"You have humiliated us"

He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it
Get your sorry ass out of this country traitor Trump is less than a scumbag next to this man ,,as you are too

Donald J Turd is a fucking wimp compared to McRaven. When things get tough and it’s time man up, Dotard gets bone spurs, where as McRaven becomes a Navy Seal.
Little Trumpeters worship a chickenshit, who has proven how clueless is he is on the world stage, with his embarrassing performance dealing with Kim Jung Um and Val Putin. Trump has proven he’s a dishonest immature punk by his documented and verified over 4,200 lies and misleading statements.
And the Little Trumpster no-minds worship Trump’s enormous ass. How sad is THAT!

Statements like THIS ^^^^^^^^ are pure political bullshit.
Why do people who no longer work in the intelligence community need security clearance? I have seen this question asked by many different people but I have yet to see a good reason given for them to have it. If you work at a company in the private sector and have access to highly sensitive company information it's highly unlikely they will let you continue to have access to it when you leave the company.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.
He was not purged his appointment ended and he was replaced by Mike Pompeo and he has now moved on to a TV gig which he does not need a security clearance to do. If people who serve in military and or intelligence services can not put their personal feelings towards the President they serve aside they don't need to be there doesn't matter who the President is.
He has been purged from rhe list of consultants and advisors list available for currently serving officials.
Which any President has the right to do and given he can't put his personal feelings about Trump aside any advice he would give is likely to be biased so he doesn't need the clearance.
Don't any of you dumb f-ers get it ?? He's getting rid of all that can hurt him or testify against him Look at the list ,,,He learned nothing from Nixon and his enemies list
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.
Not really politics, but trump mocked and disparaged Brennan a friend of his ...McRaven stood up for his friend who gave so many years in service to America. WHERE TF are all you ah repub patriots ?? Supporting the traitor in our WH or real heroes?

If somebody needs his "friend" to do his battles, it's not really much of a friend.

I don't believe for a minute it has anything to do with friendship. I don't believe for a minute he was never an anti-trumper until now either. This is 100% politics and nothing more.
John Brennan and Admiral McRaven have served their, and our, country with integrity and honor over decades, as has Mueller. We will not trade these Patriots in for the likes of President Bonespurs (gotta screw her!) and the pigpence, cult guy.

Brennan tried to use a fake dossie to undermine an election. Knowingly...that is not integrity nor honor
Why do people who no longer work in the intelligence community need security clearance? I have seen this question asked by many different people but I have yet to see a good reason given for them to have it. If you work at a company in the private sector and have access to highly sensitive company information it's highly unlikely they will let you continue to have access to it when you leave the company.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.
He was not purged his appointment ended and he was replaced by Mike Pompeo and he has now moved on to a TV gig which he does not need a security clearance to do. If people who serve in military and or intelligence services can not put their personal feelings towards the President they serve aside they don't need to be there doesn't matter who the President is.
He has been purged from rhe list of consultants and advisors list available for currently serving officials.
Which any President has the right to do and given he can't put his personal feelings about Trump aside any advice he would give is likely to be biased so he doesn't need the clearance.
Really, which President has done it in the past with the threat of doing it to others on his list?
John Brennan and Admiral McRaven have served their, and our, country with integrity and honor over decades, as has Mueller. We will not trade these Patriots in for the likes of President Bonespurs (gotta screw her!) and the pigpence, cult guy.

Yeah, interesting little tidbit, integrity is pretty much thrown out the window when ya lie....dumbass.
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.

They may also be worried about Trump's mental stability as well as his creating division in this country like we've never seen before.
Why do people who no longer work in the intelligence community need security clearance? I have seen this question asked by many different people but I have yet to see a good reason given for them to have it. If you work at a company in the private sector and have access to highly sensitive company information it's highly unlikely they will let you continue to have access to it when you leave the company.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.
He was not purged his appointment ended and he was replaced by Mike Pompeo and he has now moved on to a TV gig which he does not need a security clearance to do. If people who serve in military and or intelligence services can not put their personal feelings towards the President they serve aside they don't need to be there doesn't matter who the President is.
He has been purged from rhe list of consultants and advisors list available for currently serving officials.
Which any President has the right to do and given he can't put his personal feelings about Trump aside any advice he would give is likely to be biased so he doesn't need the clearance.
Don't any of you dumb f-ers get it ?? He's getting rid of all that can hurt him or testify against him Look at the list ,,,He learned nothing from Nixon and his enemies list
How is revoking his security clearance going to stop him from testifying against Trump if called to do so? FYI you have to be charged with something before someone can testify against you Trump has been charged with nothing. Yeah Yeah I know any day now.
This probably isnt a good time to remind the left while they are squawking about vindictiveness and going after political enemies but hey!! How about Obama and his cronies weaponizing the IRS to go after people and organizations against them?
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Yeah, retired people are losers, right? Trump only does winners, and as he's the only US president, he's the only winner, everyone else is a loser.

I never said that...did I?

