"You have humiliated us"

Trump is doing what Nixon did, trying to remove those on his enemies list

You are ignorant...…

Trump is draining the swamp......
Trump is the swamp.

You libtards are the swamp....

Trump is spanking your ass.
Yeah you schmuck you nitwits are trying to spank this guy?
McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

Good for him.
But why does he need security clearance?

LMAO I've asked him the same thing. Guy is to busy ranting about Trump to answer.

The answer is he doesn't. He's retired so he doesn't need a security clearance.

He's just a US citizen like you and me. No security clearance required.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,

It is not the keys to the building

A clearance shows you have been thoroughly investigated and are authorized access to classified data

There are more than one “buildings” that require clearance in both the public and private sector
You've retired or been dismissed from your job. You don't need or deserve access to any building or information.

You still can go to other positions that require access to classified information

So they can be reinstated if the Gov deems it necessary.
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
Case open and he through his service to this country .is far more entitled to his thoughts on the ah in our wh than you can ever be

We all have equal rights to have thought on the President and express them.

That you don't know this, says EVERYTHING about the Left that anyone needs to know.

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,

It is not the keys to the building

A clearance shows you have been thoroughly investigated and are authorized access to classified data

There are more than one “buildings” that require clearance in both the public and private sector
You've retired or been dismissed from your job. You don't need or deserve access to any building or information.

You still can go to other positions that require access to classified information

So they can be reinstated if the Gov deems it necessary.

They sure can and are every day.
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
Case open and he through his service to this country .is far more entitled to his thoughts on the ah in our wh than you can ever be

We all have equal rights to have thought on the President and express them.

That you don't know this, says EVERYTHING about the Left that anyone needs to know.
Because of his position he knows far more than a slug like you will ever know about Trump Therefor he's more entitled
Trump is doing what Nixon did, trying to remove those on his enemies list

You are ignorant...…

Trump is draining the swamp......
Trump is the swamp.

You libtards are the swamp....

Trump is spanking your ass.
Yeah you schmuck you nitwits are trying to spank this guy?
McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

Good for him.
But why does he need security clearance?
To be called upon for his expertise when times get tough. This is a longstanding tradition in our government for those retired and our seniors to be called on for active duty and input in times of trouble. These are proven professionals. Do you really want to destroy our nation's brain trust just because of a no-good reality TV star?
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,

It is not the keys to the building

A clearance shows you have been thoroughly investigated and are authorized access to classified data

There are more than one “buildings” that require clearance in both the public and private sector
You've retired or been dismissed from your job. You don't need or deserve access to any building or information.

You still can go to other positions that require access to classified information
Then go get a new clearance. You either retired in which we no longer need you or you were fired and we sure as hell don't need you. Either way you don;t need a security clearance.
Many, many soldiers and sailors just leave the service either through retirement or completing their enlistment

These people have skills that are in demand in the private or public sector. These jobs require a clearance
To wipe out their clearance and make them start from scratch can take well over a year to get a new clearance

So what percentage of those leaving the military go on to another job where clearance would still be needed?
The whining little bitch we're discussing doesnt need it for his job at UT.
You are ignorant...…

Trump is draining the swamp......
Trump is the swamp.

You libtards are the swamp....

Trump is spanking your ass.
Yeah you schmuck you nitwits are trying to spank this guy?
McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

Good for him.
But why does he need security clearance?
To be called upon for his expertise when times get tough. This is a longstanding tradition in our government for those retired and our seniors to be called on for active duty and input in times of trouble. These are proven professionals. Do you really want to destroy our nation's brain trust just because of a no-good reality TV star?
LOL speaking of TV star Can't wait to hear more tapes Amarosa has trump by the short hairs
It is not the keys to the building

A clearance shows you have been thoroughly investigated and are authorized access to classified data

There are more than one “buildings” that require clearance in both the public and private sector
You've retired or been dismissed from your job. You don't need or deserve access to any building or information.

