You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down.



Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.
Chuck Todd should stick to crunching numbers. He is out of his depth when it comes to holding professional liars like Cruella Fiorina accountable IMO.
Nothing any Republican will say can hold a candle to the great lie of if you like your current plan and doctor you will be able to keep them period.
"She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them."

What would be the point – as you note, she would only try to reinforce her lies, as is the case with most other republican candidates.

The GOP credo: Repeat a lie often enough in the hope its perceived to be 'true.'
Clearly, the "If you like your plan, you can keep it" Party are the experts on lying
Oh, come on. You know that those insurance policies were required to meet minimum standards. Only right wingnut morons would want a policy that cost a lot of money and didn't even allow hospital visits. And you know I've linked to those policies a dozen times. Don't blame me if your kind is too fucking stupid to read the links I provided. Besides, if you did, even your tiny mind would have a difficult time continuing the bullshit. You know that.
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

Todd went after Carly much harder than he went after Hillary.

That was pretty obvious.
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

Todd went after Carly much harder than he went after Hillary.

That was pretty obvious.
He never followed up on any answer. Only asked the question and then moved on.
Nothing any Republican will say can hold a candle to the great lie of if you like your current plan and doctor you will be able to keep them period.

Nixon "I am not a crook"

Reagans "I do not recall"

GHWB "Read my lips. No new Taxes!"

GWBs "The Iraqi regime... possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons."

Those lies had much stronger ramifications. Even Bill Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" comes off as comical in comparison!
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

Todd went after Carly much harder than he went after Hillary.

That was pretty obvious.

R-Derp was looking for a Candy Crowley type know...where the media person lies FOR the person they support?
If the header were true The Democrat Party would already have drafted her to replace the failed felon to whom so many desperately cling.
Fiorina is an amateur prevaricator compared to the Hildabeast. ...... :cool:
What are you talking about?

Don't use big words like "prevaricator" when you respond to R-Derp, folks...try to keep it as simple as possible. You have to remember who your audience is! :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
Give me a break. Right wingers have been attacking Hillary Clinton since the 1980's. They have spent many tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money trying to get something, anything on her. And so far, fail. Every single fake crisis and fake scandal has ended in a big fail. Over 30 years and nothing. Just hate and smear and maliciousness. This one woman has, again and again, defeated the entire Republican Party. Again and again, her GOP enemies have fallen by the wayside from ethics issues, sex scandals and criminal charges. Yet, there she is. And every fail makes the GOP panic more and more.

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