You loons really need to stop making shit up when you're butthurt

He's retired what does he need clearance for and from his whining (and Brennan's) it's probably wise to revoke it who knows what lengths they will go to
You moron These men are part of the bravest who ever served our country and your dumb ass still supports the scum in our WH ..... FN traitor

Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson Dined With Russian Lawyer Before & After Her Meeting at Trump Tower

Look at it this way, right now there is more evidence that Hillary's team colluded with the Russians to destroy a political candidate. Hillary had the head of the FBI in the tank for her, and she is damn lucky the investigation is not heading in her direction. I mean what the hell, there is so much evidence against Trump colluding with Russians, that porn stars need to be questioned. Over a year later? we want something solid. lets have it.
Now, supposing Trump is completely innocent of colluding with Russians and the CIA chief is accusing him of treason? Why would Trump want the people who set him up to continue to have security clearance. That would be idiotic. Trump was left with no choice
Why do people who no longer work in the intelligence community need security clearance? I have seen this question asked by many different people but I have yet to see a good reason given for them to have it. If you work at a company in the private sector and have access to highly sensitive company information it's highly unlikely they will let you continue to have access to it when you leave the company.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.
He was not purged his appointment ended and he was replaced by Mike Pompeo and he has now moved on to a TV gig which he does not need a security clearance to do. If people who serve in military and or intelligence services can not put their personal feelings towards the President they serve aside they don't need to be there doesn't matter who the President is.
He has been purged from rhe list of consultants and advisors list available for currently serving officials.
Which any President has the right to do and given he can't put his personal feelings about Trump aside any advice he would give is likely to be biased so he doesn't need the clearance.
Really, which President has done it in the past with the threat of doing it to others on his list?
I never said anybody had I said they had the right to. No one had ever used the nuclear option in the Senate till Harry Reid did no one had used it for confirmation of a Supreme Court nominee till Mitch McConnell did.
Agree or disagree, you gotta admire the man's integrity. How many punks have shot their big mouths off here over the past year about how much they now hate America and want to live somewhere else but never come anywhere close to having the balls to follow through. This man has put his money where his mouth is and whatever your political leanings or feelings about this President you have to admire the iron in this man who devoted so much of his life to serving our country with his ass rather than just his words on the line. Would that every big mouth here could say as much (including me).

This isn't about his service, it's about him making politics out of it.

They may also be worried about Trump's mental stability as well as his creating division in this country like we've never seen before.

Oh please: Deplorable's, hate the rich, Republicans are racist. war on women, WTF divides the country more than Democrats?

How many has trump bought off or tried to do so? Not Brennan ,,,, he just took his clearance away from him

No collusion ?? That's hog wash From Brennan a guy who would know
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Yeah, retired people are losers, right? Trump only does winners, and as he's the only US president, he's the only winner, everyone else is a loser.

I never said that...did I?

You loons really need to stop making shit up when you're butthurt

He's retired what does he need clearance for and from his whining (and Brennan's) it's probably wise to revoke it who knows what lengths they will go to
You moron These men are part of the bravest who ever served our country and your dumb ass still supports the scum in our WH ..... FN traitor

Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson Dined With Russian Lawyer Before & After Her Meeting at Trump Tower

Look at it this way, right now there is more evidence that Hillary's team colluded with the Russians to destroy a political candidate. Hillary had the head of the FBI in the tank for her, and she is damn lucky the investigation is not heading in her direction. I mean what the hell, there is so much evidence against Trump colluding with Russians, that porn stars need to be questioned. Over a year later? we want something solid. lets have it.
Now, supposing Trump is completely innocent of colluding with Russians and the CIA chief is accusing him of treason? Why would Trump want the people who set him up to continue to have security clearance. That would be idiotic. Trump was left with no choice
Either was Nixon
How many has trump bought off or tried to do so? Not Brennan ,,,, he just took his clearance away from him

No collusion ?? That's hog wash From Brennan a guy who would know

So what evidence did Brennan produce? It should be front page. It's been over a year
How many has trump bought off or tried to do so? Not Brennan ,,,, he just took his clearance away from him

No collusion ?? That's hog wash From Brennan a guy who would know

So what evidence did Brennan produce? It should be front page. It's been over a year
All in good time But if anyone would know he'd be in the top 5 to know Doesn't seem like a guy that would just throw some crap out there
Sorry bout that,

  1. He should just STFU!!!!,....
  2. He does not even need or require security clearance, he can fall on his fucking sword for something else, not defending a bullshit artist attacking a sitting President like Brennan.
  3. Both are full of shit.
  4. McRaven is delusional, and his point just needs a little tap down now from the Trump hammer.

How many has trump bought off or tried to do so? Not Brennan ,,,, he just took his clearance away from him

No collusion ?? That's hog wash From Brennan a guy who would know

So what evidence did Brennan produce? It should be front page. It's been over a year
All in good time But if anyone would know he'd be in the top 5 to know Doesn't seem like a guy that would just throw some crap out there

OK, well if somebody comes out with some actual evidence that would change things for me, but right now the main contact with Russians I have seen has been from Steele who was in Russia to get the Dossier... I presume from 'RUSSIANS" ( If they wanted Trump in office why would they give damning Info to his political opponents) Fussion GPS who met the day before and after the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian Lawyer. And we have the documented fact that Trumps son while 10 minutes into the meeting texted "get me out of this meeting"..

Secondly, why would the Russian government even need Trump if they wanted to flood the internet with misinformation? It wouldnt even be necessary.

If Trump is working for Putin then please explain why hes putting heavy trade tariffs on Putins economic partner China. Seems to me Putin wouldnt like that. Funny though, the Democrats dont like it either.

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