You have to ask yourself: what are they so afraid of?

There is always value in communication.

In all sincerity, it saddens me that I even have to say that.

Does that include Extremist Muslims, Mac? Should S get a web page too?
Of course.

You really don't understand this.

Really? American companies should allow ISIS to use their intellectual property to disseminate terrorism? You’re cool with that?
That's not what I thought you meant. I didn't know "S" meant ISIS.

Now that you've completely deflected from both my point and that of the thread, I must admit I'm not following.

Yes, Mac, ISIS got truncated to S. Want to converse with them? Think they should have a web presence? Stormfront is no different than ISIS.
I believe that you believe that.
Let's just pretend for a moment that the right stands for every lie that the left insists they do. Let's pretend that the right spreads hate (done by the left in reality), advocates violence (done by the left in reality), and lies (done by the left in reality). So what? Why does the left want to completely shut down free speech?

The left is the one who spreads hate, advocates for violence, and lies. I have zero desire to shut them down. The more they speak and act, the more the masses can identify them for the evil that they actually are. So why is the left so desperate to shut down every from of communication from the right? Why do they want Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity off of the air? Why does YouTube take down videos and/or channels that they do not agree with? Why does Facebook suspend or block accounts when they don't like the message? Why did Cloudfare shut down "Daily Stormer"?

The answer is obvious: the left doesn't want the American people to hear another view. They don't want independent thought or an exchange of ideas. Because they know, in the end, their bat-shit crazy ideology will be rejected. Fascism. In its purest form.

GoDaddy and Google have refused service to a notorious neo-Nazi site

Let's "pretend" you're not nuts! LOL
Let's just pretend for a moment that the right stands for every lie that the left insists they do. Let's pretend that the right spreads hate (done by the left in reality), advocates violence (done by the left in reality), and lies (done by the left in reality). So what? Why does the left want to completely shut down free speech?

The left is the one who spreads hate, advocates for violence, and lies. I have zero desire to shut the down. The more they speak and act, the more the masses can identify them for the evil that they actually are. So why is the left so desperate to shut down every from of communication from the right? Why do they want Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity off of the air? Why does YouTube take down videos and/or channels that do no agree with them? Why does Facebook suspend or block accounts when they don't like the message? Why did Cloudfare shut down "Daily Stormer"?

The answer is obvious: the left doesn't want the American people to hear another view. They don't want independent thought or an exchange of ideas. Because they know, in the end, their bat-shit crazy ideology will be rejected. Fascism. In its purest form.

GoDaddy and Google have refused service to a notorious neo-Nazi site

You've only started another contradictory thread spewing your typical uninformed and slanted drivel claiming some type of dystopian cabal striping your right to speech while exercising your speech. Are you so bloody dense you see no conflict between your pronouncements and your actions??

Rottweiler, you were hosed in your previous life on here as a dog and now you're just being used as someone's bitch in a new suit of transparent clothes trying to reinvent yourself as if you were relevant! Screw you Rott and your despicable bullshit lies and ignorant distortions.

He merely advocated free speech, something the Democrat Farty wants to squelch.
Let's just pretend for a moment that the right stands for every lie that the left insists they do. Let's pretend that the right spreads hate (done by the left in reality), advocates violence (done by the left in reality), and lies (done by the left in reality). So what? Why does the left want to completely shut down free speech?

The left is the one who spreads hate, advocates for violence, and lies. I have zero desire to shut them down. The more they speak and act, the more the masses can identify them for the evil that they actually are. So why is the left so desperate to shut down every from of communication from the right? Why do they want Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity off of the air? Why does YouTube take down videos and/or channels that they do not agree with? Why does Facebook suspend or block accounts when they don't like the message? Why did Cloudfare shut down "Daily Stormer"?

The answer is obvious: the left doesn't want the American people to hear another view. They don't want independent thought or an exchange of ideas. Because they know, in the end, their bat-shit crazy ideology will be rejected. Fascism. In its purest form.

GoDaddy and Google have refused service to a notorious neo-Nazi site

I see more hate recently from the right. I also see more opportunism, racism and obfuscation from the right. I don't agree with censorship, but when you can be banned from a right/left wing political message board for a simple disagreement, it tells me partisans only possess finite tolerances for free speech. This creates enclaves and vacuums populated by only like-minded. These are worthless. Private businesses have the right to discriminate and are choosing to use said right in certain circumstances.

