"You have humiliated us"

Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.

They may also be worried about Trump's mental stability as well as his creating division in this country like we've never seen before.

Oh please: Deplorable's, hate the rich, Republicans are racist. war on women, WTF divides the country more than Democrats?

These are just the standard accusations heard on this board all the time.... liberals baaad and obama did it too. That's all you have it looks like. Even groups of psychiatrists and psychologists have come together to discuss the instability of Trump. When has this happened in the past with other presidents? Never. And these are flag rank officers going after Trump's behavior. Never happened before, and flag rank is as high as you can go in the military.

Opinion | Psychiatrists Warn About Trump’s Mental State
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.

They may also be worried about Trump's mental stability as well as his creating division in this country like we've never seen before.

Oh please: Deplorable's, hate the rich, Republicans are racist. war on women, WTF divides the country more than Democrats?

These are just the standard accusations heard on this board all the time.... liberals baaad and obama did it too. That's all you have it looks like. Even groups of psychiatrists and psychologists have come together to discuss the instability of Trump. When has this happened in the past with other presidents? Never. And these are flag rank officers going after Trump's behavior. Never happened before, and flag rank is as high as you can go in the military.

Opinion | Psychiatrists Warn About Trump’s Mental State

Most psychiatrists are as nutty as a fruitcake.
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.

They may also be worried about Trump's mental stability as well as his creating division in this country like we've never seen before.

Oh please: Deplorable's, hate the rich, Republicans are racist. war on women, WTF divides the country more than Democrats?

These are just the standard accusations heard on this board all the time.... liberals baaad and obama did it too. That's all you have it looks like. Even groups of psychiatrists and psychologists have come together to discuss the instability of Trump. When has this happened in the past with other presidents? Never. And these are flag rank officers going after Trump's behavior. Never happened before, and flag rank is as high as you can go in the military.

Opinion | Psychiatrists Warn About Trump’s Mental State

Most psychiatrists are as nutty as a fruitcake.

That reminds me , I need to go pick up some milk
This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.

They may also be worried about Trump's mental stability as well as his creating division in this country like we've never seen before.

Oh please: Deplorable's, hate the rich, Republicans are racist. war on women, WTF divides the country more than Democrats?

These are just the standard accusations heard on this board all the time.... liberals baaad and obama did it too. That's all you have it looks like. Even groups of psychiatrists and psychologists have come together to discuss the instability of Trump. When has this happened in the past with other presidents? Never. And these are flag rank officers going after Trump's behavior. Never happened before, and flag rank is as high as you can go in the military.

Opinion | Psychiatrists Warn About Trump’s Mental State

Most psychiatrists are as nutty as a fruitcake.

That reminds me , I need to go pick up some milk


Second Moderation intervention in here today. 17 more posts deleted with a warning issued. Against better judgement, I'm re-opening this. But everything illegal from this point will be warned.
I just love it when military personnel become outspoken after retirement.
Regardless of their chosen outlets (CNN, MSLSD, FauxNews) they are useless idiots.
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.

They may also be worried about Trump's mental stability as well as his creating division in this country like we've never seen before.

Oh please: Deplorable's, hate the rich, Republicans are racist. war on women, WTF divides the country more than Democrats?

These are just the standard accusations heard on this board all the time.... liberals baaad and obama did it too. That's all you have it looks like. Even groups of psychiatrists and psychologists have come together to discuss the instability of Trump. When has this happened in the past with other presidents? Never. And these are flag rank officers going after Trump's behavior. Never happened before, and flag rank is as high as you can go in the military.

Opinion | Psychiatrists Warn About Trump’s Mental State

Most psychiatrists are as nutty as a fruitcake.

I agree,

most are.
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.

If he were praising Trump...you would be lavishing praise on him.

So save the tired 'partisan' excuse...it ain't working.

Typical Trumpbot attack...forget using facts and data to make your point. Just use innuendo and baseless accusations instead.

Case Closed.
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Typical Trumpbots.

You do not attack the story. You only attack the person who said the words and/or the person who created the thread.

Jeez...you people just head for the gutter as fast as possible. No intellect or facts at ALL behind your attacks. Just pure trolling and childish hate.

The only question is - is it because it is impossible to honestly knock the story by honorable Americans (which it is) OR are you people just that base and stupid?

My guess is a combination of the two.
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Michael Hayden, former director of of the CIA and the National Security Agency, responds to the White House’s announcement that it is revoking ex-CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance.

Retired Lt. General Mark Hertling discusses President Trump stripping former CIA Director John Brennan of his security clearance.

He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.

If he were praising Trump...you would be lavishing praise on him.

So save the tired 'partisan' excuse...it ain't working.

Case Closed.


LOL...and the sum of all your intelligence and knowledge in a reply to my post was 'LMAO Fail'?

So noted.

And BTW - saying things like 'Case Closed' and 'Fail' are classically childish statements made by people who realize on some level that they have little substantive to offer to the discussion...so they try to end it with some sort of lame, unintelligent, 'this discussion is over' nonsense.
I suggest in the future, if you want to be taken seriously, try not to make such obviously desperate and lame discussion-attempt-enders as 'Case closed' or 'Lame'.

Clearly, intelligent conversation with you on this is impossible...so we are done here.

Have a nice day.
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
Actions of active duty personnel against the President or other designated officeholders can technically be a violation of Article 88.
Was this guy a navy seal?

For 27 years. He lead the operation that killed Bin Laden.

The animus being displayed by Trumpbots in this thread against one of the bravest Americans who ever lived shows you how little respect they really have for that service.

These the same people who tell us day in and day out that liberals don’t respect the military. What hypocrites they are!
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it
Get your sorry ass out of this country traitor Trump is less than a scumbag next to this man ,,as you are too

Address my post and save your false bravado, punk

There is no reason for the retired admiral to have a security clearance
He has one and he wants your scumbag to take it away
I think all who are no longer employed by our government should be stripped of their 'privilege'. It makes no sense to keep it
There are instances where top intelligence people consult with current official on National Security. When an intelligence official leaves office they don't leave behind years of knowledge and experience. Likewise, many appointments to top intelligence jobs are basically political with limited national security knowledge.

It's pretty clear that Trump's action are retribution for criticism. Trump is not know for his ability to accept criticism lightly.

The president certainly has the right to pull these clearances but most presidents are wise enough not to do so.
The President is Commander-in-Chief, giving him the authority to revoke the security clearance of any who possess it.

Actually he doesn’t have that authority. And revoking security clearances as punishment for criticizing the sitting President is not only a violation of their first amendment rights, it’s possibly an impeachable offence.

'This is how a whiny tyrant acts': Democrats and intel veterans slam Trump for revoking Brennan's security clearance

Why does an NBC employee need a security clearance, dumbass?

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