"You have humiliated us"

Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Once you leave the military you definitely will lose your clearance by being debriefed and signing documents that you will never divulge any classified material, unless you go to work as a civilian in a government job that requires a clearance. Why all those people still have a clearance is beyond comprehension.

And that Admiral running his mouth and writing that op-ed is a no no. It's only because he's a progressive liberal puke without an ounce of honor and he knows all the Trump haters will defend his attack on Trump. Fuck him, bigly.
Why is Trump selectively, and politically revoking clearances?

Have those people done anything to warrant it?

Is it across the board revoking all clearances for those no longer “needing” them?

Or is it vindictive, from a man who can’t tolerate criticism?
You don't "lose" a clearance, you get debriefed when you move from a department, get transferred or retire. It can be re-instated when you need it.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

As a truck driver, I have to have TSA security clearance to make air freight deliveries. Every year we have to take a class, pass a written test 100%, get cleared by the federal government background check, and then proceed to our duties.

It's told to us right from the beginning: once you leave your company as a driver, your TSA certification is invalid. The certification belongs to the company that had you certified in the first place even though it's a federal requirement.
I don’t know about TSA, but when I had a clearance it went with me. If I had switched to another job requiring one, I would not have had to get it redone.
I retired from the federal government and got a job in the private sector that required clearance eight months later. Having an active clearance in the system makes it easier to employ because the just look up your SSN and you are active
Why do people who no longer work in the intelligence community need security clearance? I have seen this question asked by many different people but I have yet to see a good reason given for them to have it. If you work at a company in the private sector and have access to highly sensitive company information it's highly unlikely they will let you continue to have access to it when you leave the company.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.
He was not purged his appointment ended and he was replaced by Mike Pompeo and he has now moved on to a TV gig which he does not need a security clearance to do. If people who serve in military and or intelligence services can not put their personal feelings towards the President they serve aside they don't need to be there doesn't matter who the President is.
He has been purged from rhe list of consultants and advisors list available for currently serving officials.
You are ignorant...…

Trump is draining the swamp......
Trump is the swamp.

You libtards are the swamp....

Trump is spanking your ass.
Yeah you schmuck you nitwits are trying to spank this guy?
McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

If he is against Trump he's a tard just like you.
Says the guy posing with a little freshwater fish in his avatar about a guy who swam with sharks and waded through poisonous snakes just for fun, for decades.

mcraven is a poisonous snake...…..
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

I would agree with most of what you posted. Having worked with or should I say under people like this admiral--in the USAF, that would be a general officer, I found them to be more political animals versus patriotic officers. I would be very wary of anything coming out of the mouths of an admiral or general. I've worked with them. In my experience, they were 100% about themselves. Narcissists to a tee. Just saying I question their loyalties.
Trump is the swamp.

You libtards are the swamp....

Trump is spanking your ass.
Yeah you schmuck you nitwits are trying to spank this guy?
McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

If he is against Trump he's a tard just like you.
Says the guy posing with a little freshwater fish in his avatar about a guy who swam with sharks and waded through poisonous snakes just for fun, for decades.

mcraven is a poisonous snake...…..
then there should be no evil enough words to describe trump
Trump is the swamp.

You libtards are the swamp....

Trump is spanking your ass.
Yeah you schmuck you nitwits are trying to spank this guy?
McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

If he is against Trump he's a tard just like you.
Says the guy posing with a little freshwater fish in his avatar about a guy who swam with sharks and waded through poisonous snakes just for fun, for decades.

mcraven is a poisonous snake...…..
Don't know any SEALS do you.
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it
Get your sorry ass out of this country traitor Trump is less than a scumbag next to this man ,,as you are too

Donald J Turd is a fucking wimp compared to McRaven. When things get tough and it’s time man up, Dotard gets bone spurs, where as McRaven becomes a Navy Seal.
Little Trumpeters worship a chickenshit, who has proven how clueless is he is on the world stage, with his embarrassing performance dealing with Kim Jung Um and Val Putin. Trump has proven he’s a dishonest immature punk by his documented and verified over 4,200 lies and misleading statements.
And the Little Trumpster no-minds worship Trump’s enormous ass. How sad is THAT!
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it
Get your sorry ass out of this country traitor Trump is less than a scumbag next to this man ,,as you are too


Let me see if I can find the words to express what I think of your sentiment. I know its up there somewhere.
Why do people who no longer work in the intelligence community need security clearance? I have seen this question asked by many different people but I have yet to see a good reason given for them to have it. If you work at a company in the private sector and have access to highly sensitive company information it's highly unlikely they will let you continue to have access to it when you leave the company.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.
He was not purged his appointment ended and he was replaced by Mike Pompeo and he has now moved on to a TV gig which he does not need a security clearance to do. If people who serve in military and or intelligence services can not put their personal feelings towards the President they serve aside they don't need to be there doesn't matter who the President is.
He has been purged from rhe list of consultants and advisors list available for currently serving officials.
Which any President has the right to do and given he can't put his personal feelings about Trump aside any advice he would give is likely to be biased so he doesn't need the clearance.
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.
Nope, he worked with Director Brennan on one of America's greatest military victories, the killing of Osama Bin Laden. They are brothers in arms and one is sticking up for rhe other.
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.
Not really politics, but trump mocked and disparaged Brennan a friend of his ...McRaven stood up for his friend who gave so many years in service to America. WHERE TF are all you ah repub patriots ?? Supporting the traitor in our WH or real heroes?
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.

Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.
Nope, he worked with Director Brennan on one of America's greatest military victories, the killing of Osama Bin Laden. They are brothers in arms and one is sticking up for rhe other.

Then tell me: if it's not about politics, why is he challenging the President? It's very childish to go to the media with this message "I double dare you!"

What he's doing is expressing his hatred of our President. That's fine. But just be honest about it and say it's all about politics and not some security clearance.
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.

He's retired. He's not entitled to an opinion? Seems like he's earned one.
John Brennan and Admiral McRaven have served their, and our, country with integrity and honor over decades, as has Mueller. We will not trade these Patriots in for the likes of President Bonespurs (gotta screw her!) and the pigpence, cult guy.

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