You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down.

The one that we were warned would happen if Obama continued with his policies.

The one that never happened?
No, not that one...the other one.
The other one what?
Ebola outbreak in the US.

That never happened.

There were a couple of isolated cases that were caught before there was any outbreak whatsoever.
That can't be right...we were assured that the country was doomed!
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

Worked for Hitler, "Tell a big enough lie often enough people will believe it."
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter

Well, I did say just an ounce.
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter

Well, I did say just an ounce.
Well, one thing you have to say about Hillary, even though Republicans have spent many tens of millions of tax payer money since the 80's trying to take her down, and many of those who attacked her have, over the years, fallen by the wayside on ethics charges and sex scandals, and still, she has defeated the Republican Party pretty much by herself. If, after so much money and so many years spent by the GOP, she has never been charged with anything, one has to wonder if there was anything there to charge?
Chuck Todd should stick to crunching numbers. He is out of his depth when it comes to holding professional liars like Cruella Fiorina accountable IMO.
You support Obama you have no creditability on who is a liar.

Cruella Fiorina lied in the debate about seeing a PP video that doesn't exist.

So it is you who has zero credibility.
Obama dilerbertley lied about obamacare. Which since ALL Americans have healthcare now, clinics should be gone. So you can go to hell. Or did Obama lie again?
I guess you missed the news that everything that Carly described seeing in those videos IS in fact in the videos in one form or another. The only thing that is not exactly as she described is the part about seeing a baby with a heartbeat just before it was killed. Instead, the video in question shows one of the technicians saying that she had seen just such a post-abortion baby and that it had a beating heart before her supervisor harvested the brain. It shows:

StemExpress procurement technician Holly O'Donnell saying that she saw an aborted baby's heart beating after its abortion, just before her trainer harvested the child's brain by cutting the baby's face with scissors.

And the videos DO show a post-abortion baby with its leg twitching.

There has been no "slur" against Planned Parenthood. PP is just lying through its teeth about what those videos show. They're taking advantage of one misstatement (i.e., about seeing a post-abortion baby with a beating heart) to obscure the facts about all the rest of the horrible stuff seen in those videos.

Those videos have been exposed as a devious and deceitful attempt to harm PP.

The vidoes have zero credibility and neither do those who are gullible enough to believe them.
If all donations that go to the democrat party are made illegal by pp. Will you still support them?
Fiorina is an amateur prevaricator compared to the Hildabeast. ...... :cool:
What are you talking about?

Don't use big words like "prevaricator" when you respond to R-Derp, folks...try to keep it as simple as possible. You have to remember who your audience is! :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
Give me a break. Right wingers have been attacking Hillary Clinton since the 1980's. They have spent many tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money trying to get something, anything on her. And so far, fail. Every single fake crisis and fake scandal has ended in a big fail. Over 30 years and nothing. Just hate and smear and maliciousness. This one woman has, again and again, defeated the entire Republican Party. Again and again, her GOP enemies have fallen by the wayside from ethics issues, sex scandals and criminal charges. Yet, there she is. And every fail makes the GOP panic more and more.

Fake crisis and scandals?
Hillary herself has admitted and or was caught by many lies.
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary's List of Lies
Admitted Lies
• Chelsea was jogging around the Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (She was in bed watching it on TV.)
• Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. (She admitted she was wrong. He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth.)
• She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (A girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp.)
• She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn't cover the market back then.)

Saw one of the Lies was that she was instrumental in the Irish Peace Process.

She was by two main protagonist.

Clinton praised for 'instrumental' role in peace process

She was given an honorary doctorate from Galway for her effort in it:
Hillary Clinton conferred with honorary doctorate in Galway

Sorry that is the one of the list I looked up, don't need to look up everyone... One's a lie, find a better source...
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter

Well, I did say just an ounce.
Well, one thing you have to say about Hillary, even though Republicans have spent many tens of millions of tax payer money since the 80's trying to take her down, and many of those who attacked her have, over the years, fallen by the wayside on ethics charges and sex scandals, and still, she has defeated the Republican Party pretty much by herself. If, after so much money and so many years spent by the GOP, she has never been charged with anything, one has to wonder if there was anything there to charge?

