You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down.

wha? did she say you can keep your own doctor if you want to or something??
The law established minimum requirements for insurance policies. The very cheapest allowed two doctor visits a year with no hospital. I know because I posted links to some of these insurance policies. You could keep your doctor, but the policy had to meet minimum requirements. No more scam policies. Why tarded Republicans defend scam policies, I don't know.
Attack her character when you can't do anything else. Dozens of embassy personnel died under Bush. Republicans don't care in the least. 4 died under Obama when they were told staying was dangerous. Republicans scream about things that happen when something happens under Democrats. But what happens under Republicans is many times worse, yet, it seems they just don't care. Odd that.
"She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them."

What would be the point – as you note, she would only try to reinforce her lies, as is the case with most other republican candidates.

The GOP credo: Repeat a lie often enough in the hope its perceived to be 'true.'

"catapult the propaganda"

GWB told ya'll this years ago
wha? did she say you can keep your own doctor if you want to or something??
The law established minimum requirements for insurance policies. The very cheapest allowed two doctor visits a year with no hospital. I know because I posted links to some of these insurance policies. You could keep your doctor, but the policy had to meet minimum requirements. No more scam policies. Why tarded Republicans defend scam policies, I don't know.

the requirements you are referring to were added AFTER THE BILL BECAME LAW.

this was illegal

like i said idiot; all your posts makde the case for the other side
14.) Insurance companies may offer canceled plans: The administration announced that insurance companies may reoffer plans that previous regulations had forced them to cancel. (November 14, 2013)

51 Changes to ObamaCare…So Far | Galen Institute
Galen Institute
Jun 9, 2015 - 51 Changes so far to ObamaCare(PDF) .... Risk Corridor coverage: The Obama administration plans to illegally distribute risk corridor ...
Fiorina is an amateur prevaricator compared to the Hildabeast. ...... :cool:
What are you talking about?

Don't use big words like "prevaricator" when you respond to R-Derp, folks...try to keep it as simple as possible. You have to remember who your audience is! :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
Give me a break. Right wingers have been attacking Hillary Clinton since the 1980's. They have spent many tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money trying to get something, anything on her. And so far, fail. Every single fake crisis and fake scandal has ended in a big fail. Over 30 years and nothing. Just hate and smear and maliciousness. This one woman has, again and again, defeated the entire Republican Party. Again and again, her GOP enemies have fallen by the wayside from ethics issues, sex scandals and criminal charges. Yet, there she is. And every fail makes the GOP panic more and more.

Fake crisis and scandals?
Hillary herself has admitted and or was caught by many lies.
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary's List of Lies
Admitted Lies
• Chelsea was jogging around the Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (She was in bed watching it on TV.)
• Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. (She admitted she was wrong. He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth.)
• She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (A girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp.)
• She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn't cover the market back then.)
"She made up one lie after another and Todd never disputed any of them."

What would be the point – as you note, she would only try to reinforce her lies, as is the case with most other republican candidates.

The GOP credo: Repeat a lie often enough in the hope its perceived to be 'true.'

Hillary has repeated so many lies and the dems love her for lying.
'You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down.'

Chip off the ol' Clinton block....well, at least we know she is qualified to run for office, by Liberal standards. :biggrin:
Says the party of Ebola.


^ How real scientists handle a Level IV Slate Cleaning pathogen like Ebola


^ How Obama and Democrats believe we should handle a Level IV Slate Cleaning pathogen like Ebola
See what we mean? Repeat a lie often enough. And this from the anti science party that doesn't believe in vaccines.
Fiorina is an amateur prevaricator compared to the Hildabeast. ...... :cool:
What are you talking about?

Don't use big words like "prevaricator" when you respond to R-Derp, folks...try to keep it as simple as possible. You have to remember who your audience is! :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
Give me a break. Right wingers have been attacking Hillary Clinton since the 1980's. They have spent many tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money trying to get something, anything on her. And so far, fail. Every single fake crisis and fake scandal has ended in a big fail. Over 30 years and nothing. Just hate and smear and maliciousness. This one woman has, again and again, defeated the entire Republican Party. Again and again, her GOP enemies have fallen by the wayside from ethics issues, sex scandals and criminal charges. Yet, there she is. And every fail makes the GOP panic more and more.

Fake crisis and scandals?
Hillary herself has admitted and or was caught by many lies.
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary's List of Lies
Admitted Lies
• Chelsea was jogging around the Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (She was in bed watching it on TV.)
• Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. (She admitted she was wrong. He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth.)
• She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (A girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp.)
• She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn't cover the market back then.)
My daughter was jogging?
Who she was named after?
Really? Sounds more like mistakes.

Real lies are:
The Iraq war will cost 200 million
They had WMD's
The Bush Tax cuts will create millions of jobs

Those are the lies people care about. Lies they knew were lies when they said them.
Attack her character when you can't do anything else.
Shouldn't character, or lack of it in Hillary and Bill's case, be a prerequisite for any presidential candidate? ...... :cool:

They don't care about morals, character, integrity, responsibility, accountability, ethics.
No right winger can talk about morals, character, integrity, responsibility, accountability, ethics after "let him die", "feed the poor an they will breed", Iraq, blocking health care, the Bush tax cuts, the ruined economy and so on. They even attacked the Pope for a speech that came right out of the Bible. Help the sick, help the poor. Republicans outraged over such a message.
Shame on you people.

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