YOU literally cannot question gays, WHY?

Lol, the guy talks about having sex with his mother. You are sick. Pervert. Are all faggots like that? And, what kind of sick freak wants to witness a fags "development"?
You are a retard who obviously can't read and comprehend simple sentences.
But on the other hand - your reaction is rather a proof towards you being a homo - who rightfully feels his traits having been uncovered, by my statements.
You are a retard who obviously can't read and comprehend simple sentences.
But on the other hand - your reaction is rather a proof towards you being a homo - who rightfully feels his traits having been uncovered, by my statements.
Lol, typical leftist faggot comment.
Thats not a dodge, but your statement is extremely rude. Why would they engage with you?
Lol, you ask what I would ask and then you refuse to answer the question asked. You ran away like the coward you are.
Lol, you ask what I would ask and then you refuse to answer the question asked. You ran away like the coward you are.
Because I am not gay. I merely asked what you would ask them. Please refresh your reading comprehension skills.
When the sexuality of others involves the spread of deadly diseases and presents a threat to the safety of our children, then it becomes our business.
All sexuality spreads deadly diseases.

How does homosexuality present a threat to "the safety of our children?

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