You have GOT to be kidding!!!


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2014
Corner of Chaos and Reason
Okay, so, as "scandals" go, this seems like kind of a minor one, but, here it goes.

This is an image of Tom Corbett (R- PA - Gov) used on his re-election page, from a photo op.


Pay particular attention to the part with him in it:


See the African American lady who is so obviously thrilled to be in a photo with the Governor? Okay. Put a pin in that for a second...

Check out this item for sale from Shutterstock:


Does the lady in that photo look familiar? That's right. Governor Corbett had to Photoshop a black lady into his photo op.

Now, everyone is making a big deal out of the fact that he got caught Photoshopping a photo op. Personally, I'm more interested in the fact that a career politician from Pennsylvania has had so little contact with black people in his career, that he didn't have a single photo op with a black person, so he felt the need to Photoshop one!!!

holy smokes, some people have to much time on their hands and eats, sleeps, and breaths anything and anything politics.
left wingers are :cuckoo:
lol Says alot about you if you have to photoshop a token black person into your campain pics.

says a lot about you if you believe everything from the op. But as long as it fits your shallow views of Republicans anything will do

Is the woman from the Shutterstock photo the same woman in the photo of Tom Corbett? If so there is no reason for his shallow view of Republicans. They are doing a fine job making themselves look bad.
lol Says alot about you if you have to photoshop a token black person into your campain pics.

says a lot about you if you believe everything from the op. But as long as it fits your shallow views of Republicans anything will do

Is the woman from the Shutterstock photo the same woman in the photo of Tom Corbett? If so there is no reason for his shallow view of Republicans. They are doing a fine job making themselves look bad. see the two photos, right? And you have to ask if it's the same woman?!?! Really???
lol Says alot about you if you have to photoshop a token black person into your campain pics.

says a lot about you if you believe everything from the op. But as long as it fits your shallow views of Republicans anything will do

Is the woman from the Shutterstock photo the same woman in the photo of Tom Corbett? If so there is no reason for his shallow view of Republicans. They are doing a fine job making themselves look bad.

are you people serious?

we have Ebola threatening us, Terrorist threating us, Obama threatening us, etc
and You're going to freak over some picture some idiot say they put a black women in there?
lol Says alot about you if you have to photoshop a token black person into your campain pics.

says a lot about you if you believe everything from the op. But as long as it fits your shallow views of Republicans anything will do
How many token black folk do you know?
I'll bet if I had to, I could find a few photos of me taken with some "black folk". And, I'm not even a politician, who's job it is to get out and meet my constituency!
lol Says alot about you if you have to photoshop a token black person into your campain pics.
Kinda what I'm screamin. I mean, who cares that he got caught! How do you have a 20 something year career in politics, in fucking Pennsylvania, and never had a photo op with a black person?!!?

The entire ad is a product of compositing. The ad wasn't made to appeal to lunatic liberals, it was made to appeal to normal people.

The ad is meant to create an image of Corbett, not to document a moment of his life.

Do you also think that a politician writes his own speeches? Well, do you?
Okay, so, as "scandals" go, this seems like kind of a minor one,

So then why are you talking about it.

Liberals can't attack Republicans on policy, their voting records, their speeches, or anything else they've ever done, so they stoop to stupid BS like "oh an image on his campaign website has been altered". You'd melt down if you knew how heavily doctored the food in ads for restaurants are.
lol Says alot about you if you have to photoshop a token black person into your campain pics.

says a lot about you if you believe everything from the op. But as long as it fits your shallow views of Republicans anything will do

Is the woman from the Shutterstock photo the same woman in the photo of Tom Corbett? If so there is no reason for his shallow view of Republicans. They are doing a fine job making themselves look bad. see the two photos, right? And you have to ask if it's the same woman?!?! Really???

I'm still not sure. Explain it to me. :D
Not only can liberals not run on their parties RECORD because everyone of their elected masters running for Re-election and even the new comrades campaigning to SUCK OFF us taxpayers are running AWAY from and walking out of anything Obama. so what do they come up. some frikken picture. petty and shallow fits most left wingers and DESPERATE as elections get weeks away
lol Says alot about you if you have to photoshop a token black person into your campain pics.
Kinda what I'm screamin. I mean, who cares that he got caught! How do you have a 20 something year career in politics, in fucking Pennsylvania, and never had a photo op with a black person?!!?

The entire ad is a product of compositing. The ad wasn't made to appeal to lunatic liberals, it was made to appeal to normal people.

The ad is meant to create an image of Corbett, not to document a moment of his life.

Do you also think that a politician writes his own speeches? Well, do you?
No but I'll bet when they lift a significant part from someone else's work they get shit for it. Oh, wait! Rand Paul did that, and you guys on the Right were perfectly okay with that.

never mind...
Okay, so, as "scandals" go, this seems like kind of a minor one,

So then why are you talking about it.

Liberals can't attack Republicans on policy, their voting records, their speeches, or anything else they've ever done, so they stoop to stupid BS like "oh an image on his campaign website has been altered". You'd melt down if you knew how heavily doctored the food in ads for restaurants are.
Uh...considering that Corbett is getting his ass handed to him with an 11 point deficit, I really don't think we needed to "stoop" to anything. This just kinda makes him look sadder than he already did.

Thanks for playing...
lol Says alot about you if you have to photoshop a token black person into your campain pics.

says a lot about you if you believe everything from the op. But as long as it fits your shallow views of Republicans anything will do

Is the woman from the Shutterstock photo the same woman in the photo of Tom Corbett? If so there is no reason for his shallow view of Republicans. They are doing a fine job making themselves look bad. see the two photos, right? And you have to ask if it's the same woman?!?! Really???

I'm still not sure. Explain it to me. :D
Okay. lemme help you out a little more. Flip the stock photo around, and then compare it to the chick in the Corbett photo:


Do you see it, now?
lol Says alot about you if you have to photoshop a token black person into your campain pics.

says a lot about you if you believe everything from the op. But as long as it fits your shallow views of Republicans anything will do

Is the woman from the Shutterstock photo the same woman in the photo of Tom Corbett? If so there is no reason for his shallow view of Republicans. They are doing a fine job making themselves look bad. see the two photos, right? And you have to ask if it's the same woman?!?! Really???

I'm still not sure. Explain it to me. :D
Okay. lemme help you out a little more. Flip the stock photo around, and then compare it to the chick in the Corbett photo:


Do you see it, now?

Still not seeing it. Explain further...
The entire ad is a product of compositing. The ad wasn't made to appeal to lunatic liberals, it was made to appeal to normal people.

The ad is meant to create an image of Corbett, not to document a moment of his life.

Do you also think that a politician writes his own speeches? Well, do you?
says a lot about you if you believe everything from the op. But as long as it fits your shallow views of Republicans anything will do

Is the woman from the Shutterstock photo the same woman in the photo of Tom Corbett? If so there is no reason for his shallow view of Republicans. They are doing a fine job making themselves look bad. see the two photos, right? And you have to ask if it's the same woman?!?! Really???

I'm still not sure. Explain it to me. :D
Okay. lemme help you out a little more. Flip the stock photo around, and then compare it to the chick in the Corbett photo:


Do you see it, now?

Still not seeing it. Explain further...
Uh huh...

You have a hard time getting vanilla ice cream, too, don't you?

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