You Have No Right to Destroy Private or Public Property. If You Do Deadly Force Appropriate

The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.
The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.

That's idiotic because we don't ask poor people to arrest criminals. Police have to have certain immunities in doing their job or the job becomes impossible.

Explain to me your perfect system of policing.
The job is not impossible to do well and with honor. Trouble is, we allow crappy people to be cops and stay cops long after they have shown themselves to be crappy. That's one problem. Another is that your income has a great deal to do with how you come out of trouble with the law. This dysfunction and inequality perpetuated by racism and the war on drugs has brought us to this point. I suppose it's just difficult for you to envision a non-authoritarian approach to public safety.

Nice dodge. When you bring up concepts like honor, and avoid talking about nuts and bolts, you admit you don't have an answer, you just want to bitch about things.

All of this to ignore the fact that some people are criminal assholes and have to be separated from society so we don't fucking kill them.

When they resist said separation, all of a sudden you idiots think it's a question of just telling them to calm down and submit.

No one at this address had done anything illegal or had harmed anyone.
The police harmed the people at this address, first by scaring them with a battering ram to the door, and second by illegally shooting wildly through the door and wall.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.

Police should not exist.
We did not have any significant police until around 1900, when this country went fascist and approved a federal income tax.
We did fine before there were police, and we should go back to that.
There was less crime and less corruption.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.
The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.

That's idiotic because we don't ask poor people to arrest criminals. Police have to have certain immunities in doing their job or the job becomes impossible.

Explain to me your perfect system of policing.
The job is not impossible to do well and with honor. Trouble is, we allow crappy people to be cops and stay cops long after they have shown themselves to be crappy. That's one problem. Another is that your income has a great deal to do with how you come out of trouble with the law. This dysfunction and inequality perpetuated by racism and the war on drugs has brought us to this point. I suppose it's just difficult for you to envision a non-authoritarian approach to public safety.

Nice dodge. When you bring up concepts like honor, and avoid talking about nuts and bolts, you admit you don't have an answer, you just want to bitch about things.

All of this to ignore the fact that some people are criminal assholes and have to be separated from society so we don't fucking kill them.

When they resist said separation, all of a sudden you idiots think it's a question of just telling them to calm down and submit.

The simple solution to get rid of the police is just let people be armed more easily, so they can defend themselves.
The prosecutor's office can check evidence after a crime, so we do not need police at all.
They NEVER prevent crime because they never get there on time.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.
The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.

That's idiotic because we don't ask poor people to arrest criminals. Police have to have certain immunities in doing their job or the job becomes impossible.

Explain to me your perfect system of policing.
The job is not impossible to do well and with honor. Trouble is, we allow crappy people to be cops and stay cops long after they have shown themselves to be crappy. That's one problem. Another is that your income has a great deal to do with how you come out of trouble with the law. This dysfunction and inequality perpetuated by racism and the war on drugs has brought us to this point. I suppose it's just difficult for you to envision a non-authoritarian approach to public safety.

Nice dodge. When you bring up concepts like honor, and avoid talking about nuts and bolts, you admit you don't have an answer, you just want to bitch about things.

All of this to ignore the fact that some people are criminal assholes and have to be separated from society so we don't fucking kill them.

When they resist said separation, all of a sudden you idiots think it's a question of just telling them to calm down and submit.
I did have an answer. I neglected to arrange it in easy bullet points for the mentally impaired.

To recap:
Get rid of crappy cops and strongly remind the rest that they are public servants.

Get rid of the clear income and racial bias in the courts.

Quit fighting the war on drugs with authoritarianism because that is definitely not working. In spite of millions of arrests and convictions Americans can still get all the drugs they want.
Bring it on fucktards. I haven't seen any of these assholes within a 75 mile radius. THEY know why they don't come here too. We all have tractors and loaders, hungry pigs.... Step on my land for no good reason or with mal intent, go on do it. You'll be here for a "long long time" and 85% of the people in most KY are just like that.
Police should not exist.
We did not have any significant police until around 1900, when this country went fascist and approved a federal income tax.
We did fine before there were police, and we should go back to that.
There was less crime and less corruption.

You mean go back to Sheriffs, Marshals, vigilantes, lynching, lawlessness? Go back to the days of crime pays?

The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.

They are subject to the same laws. Why don't you go become a police officer, show them all in your infinite wisdom how to deal with 25 Saint Floyds a day.
The simple solution to get rid of the police is just let people be armed more easily, so they can defend themselves.
The prosecutor's office can check evidence after a crime, so we do not need police at all.
They NEVER prevent crime because they never get there on time.

How does a prosecutor check evidence if there are no police to collect that evidence?

Fuck, you're a retard. Try to think and not blow a fuse.
The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.

They are subject to the same laws. Why don't you go become a police officer, show them all in your infinite wisdom how to deal with 25 Saint Floyds a day.
Bullshit. The police alone truly are considered innocent until proven guilty. They hardly ever to to jail for misconduct and when they do they serve absurdly light sentences. They get what we should be getting but they have to justify their phony-baloney jobs.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.

The criminals ARE the police.
There is absolutely no legal basis for any law concerning drugs.
Police can defend the right of others when infringed upon, but drugs do not harm anyone else.
So police can never have legal authority over any private drug issues.

