You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down.

The truth is...Hillary Clinton has been doing shady deals SINCE the 1980's and has always managed to lie her way out of them. Her cattle futures deal is a perfect example of the type of person she is.

She has always been held above the law.

When Lot 17 of Castle Grande came to light; let me refresh your memory:

Castle Grande was housing development that was run by the White Water Development Corp. The principles were James and Susan McDougal, and Hillary Clinton. Bill never affixed his name to any documents (smart man.)

Now White Water was a hustle, a fraud, a con job. But the Castle Grande development was a special case, the crooks got greedy. Hill and her criminal accomplices sold shares of 225% of the value of the finished project. THEN Hillary and Susan McDougal took out a Small Business Administration loan on Lot 17 - a property already hawked for over double it's values. These two criminals filed false documents to secure the loan, perjuring themselves repeatedly in the process.

When Lot 17 came to light, Susan and James McDougal were arrested as the criminals they were. But not Hillary, she was above the law. They went to prison - but not Hillary, she was above the law.

And so it goes with this career criminal, she commits felony after felony, but is never held accountable, because she is a powerful member of the party.

The law is for the little people and Republicans, party honchos are not subject to the law.

Communists: Go ahead and challenge me on any element of the above facts.
Hillary has made some mistakes, but nothing to warrant the craziness from the right that she is receiving. The funny thing about it all is that it may end up helping her in the long run as people get tired of hearing the same crap out of the Republicans.

Hillary is a career criminal who has committed hundreds of felonies - with dozens known. Because she is a powerful party member, she is not subject to the law that governs commoners and Republicans.

There is a certain insanity among party minions that make them think holding party members above the law somehow benefits them.

Your party beats and ass rapes you, yet you think only to protect and promote the party. It is insanity.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter

Well, I did say just an ounce.
Well, one thing you have to say about Hillary, even though Republicans have spent many tens of millions of tax payer money since the 80's trying to take her down, and many of those who attacked her have, over the years, fallen by the wayside on ethics charges and sex scandals, and still, she has defeated the Republican Party pretty much by herself. If, after so much money and so many years spent by the GOP, she has never been charged with anything, one has to wonder if there was anything there to charge?

What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?
OMG, you mean you didn't know? Wow, you really are a dipshit.

Here is what House Republicans never tell the taxpayers. These investigations aren’t cheap. From January 2013-January 2014, the House spent $5,657,142. The House budgeted the cost of the Benghazi Select Committee at $3.3 million in 2014. House Republicans were proud of themselves for only spending $1.5 million by December 2014 on a committee that didn’t do much of anything publicly during the year.

John Boehner Set To Waste Of Millions Of Taxpayer Dollars Investigating Clinton Emails

While exact dollar amounts spent by federal agencies are unavailable, details released about other declassification processes shed light on these costs. In March 2014 the Defense Departmentinformed Democratic Rep. Adam Smith, they had spent “millions of dollars” and “thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive Congressional requests regarding Benghazi.” Currently the State Department has 12 full-time staff members paid between $63,700 and $150,000 reviewing Hillary Clinton’s emails “a process that could cost more than $1 million” according to theNational Journal. The total cost for these document queries could run well into the eight figures. For example, the IRS spent $14 million responding to Congressional investigations into accusations it politicized the tax-exemption application process.

Benghazi Investigation Spends Fortune to Harass Hillary Clinton

That's just one fucking year. These Republicans, ignorant to the end. They think these investigations are all "free". How is that possible? Anyone?

You just made the claim that the GOP had been spending tens of millions of dollars trying to get Hillary since the 1980's. Then you turn around and cite investigations that have taken place since 2013? Correct me if I'm wrong, R-Derp but is 2013 in the 1980's?
Hello, knock knock. One year that already cost 10 million. And you know how she was investigate during her 8 years as first lady. Whitewater, travelgate and all the other fake scandals. It's a wonder Bill had time to be president with all the fake scandals. Then there is Benghazi and emails. Don't be such a dipshit..
The truth is...Hillary Clinton has been doing shady deals SINCE the 1980's and has always managed to lie her way out of them. Her cattle futures deal is a perfect example of the type of person she is.

She has always been held above the law.

When Lot 17 of Castle Grande came to light; let me refresh your memory:

Castle Grande was housing development that was run by the White Water Development Corp. The principles were James and Susan McDougal, and Hillary Clinton. Bill never affixed his name to any documents (smart man.)

Now White Water was a hustle, a fraud, a con job. But the Castle Grande development was a special case, the crooks got greedy. Hill and her criminal accomplices sold shares of 225% of the value of the finished project. THEN Hillary and Susan McDougal took out a Small Business Administration loan on Lot 17 - a property already hawked for over double it's values. These two criminals filed false documents to secure the loan, perjuring themselves repeatedly in the process.