What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter

Well, I did say just an ounce.
Well, one thing you have to say about Hillary, even though Republicans have spent many tens of millions of tax payer money since the 80's trying to take her down, and many of those who attacked her have, over the years, fallen by the wayside on ethics charges and sex scandals, and still, she has defeated the Republican Party pretty much by herself. If, after so much money and so many years spent by the GOP, she has never been charged with anything, one has to wonder if there was anything there to charge?

What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?
OMG, you mean you didn't know? Wow, you really are a dipshit.

Here is what House Republicans never tell the taxpayers. These investigations aren’t cheap. From January 2013-January 2014, the House spent $5,657,142. The House budgeted the cost of the Benghazi Select Committee at $3.3 million in 2014. House Republicans were proud of themselves for only spending $1.5 million by December 2014 on a committee that didn’t do much of anything publicly during the year.

John Boehner Set To Waste Of Millions Of Taxpayer Dollars Investigating Clinton Emails

While exact dollar amounts spent by federal agencies are unavailable, details released about other declassification processes shed light on these costs. In March 2014 the Defense Departmentinformed Democratic Rep. Adam Smith, they had spent “millions of dollars” and “thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive Congressional requests regarding Benghazi.” Currently the State Department has 12 full-time staff members paid between $63,700 and $150,000 reviewing Hillary Clinton’s emails “a process that could cost more than $1 million” according to theNational Journal. The total cost for these document queries could run well into the eight figures. For example, the IRS spent $14 million responding to Congressional investigations into accusations it politicized the tax-exemption application process.

Benghazi Investigation Spends Fortune to Harass Hillary Clinton

That's just one fucking year. These Republicans, ignorant to the end. They think these investigations are all "free". How is that possible? Anyone?
I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter
I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter

Well, I did say just an ounce.
Well, one thing you have to say about Hillary, even though Republicans have spent many tens of millions of tax payer money since the 80's trying to take her down, and many of those who attacked her have, over the years, fallen by the wayside on ethics charges and sex scandals, and still, she has defeated the Republican Party pretty much by herself. If, after so much money and so many years spent by the GOP, she has never been charged with anything, one has to wonder if there was anything there to charge?

What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?
OMG, you mean you didn't know? Wow, you really are a dipshit.

Here is what House Republicans never tell the taxpayers. These investigations aren’t cheap. From January 2013-January 2014, the House spent $5,657,142. The House budgeted the cost of the Benghazi Select Committee at $3.3 million in 2014. House Republicans were proud of themselves for only spending $1.5 million by December 2014 on a committee that didn’t do much of anything publicly during the year.

John Boehner Set To Waste Of Millions Of Taxpayer Dollars Investigating Clinton Emails

While exact dollar amounts spent by federal agencies are unavailable, details released about other declassification processes shed light on these costs. In March 2014 the Defense Departmentinformed Democratic Rep. Adam Smith, they had spent “millions of dollars” and “thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive Congressional requests regarding Benghazi.” Currently the State Department has 12 full-time staff members paid between $63,700 and $150,000 reviewing Hillary Clinton’s emails “a process that could cost more than $1 million” according to theNational Journal. The total cost for these document queries could run well into the eight figures. For example, the IRS spent $14 million responding to Congressional investigations into accusations it politicized the tax-exemption application process.

Benghazi Investigation Spends Fortune to Harass Hillary Clinton

That's just one fucking year. These Republicans, ignorant to the end. They think these investigations are all "free". How is that possible? Anyone?

You just made the claim that the GOP had been spending tens of millions of dollars trying to get Hillary since the 1980's. Then you turn around and cite investigations that have taken place since 2013? Correct me if I'm wrong, R-Derp but is 2013 in the 1980's?
I'm amused by your whines about the cost of trying to get to the bottom of Hillary Clinton and Benghazi...Clinton and emails...Clinton and the Clinton Foundation! Here's a hint for you, Sparky...those investigations would have cost a fraction of what they have if Hillary didn't do her best to hide evidence and stonewall investigators.
The truth is...Hillary Clinton has been doing shady deals SINCE the 1980's and has always managed to lie her way out of them. Her cattle futures deal is a perfect example of the type of person she is.
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter
Watching Carly on Meet the Press. Amazing. No matter what fact was brought up about Planned Parenthood and her tenure at HP, she doubled down.

