You know what?

Besides, its straight men who harm children the most.

Luddly, you were so enamored with making your case, that you unwittingly made mine. That's the whole point. There are straight men, perverts, who would stop at nothing to prey on women and children in the bathroom because of these transgender laws. It would have been better to let it alone. Now these perverts know they have a way of getting away with their...atrocities.

Do you understand it now?

It is still illegal to prey on people in bathrooms, whether trans people are allowed to use the facilities or not. Why is that so difficult to understand? Passing these ridiculous laws does not prevent your "perverts" from entering bathrooms to prey on people. All these anti trans laws do is hurt trans people.
Besides, its straight men who harm children the most.

Luddly, you were so enamored with making your case, that you unwittingly made mine. That's the whole point. There are straight men, perverts, who would stop at nothing to prey on women and children in the bathroom because of these transgender laws. It would have been better to let it alone. Now these perverts know they have a way of getting away with their...atrocities.

Do you understand it now?


I didn't really read your OP through but ...

You're another of the nutters who thinks pedos/racists are saying,

"FINALLY, all I need to do is wear a wig, makeup, a dress, high heels and I molest/rape to my heart's content".


IF that were true, they would not have waited for a law like this that does NOT allow men into women's bathrooms. They would have been doing it all along.

The same is true with the very tiny number of transgenders who have been using the bathroom of their choice all along.

The real sickos are the RWNJ fundie pee pee peepers who are fans of sharia law.

Like everything else, all our lives would be better if you just MYOB.
I don't need to go to a nudist beach to "get it up". But, that's a common American response. Alas, Alaska has few, if any, nudist beaches...must be too cold (how cold is it?) If you had been to nudist enclaves (they don't just frequent beaches), you would know that not all nudists are super models.
I was a stripper from 18-21 and I sometimes had a hard,,time not getting a erection with a few chicks....

I did that as well when I was in my early twenties when I was in college. We did gigs in small towns around Amarillo on slow bar nights like a Wednesday or a Thursday...then the girls would come in the next night. We got harassed by "Deputy Dawg" as they didn't like us there....of course they never hassled the ladies that came afterwards. We also danced at a club that was mostly a female strip joint but they would have a "Ladies Only Night". One time the Le Bare dancers came from Dallas and we waited tables. There was a dancer that picked me to get drinks for him...Tom Collins was his drink of choice...drinks for them were free but he tipped me five bucks every time. At the end of the night he told me that they were not going back to Dallas and that they were staying at the Sheraton hotel. They were going to have a party and wanted to know if I wanted to drop by. I asked him if he had picked out any ladies there to join....he said "Oh...there's not going to be any women" and looked at me as if to say "do you get my drift"? My face turned beet red with embarrassment.....hard to believe that was 30 years ago....
well don't leave us hanging
How did the party go?

Needless to say, I politely declined and ended up banging a hot chick that generously tipped me all night.

Dale Smith

I doubt any of this happened but there was no reason for embarrassment. A simple "no thanks" is sufficient.

And, a dancer who "generously tipped you all night" for sex?

You're not just a delusional liar. You also have a rich fantasy life.


Doubt in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. And as far as you saying that I had no reason to be embarrassed? Where in the fuck to you get off telling me how I should or should not feel? I mean, someone as ugly as you undoubtedly are would feel Not so much.
Seems to me that all of you are.......hell, you even said yourself that the legal age was 10 years old at one time and that you had no problem with going back to that....there are a couple of other leftards that are good with it.
I said that the ancestors did not have any problems with it.....What they did in the past is gone, over..You can't judge the past with today's morals, but you can get banned for accusing fellow posters of being a pedophile...

Dude, I am simply saying that you are fine with the age of consent being lowered to the age of ten.....people can come to their own conclusions.Just because you are fine with it doesn't mean that you would engage in simply means that you would condone it and GLSEN and the LGBT are well on their way to doing just that. It's a fact and if USB wants to ban me for pointing out the facts? Well, it's not like I don't have other places to post. I am about truth and I don't care how ugly it may seem or whom it may offend. I would rather be told the ugly truth then to be told a pretty lie.


You nitwit.

The two are completely unrelated.

Besides, its straight men who harm children the most.

Nope, you are wrong about that. The most coveted type in the child sex slave industry that is being ran by the world's intelligence agencies are young boys...the younger, the better and that is a fact. Young boys will bring as much as 50,000 dollars at an auction. Snuff films of these little kids being sodomized to death can bring in millions of dollars. Like I said, you don't know what I do. I posted a link last night about this very topic with a warning to watch it on an empty stomach. This came to light two years ago with the death of Jimmy Savile and how it was revealed that he was providing little boys (mostly from orphanages) to the rich and politically connected in the House of Parliament, all the way to the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. It's called "Conspiracy Of Silence" can watch it for free on youtube. Watch that and then attempt to try and tell me that the things I have posted here about a shadow "gubermint" is wrong.

