YOU literally cannot question gays, WHY?

Not evil, just sick. Homosexuality is a sexual dysfunction.
Nope I disagree, from all the gays I know and witnessed their development personally over a decade and more (around 10-12) they all share the same mental distortion due to their upbringing - a very strong dominant mother and a wuss father (not necessarily on the job or in their overall life, but within the family). It seems that having sex with a female, kind of frightens those mentally unstable teenagers, towards the anxiety of a female being their mother.

Adult gays ("male" predators) - usually 15-20 years older - have developed a special sense to identify and manipulate these already mentally unstable kids. - thus recruiting their own "female" partners/play-toys.
Once they are around 30 to 40+ the "females" partially turn into a "male". And the recruitment circle starts over again.

Transsexuals have a hormone or sexual dysfunction - not gays or lesbians.
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If you are using it as a weapon to get power over others, yes.
Otherwise, no.

Same can be said for women using being female to gain power over others.

If you ever say something like "because I'm gay" or "because I'm a woman" or "because I'm black" or "because I'm christian" are weaponizing your sex, race, or religion to gain power of some kind over others. Those are viable mental malfunctions and dysfunctions, as well as stereotypical psychotic tendencies of power hungry greedmongers.
It's because i'm an asshole.
Nope I disagree, from all the gays I know and witnessed their development personally over a decade and more (around 7-8) they all share the same mental distortion due to their upbringing - a very strong dominant mother and a wuss father (not necessarily on the job or in their overall life, but within the family). It seems that having sex with a female, kind of frightens those mentally unstable teenagers, towards the anxiety of a female being their mother.

Adult gays ("male" predators) - usually 15-20 years older - have developed a special sense to identify and manipulate these already mentally unstable kids. - thus recruiting their own "female" partners/play-toys.
Once they are around 30 to 40+ the "females" partially turn into a "male". And the recruitment circle starts over again.

If a man can't get aroused over a woman or a woman over a man, how is that not a sexual dysfunction?
I don't want to question them. Don't want to talk to them, think about them, I don't give a shit about them. They can do whatever the hell degenerate nasty shit they want in privacy boinking each other in the anus I don't care. What is annoying is them dancing around waving their arms look at me look at me I'm a degenerate in public and trying to RECRUIT others into their cult, that I'm tired of, WTF.
If a man can't get aroused over a woman or a woman over a man, how is that not a sexual dysfunction?
Nope - it's a mental issue -dysfunction.
Would you get aroused about a female - to the point of having sex, that (according to gays distorted thoughts) could be/is your mother?

There are countless gays that married (in order to deceive society and partially themselves) even having kids - so it couldn't be a sexual dysfunction.
Why are people so obsessed over the sexuality of others? :dunno:

Maybe it is none of your business.
I can't say that I ever wanted to be around a known faggot long enough to ask them anything.

That said I guess it would depend on the question, it's not like I'd ask faggot specific questions in the first place.

Why are people so obsessed over the sexuality of others? :dunno:

Maybe it is none of your business.

When the sexuality of others involves the spread of deadly diseases and presents a threat to the safety of our children, then it becomes our business.
I can't say that I ever wanted to be around a known faggot long enough to ask them anything.

That said I guess it would depend on the question, it's not like I'd ask faggot specific questions in the first place.


Training Day :laughing0301:

Nope - it's a mental issue -dysfunction.
Would you get aroused about a female - to the point of having sex, that (according to gays distorted thoughts) could be/is your mother?

There are countless gays that married (in order to deceive society and partially themselves) even having kids - so it couldn't be a sexual dysfunction.
Yup, you are one sick fk.

And? Did you think there were no gays in churches? What the hell do you think that whole "disaffiliation" movement was about that's sweeping through the United Methodist Church as well as others? People are leaving in droves because of some church's views on same sex marriage and gay pastors. Half of the parishioners left the church my wife attended three months ago, and formed their own.
And? Did you think there were no gays in churches?

This is largely a heterosexual issue in the Baptist church.

What the hell do you think that whole "disaffiliation" movement was about that's sweeping through the United Methodist Church as well as others? People are leaving in droves because of some church's views on same sex marriage and gay pastors. Half of the parishioners left the church my wife attended three months ago, and formed their own.

Better keep an eye on the pastor.
Yup, you are one sick fk.
Since you obviously don't know what you talk about - your reply doesn't come as a surprise.
I am sure you wouldn't know a single gay or lesbian personally, not even to mention having witnessed their development - so keep your unsubstantiated opinions to yourself
I took part in a girls-only sporting event today, as a coach. Five years ago--certainly ten--this "girl power" event would have seemed a quaint throwback to the past.

Not anymore. Not since men decided hey, all we have to do to be women is say we're trans or whatever, and then we scoop up all the prizes, scholarships and accolades.

So there's that.
Now you know how men felt when women sued to be included in men only activities.
Since you obviously don't know what you talk about - your reply doesn't come as a surprise.
I am sure you wouldn't know a single gay or lesbian personally, not even to mention having witnessed their development - so keep your unsubstantiated opinions to yourself
Lol, the guy talks about having sex with his mother. You are sick. Pervert. Are all faggots like that? And, what kind of sick freak wants to witness a fags "development"?

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