You still can go to other positions that require access to classified information
Then go get a new clearance. You either retired in which we no longer need you or you were fired and we sure as hell don't need you. Either way you don;t need a security clearance.
Many, many soldiers and sailors just leave the service either through retirement or completing their enlistment

These people have skills that are in demand in the private or public sector. These jobs require a clearance
To wipe out their clearance and make them start from scratch can take well over a year to get a new clearance

So what percentage of those leaving the military go on to another job where clearance would still be needed?
The whining little bitch we're discussing doesnt need it for his job at UT.
Whining?? 37 years a seal and some ah calls him whining?? Moron fits you to a T
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ‘I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearance’

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.
Obviously McRaven is a commie, liberal, un-American, un-patriotic lying scumbag. Since he does not toe the line to the greatest President ever, like an obsequious toady, he deserves to be attacked, without mercy, as an enemy of the people.
You are ignorant...…

Trump is draining the swamp......
Trump is the swamp.

You libtards are the swamp....

Trump is spanking your ass.
Yeah you schmuck you nitwits are trying to spank this guy?
McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

Good for him.
But why does he need security clearance?
To be called upon for his expertise when times get tough. This is a longstanding tradition in our government for those retired and our seniors to be called on for active duty and input in times of trouble. These are proven professionals. Do you really want to destroy our nation's brain trust just because of a no-good reality TV star?

If they're needed that bad they can have clearance reinstated.
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
Case open and he through his service to this country .is far more entitled to his thoughts on the ah in our wh than you can ever be

We all have equal rights to have thought on the President and express them.

That you don't know this, says EVERYTHING about the Left that anyone needs to know.
Because of his position he knows far more than a slug like you will ever know about Trump Therefor he's more entitled

No, he is not.

What you just said there, goes completely against everything that America stands for.
You've retired or been dismissed from your job. You don't need or deserve access to any building or information.

You still can go to other positions that require access to classified information
Then go get a new clearance. You either retired in which we no longer need you or you were fired and we sure as hell don't need you. Either way you don;t need a security clearance.
Many, many soldiers and sailors just leave the service either through retirement or completing their enlistment

These people have skills that are in demand in the private or public sector. These jobs require a clearance
To wipe out their clearance and make them start from scratch can take well over a year to get a new clearance

So what percentage of those leaving the military go on to another job where clearance would still be needed?
The whining little bitch we're discussing doesnt need it for his job at UT.
Whining?? 37 years a seal and some ah calls him whining?? Moron fits you to a T

Yeah...he's whining.
You are ignorant...…

Trump is draining the swamp......
Trump is the swamp.

You libtards are the swamp....

Trump is spanking your ass.
Yeah you schmuck you nitwits are trying to spank this guy?
McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

Good for him.
But why does he need security clearance?
To be called upon for his expertise when times get tough. This is a longstanding tradition in our government for those retired and our seniors to be called on for active duty and input in times of trouble. These are proven professionals. Do you really want to destroy our nation's brain trust just because of a no-good reality TV star?

"Trump don't need no stinking advice from a deep state commie muslim"
I'll go with these 12 not cowardly traitors
12 former top intelligence officials criticize Trump for pulling security clearance
The rare statement from the former officials comes one day after Trump pulled former CIA director John Brennan’s security clearance.


8/17/18, 6:09 AM CET

Updated 8/17/18, 6:11 AM CET

A dozen former top intelligence officials, representing previous Republican and Democratic administrations, issued a letter late Thursday supporting former CIA Director John Brennan and lambasting President Donald Trump’s move to revoke his security clearance.

The rare statement from the former officials — including former CIA directors who served under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton — comes one day after Trump pulled Brennan’s clearance and said he would evaluate clearances for other former intelligence officials, including two who signed on to the pro-Brennan statement.



That move from the White House “has nothing to do with who should and should not hold security clearances — and everything to do with an attempt to stifle free speech,” the dozen ex-intelligence officials wrote in their joint letter.

“You don’t have to agree with what John Brennan says (and, again, not all of us do) to agree with his right to say it, subject to his obligation to protect classified information.”