Dale Smith

"Nope, you are wrong about that. The most coveted type in the child sex slave industry that is being ran by the world's intelligence agencies are young boys ..."

I didn't read any further -

I agree that young boys are victims of the worst kind of sex crimes. So are little girls.

WTH does "world's intelligence agencies" mean?

And, elsewhere on the board, you have been very critical of other posters punctuation, grammar, syntax, etc.

Instead of setting yourself up as the Official Board Grammar/Punctuation Police, I suggest you attend a remedial 5th grade grammar class.

Intelligence agencies like MI5, MI6, CIA, MOSSAD, Saudi intel are crucial to this child trafficking ring. I posted a link to a youtube video called "Conspiracy Of Silence" that was suppose to air on the Discover Channel and was cancelled. Watch that video and then come back and tell me that I am wrong....until then, you are nothing but an uninformed idiot. You don't know the things I do and there are many times I wish I didn't know the things I do.
All these anti trans laws do is hurt trans people.

Actually, pro trans or anti trans, they do little good. In fact, if any liberal responding to this thread could read all the way through, they'd notice how I plainly stated

"It bears repeating, though, that transgender individuals have been able to freely use the bathroom of their choice for a long time now, without anyone noticing. There's no need for this nonsense. No need for laws, no need for any of this."
I've seriously had enough of this bathroom bullshit.

It isn't about transgender people using the bathroom--either bathroom. I don't give a flying rat's ass which one they use. I'm not the fucking bathroom police. I go in there, do my business, and get out. I'm too busy answering nature's call to care who else is in the bathroom with me.

And honestly, actual transgender people have been using the bathrooms of their choice decades before this whole thing became an issue. I myself have never met one, nor seen one (probably because they conceal their...condition, so well). I doubt I ever will. So I don't give a damn what bathroom they use.

I have no problem with that. But these laws and policies allowing them to use the bathrooms of their choice aren't necessary. They only provide a legal gateway for perverts, child molesters and rapists to walk in to the women's bathroom in particular and do unspeakable things to the occupants. These perverts would have been better off not knowing there were such laws. Existing law should have served as a sufficient deterrent.

It bears repeating, though, that transgender individuals have been able to freely use the bathroom of their choice for a long time now, without anyone noticing. There's no need for this nonsense. No need for laws, no need for any of this.

But as for school locker rooms, that's a whole 'nother ballgame. Parents have legitimate concerns that their children will be exposed to not only the anatomy of the opposite sex, but that their children's right to privacy may be compromised. It's interesting to see how the rights of every other biological girl in the locker room all pale in comparison to the boy who identifies as a girl disrobing before them.

That's the liberal definition of "fairness" and "inclusivity" speaking. I call it "inclusion by exclusion"; or elevating the rights of one group of people over another group of people, because "inclusiveness." I wouldn't blame any parent for pulling their child out of a school who operates under such policies.

Both sides have legitimate points, but both sides are also being woefully irrational. I've been convinced that there will never be an amicable solution to this problem. Ever.
The problem is, the last couple of years there has been an extreme amount of transgender awareness created by SJWs.

This has made a percentage of the female population( understandably?) Threatened by transexuals where as before, they didnt care as much. So we are experiencing a time of great hostility and fury towards transwomen from some females.

This always existed by is heightened right now. So transwomen are indeed in need of extra protection(at the moment) as they face slander, vilification and violence from the female population, who have been literally antagonized by the SJWs.

The vast majority of women and girls are indifferent but the percentage of infuriated females is at an all time high.

For every action, there is a reaction.
Do you have any evidence to support your idea that the female population who vilify and enact violence against trans women is at an all time high?
Passing these ridiculous laws does not prevent your "perverts" from entering bathrooms to prey on people.

So you think passing transgender friendly bathroom laws will stop them?

Passing transgender laws will not enable them.

Prove me wrong.

What YOU said is the real non sequitur. Passing transgender laws will not have any effect, one way or the other. You said you believe differently. Prove it.

Stop contradicting yourself. This is the biggest reason I don't bother to read your posts. You're sloppy in your thinking and in stating your position.

A couple of posts up, you wrote: "It bears repeating, though, that transgender individuals have been able to freely use the bathroom of their choice for a long time now, without anyone noticing. There's no need for this nonsense. No need for laws, no need for any of this."

But now you're saying laws will have some effect on the actions of straight perverts.

I disagree but if that's your position, prove it.
But now you're saying laws will have some effect on the actions of straight perverts.

Simply because such laws will embolden them. They don't really care if the end result is illegal, they'll do it anyway. The concept you fail to grasp is the fact that there are criminals who break the law that don't care about the punishment.
But now you're saying laws will have some effect on the actions of straight perverts.

Simply because such laws will embolden them. They don't really care if the end result is illegal, they'll do it anyway. The concept you fail to grasp is the fact that there are criminals who break the law that don't care about the punishment.

The FACT that you homophobes can't understand is that the very definition of "criminal" is one who does not follow the law.

