"You have humiliated us"

He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it
Get your sorry ass out of this country traitor Trump is less than a scumbag next to this man ,,as you are too

Address my post and save your false bravado, punk

There is no reason for the retired admiral to have a security clearance
He has one and he wants your scumbag to take it away
I think all who are no longer employed by our government should be stripped of their 'privilege'. It makes no sense to keep it
There are instances where top intelligence people consult with current official on National Security. When an intelligence official leaves office they don't leave behind years of knowledge and experience. Likewise, many appointments to top intelligence jobs are basically political with limited national security knowledge.

It's pretty clear that Trump's action are retribution for criticism. Trump is not know for his ability to accept criticism lightly.

The president certainly has the right to pull these clearances but most presidents are wise enough not to do so.

So when I transferred my security clearance was downgraded for political reasons by President Reagan? Who knew the Gipper was so involved?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Anyone who steps out of the military ranks and attacks a sitting President is a real POS.
  2. Truth is Trump needs to weigh in and smack this *POS* down.
  3. This idiot made a huge mistake.

How many has trump bought off or tried to do so? Not Brennan ,,,, he just took his clearance away from him

No collusion ?? That's hog wash From Brennan a guy who would know

So what evidence did Brennan produce? It should be front page. It's been over a year
All in good time But if anyone would know he'd be in the top 5 to know Doesn't seem like a guy that would just throw some crap out there

OK, well if somebody comes out with some actual evidence that would change things for me, but right now the main contact with Russians I have seen has been from Steele who was in Russia to get the Dossier... I presume from 'RUSSIANS" ( If they wanted Trump in office why would they give damning Info to his political opponents) Fussion GPS who met the day before and after the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian Lawyer. And we have the documented fact that Trumps son while 10 minutes into the meeting texted "get me out of this meeting"..

Secondly, why would the Russian government even need Trump if they wanted to flood the internet with misinformation? It wouldnt even be necessary.

If Trump is working for Putin then please explain why hes putting heavy trade tariffs on Putins economic partner China. Seems to me Putin wouldnt like that. Funny though, the Democrats dont like it either.
I don't think it was about wanting Trump in office. It was about keeping Hillary out. Both Putin and top Russia officials have had run ins with Hillary. Trump is a business man know for cutting deals and not likely to stand on principal.
Get your sorry ass out of this country traitor Trump is less than a scumbag next to this man ,,as you are too

Address my post and save your false bravado, punk

There is no reason for the retired admiral to have a security clearance
He has one and he wants your scumbag to take it away
I think all who are no longer employed by our government should be stripped of their 'privilege'. It makes no sense to keep it
There are instances where top intelligence people consult with current official on National Security. When an intelligence official leaves office they don't leave behind years of knowledge and experience. Likewise, many appointments to top intelligence jobs are basically political with limited national security knowledge.

It's pretty clear that Trump's action are retribution for criticism. Trump is not know for his ability to accept criticism lightly.

The president certainly has the right to pull these clearances but most presidents are wise enough not to do so.

So when I transferred my security clearance was downgraded for political reasons by President Reagan? Who knew the Gipper was so involved?
Trump has made it quite clear that anyone that stands against him would feel the force of his office as president of the Trump Organization or President of United States. As president of the Trump Organization, it was just business but as President of the United States it makes him seem petty and unable to take criticism.
It has been amply explained that retired intelligence officials are called in when needed, and it makes sense that their security clearances should remain so this can be done on the spot. John Brennan and Admiral McRaven have demonstrated their allegiance to the interests of the United States of America. trump's actions show how unhinged and unfit for office he is. It is ridiculous how many people support him and yet call themselves "patriots."
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
not quite!

IF Obama were any of the things that he says about Trump, then this guy after 2014, would have spoken up about him too....

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

He's spot on!

Address my post and save your false bravado, punk

There is no reason for the retired admiral to have a security clearance
He has one and he wants your scumbag to take it away
I think all who are no longer employed by our government should be stripped of their 'privilege'. It makes no sense to keep it
There are instances where top intelligence people consult with current official on National Security. When an intelligence official leaves office they don't leave behind years of knowledge and experience. Likewise, many appointments to top intelligence jobs are basically political with limited national security knowledge.

It's pretty clear that Trump's action are retribution for criticism. Trump is not know for his ability to accept criticism lightly.

The president certainly has the right to pull these clearances but most presidents are wise enough not to do so.

So when I transferred my security clearance was downgraded for political reasons by President Reagan? Who knew the Gipper was so involved?
Trump has made it quite clear that anyone that stands against him would feel the force of his office as president of the Trump Organization or President of United States. As president of the Trump Organization, it was just business but as President of the United States it makes him seem petty and unable to take criticism.

Couldn't answer my question, could you?
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.

If he were praising Trump...you would be lavishing praise on him.

So save the tired 'partisan' excuse...it ain't working.

Case Closed.


LOL...and the sum of all your intelligence and knowledge in a reply to my post was 'LMAO Fail'?

So noted.

And BTW - saying things like 'Case Closed' and 'Fail' are classically childish statements made by people who realize on some level that they have little substantive to offer to the discussion...so they try to end it with some sort of lame, unintelligent, 'this discussion is over' nonsense.
I suggest in the future, if you want to be taken seriously, try not to make such obviously desperate and lame discussion-attempt-enders as 'Case closed' or 'Lame'.

