidates were separated by 12 feet and there may have been a shield between them. So there was no reason for either candidate to wear a mask

In Trump's announcement of his supreme court nominee in the Rose Garden, there was no social distancing. I count only 8 people with mask out of about 150 attendees. There has been no information released about any effort to insure attendees had recent covid tests. This has been typical of all Trump gatherings. Trump and his staff do not encourage precautions and often do not require it. Just as Donald Trump seeks to prove his bravery or stupidity depending on your interpretation, his staff and supporters follow suit. For the reason why the outbreak in the White House, now known as the Covid Hole, you need look no further than the president.


Facing no threat of enforcement, the Trump campaign has continued to make its own rules on coronavirus protections . . .

Masks are for idiots and fools. The only people making up rules are you fascist Democrats. Just like you used the KKK for fear you use masks for fear. Fear has always been your tool for holding power.

Only a stupid braindead moron - i.e. a Liberal - would be afraid of a virus with a 0.06% mortality rate.

Now shaddup moron
In Trump's announcement of his supreme court nominee in the Rose Garden, there was no social distancing

60k people die from the flu every year. Do you social distance every flu season? No? Then shut your dicksucker hypocrite
Facing no threat of enforcement, the Trump campaign has continued to make its own rules on coronavirus protections . . .

Masks are for idiots and fools. The only people making up rules are you fascist Democrats. Just like you used the KKK for fear you use masks for fear. Fear has always been your tool for holding power.

Only a stupid braindead moron - i.e. a Liberal - would be afraid of a virus with a 0.06% mortality rate.

Now shaddup moron
But only it you're about 20 years old. At 55 it's mortality is 18 times higher.
This is the environment Trump has maintained

Shut up you stupid asswipe.

Trump maintains the same environment as FDR: The only thing to fear is fear itself.

You pigs use fear as a tool of control, thats why you invented the KKK
In Trump's announcement of his supreme court nominee in the Rose Garden, there was no social distancing

60k people die from the flu every year. Do you social distance every flu season? No? Then shut your dicksucker hypocrite
Wrong again estimates for the 2019-20 flu season are 22,000 deaths and scientists are expecting another low number for 2020-21 because the same prevention techniques that we use for covid works equally well for the common flu.
In 2018-19 we had 34,000 deaths
The highest recoded deaths due to the flu in the US in the last hundred years occurred in the 1957-58 season with deaths of about 100,000 well below the covid deaths of 200,000 in 7 months.

Don't let the facts stop you. Trump has ignored them with marvelous results.
This is the environment Trump has maintained

Shut up you stupid asswipe.

Trump maintains the same environment as FDR: The only thing to fear is fear itself.

You pigs use fear as a tool of control, thats why you invented the KKK
Trump said "Don't be affraid of covid"
FDR said “Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”
You're reading into Trump's quote something that is not there. Trump is telling people not to fear a virus that is not under control that has killed 210,000 people, infected over 7.5 million and is 10 times more infectious than the flu. Any person in his right mind should fear it at least enough to take precautions.

FDR is telling us not fear fear itself. Totally different statement with a totally different message.

‘You get made fun of’: Trump campaign office shuns masks, social distancing

Facing no threat of enforcement, the Trump campaign has continued to make its own rules on coronavirus protections, said the individuals, who requested anonymity to speak freely. For instance, staff have been told to wear masks outside the office, in case they’re spotted by reporters, but they’ve been instructed that it’s acceptable to remove them in the office, the individuals said, adding that staff also publicly joke about the risk of coronavirus and play down the pandemic’s threat.

“You get made fun of, if you wear a mask,” said one person. “There’s social pressure not to do it.”


Risking illness to not offend your co-worker’s stupidity!

Good. We need to shame you dumbfuck Karens

The Karen’s are all Trumpers following Dear Leader’s no-mask position. For freeeeeeeedommmmmmm.

He's not against them.............but I am...........so shove the dang mask where the sun doesn't shine.........maybe that place is Cali now as it burns down do to DNC ignorance........

‘You get made fun of’: Trump campaign office shuns masks, social distancing

Facing no threat of enforcement, the Trump campaign has continued to make its own rules on coronavirus protections, said the individuals, who requested anonymity to speak freely. For instance, staff have been told to wear masks outside the office, in case they’re spotted by reporters, but they’ve been instructed that it’s acceptable to remove them in the office, the individuals said, adding that staff also publicly joke about the risk of coronavirus and play down the pandemic’s threat.