For instance, when asked about the stock footage that was used for the Planned Parenthood slur and why what she described no film was ever discovered, she said she saw it and that's that. She said Democrats believe that only babies that leave the hospital are "safe" from being "harvested". And of course, Chuck Todd being the total milquetoast that he is never challenged her once.

Then he asked her about HP and played the Barbara Boxer campaign video. She called it all lies. He never asked about the yacht or the five private jets mentioned in the video. When she said she created a hundred thousand jobs, or maybe it was a hundred and eighty thousand jobs, he said that was overseas and the net jobs in this country were zero, she said it wasn't true but offered up no facts to prove otherwise.

She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them.

So while Carly was lying, Todd went after Hillary again and again during her interview. Seems no one can name a single GOP "scandal" that's worked. While Hillary has been attacked again and again, many of her attackers have fallen by the wayside from unrelated sex, ethics and criminal scandals. That's the most hilarious part of all. I think she should bring up some of these attackers and point that out.

I actually somewhat liked her personally, but after all these lies, I have changed my mind completely about her. I never agreed with her politically, but now she is as bad as all the rest. The only one with an ounce of integrity on the Republican side is Marco Rubio.
I'm just choking on Rubio's honesty and integrity.

Marco Rubio Lied About When His Parents Came From Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio said his parents 'came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover' of Cuba

Why Senator Rubio's Lies Matter

Well, I did say just an ounce.
Well, one thing you have to say about Hillary, even though Republicans have spent many tens of millions of tax payer money since the 80's trying to take her down, and many of those who attacked her have, over the years, fallen by the wayside on ethics charges and sex scandals, and still, she has defeated the Republican Party pretty much by herself. If, after so much money and so many years spent by the GOP, she has never been charged with anything, one has to wonder if there was anything there to charge?

Hillary has made some mistakes, but nothing to warrant the craziness from the right that she is receiving. The funny thing about it all is that it may end up helping her in the long run as people get tired of hearing the same crap out of the Republicans.
Those videos have all been proven to have been heavily doctored just like the other Breitbart videos.

Anti-abortion people -- trying to force THEIR religious views on everyone else -- will do or say anything, tell any lie, twist words and fact -- there is NO LIMIT to what they will do to get their way.



Those videos have been exposed as a devious and deceitful attempt to harm PP.

The vidoes have zero credibility and neither do those who are gullible enough to believe them.
I guess you missed the news that everything that Carly described seeing in those videos IS in fact in the videos in one form or another. The only thing that is not exactly as she described is the part about seeing a baby with a heartbeat just before it was killed. Instead, the video in question shows one of the technicians saying that she had seen just such a post-abortion baby--it shows:

StemExpress procurement technician Holly O'Donnell saying that she saw an aborted baby's heart beating after its abortion, just before her trainer harvested the child's brain by cutting the baby's face with scissors.

And the videos DO show a post-abortion baby with its leg twitching.

There has been no "slur" against Planned Parenthood. PP is just lying through its teeth about what those videos show. They're taking advantage of one misstatement (i.e., about seeing a post-abortion baby with a beating heart) to obscure the facts about all the rest of the horrible stuff seen in those videos.

Yeah, we all know this, including the human organ harvesters of PP - which is why the smear fails to gain traction, regardless of how the leftist press pimps it.
Those videos have all been proven to have been heavily doctored just like the other Breitbart videos.

Anti-abortion people -- trying to force THEIR religious views on everyone else -- will do or say anything, tell any lie, twist words and fact -- there is NO LIMIT to what they will do to get their way.


Bull fucking shit.

Despite the lies of you human organ harvesters, the MOST the leftist press can come up with is that that the videos were edited.

You ghouls got caught - your 20% sycophant base doesn't give a fuck and will lie - as you do here - to cover up. But the other 80% saw what you did, and your lies won't unring the bell.
How about you worry about not telling lies before you start accusing others. Especially when the videos have been posted multiple times.

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