Clearly, intelligent conversation with you on this is impossible...so we are done here.

Have a nice day.
Your post was worthy of less.
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
not quite!

IF Obama were any of the things that he says about Trump, then this guy after 2014, would have spoken up about him too....

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

He's spot on!

He isn't. The fact remains, no one on the left would criticize Obama for anything. The truth of the matter is this. If this man made the same statements about Obama, all of you would be calling for courts martial and he is retired!
It has been amply explained that retired intelligence officials are called in when needed, and it makes sense that their security clearances should remain so this can be done on the spot. John Brennan and Admiral McRaven have demonstrated their allegiance to the interests of the United States of America. trump's actions show how unhinged and unfit for office he is. It is ridiculous how many people support him and yet call themselves "patriots."
Incorrect. Retired intelligence officials can easily have their credentials reinstated IF THE NEED ARISES. Until then, they do and should have their clearances revoked.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

The lengths you can go as an orange slave :

Insult Veterans
Boycott NFL
Boycott Hollywood
Insult everyone that Trump insults.
Insult Trump's Victim's
Boycott the media
Boycott the press
Boycott the world (except Russia and Israel)
Believe every lie the orange says.

I'm starting to believe he is the real anti Christ.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

The lengths you can go as an orange slave :

Insult Veterans
Boycott NFL
Boycott Hollywood
Insult everyone that Trump insults.
Insult Trump's Victim's
Boycott the media
Boycott the press
Boycott the world (except Russia and Israel)
Believe every lie the orange says.

I'm starting to believe he is the real anti Christ.
10 to 1, he is! :eek:

He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama. Case closed.
Yes, the case is closed, because Obama is a president of moral rectitude while Trump is simply a moral wreck.
You kinda zoned out during the entire Obama administration didn't you ?
One, you are giving false alt facts, and, two, you are poorly trying to distract from Trump's failure to give moral leadership.
The President is Commander-in-Chief, giving him the authority to revoke the security clearance of any who possess it.

Actually he doesn’t have that authority. And revoking security clearances as punishment for criticizing the sitting President is not only a violation of their first amendment rights, it’s possibly an impeachable offence.

'This is how a whiny tyrant acts': Democrats and intel veterans slam Trump for revoking Brennan's security clearance

Why does an NBC employee need a security clearance, dumbass?

See the post above yours asscrack.
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
not quite!

IF Obama were any of the things that he says about Trump, then this guy after 2014, would have spoken up about him too....

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

He's spot on!

He isn't. The fact remains, no one on the left would criticize Obama for anything. The truth of the matter is this. If this man made the same statements about Obama, all of you would be calling for courts martial and he is retired!

Left wingers had a lot of criticism for Obama. But they also had to spend far too much time defending him from vicious rumours and attacks which started on Inauguration Day with McConnells pledge to make him a one-term President.

Birtherism, Jade Helm, the stockpiling of millions of rounds of ammo in the White House basement to be turned on the people once he won re-election (my personal favourite) FEMA Camps, Obama is a Muslim, Obama has a secret terrorist agenda, Obama is gay, Michelle is a man. And those are just the ones that quickly come to mind.

Isn’t it ironic that the guy who accused Obama of having a secret terrorist agenda is under investigation as an agent of the Russian government? Russians always accuse others of doing the things that they’re doing andvTrump has been using the Russian playbook from the beginning.

This I will give Trump credit for. It’s the most masterful con the world has ever seen.
You libtards are the swamp....

Trump is spanking your ass.
Yeah you schmuck you nitwits are trying to spank this guy?
McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

If he is against Trump he's a tard just like you.
Says the guy posing with a little freshwater fish in his avatar about a guy who swam with sharks and waded through poisonous snakes just for fun, for decades.

mcraven is a poisonous snake...…..
Don't know any SEALS do you.

I know a foolish hack when I see one...….

I can guarantee you the majority of the military

doesn’t agree with the snake.
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
Case open and he through his service to this country .is far more entitled to his thoughts on the ah in our wh than you can ever be
Wrong, douchebag, he isn't anymore entitled than any other American. Leftwing douchebags don't understand what it means to be an American and have equal rights even though they bleat about it all the time.
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
Case open and he through his service to this country .is far more entitled to his thoughts on the ah in our wh than you can ever be
He is entitled to his thoughts when he is retired. As a member of the military, his thoughts are to remain private as his duty is to the Constitution, the Country, and his commander, regardless of who that is or what their politics are.

As a retired member of the Military, he has no need for a security clearance. So his bravado rings just a bit hollow.

However, if he had said this about Obama, you'd be calling him a traitor, let's not pretend otherwise.
The snowflakes want us to believe there aren't any Dims in the military. That's all they have proved.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it
Get your sorry ass out of this country traitor Trump is less than a scumbag next to this man ,,as you are too

Address my post and save your false bravado, punk

There is no reason for the retired admiral to have a security clearance
He has one and he wants your scumbag to take it away
I think all who are no longer employed by our government should be stripped of their 'privilege'. It makes no sense to keep it

Unless of course the country ends up in sudden war, and then the retired folk with a ton of knowledge might suddenly be called upon.
Not Brennan, the lying commie douchebag.
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