Those signing the letter were former CIA Directors William Webster, George Tenet, Porter Goss, Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta and David Petraeus; former CIA Deputy Directors John McLaughlin, Stephen Kappes, Michael Morel, Avril Haines and David Cohen; and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

In announcing the revocation of Brennan’s clearance, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders read a statement from Trump on Wednesday that denounced the Obama-era CIA director for what he called “lying,” adding that Brennan had “leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations — wild outbursts on the internet and television — about this administration.”

Brennan’s cohorts among onetime senior intelligence officials flatly disputed any suggestion that he had acted improperly during his time in government service, calling the implication “baseless” and praising him as “an enormously talented, capable, and patriotic individual who devoted his adult life to the service of this nation.”

“Since leaving government service John has chosen to speak out sharply regarding what he sees as threats to our national security,” the joint letter stated. “Some of the undersigned have done so as well. Others among us have elected to take a different course and be more circumspect in our public pronouncements.”

Trump’s yanking of Brennan’s clearance has earned him only scant criticism from congressional Republicans. The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr of North Carolina, released a statement earlier Thursday defending Trump’s “full authority to revoke his clearance as head of the executive branch.”

But the bipartisan group of former intelligence officials described the president’s decision as an “inappropriate and deeply regrettable” message to others about the consequences of airing political views in public.

“Decisions on security clearances should be based on national security concerns and not political views,” they wrote.

Read this next: Trump’s military parade delayed until 2019
Trump is the swamp.

You libtards are the swamp....

Trump is spanking your ass.
Yeah you schmuck you nitwits are trying to spank this guy?
McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

Good for him.
But why does he need security clearance?
To be called upon for his expertise when times get tough. This is a longstanding tradition in our government for those retired and our seniors to be called on for active duty and input in times of trouble. These are proven professionals. Do you really want to destroy our nation's brain trust just because of a no-good reality TV star?
LOL speaking of TV star Can't wait to hear more tapes Amarosa has trump by the short hairs

Just more libtard bull shit like the Russian hoax to protect hillary

and the deep state from what they did...……….

All of it is blowing away like a fart in the wind...…

All you libtards throw at Trump will come back to destroy you.....
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Once you leave the military you definitely will lose your clearance by being debriefed and signing documents that you will never divulge any classified material, unless you go to work as a civilian in a government job that requires a clearance. Why all those people still have a clearance is beyond comprehension.

And that Admiral running his mouth and writing that op-ed is a no no. It's only because he's a progressive liberal puke without an ounce of honor and he knows all the Trump haters will defend his attack on Trump. Fuck him, bigly.
Why is Trump selectively, and politically revoking clearances?

Have those people done anything to warrant it?

Is it across the board revoking all clearances for those no longer “needing” them?

Or is it vindictive, from a man who can’t tolerate criticism?

The clearance system is supposed to be apolitical

Using it to punish those with opposing political views is the act of a tyrant

Well he sure as hell was being political.
Why do people who no longer work in the intelligence community need security clearance? I have seen this question asked by many different people but I have yet to see a good reason given for them to have it. If you work at a company in the private sector and have access to highly sensitive company information it's highly unlikely they will let you continue to have access to it when you leave the company.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.
He was not purged his appointment ended and he was replaced by Mike Pompeo and he has now moved on to a TV gig which he does not need a security clearance to do. If people who serve in military and or intelligence services can not put their personal feelings towards the President they serve aside they don't need to be there doesn't matter who the President is.

In fact anybody with a tv gig should have their clearance revoked as a matter of course.

In this case you have that gig because of your knowledge and experience
This knowledge and experience is still valuable to our country

Is he going to lose that knowledge if his security is revoked?
And what good does it do him or her when they cant discuss what they know anyway?
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
Case open and he through his service to this country .is far more entitled to his thoughts on the ah in our wh than you can ever be

We all have equal rights to have thought on the President and express them.

That you don't know this, says EVERYTHING about the Left that anyone needs to know.
Because of his position he knows far more than a slug like you will ever know about Trump Therefor he's more entitled

No, he is not.

What you just said there, goes completely against everything that America stands for.
ok so you know more than him ''' his educated statements and opinions are the same as yours? Really

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