“You get made fun of, if you wear a mask,” said one person. “There’s social pressure not to do it.”


Risking illness to not offend your co-worker’s stupidity!

You made a miss calculated error posting this:
Mr wear a mask Biden walked on stage with Anderson Cooper both without masks explaining they didn't need to because everyone was tested....
The spreader event was the same situation.
The tests are not reliable, you are at the mercy of the materials, equipment, and test and administers as I warned can infect you as they are higher risk, and political motives of the tester/results.
Masks are the same way, for all you know forcing Trump to show you his mask at the debate (touching it and later using it) was the catalyst making the mask Nazis the root cause of the spread. What would be more ironic then that.

Far from it, no precautions were taken in the announcement in the Ross Garden.

Face masks, tickets and a wristband proving a recent negative COVID-19 test result were required to enter the hall for the first 2020 presidential debate and the precautions continue inside. Seating in the hall left space between every attendee. The candidates were separated by 12 feet and there may have been a shield between them. So there was no reason for either candidate to wear a mask

In Trump's announcement of his supreme court nominee in the Rose Garden, there was no social distancing. I count only 8 people with mask out of about 150 attendees. There has been no information released about any effort to insure attendees had recent covid tests. This has been typical of all Trump gatherings. Trump and his staff do not encourage precautions and often do not require it. Just as Donald Trump seeks to prove his bravery or stupidity depending on your interpretation, his staff and supporters follow suit. For the reason why the outbreak in the White House, now known as the Covid Hole, you need look no further than the president.

View attachment 397979

False, they were socially distanced by groups.
They work already and or are family grouped socially distanced from other groupings.
If you have an issue with the seating then have you investigated who preped this event to see if this was a talking point set up, a virus hit job or just stupidity? If not, then aren't you at risk of promoting that setup talking point and being misdirected? All your pic did was show me suspiciously that someone could have attacked the front rows. Before you call that any kind of names, I'd like to remind you of what lengths the progressives went to in order to stop Kavanaugh and when you brew hate and animosity and prove in fascist actions how far you'll go to stop Trump, especially as criminal charges are being close for the left, then you CAN NOT RULE ANYTHING OUT, least you be deaf dumb and blind.

‘You get made fun of’: Trump campaign office shuns masks, social distancing

Facing no threat of enforcement, the Trump campaign has continued to make its own rules on coronavirus protections, said the individuals, who requested anonymity to speak freely. For instance, staff have been told to wear masks outside the office, in case they’re spotted by reporters, but they’ve been instructed that it’s acceptable to remove them in the office, the individuals said, adding that staff also publicly joke about the risk of coronavirus and play down the pandemic’s threat.

“You get made fun of, if you wear a mask,” said one person. “There’s social pressure not to do it.”


Risking illness to not offend your co-worker’s stupidity!

You made a miss calculated error posting this:
Mr wear a mask Biden walked on stage with Anderson Cooper both without masks explaining they didn't need to because everyone was tested....
The spreader event was the same situation.
The tests are not reliable, you are at the mercy of the materials, equipment, and test and administers as I warned can infect you as they are higher risk, and political motives of the tester/results.
Masks are the same way, for all you know forcing Trump to show you his mask at the debate (touching it and later using it) was the catalyst making the mask Nazis the root cause of the spread. What would be more ironic then that.

Far from it, no precautions were taken in the announcement in the Ross Garden.

Face masks, tickets and a wristband proving a recent negative COVID-19 test result were required to enter the hall for the first 2020 presidential debate and the precautions continue inside. Seating in the hall left space between every attendee. The candidates were separated by 12 feet and there may have been a shield between them. So there was no reason for either candidate to wear a mask

In Trump's announcement of his supreme court nominee in the Rose Garden, there was no social distancing. I count only 8 people with mask out of about 150 attendees. There has been no information released about any effort to insure attendees had recent covid tests. This has been typical of all Trump gatherings. Trump and his staff do not encourage precautions and often do not require it. Just as Donald Trump seeks to prove his bravery or stupidity depending on your interpretation, his staff and supporters follow suit. For the reason why the outbreak in the White House, now known as the Covid Hole, you need look no further than the president.

