You have to ask yourself: what are they so afraid of?

Your Nazi friends are not a protected class covered under any state or federal anti discrimination laws, puppy.
Oh is not even remotely legal to have a “protected class”. The law must be applied equally. That’s an undeniable fact.
Law and precedent, once again, disagree with your rice crispies.
There's nothing I can say or do to dissuade someone who would say such a thing, especially when the instrument of deflection is the Left's pet constituent religion, and the tactic is the standard & transparent attempt to equate the most regressive religion on the planet with the religion they loathe the most.

And you didn't use the term "terrorists" the first time. You added that. You said "Stormfront is no different than ISIS". I wonder if you realize that, or if that's just the way this game is played: Intellectual Honesty Optional. I admit that I don't understand these behaviors, which is why I no longer burn effort trying to engage them.

Believe what you will. Deflect from the OP all you want. And this is the problem, as clear as a bell.

Stormfront is a neonazi, white supremacist group. They lost their web host after the events in Charlottesville because their website helped organize the rally. Another host dropped them for inciting violence.

Oh, and the reason you can't come up with a difference between the members of Stormfront and the members of ISIS is because their is none.
I'm no fan of Stormfront, but there is a slight difference between expressing hatred by demonstrations though often violent and expressing hatred by killing people indiscriminately.

Neo Nazis do express their hatred by killing indiscriminately.

You're kidding, right?

FBI has 1,000 open investigations into violent white supremacy, domestic terrorism
Your article says nothing of indiscriminate killings.

The Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as an attempt to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping."

Show me where Neo Nazis in the US have or are suspected of having killed people indiscriminately.
Stormfront is a neonazi, white supremacist group. They lost their web host after the events in Charlottesville because their website helped organize the rally. Another host dropped them for inciting violence.

Oh, and the reason you can't come up with a difference between the members of Stormfront and the members of ISIS is because their is none.
I'm no fan of Stormfront, but there is a slight difference between expressing hatred by demonstrations though often violent and expressing hatred by killing people indiscriminately.

Neo Nazis do express their hatred by killing indiscriminately.

You're kidding, right?

FBI has 1,000 open investigations into violent white supremacy, domestic terrorism
Your article says nothing of indiscriminate killings.

The Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as an attempt to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping."

Show me where Neo Nazis in the US have or are suspected of having killed people indiscriminately.

Group chat messages show school shooter obsessed with race, violence and guns - CNN


Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017
I'm no fan of Stormfront, but there is a slight difference between expressing hatred by demonstrations though often violent and expressing hatred by killing people indiscriminately.

Neo Nazis do express their hatred by killing indiscriminately.

You're kidding, right?

FBI has 1,000 open investigations into violent white supremacy, domestic terrorism
Your article says nothing of indiscriminate killings.

The Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as an attempt to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping."

Show me where Neo Nazis in the US have or are suspected of having killed people indiscriminately.

Group chat messages show school shooter obsessed with race, violence and guns - CNN


Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017
I'll give you half a point. Your article is sprinkled with stories involving murders of roommates, family members, police, blacks only, and such. These are not indiscriminate killings.
Your article says nothing of indiscriminate killings.

The Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as an attempt to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping."

Show me where Neo Nazis in the US have or are suspected of having killed people indiscriminately.

Group chat messages show school shooter obsessed with race, violence and guns - CNN


Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017
I'll give you half a point. Your article is sprinkled with stories involving murders of roommates, family members, police, blacks only, and such. These are not indiscriminate killings.

They are terrorists with little or no difference between them and ISIS. Why is it so hard to admit that?
Your article says nothing of indiscriminate killings.

The Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as an attempt to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping."

Show me where Neo Nazis in the US have or are suspected of having killed people indiscriminately.

Group chat messages show school shooter obsessed with race, violence and guns - CNN


Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017
I'll give you half a point. Your article is sprinkled with stories involving murders of roommates, family members, police, blacks only, and such. These are not indiscriminate killings.

They are terrorists with little or no difference between them and ISIS. Why is it so hard to admit that?
They are terrorists with significant difference between them and ISIS. That is why.
Your article says nothing of indiscriminate killings.

The Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as an attempt to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping."

Show me where Neo Nazis in the US have or are suspected of having killed people indiscriminately.

Group chat messages show school shooter obsessed with race, violence and guns - CNN


Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017
I'll give you half a point. Your article is sprinkled with stories involving murders of roommates, family members, police, blacks only, and such. These are not indiscriminate killings.

