You Go! Lakotas

I recently traveled south, through Wyoming, Colorado through Arizona and over to San Diego. Those damned wind turbines are everywhere. They are a blight on what was once a beautiful landscape. Absolutely horrible to look at.

That's not even mentioning the mind-bending racket they make.
Translation: We'll fight the pipeline until we reach a settlement. We would like our settlement in American dollars, please.


Wonder if they would take a couple 48' van trailers of firewater as a settlement.
Here's how to make a ton of money using a fraction of the costs of a pipeline in just lobbying money... This ain't your grandma's solar energy. Nor is it the same as Solyndra's inefficient (designed that way on purpose to fail and make solar thermal look bad..courtesy of you know who...) circular 1,000 miles away from the boiler joke design.. This is LINEAR near-source solar thermal. You can improve efficiency if each mirror was concave/parabolic. I think they just don't want to fry the boiler tube.

Increases in boiler tube resistance to harm from the heat source like a cutting torch, might really increase the efficiency of this system to unbelievable amounts of power in a smaller area..

I read somewhere that they were only getting about 50% of the efficiency because of cloudy skies and were having to use a lot more natural gas to heat the water. Of course they only work during a bright sunny day, and not at all from sunset to sunrise without using natural gas that probably came from fracking.

Dude, don't bother. Silly is a brainwashed kookburger and utterly impervious to any of those pesky FACTS.
Oh they are going to save the Ogallala? Geeze. They are a tad late to the party.

Could this be just a political stunt considering the pipeline doesn't cross the rez? I wonder.

Back to the actual topic..

I wonder how often this story will be repeated here until it's learned that the pipeline doesn't got through their lands?
Would the spill runoffs run into their lands from adjacent lands if there was an accident?

Then yes, this involves their lands.. If a benzene taint could make it into their waters from upstream, this involves them. You betcha..
no, it does not

they have no say, none.

IF something happens, then they get to bitch. But they have no say in what happens outside of their lands
no, it does not

they have no say, none.

IF something happens, then they get to bitch. But they have no say in what happens outside of their lands

The watersheds that serve their lands are part of their heritage and rights. They could tie this up in courts and I hope that they do.

Most maps only show the main body of the reservation and not the trust lands. These potions of the reservation were established in the early 1900's when the tribe relinquished (sold) large portions of the reservation to the US Gov. They kept portions and those are the trust lands.
If you google map Rosebud Reservation and use the zoom you can see them in greater detail.
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Most maps only show the main body of the reservation and not the trust lands. These potions of the reservation were established in the early 1900's when the tribe relinquished (sold) large portions of the reservation to the US Gov. They kept portions and those are the trust lands.
If you google map Rosebud Reservation and use the zoom you can see them in greater detail.
Thanks and also anything that affects their drinking water or could adversely affect it from runoff, spills, benzene upslope/upstream etc. etc. could be challenged in court.

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