"You Have No Choice But To Vote For Me"

Sounds like a threat. Remember his former press secretary said that Trump turns on everybody. And all his friends all his business associates and eventually he’ll turn on the country.

The threat is, "if I lose, you get one of those fucking democrat piles of shit."

It is a threat, a damned serious one.
Sounds like a threat. Remember his former press secretary said that Trump turns on everybody. And all his friends all his business associates and eventually he’ll turn on the country.
The threat is, "if I lose, you get one of those fucking democrat piles of shit." It is a threat, a damned serious one.
And spot on. Phucking guy is always right.

Somebody tell Trump people are not showing up to his rallies,rallies not full lol
View attachment 274712

Nice fake. The cut-out border is clear on the lectern, and his hair.

Actually it isn't fake but you don't realize it because Trump got you brain whipped aka mind controlled.

It's fake, obvious to anyone who uses such software.

Somebody tell Trump people are not showing up to his rallies,rallies not full lol
View attachment 274712

Wow, you Communists used to have people talented in Photoshop.

That looks like a two year old did it...


Cry, stupid fuck.
Sounds like a threat. Remember his former press secretary said that Trump turns on everybody. And all his friends all his business associates and eventually he’ll turn on the country.

Sure, before you know it he'll be asking for a recession....dumbass.
Actually, considering his policies coupled with his waffling tweets and the market reactions and skitters, he IS asking for a recession!

How cleverly Trump does his CYA to his adoring gullible fans. His 'if the econ is good, I did it' to his 'if the econ is bad, only I can save it' and everybody forgets that he lies a lot. His 'trickle up' tax plan alone is a disaster for most Americans.

Somebody tell Trump people are not showing up to his rallies,rallies not full lol
View attachment 274712

Wow, you Communists used to have people talented in Photoshop.

That looks like a two year old did it...


Cry, stupid fuck.
It's hard to understand people who suck up to a Putin admirer like Trump and a Kim Jong Un lover like Trump calling their enemies Communists. And as for fascists..Trump even LOOKS like Benito as much as he acts like him.
Actually, considering his policies coupled with his waffling tweets and the market reactions and skitters, he IS asking for a recession!

How cleverly Trump does his CYA to his adoring gullible fans. His 'if the econ is good, I did it' to his 'if the econ is bad, only I can save it' and everybody forgets that he lies a lot. His 'trickle up' tax plan alone is a disaster for most Americans.

A failing economy is the ONLY chance you Marxists have to gain the presidency, and let's face it, retain the house, in 2020.

You're praying to all of your gods, Allah, Ba'al, Gaia, and Beelzebub that pain and misery will befall the American people so that your rulers can have power.
Sounds like a threat. Remember his former press secretary said that Trump turns on everybody. And all his friends all his business associates and eventually he’ll turn on the country.

Sure, before you know it he'll be asking for a recession....dumbass.
Actually, considering his policies coupled with his waffling tweets and the market reactions and skitters, he IS asking for a recession!

How cleverly Trump does his CYA to his adoring gullible fans. His 'if the econ is good, I did it' to his 'if the econ is bad, only I can save it' and everybody forgets that he lies a lot. His 'trickle up' tax plan alone is a disaster for most Americans.

Wow, it seems like just last month you loons were pissing and moaning about "trickle down", now you're claiming a "trickle up" and what a shock you're still complaining...go figure.
Actually, considering his policies coupled with his waffling tweets and the market reactions and skitters, he IS asking for a recession!

How cleverly Trump does his CYA to his adoring gullible fans. His 'if the econ is good, I did it' to his 'if the econ is bad, only I can save it' and everybody forgets that he lies a lot. His 'trickle up' tax plan alone is a disaster for most Americans.

A failing economy is the ONLY chance you Marxists have to gain the presidency, and let's face it, retain the house, in 2020.

You're praying to all of your gods, Allah, Ba'al, Gaia, and Beelzebub that pain and misery will befall the American people so that your rulers can have power.

True, if we do get to a failing economy hopefully voters will remember the day in/day out BS from libs.
Actually, considering his policies coupled with his waffling tweets and the market reactions and skitters, he IS asking for a recession!

How cleverly Trump does his CYA to his adoring gullible fans. His 'if the econ is good, I did it' to his 'if the econ is bad, only I can save it' and everybody forgets that he lies a lot. His 'trickle up' tax plan alone is a disaster for most Americans.

A failing economy is the ONLY chance you Marxists have to gain the presidency, and let's face it, retain the house, in 2020.

You're praying to all of your gods, Allah, Ba'al, Gaia, and Beelzebub that pain and misery will befall the American people so that your rulers can have power.
If a failing econ is the ONLY chance to get rid of the abomination, we got it made. As for the rest of you hyperbole...pshaw!
No third party currently has the support necessary to win a presidential election. The best they can accomplish is to undermine the party that is closest to their own ideals.
Shhhh! I'm trying to encourage them to vote 3rd party. I dont care which one, just dont vote Democrat.
Sounds like a threat. Remember his former press secretary said that Trump turns on everybody. And all his friends all his business associates and eventually he’ll turn on the country.

Sure, before you know it he'll be asking for a recession....dumbass.
Actually, considering his policies coupled with his waffling tweets and the market reactions and skitters, he IS asking for a recession!

How cleverly Trump does his CYA to his adoring gullible fans. His 'if the econ is good, I did it' to his 'if the econ is bad, only I can save it' and everybody forgets that he lies a lot. His 'trickle up' tax plan alone is a disaster for most Americans.

Wow, it seems like just last month you loons were pissing and moaning about "trickle down", now you're claiming a "trickle up" and what a shock you're still complaining...go figure.
The complaint is that there is no trickle down. However there are strong signs and portents of a trickle up that ever widens the gap between wealth and poverty. Guess which side the ever shrinking middle class is falling into.

Somebody tell Trump people are not showing up to his rallies,rallies not full lol
View attachment 274712

Wow, you Communists used to have people talented in Photoshop.

That looks like a two year old did it...


Cry, stupid fuck.
It's hard to understand people who suck up to a Putin admirer like Trump and a Kim Jong Un lover like Trump calling their enemies Communists. And as for fascists..Trump even LOOKS like Benito as much as he acts like him.

It's hard to understand you Conspiracy whack jobs, even after your humiliating defeat, you just keep lying. You Stalinist seem to think that if you just lie hard enough, you can change reality to fit your lies.


The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.

The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time period.1232

You and your filthy party have been flat out lying from day one, on until today.
Actually, considering his policies coupled with his waffling tweets and the market reactions and skitters, he IS asking for a recession!

How cleverly Trump does his CYA to his adoring gullible fans. His 'if the econ is good, I did it' to his 'if the econ is bad, only I can save it' and everybody forgets that he lies a lot. His 'trickle up' tax plan alone is a disaster for most Americans.

A failing economy is the ONLY chance you Marxists have to gain the presidency, and let's face it, retain the house, in 2020.

You're praying to all of your gods, Allah, Ba'al, Gaia, and Beelzebub that pain and misery will befall the American people so that your rulers can have power.

True, if we do get to a failing economy hopefully voters will remember the day in/day out BS from libs.

The leftists will promise "free shit" which is how they get people to vote for them,

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