You have to wonder how Trump supporters justify the senate blocking new witnesses

They of course say - with no facts in mind - “the whole thing is a sham anyway! There’s no need to call new witnesses!”

Of course, the logical thing for republicans to support is allow those witnesses to testify. If they truly believed the whole thing was a partisan sham, a fair trial would expose that. Instead, they want to take the cowardly road and just end the trial as quickly as possible. Bolton was a RINO all along anyway, right?!

Is that fair to all Americans? No of course not. Most Americans supported calling new witnesses. Republicans don’t because everyone else’s opinions do not matter. This brings up a couple possible reasons for trump supporters to not want the trial to continue:

1) They will support Trump regardless of what he does

2) They secretly know Trump did wrong doing in the eyes’ of the law (just ask the GAO) but don’t want it to come out and look stupid on this board and elsewhere
You should be angry with the Ds in the House, for failing to deliver a case for removal.
They of course say - with no facts in mind - “the whole thing is a sham anyway! There’s no need to call new witnesses!”

Of course, the logical thing for republicans to support is allow those witnesses to testify. If they truly believed the whole thing was a partisan sham, a fair trial would expose that. Instead, they want to take the cowardly road and just end the trial as quickly as possible. Bolton was a RINO all along anyway, right?!

Is that fair to all Americans? No of course not. Most Americans supported calling new witnesses. Republicans don’t because everyone else’s opinions do not matter. This brings up a couple possible reasons for trump supporters to not want the trial to continue:

1) They will support Trump regardless of what he does

2) They secretly know Trump did wrong doing in the eyes’ of the law (just ask the GAO) but don’t want it to come out and look stupid on this board and elsewhere

There is no wonder in how they justify anything Trump does, it's easy...

He's not flying the Democrat banner.

If he were, they'd be all about impeachment.
Actually: Its more like; If you cant indict, you cant impeach. Is it TOO MUCH to ask for proof? Democrats offer their interpretation of the facts, veil their mystery witness in a shroud an obfuscation and reiterate and they want Bolton to testify out of wish for clarity .Lets bring out Erich Chiolla, lets do that.
They of course say - with no facts in mind - “the whole thing is a sham anyway! There’s no need to call new witnesses!”

Of course, the logical thing for republicans to support is allow those witnesses to testify. If they truly believed the whole thing was a partisan sham, a fair trial would expose that. Instead, they want to take the cowardly road and just end the trial as quickly as possible. Bolton was a RINO all along anyway, right?!

Is that fair to all Americans? No of course not. Most Americans supported calling new witnesses. Republicans don’t because everyone else’s opinions do not matter. This brings up a couple possible reasons for trump supporters to not want the trial to continue:

1) They will support Trump regardless of what he does

2) They secretly know Trump did wrong doing in the eyes’ of the law (just ask the GAO) but don’t want it to come out and look stupid on this board and elsewhere

Please spare us the left wing bs. The job of the senate is to try the case the House sends over. Nadler and company did not call Bolton and others as witnesses. The house bird brain mangers tried to get the senate to prolong the case for an indefinite period. Try again.
They of course say - with no facts in mind - “the whole thing is a sham anyway! There’s no need to call new witnesses!”

Of course, the logical thing for republicans to support is allow those witnesses to testify. If they truly believed the whole thing was a partisan sham, a fair trial would expose that. Instead, they want to take the cowardly road and just end the trial as quickly as possible. Bolton was a RINO all along anyway, right?!

Is that fair to all Americans? No of course not. Most Americans supported calling new witnesses. Republicans don’t because everyone else’s opinions do not matter. This brings up a couple possible reasons for trump supporters to not want the trial to continue:

1) They will support Trump regardless of what he does

2) They secretly know Trump did wrong doing in the eyes’ of the law (just ask the GAO) but don’t want it to come out and look stupid on this board and elsewhere

Bullshit.... The witnesses are all pretty much DNC operatives....end of story.

