You Got To See This! Video

That was hillarious and sad all at the same time!!
He's responsible if the economy is good, but he should get no blame if the economy is bad. Funny, they say the opposite about Bush.
Side note, the interviewer was awfully cute, well, what you could see with the shades and profile, LOL!
I like the guy who thought he would have liked him better if he would have inhaled that was funny.
I also thought it was funny they coulndt name one single accomplishment.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
I also thought it was funny they coulndt name one single accomplishment.

I couldn't either, could you? No accomplishments. Best I could say for him is that because of the scandals, he left his hands off the economy, giving markets full throttle.

I give it two thumbs up.

Let's see - they loved the economy, but couldn't name a single thing Clinton did to develop it. Matter of fact, neither can I.

They give him credit for the good economy, but hold him blameless when it went sour.

They love his policies, but can't name a single specific.

My God. These people are walking the streets without supervision. Worse yet, they're allowed to vote.

Thanks a whole lot Kathianne, I'm going to be pissed for a week.
posted by MerlinThanks a whole lot Kathianne, I'm going to be pissed for a week.

My pleasure, I'm sure! :laugh:
Originally posted by Kathianne
I couldn't either, could you? No accomplishments. Best I could say for him is that because of the scandals, he left his hands off the economy, giving markets full throttle.

Its because He didnt do anything. His greatest claim to fame is the Welfare reform and Newt and the Republicans did most of that on their own. Clinton just signed the bill.

Compare What Clinton did to President Bush who has:

Liberated two nations and made another hostile nation disarm.

Created the greatest economic boom in 20 years.

Tripled the funding to education and increased accountability in education.

Gave Americans their money back.

This is only a brief list though. And this is only his first term. Cant wait to see what happens in the next four years as president.
That video was totally twisted and edited to make democrats look bad. There were a few idiots on there, but when someone started to give an intelligent answer, they were cut off. And I'm sure that anyone who made the interviewer look stupid (it wouldn't take much) was not included in the footage.

Clinton was a great president.
Originally posted by Patriot54
That video was totally twisted and edited to make democrats look bad. There were a few idiots on there, but when someone started to give an intelligent answer, they were cut off. And I'm sure that anyone who made the interviewer look stupid (it wouldn't take much) was not included in the footage.

Clinton was a great president.

Clinton was a great president because___________________??????????????????

( You can make the line bigger if you need more space )

Originally posted by Patriot54
That video was totally twisted and edited to make democrats look bad. There were a few idiots on there, but when someone started to give an intelligent answer, they were cut off. And I'm sure that anyone who made the interviewer look stupid (it wouldn't take much) was not included in the footage.

Clinton was a great president.

So Patriot........what WAS his greatest accomplisment?
Originally posted by remie
So Patriot........what WAS his greatest accomplisment?
His greatest accomplishment was giving us a solid economy. It's just too bad that Bush destroyed it as soon as he took office.
Originally posted by Patriot54
His greatest accomplishment was giving us a solid economy. It's just too bad that Bush destroyed it as soon as he took office.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You sound just like the video clip at the Clinton signing!

"Does he get the blame for when it tanked in 3/2000?" .com bust, you did hear of that, right? :laugh: :laugh:
Originally posted by Patriot54
His greatest accomplishment was giving us a solid economy. It's just too bad that Bush destroyed it as soon as he took office.

Can you by chance tell me which of his policies made the economy solid?
Originally posted by Kathianne
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You sound just like the video clip at the Clinton signing!

"Does he get the blame for when it tanked in 3/2000?" .com bust, you did hear of that, right? :laugh: :laugh:
Yes, he is partly responsible for the ups and downs of the economy during his term. But he left the economy in good shape when it was over.
Originally posted by Patriot54
His greatest accomplishment was giving us a solid economy. It's just too bad that Bush destroyed it as soon as he took office.

Holy mackerel. You need help with that dyslexia, not to mention that severe case of ADD.

Clinton inhereted an economy which was already on the rebound due to the efforts of the previous Republican administration. The economy went in the tank during clinton's administration. The economy suffered because of a LACK of policy during clinton's time in office along with the bust. But basically clinton did NOTHING regarding the economy except to let it overheat and run away. He knew that he'd be out of office by the time the full effect of his neglect would be felt. Clinton also knew that ignorant people with short memories (read that as "democrats") would blame whoever was in office after him.

By the way - which one of the folks in that video are you?
Originally posted by remie
Can you by chance tell me which of his policies made the economy solid?
No, not off the top of my head - but it doesn't change the fact that we DID have a good economy under Clinton. Can you by chance tell me which of Bush's policies ruined the economy?
Originally posted by Patriot54
No, not off the top of my head - but it doesn't change the fact that we DID have a good economy under Clinton. Can you by chance tell me which of Bush's policies ruined the economy?

You are proving the point Merlin made about sounding like the video, the one you said was 'edited' to make them sound like that. :D You're not being edited now, except by yourself.
Originally posted by Patriot54
No, not off the top of my head - but it doesn't change the fact that we DID have a good economy under Clinton. Can you by chance tell me which of Bush's policies ruined the economy?

You have no idea why the economy was good under Clinton do you? Merlin has tried to explain it to you, but I guess you just choose to ignore the truth. Ive got plenty of time to wait for your answer so you dont have to worry about defending Clintons lack of economic policy off the top of your head. Keep trying.

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