View attachment 397979

False, they were socially distanced by groups.
They work already and or are family grouped socially distanced from other groupings.
If you have an issue with the seating then have you investigated who preped this event to see if this was a talking point set up, a virus hit job or just stupidity? If not, then aren't you at risk of promoting that setup talking point and being misdirected? All your pic did was show me suspiciously that someone could have attacked the front rows. Before you call that any kind of names, I'd like to remind you of what lengths the progressives went to in order to stop Kavanaugh and when you brew hate and animosity and prove in fascist actions how far you'll go to stop Trump, especially as criminal charges are being close for the left, then you CAN NOT RULE ANYTHING OUT, least you be deaf dumb and blind.

There is no social distancing by group or individual and almost no one is wearing a mask. Look at the damn picture. This event was hosted by the White House and they are responsible. The vast major of the audience are republicans from the white house staff, congress, the judiciary, and Trump supporters. What they organized was a supper spreader event that bit them in the ass bad.

This reflected badly on Trump. If the president can't protect himself, his family, and his staff from the virus, he certainly can't protect the country. This picture illustrates quite well why the US response to the virus has been so bad. There is no leadership from top.
Last edited:

‘You get made fun of’: Trump campaign office shuns masks, social distancing

Facing no threat of enforcement, the Trump campaign has continued to make its own rules on coronavirus protections, said the individuals, who requested anonymity to speak freely. For instance, staff have been told to wear masks outside the office, in case they’re spotted by reporters, but they’ve been instructed that it’s acceptable to remove them in the office, the individuals said, adding that staff also publicly joke about the risk of coronavirus and play down the pandemic’s threat.

“You get made fun of, if you wear a mask,” said one person. “There’s social pressure not to do it.”


Risking illness to not offend your co-worker’s stupidity!

You made a miss calculated error posting this:
Mr wear a mask Biden walked on stage with Anderson Cooper both without masks explaining they didn't need to because everyone was tested....
The spreader event was the same situation.
The tests are not reliable, you are at the mercy of the materials, equipment, and test and administers as I warned can infect you as they are higher risk, and political motives of the tester/results.
Masks are the same way, for all you know forcing Trump to show you his mask at the debate (touching it and later using it) was the catalyst making the mask Nazis the root cause of the spread. What would be more ironic then that.

Far from it, no precautions were taken in the announcement in the Ross Garden.

Face masks, tickets and a wristband proving a recent negative COVID-19 test result were required to enter the hall for the first 2020 presidential debate and the precautions continue inside. Seating in the hall left space between every attendee. The candidates were separated by 12 feet and there may have been a shield between them. So there was no reason for either candidate to wear a mask

In Trump's announcement of his supreme court nominee in the Rose Garden, there was no social distancing. I count only 8 people with mask out of about 150 attendees. There has been no information released about any effort to insure attendees had recent covid tests. This has been typical of all Trump gatherings. Trump and his staff do not encourage precautions and often do not require it. Just as Donald Trump seeks to prove his bravery or stupidity depending on your interpretation, his staff and supporters follow suit. For the reason why the outbreak in the White House, now known as the Covid Hole, you need look no further than the president.

View attachment 397979

False, they were socially distanced by groups.
They work already and or are family grouped socially distanced from other groupings.
If you have an issue with the seating then have you investigated who preped this event to see if this was a talking point set up, a virus hit job or just stupidity? If not, then aren't you at risk of promoting that setup talking point and being misdirected? All your pic did was show me suspiciously that someone could have attacked the front rows. Before you call that any kind of names, I'd like to remind you of what lengths the progressives went to in order to stop Kavanaugh and when you brew hate and animosity and prove in fascist actions how far you'll go to stop Trump, especially as criminal charges are being close for the left, then you CAN NOT RULE ANYTHING OUT, least you be deaf dumb and blind.

There is no social distancing by group or individual and almost no one is wearing a mask. Look at the damn picture. This event was hosted by the White House and they are responsible. The vast major of the audience are republicans from the white house staff, congress, the judiciary, and Trump supporters. What they organized was a supper spreader event that bit them in ass bad.

Almost no one is an expression used by dishonest debate, there are enough masks to say everyone knew what risk they could tolerate and exercised their right to breath. You compared an indoor event to outdoor event and time spent indoors also matters, mask or not spending over 20 minutes to an hour indoors is riskier then 20 outdoors no mask.

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