You have to wonder why the democrats didn't call them when they should have.
They of course say - with no facts in mind - “the whole thing is a sham anyway! There’s no need to call new witnesses!”

Of course, the logical thing for republicans to support is allow those witnesses to testify. If they truly believed the whole thing was a partisan sham, a fair trial would expose that. Instead, they want to take the cowardly road and just end the trial as quickly as possible. Bolton was a RINO all along anyway, right?!

Is that fair to all Americans? No of course not. Most Americans supported calling new witnesses. Republicans don’t because everyone else’s opinions do not matter. This brings up a couple possible reasons for trump supporters to not want the trial to continue:

1) They will support Trump regardless of what he does

2) They secretly know Trump did wrong doing in the eyes’ of the law (just ask the GAO) but don’t want it to come out and look stupid on this board and elsewhere

There is no wonder in how they justify anything Trump does, it's easy...

He's not flying the Democrat banner.

If he were, they'd be all about impeachment.

Son had a democrat accomplished what Pres. Trump has with all of the adversity he had to face I'd be all in.
Only snowflakes wonder why the Senate would not allow the House Democrat's to use the Senate Impeachment hearing to keep digging / looking for evidence of a crime they did not have, not even when they voted to Impeach the President, especially after:

- Pelosi attempted to force the a Senate to comply with her demands on how the Senate hearings shod be run...

- The Democrats demanded the Senate hold a 'fair trial', something they refused to run in the House while justifying doing so by declaring they did not have to because this was a POLITICAL Impeachment...

- The Democrats marched into the Senate, declared they were unprepared to present their case for Impeachment hung the President, then declaring the SENATE was IN TRIAL

ONLY SNOWFLAKES would believe the Founding Fathers created Impeachment as a political weapon for elitist would-be rulers to use to strip the nation of their democratically-elected leader, to remove the PEOPLE'S CHOICE of President, stripping the American people of their Constitutional right to choose their own leader.

'Brainwash Complete'


Dingbat, don't you know the difference between an investigation, which, in this case, was an investigation into whether there was evidence to support the drafting of articles of impeachment, an investigation in which trump and members of his administration were invited to participate, and a trial, which only can be held by the Senate? No trials can be held by the House, so any assertion that the House refused "a fair trial" is fantastical bullshit. Under the Constitution, the House passes articles of impeachment and then refers the matter to the Senate for a trial. The House impeachment managers never declared that they were unprepared to present a case.

Do investigations "dig" for evidence? That's what they are intended to do. What you are demanding is that the suspect and his lawyer be present and be allowed to challenge the witness every time the cops interview a witness. This is not how investigations are conducted.

The fault lies entirely in the Senate, which refused to hear the evidence in conducting the trial. You can't blame any "snowflakes" for this dereliction of duty by the senators, their violation of their oaths, and their open display of disdain for the people of the U.S.A.

Why don't you familiarize yourself with the facts before mouthing off.
You're an idiot, you know that, Common Core?

The Senate Impeachment hearing was NOT an investigation. It was the 'trial'.

The House violated the Constitution by not holding a House vote to begin Impeachment investigations...but they investigated....and cane up with NO crime, NO evidence, and NO WITNESSES...but Impeached the President anyway.

They then matched their case to the Senate...but were not ready to present their case on which they voted to Impeach the President - they could not justify doing so.

Instead they declared it was a political Impeachment, declared the Senate was on trial, and declared if the Senate did not agree with their admitted partisan Impeachment then the Senate was 'guilty' too....

...and then they LOST.

And all snowflakes can do now is parrot the talking points of treasonous losers.

Like I said, the Senate holds the trial. The House only investigates as to whether one is warranted.

The House was never required to hold a vote to begin an investigation. The ensuing investigations did come up with evidence of a crime and witnesses, resulting in the drafting of articles of impeachment The House impeachment managers were ready to present their case. Obviously, they all arrived in the Senate chamber.