When Lot 17 came to light, Susan and James McDougal were arrested as the criminals they were. But not Hillary, she was above the law. They went to prison - but not Hillary, she was above the law.

And so it goes with this career criminal, she commits felony after felony, but is never held accountable, because she is a powerful member of the party.

The law is for the little people and Republicans, party honchos are not subject to the law.

Communists: Go ahead and challenge me on any element of the above facts.
Yea, yea, and how many times was she and her husband charged with anything. You know why this is so stupid? It's like Obama gunrunning for that fake Fast and Furious. Why would anyone think Obama would be involved in such nonsense?
Same with Hillary. Her and her husband made over a hundred million dollars and built a foundation. Why would they mess with pennies.
Don't you guys ever think anything through.
Well, I did say just an ounce.
Well, one thing you have to say about Hillary, even though Republicans have spent many tens of millions of tax payer money since the 80's trying to take her down, and many of those who attacked her have, over the years, fallen by the wayside on ethics charges and sex scandals, and still, she has defeated the Republican Party pretty much by herself. If, after so much money and so many years spent by the GOP, she has never been charged with anything, one has to wonder if there was anything there to charge?

What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?
OMG, you mean you didn't know? Wow, you really are a dipshit.

Here is what House Republicans never tell the taxpayers. These investigations aren’t cheap. From January 2013-January 2014, the House spent $5,657,142. The House budgeted the cost of the Benghazi Select Committee at $3.3 million in 2014. House Republicans were proud of themselves for only spending $1.5 million by December 2014 on a committee that didn’t do much of anything publicly during the year.

John Boehner Set To Waste Of Millions Of Taxpayer Dollars Investigating Clinton Emails

While exact dollar amounts spent by federal agencies are unavailable, details released about other declassification processes shed light on these costs. In March 2014 the Defense Departmentinformed Democratic Rep. Adam Smith, they had spent “millions of dollars” and “thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive Congressional requests regarding Benghazi.” Currently the State Department has 12 full-time staff members paid between $63,700 and $150,000 reviewing Hillary Clinton’s emails “a process that could cost more than $1 million” according to theNational Journal. The total cost for these document queries could run well into the eight figures. For example, the IRS spent $14 million responding to Congressional investigations into accusations it politicized the tax-exemption application process.

Benghazi Investigation Spends Fortune to Harass Hillary Clinton

That's just one fucking year. These Republicans, ignorant to the end. They think these investigations are all "free". How is that possible? Anyone?

You just made the claim that the GOP had been spending tens of millions of dollars trying to get Hillary since the 1980's. Then you turn around and cite investigations that have taken place since 2013? Correct me if I'm wrong, R-Derp but is 2013 in the 1980's?
Hello, knock knock. One year that already cost 10 million. And you know how she was investigate during her 8 years as first lady. Whitewater, travelgate and all the other fake scandals. It's a wonder Bill had time to be president with all the fake scandals. Then there is Benghazi and emails. Don't be such a dipshit..

What's absolutely astounding to watch is how you simply declare that things like Whitewater are "fake scandals"! According to you Hillary didn't use insider trading information to make a quick fortune in the Futures Market! That there wasn't a cover-up following Benghazi! That Hillary didn't use a private e-mail server to conduct official State Department business!

I don't know how to break this to you, R-Derp but Hillary Clinton has a long history of scandals...and a long history of treating each of them in the same fashion. When they break, she initially denies everything and blames the Right for making things up about her. Then she stonewalls any investigation for as long as she possibly can and then she releases bits and pieces of evidence as slowly as she can while maintaining all the time that she's given investigators everything. THEN she complains that the investigation is "old news"...has dragged on way too long and at far too great a cost to the taxpayer and that we should move on!
The truth is...Hillary Clinton has been doing shady deals SINCE the 1980's and has always managed to lie her way out of them. Her cattle futures deal is a perfect example of the type of person she is.

She has always been held above the law.

When Lot 17 of Castle Grande came to light; let me refresh your memory:

Castle Grande was housing development that was run by the White Water Development Corp. The principles were James and Susan McDougal, and Hillary Clinton. Bill never affixed his name to any documents (smart man.)

Now White Water was a hustle, a fraud, a con job. But the Castle Grande development was a special case, the crooks got greedy. Hill and her criminal accomplices sold shares of 225% of the value of the finished project. THEN Hillary and Susan McDougal took out a Small Business Administration loan on Lot 17 - a property already hawked for over double it's values. These two criminals filed false documents to secure the loan, perjuring themselves repeatedly in the process.

When Lot 17 came to light, Susan and James McDougal were arrested as the criminals they were. But not Hillary, she was above the law. They went to prison - but not Hillary, she was above the law.