If you want to say and do racist shit, fine. Don't expect people to put up with you. Free speech has consequences. don't understand them anymore than you don't understand that racists are not a protected class.
Kitty, I really hate to break this to you (well...ok...I actually love it), but it is illegal to have “protected classes” in the U.S. The law must be applied equally. Period.
Private businesses have the right to discriminate and are choosing to use said right in certain circumstances.
I agree with you 100%, Tumblin Tumbleweed. I only ask that you remember your own words when a wedding hall or bakery denies the homosexual community service because not doing so violates their 1st Amendment religious beliefs.

See, according to poor little kitty Seawytch - a private business does not have the right to discriminate. She thinks “public accommodation laws” are constitutional and reasonable. That is, until her hate and bigotry towards a group comes into play. Then, all of a sudden, she magically believes that businesses who serve the public are instantly immune from the same “public accommodation laws” she touts.

See - like all progressives she’s inconsistent in her irrational, emotional views. I, on the other hand, recognize that a private business on private property has the constitutional right to refuse service to anyone for any reason (including web hosting companies denying white supremacists their service). But then again, I’m not a progressive. I build rational, logical views based on facts rather than irrational, emotional views based on feelings.
I don't agree with censorship, but when you can be banned from a right/left wing political message board for a simple disagreement, it tells me partisans only possess finite tolerances for free speech. This creates enclaves and vacuums populated by only like-minded. These are worthless.
:clap2: :clap: :clap2: don't understand them anymore than you don't understand that racists are not a protected class.
Kitty, I really hate to break this to you (well...ok...I actually love it), but it is illegal to have “protected classes” in the U.S. The law must be applied equally. Period.

And there you go with the conversations in your head again. Actual Supreme Court rulings disagree with your ramblings.
Let's just pretend for a moment that the right stands for every lie that the left insists they do. Let's pretend that the right spreads hate (done by the left in reality), advocates violence (done by the left in reality), and lies (done by the left in reality). So what? Why does the left want to completely shut down free speech?

The left is the one who spreads hate, advocates for violence, and lies. I have zero desire to shut them down. The more they speak and act, the more the masses can identify them for the evil that they actually are. So why is the left so desperate to shut down every from of communication from the right? Why do they want Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity off of the air? Why does YouTube take down videos and/or channels that they do not agree with? Why does Facebook suspend or block accounts when they don't like the message? Why did Cloudfare shut down "Daily Stormer"?

The answer is obvious: the left doesn't want the American people to hear another view. They don't want independent thought or an exchange of ideas. Because they know, in the end, their bat-shit crazy ideology will be rejected. Fascism. In its purest form.

GoDaddy and Google have refused service to a notorious neo-Nazi site

They are afraid of having their brand associated with a bunch of pig-fucking nazi sister-fuckers. don't understand them anymore than you don't understand that racists are not a protected class.
Kitty, I really hate to break this to you (well...ok...I actually love it), but it is illegal to have “protected classes” in the U.S. The law must be applied equally. Period.

And there you go with the conversations in your head again. Actual Supreme Court rulings disagree with your ramblings.! Wait, let me get this straight here. It is now your position that the government does not have to apply the law equally and that they can treat different citizens in different ways?

Folks...she literally just said that this comes from the Supreme Court. :lmao:
Private businesses have the right to discriminate.

In the United States they don’t. Don’t like it, change the law.

It’s called the Civil Rights Act. Good luck.

Which particular "law" shall I change? There's quite a few.

"We reserve the right to refuse service" is really a thing. If/when you finish reading that looooong bunch of text, the whole thing, not cherry picking, you'll find it's illegal!, but actually legal, depending on the situation. Here's another source for that assertion.

This is our legal system in a nutshell, ladies and gentleman. You seem to be pinning absolutes on an absurd system that doesn't completely support them. It never has, and never will. But, it's all we got. Ideologies have milked said system for centuries. Why would today be different?

Thus, I stand behind my opinion that indeed, private businesses have the right to discriminate. We'll have to respectfully disagree on that one.
Does that include Extremist Muslims, Mac? Should S get a web page too?
Of course.

You really don't understand this.

Really? American companies should allow ISIS to use their intellectual property to disseminate terrorism? You’re cool with that?
That's not what I thought you meant. I didn't know "S" meant ISIS.

Now that you've completely deflected from both my point and that of the thread, I must admit I'm not following.

Yes, Mac, ISIS got truncated to S. Want to converse with them? Think they should have a web presence? Stormfront is no different than ISIS.
I believe that you believe that.