They are terrorists with little or no difference between them and ISIS. Why is it so hard to admit that?
They are terrorists with significant difference between them and ISIS. That is why.

And yet, oddly, nobody can seem to articulate those differences. So far the only one given in this thread is that one deserves to be hosted by Go Daddy and the other not.
Your article says nothing of indiscriminate killings.

The Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as an attempt to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping."

Show me where Neo Nazis in the US have or are suspected of having killed people indiscriminately.

Group chat messages show school shooter obsessed with race, violence and guns - CNN


Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017
I'll give you half a point. Your article is sprinkled with stories involving murders of roommates, family members, police, blacks only, and such. These are not indiscriminate killings.

They are terrorists with little or no difference between them and ISIS. Why is it so hard to admit that?
They are terrorists with significant difference between them and ISIS. That is why.

And yet, oddly, nobody can seem to articulate those differences. So far the only one given in this thread is that one deserves to be hosted by Go Daddy and the other not.
One is that they do not advocate the death of all that do not agree with them.
I'll give you half a point. Your article is sprinkled with stories involving murders of roommates, family members, police, blacks only, and such. These are not indiscriminate killings.

They are terrorists with little or no difference between them and ISIS. Why is it so hard to admit that?
They are terrorists with significant difference between them and ISIS. That is why.

And yet, oddly, nobody can seem to articulate those differences. So far the only one given in this thread is that one deserves to be hosted by Go Daddy and the other not.
One is that they do not advocate the death of all that do not agree with them.

No, they advocate death to people who are a different color.
You have to ask yourself: what are they so afraid of?



The ONLY thing the communist left is afraid of, is your ability to overthrow their authoritarian, control-all government.

Other than that, NOTHING. They will goose-step their way to complete control. They are just massively ass hurt because it was HER TURN!!!

see, every so often I think you aren't as dumb as the other trumptards. and then you say something pathetic like "communist left".

there is no viable group of communists among democrats. there is no viable communist party in the US.

perhaps if you stopped hallucinating?
I'll give you half a point. Your article is sprinkled with stories involving murders of roommates, family members, police, blacks only, and such. These are not indiscriminate killings.

They are terrorists with little or no difference between them and ISIS. Why is it so hard to admit that?
They are terrorists with significant difference between them and ISIS. That is why.

And yet, oddly, nobody can seem to articulate those differences. So far the only one given in this thread is that one deserves to be hosted by Go Daddy and the other not.
One is that they do not advocate the death of all that do not agree with them.

that's funny given that I've only seen that among trumpscum.
You have to ask yourself: what are they so afraid of?



The ONLY thing the communist left is afraid of, is your ability to overthrow their authoritarian, control-all government.

Other than that, NOTHING. They will goose-step their way to complete control. They are just massively ass hurt because it was HER TURN!!!

see, every so often I think you aren't as dumb as the other trumptards. and then you say something pathetic like "communist left".

there is no viable group of communists among democrats. there is no viable communist party in the US.

perhaps if you stopped hallucinating?
Perhaps you should revisit the definition of viable.
RE: The thread title's question

Liberals are afraid that unchecked speech can harm defenseless people.

Liberals feel that words should never be used as weapons to denigrate any ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, etc.


Since President Trump's election, liberals have been very successful in getting closer to their goal of removing anything that they define as "hate speech."

Because liberals control the media, academia, and the deep state, they have been able to close down many websites and to ban many members on social media.

(They have so far failed to remove President Trump from Twitter, but they may eventually succeed.)


So long as President Trump/Pence is in office, liberals will continue their efforts to censor anything that they feel is harmful to any group of people.

Liberals do not apologize for their efforts; they are proud of what they are doing, for they sincerely believe that they are in the right and that they are fighting to stop bad people from misusing the Internet and the socials.
I'll give you half a point. Your article is sprinkled with stories involving murders of roommates, family members, police, blacks only, and such. These are not indiscriminate killings.

They are terrorists with little or no difference between them and ISIS. Why is it so hard to admit that?
They are terrorists with significant difference between them and ISIS. That is why.

And yet, oddly, nobody can seem to articulate those differences. So far the only one given in this thread is that one deserves to be hosted by Go Daddy and the other not.
One is that they do not advocate the death of all that do not agree with them.

that's funny given that I've only seen that among trumpscum.

What is the goal of you Maoist traitors then with your vicious war on civil rights and the United States Constitution?

Why don't we turn to your beloved leaders for some clues?