Sorry, but put the blame on the people asking for and writing the laws. once the laws are in place, and you break, them and then you resist being arrested for them you are at fault.
Police should not exist.
We did not have any significant police until around 1900, when this country went fascist and approved a federal income tax.
We did fine before there were police, and we should go back to that.
There was less crime and less corruption.

You mean go back to Sheriffs, Marshals, vigilantes, lynching, lawlessness? Go back to the days of crime pays?


What you said was a contradiction in itself.
You combined together vigilantes and lynchings, which is too much enforcement, with lawlessness, which is too little enforcement.
Clearly is there were no police, everyone would be armed like they used to be in the old days, and crime would greatly DECREASE.
There was no lack of law and order in the old days at all.
There was more law and order than now.
There was no government corruption like the War on Drugs.
High paid lawyers did not get the guilty off on technicalities, because they would be dead.
The answer is to make the police subject to the same laws they put poor people in jail for. Anything less and we are consenting to live in a police state.

They are subject to the same laws. Why don't you go become a police officer, show them all in your infinite wisdom how to deal with 25 Saint Floyds a day.

The police did not have to do anything at all with Floyd George.
He was not passing counterfeit bills as originally claimed.
The simple solution to get rid of the police is just let people be armed more easily, so they can defend themselves.
The prosecutor's office can check evidence after a crime, so we do not need police at all.
They NEVER prevent crime because they never get there on time.

How does a prosecutor check evidence if there are no police to collect that evidence?

Fuck, you're a retard. Try to think and not blow a fuse.

Police do not and should not collect evidence.
It is trained and unarmed civilian forensic experts who do that.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.

The criminals ARE the police.
There is absolutely no legal basis for any law concerning drugs.
Police can defend the right of others when infringed upon, but drugs do not harm anyone else.
So police can never have legal authority over any private drug issues.

Sorry, but put the blame on the people asking for and writing the laws. once the laws are in place, and you break, them and then you resist being arrested for them you are at fault.

No, the police should know better than to allow illegal laws like the War on Drugs, Prohibition, 3 Strikes, asset forfeiture, etc.
They should be the advocate of the people, since we are the tax payers their salary comes from.
But since we do not sign their paychecks, they are corrupt and do what they know is illegal.

The excuse of "just following orders" was denied at the Nuremberg Trials.
People should know better, so are responsible for what ever they do, no matter who tells them to do it or not.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.

The criminals ARE the police.
There is absolutely no legal basis for any law concerning drugs.
Police can defend the right of others when infringed upon, but drugs do not harm anyone else.
So police can never have legal authority over any private drug issues.

Sorry, but put the blame on the people asking for and writing the laws. once the laws are in place, and you break, them and then you resist being arrested for them you are at fault.

No, the police should know better than to allow illegal laws like the War on Drugs, Prohibition, 3 Strikes, asset forfeiture, etc.
They should be the advocate of the people, since we are the tax payers their salary comes from.
But since we do not sign their paychecks, they are corrupt and do what they know is illegal.

The excuse of "just following orders" was denied at the Nuremberg Trials.
People should know better, so are responsible for what ever they do, no matter who tells them to do it or not.

That's as skewed as a world view as the lefty idiots on this board.
No closed season.

No minimum size.

No bag limit.

You have a point in that the left is the least armed, but if you kill them off, you won't have anyone to work for you or to buy the stuff you want to sell.
You would also have to kill off over half the population.
The cops have no right to destroy people with impunity but they do it all the time. Since civil unrest is the only way to get action on police misconduct that is what happens. It does not have to be that way but "law and order" hypocrites insist on it. Protests will continue.
Law enforcement does not "destroy people" all the time. In a society of over 300 million people and the thousands of calls officers respond to each year only about 400 result in the use of force. Out of those less than half are fatal. Over half are white people. Almost all the shootings justified. There is no widespread police "misconduct." You want a communist revolution and are using the false narrative of police brutality to riot, burn, loot, and steal.
Tell me how those questionable figures are any comfort when someone you love gets murdered or simply just fucked-over by the police and you know they will never be made to account for it? Simply blaming the victim as you do makes you part of the problem.

So the answer is to not police, let criminals do what they want, so there is zero risk of anything happening to them when they are arrested, because arrests wouldn't exist...

Or we replace police with robots.

The criminals ARE the police.
There is absolutely no legal basis for any law concerning drugs.
Police can defend the right of others when infringed upon, but drugs do not harm anyone else.
So police can never have legal authority over any private drug issues.

Sorry, but put the blame on the people asking for and writing the laws. once the laws are in place, and you break, them and then you resist being arrested for them you are at fault.

No, the police should know better than to allow illegal laws like the War on Drugs, Prohibition, 3 Strikes, asset forfeiture, etc.
They should be the advocate of the people, since we are the tax payers their salary comes from.
But since we do not sign their paychecks, they are corrupt and do what they know is illegal.

The excuse of "just following orders" was denied at the Nuremberg Trials.
People should know better, so are responsible for what ever they do, no matter who tells them to do it or not.

That's as skewed as a world view as the lefty idiots on this board.

No, what it means is that the police are aware of their unfair role, like arresting 9 times as many Blacks for drugs than whites, even though far more whites use and sell drugs. The police know that asset forfeiture is illegal, but they also know the more they take in, the more stable their own paycheck is going to be.

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