Sexual predators weren't sitting around waiting for this law so they could finally break the law.
I've seriously had enough of this bathroom bullshit.

It isn't about transgender people using the bathroom--either bathroom. I don't give a flying rat's ass which one they use. I'm not the fucking bathroom police. I go in there, do my business, and get out. I'm too busy answering nature's call to care who else is in the bathroom with me.

And honestly, actual transgender people have been using the bathrooms of their choice decades before this whole thing became an issue. I myself have never met one, nor seen one (probably because they conceal their...condition, so well). I doubt I ever will. So I don't give a damn what bathroom they use.

I have no problem with that. But these laws and policies allowing them to use the bathrooms of their choice aren't necessary. They only provide a legal gateway for perverts, child molesters and rapists to walk in to the women's bathroom in particular and do unspeakable things to the occupants. These perverts would have been better off not knowing there were such laws. Existing law should have served as a sufficient deterrent.

It bears repeating, though, that transgender individuals have been able to freely use the bathroom of their choice for a long time now, without anyone noticing. There's no need for this nonsense. No need for laws, no need for any of this.

But as for school locker rooms, that's a whole 'nother ballgame. Parents have legitimate concerns that their children will be exposed to not only the anatomy of the opposite sex, but that their children's right to privacy may be compromised. It's interesting to see how the rights of every other biological girl in the locker room all pale in comparison to the boy who identifies as a girl disrobing before them.

That's the liberal definition of "fairness" and "inclusivity" speaking. I call it "inclusion by exclusion"; or elevating the rights of one group of people over another group of people, because "inclusiveness." I wouldn't blame any parent for pulling their child out of a school who operates under such policies.

Both sides have legitimate points, but both sides are also being woefully irrational. I've been convinced that there will never be an amicable solution to this problem. Ever.
The problem is, the last couple of years there has been an extreme amount of transgender awareness created by SJWs.

This has made a percentage of the female population( understandably?) Threatened by transexuals where as before, they didnt care as much. So we are experiencing a time of great hostility and fury towards transwomen from some females.

This always existed by is heightened right now. So transwomen are indeed in need of extra protection(at the moment) as they face slander, vilification and violence from the female population, who have been literally antagonized by the SJWs.

The vast majority of women and girls are indifferent but the percentage of infuriated females is at an all time high.

For every action, there is a reaction.
Do you have any evidence to support your idea that the female population who vilify and enact violence against trans women is at an all time high?
its my personl observation, ****. Do you have evidence supporting that i am wrong, heeb?
I've seriously had enough of this bathroom bullshit.

It isn't about transgender people using the bathroom--either bathroom. I don't give a flying rat's ass which one they use. I'm not the fucking bathroom police. I go in there, do my business, and get out. I'm too busy answering nature's call to care who else is in the bathroom with me.

And honestly, actual transgender people have been using the bathrooms of their choice decades before this whole thing became an issue. I myself have never met one, nor seen one (probably because they conceal their...condition, so well). I doubt I ever will. So I don't give a damn what bathroom they use.

I have no problem with that. But these laws and policies allowing them to use the bathrooms of their choice aren't necessary. They only provide a legal gateway for perverts, child molesters and rapists to walk in to the women's bathroom in particular and do unspeakable things to the occupants. These perverts would have been better off not knowing there were such laws. Existing law should have served as a sufficient deterrent.

It bears repeating, though, that transgender individuals have been able to freely use the bathroom of their choice for a long time now, without anyone noticing. There's no need for this nonsense. No need for laws, no need for any of this.

But as for school locker rooms, that's a whole 'nother ballgame. Parents have legitimate concerns that their children will be exposed to not only the anatomy of the opposite sex, but that their children's right to privacy may be compromised. It's interesting to see how the rights of every other biological girl in the locker room all pale in comparison to the boy who identifies as a girl disrobing before them.

That's the liberal definition of "fairness" and "inclusivity" speaking. I call it "inclusion by exclusion"; or elevating the rights of one group of people over another group of people, because "inclusiveness." I wouldn't blame any parent for pulling their child out of a school who operates under such policies.

Both sides have legitimate points, but both sides are also being woefully irrational. I've been convinced that there will never be an amicable solution to this problem. Ever.
The problem is, the last couple of years there has been an extreme amount of transgender awareness created by SJWs.

This has made a percentage of the female population( understandably?) Threatened by transexuals where as before, they didnt care as much. So we are experiencing a time of great hostility and fury towards transwomen from some females.

This always existed by is heightened right now. So transwomen are indeed in need of extra protection(at the moment) as they face slander, vilification and violence from the female population, who have been literally antagonized by the SJWs.

The vast majority of women and girls are indifferent but the percentage of infuriated females is at an all time high.

For every action, there is a reaction.
Do you have any evidence to support your idea that the female population who vilify and enact violence against trans women is at an all time high?
its my personl observation, ****. Do you have evidence supporting that i am wrong, heeb?
I wouldn't know how to prove a negative. Do you? Thanks for the anecdotal evidence though :redface:

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