{"White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God's grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I'm here to say your time is up, your world is through," he later said.}

Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan delivers anti-Semitic speech - CNNPolitics

Well, THAT is exactly what you democrats are about - it is ALL you are about.
RE: The thread title's question

Liberals are afraid that unchecked speech can harm defenseless people.

Liberals feel that words should never be used as weapons to denigrate any ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, etc.


Since President Trump's election, liberals have been very successful in getting closer to their goal of removing anything that they define as "hate speech."

Because liberals control the media, academia, and the deep state, they have been able to close down many websites and to ban many members on social media.

(They have so far failed to remove President Trump from Twitter, but they may eventually succeed.)


So long as President Trump/Pence is in office, liberals will continue their efforts to censor anything that they feel is harmful to any group of people.

Liberals do not apologize for their efforts; they are proud of what they are doing, for they sincerely believe that they are in the right and that they are fighting to stop bad people from misusing the Internet and the socials.

You are not "liberals," you are Marxists You have nothing in common with Thomas Jefferson or George Mason. Pol Pot on the other hand is the spiritual leader you follow,

The hatred you have for civil right is WHY you Stalinist scum are enemies of decent people everywhere.
I don't see any difference between left thinking hate & right thinking hate. to hate equates to drinking poison & waiting for the other person to die.
Let's just pretend for a moment that the right stands for every lie that the left insists they do. Let's pretend that the right spreads hate (done by the left in reality), advocates violence (done by the left in reality), and lies (done by the left in reality). So what? Why does the left want to completely shut down free speech?

The left is the one who spreads hate, advocates for violence, and lies. I have zero desire to shut them down. The more they speak and act, the more the masses can identify them for the evil that they actually are. So why is the left so desperate to shut down every from of communication from the right? Why do they want Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity off of the air? Why does YouTube take down videos and/or channels that they do not agree with? Why does Facebook suspend or block accounts when they don't like the message? Why did Cloudfare shut down "Daily Stormer"?

The answer is obvious: the left doesn't want the American people to hear another view. They don't want independent thought or an exchange of ideas. Because they know, in the end, their bat-shit crazy ideology will be rejected. Fascism. In its purest form.

GoDaddy and Google have refused service to a notorious neo-Nazi site

As an aside, the free exchange of ideas is what's known as "liberal" thought.

Get your terminology straight, people. Liberals are not the enemy, Communo-Marxist-Fascists and globalists are.

While true it's kinda like muslims refusing to speak out against muslim terrorist.
Or blacks who claim they dinnet see nuffin.

I'd like nothing more than to see democrats become democrats again.
At least we had some common ground in those days.
Again...a logical person would ask themselves what is the left so afraid of?!? :dunno:
Twitter is limiting the visibility of prominent Republicans in search results — a technique known as 'shadow banning'
Of course, the first thing the left is going to do is break down crying here and scream “they are allowed to do that”. No argument here. Twitter is a corporation has every right to run their business how they wish.

And citizens such as myself have every right to question and criticize them. China sensors the internet. Russia sensors the internet. North Korea sensors the internet. It should come as no surprise to anyone that the left employs all of the same policies, tactics, and techniques as these oppressive nations.

VICE NEWS: Twitter 'Shadow Bans' are a real thing
Again...a logical person would ask themselves what is the left so afraid of?!? :dunno:
Twitter is limiting the visibility of prominent Republicans in search results — a technique known as 'shadow banning'

Of course, the first thing the left is going to do is break down crying here and scream “they are allowed to do that”. No argument here. Twitter is a corporation has every right to run their business how they wish.

And citizens such as myself have every right to question and criticize them. China sensors the internet. Russia sensors the internet. North Korea sensors the internet. It should come as no surprise to anyone that the left employs all of the same policies, tactics, and techniques as these oppressive nations.

VICE NEWS: Twitter 'Shadow Bans' are a real thing

I think that basically they are afraid of losing. That fear manifested itself in the lunacy displayed by the leftist snowflakes when Bitchillary lost to Donald Trump.

Screaming at the moon, crying like babies, expressing symptoms of severe shock and disorientation...the left came unglued.

The left remains unglued today...after 17 months under a Trump Presidency...because he is doing what he said he would do. They may lose more in 2018...and again in 2020.
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I think that basically they are afraid of losing.
I suspect you’re right - but that begs the question: if they are afraid of losing when all cards are on the table (so to speak), then what is wrong with their message/policies/etc.?

I mean, if you can’t win when all parties have a voice, then you don’t deserve to win. There is clearly something wrong with your position if you have to resort to oppressive tactics to “win”.

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