And so it goes with this career criminal, she commits felony after felony, but is never held accountable, because she is a powerful member of the party.

The law is for the little people and Republicans, party honchos are not subject to the law.

Communists: Go ahead and challenge me on any element of the above facts.
Yea, yea, and how many times was she and her husband charged with anything. You know why this is so stupid? It's like Obama gunrunning for that fake Fast and Furious. Why would anyone think Obama would be involved in such nonsense?
Same with Hillary. Her and her husband made over a hundred million dollars and built a foundation. Why would they mess with pennies.
Don't you guys ever think anything through.

We think he was involved in it because he hired a sleaze like Eric Holder to be his Attorney General and Holder is as corrupt as they come.

Using the "who would be stupid enough to do something like that!" defense ceased to be effective with this Administration years ago, R-Derp...they really are that stupid!
Yea, yea, and how many times was she and her husband charged with anything.

Her accomplices went to prison for doing exactly the same thing she did?

Why? Well, they were criminals - as is Hillary. The difference was that Hillary was immune to the laws that govern commoners.

This is the reality of you Communists, your bosses are not held to the law. Still, here you are lying and spinning. You don't give a damn about justice or the rule of law, only about your party.

I don't understand this psychosis, what do you gain by protecting Hillary Clinton from the consequences of her crimes? Your team wins? That is more important than a society where all are held to a single standard of law? Seriously, why do yearn for the Nobility of old, where those of status can do anything they please, but YOU are held to the law? Do you live vicariously through these aristocrats that you worship? Pretend that you too can defraud the government and investors for millions, then thumb your nose when you're caught? I really don't get what you gain through these absurd lies of yours?

You know why this is so stupid? It's like Obama gunrunning for that fake Fast and Furious. Why would anyone think Obama would be involved in such nonsense?
Same with Hillary. Her and her husband made over a hundred million dollars and built a foundation. Why would they mess with pennies.
Don't you guys ever think anything through.

Fast and Furious was intended to promote the Obama agenda of revoking the 2nd Amendment. He sought to increase gun violence in order to create a public outcry to disarm the peasantry. It failed because he got caught.

The thing about democrats is that you admire criminals, you think it clever to engage in crime. Are all of you sycophants petty criminals who aspire to full scale organized crime? Is that the secret to why you mindlessly support these crooks? Shoplifting and pickpocketing are small time, and you seek to be a Chicago mob boss like Obama?

You don't have a party, you have an organized crime ring.
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We think he was involved in it because he hired a sleaze like Eric Holder to be his Attorney General and Holder is as corrupt as they come.

Using the "who would be stupid enough to do something like that!" defense ceased to be effective with this Administration years ago, R-Derp...they really are that stupid!

Or maybe, they are just that evil.
The one that never happened?
No, not that one...the other one.
The other one what?
Ebola outbreak in the US.

That never happened.

There were a couple of isolated cases that were caught before there was any outbreak whatsoever.
That can't be right...we were assured that the country was doomed!

Not our problem if you believe Hate AM talking heads.
Here's a fact you won't like and will try to deny.

The State of Missouri ( a right wing goober state ) investigated Planned Parenthood and found them innocent of all charges.


Despite the lies of you human organ harvesters, the MOST the leftist press can come up with is that that the videos were edited.

You ghouls got caught - your 20% sycophant base doesn't give a fuck and will lie - as you do here - to cover up. But the other 80% saw what you did, and your lies won't unring the bell.
Here's a fact you won't like and will try to deny.

The State of Missouri ( a right wing goober state ) investigated Planned Parenthood and found them innocent of all charges.


Which in no way changes the fundamental reality of the videos.

Planned Parenthood sells organs from aborted babies - they admit they do so.

They use a loophole in the law that allows "reimbursement" to avoid human organ trafficking charges.

Thus endeth your straw man.
No they DO NOT < sell > the body parts.

They are donated and they only charge enough to cover the costs of obtaining and processing and shipping to the agencies that get them.

They are often transplanted into other babies that need a new kidney or liver etc. etc.

Claiming that charging to cover expenses is " selling body parts " is intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

You should be ashamed of yourself for making such claims.

And the FACT that a right wing state --- trying it's hardest to find a reason to level charges --- exonerated Planned Parenthood IS NOT a strawman. It is a fact that you can't refute.

Here's a fact you won't like and will try to deny.

The State of Missouri ( a right wing goober state ) investigated Planned Parenthood and found them innocent of all charges.


Which in no way changes the fundamental reality of the videos.

Planned Parenthood sells organs from aborted babies - they admit they do so.

They use a loophole in the law that allows "reimbursement" to avoid human organ trafficking charges.

Thus endeth your straw man.

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