So dissuade me of the notion. How are white supremacist terrorist different than ISIS terrorists?
Private businesses have the right to discriminate.

In the United States they don’t. Don’t like it, change the law.

It’s called the Civil Rights Act. Good luck.

Which particular "law" shall I change? There's quite a few.

"We reserve the right to refuse service" is really a thing. If/when you finish reading that looooong bunch of text, the whole thing, not cherry picking, you'll find it's illegal!, but actually legal, depending on the situation. Here's another source for that assertion.

This is our legal system in a nutshell, ladies and gentleman. You seem to be pinning absolutes on an absurd system that doesn't completely support them. It never has, and never will. But, it's all we got. Ideologies have milked said system for centuries. Why would today be different?

Thus, I stand behind my opinion that indeed, private businesses have the right to discriminate. We'll have to respectfully disagree on that one.

You can disagree with me all you want to, the LAW disagrees with you.

The entire United States is covered by the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination by privately owned places of public accommodation on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. Places of “public accommodation” include hotels, restaurants, theaters, banks, health clubs and stores. Nonprofit organizations such as churches are generally exempt from the law.

The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination by private businesses based on disability.

The federal law does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, so gays are not a protected group under the federal law. However, about 20 states, including New York and California, have enacted laws that prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on sexual orientation. In California, you also can’t discriminate based on someone’s unconventional dress. In some states, like Arizona, there’s no state law banning discrimination against gays, but there are local laws in some cities that prohibit sexual orientation discrimination.

So, no matter where you live, you cannot deny service to someone because of his or her race, color, religion, national origin or disability. In some states and cities, you also cannot discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation. If there is no state, federal or local law prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations against a particular group of people, then you can legally refuse to serve that group of people.
The Right to Refuse Service: Can a Business Refuse Service to Someone?

So to reiterate, the law says that business do NOT have that right.
So to reiterate, the law says that business do NOT have that right.
So yet again you have idiotically contradicted your own position. Those web hosting companies cannot refuse their services to the Daily Stormer by your own words. :laugh:
Private businesses have the right to discriminate.
In the United States they don’t. Don’t like it, change the law. It’s called the Civil Rights Act. Good luck.
Thus, I stand behind my opinion that indeed, private businesses have the right to discriminate. We'll have to respectfully disagree on that one.
So to reiterate, the law says that business do NOT have that right.
Hahahahahaha!!! From your own link, Seawytch:
The federal law does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, so gays are not a protected group under the federal law.
Indisputable proof that Seawytch has been lying for almost 8 years now!

The Right to Refuse Service: Can a Business Refuse Service to Someone?

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Private businesses have the right to discriminate.

In the United States they don’t. Don’t like it, change the law.

It’s called the Civil Rights Act. Good luck.

Which particular "law" shall I change? There's quite a few.

"We reserve the right to refuse service" is really a thing. If/when you finish reading that looooong bunch of text, the whole thing, not cherry picking, you'll find it's illegal!, but actually legal, depending on the situation. Here's another source for that assertion.

This is our legal system in a nutshell, ladies and gentleman. You seem to be pinning absolutes on an absurd system that doesn't completely support them. It never has, and never will. But, it's all we got. Ideologies have milked said system for centuries. Why would today be different?

Thus, I stand behind my opinion that indeed, private businesses have the right to discriminate. We'll have to respectfully disagree on that one.

You can disagree with me all you want to, the LAW disagrees with you.

The entire United States is covered by the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination by privately owned places of public accommodation on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. Places of “public accommodation” include hotels, restaurants, theaters, banks, health clubs and stores. Nonprofit organizations such as churches are generally exempt from the law.

The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination by private businesses based on disability.

The federal law does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, so gays are not a protected group under the federal law. However, about 20 states, including New York and California, have enacted laws that prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on sexual orientation. In California, you also can’t discriminate based on someone’s unconventional dress. In some states, like Arizona, there’s no state law banning discrimination against gays, but there are local laws in some cities that prohibit sexual orientation discrimination.

So, no matter where you live, you cannot deny service to someone because of his or her race, color, religion, national origin or disability. In some states and cities, you also cannot discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation. If there is no state, federal or local law prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations against a particular group of people, then you can legally refuse to serve that group of people.
The Right to Refuse Service: Can a Business Refuse Service to Someone?

So to reiterate, the law says that business do NOT have that right.

An unreasonable response from a seemingly unreasonable person. I can't continue a dialogue with you when you cherry pick your intel to suit your own bias. Good day.

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