The republicans are at fault in not allowing a proper trial to occur. They have not given any coherent explanation of why. The republicans in the Senate were too cowardly to allow relevant evidence to be presented. In doing so, they violated their oath.

Lay it all out on the table. Let all witnesses be heard and all documents revealed on the floor of the Senate chamber, where all of the American People can review it. It has been trump who has refused to let his witnesses testify. trump himself should be questioned under oath.

The book about the republican senators will be entitled "Profiles in Cowardice."

An acquittal under these circumstances means nothing.
So then you're cool with going back to the House and allowing all the Republicans' witnesses to speak right ? You know - the ones that Democrats "were too cowardly to allow relevant evidence to be presented"

Ha ha. What a laugh to see Democrats complaining about witnesses, after what they did in the House.
Trump just banned Africans lol I love him travel ban for life baha
You are the jury, we don’t have evidence-go find some or allow more time for it to be found, and get back to us.
They of course say - with no facts in mind - “the whole thing is a sham anyway! There’s no need to call new witnesses!”

Of course, the logical thing for republicans to support is allow those witnesses to testify. If they truly believed the whole thing was a partisan sham, a fair trial would expose that. Instead, they want to take the cowardly road and just end the trial as quickly as possible. Bolton was a RINO all along anyway, right?!

Is that fair to all Americans? No of course not. Most Americans supported calling new witnesses. Republicans don’t because everyone else’s opinions do not matter. This brings up a couple possible reasons for trump supporters to not want the trial to continue:

1) They will support Trump regardless of what he does

2) They secretly know Trump did wrong doing in the eyes’ of the law (just ask the GAO) but don’t want it to come out and look stupid on this board and elsewhere

There is no wonder in how they justify anything Trump does, it's easy...

He's not flying the Democrat banner.

If he were, they'd be all about impeachment.

Son had a democrat accomplished what Pres. Trump has with all of the adversity he had to face I'd be all in.

Yeah, sure you would, I believe you...
Most Americans supported calling new witnesses.
Most American's couldn't give a rat's ass about the Impeachment drama and find it too boring to waste time watching it on TV. .. :cool:

It’s a waste of time to follow. Everyone in the world knows Trump will be acquitted. So it’s jus kabuki theater and an opportunity for partisans to score political points on each other by fooling stupid people. I read the transcript of the call and heard the president of Ukraine say there was no pressure.
Most Americans supported calling new witnesses.
Most American's couldn't give a rat's ass about the Impeachment drama and find it too boring to waste time watching it on TV. .. :cool:

It’s a waste of time to follow. Everyone in the world knows Trump will be acquitted. So it’s jus kabuki theater and an opportunity for partisans to score political points on each other by fooling stupid people. I read the transcript of the call and heard the president of Ukraine say there was no pressure.
Yeah, but Dimiwingers have a guy who heard part of a phone call someone else was on while he walked down a hallway.
They of course say - with no facts in mind - “the whole thing is a sham anyway! There’s no need to call new witnesses!”

Of course, the logical thing for republicans to support is allow those witnesses to testify. If they truly believed the whole thing was a partisan sham, a fair trial would expose that. Instead, they want to take the cowardly road and just end the trial as quickly as possible. Bolton was a RINO all along anyway, right?!...

The answer to your question is very simple...

The House of Representatives is wherevwutnesses, evidence, documents and other supporting testimonies are supposed to occur. Unfortunately the Democrats didn’t want to wait for all of that to play out because it would have destroyed their timeline.

The responsibility of the Senate, while referred to as a trial, is far more like what happens in the jury deliberations during a regular trial. That is not the place for additional witnesses, testimony, etc...
There is no crime. When you have no crime, you don't need a trial.

The Dem's successfully put an innocent man on trial. They are lucky the Senate didn't dismiss the case immediately. Schiff got his 15 minutes, now it is time to move on.
My gawd.
It doesn't have to be a crime darlin.
Innocent man??
The con tried to get a foreign gov to influence his election.
You Can't do that. It's that simple

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