You literally have to be the biggest moron in HUMAN HISTORY to believe Joe Biden got more LEGAL votes than any president in history.

See, that's exactly why I gave you the simplest, most raw, basic answer I could think of. Because your obviously feeble intellect ("leftists") couldn't handle anything with meat on it.

No, you have no clue what Biden will do. none.
I am attempting to discuss seem unable

Aaaaaaaaaaaand you're *STILL* enslaved to that crutch that this is "political". Exactly what I mean that you can't handle it.

We're in "General Discussion" by the way.

You are not capable.

Understood. You people are sub par and will bury yourselves. You won't see it until it kicks you square in the face. And it will.

Enjoy !

Umm... "you people"?

Who is "you people"? Non-sociopaths? The honest? Those with character? Those with sufficient stones to not melt into a whiny little bitch-puddle when they LOSE?

And yet you can't come up with a single reason to vote for Joe.....let me let you in on a little secret.

You voted for Joe because you are ignorant, uninformed and a lemming who cannot think for herself

You believe yourself to be "brilliant" yet you draw welfare. Maybe that's what Joe holds for you? A welfare check?

How do you know that Pogo is on welfare? How do you know what Pogo knows or doesn't know?

BTW: what is your reason for voting for trump?

Pogo has not denied it.
something else she said long ago.

As far as trump, believe me, I wasn't happy with everything he did. but I do think most of what he did was good for America.

The democrats have moved to far radically left. AOC and many Democrats want Socialism.
based on study and recent examples such as venezela, my opinion is that Socialism is a very bad move and will result in great economic hardships for all.
Trump was by no means perfect.......but he kept America on track.

We are going to see some really bad times ahead economically with Biden / harris. Again, based on their stated policies.
We're expected to believe a drooling fucktard locked in a basement, with a spawn that has videos of him raping Chinese children on an abandoned laptop, got a TON more votes than the first jogger president and the first potentially female president.

Yeah, sounds legit.

This makes one realize that the kenyan lawn jockey didn't win in '08 or '12. No fucking way. Who knew voting machines were being used with predetermined, programmable outcomes. These fucking traitors need to be destroyed.
Lol, you’re just unable to accept reality. Laughable really. The people have spoken, deal with it.
What people?

19 million illegal rapist mexicans?
I rest my case
Always liked your brand of sarcasm. You know me well enough Azog. I am not in power over the political arena. Not my job to be unifying on a message board when people are Fkn with me. People can get happy the same way they got sad or mad or fearful or whatever emotion they are allowing to run away with them. That is by their own decision. Lack of self control along with too much politics and too little philosophy is an unhappy combination for many people. Sadly, I suspect the suicide rate to be really higher than usual in December. Failing philosophic outlook and proper adult self control, I recommend dime-store psychology. If you want to get along with people and understand where they are coming from as you interact with people on a day to day basis read I'm OK, You're OK, A Practical Guide to Transactional Analysis. The games people play on here are easy and repetitive, and I suspect some on here carry them into real life.

But you were unable to say what, if any, policies of the Biden administration would be better for you or your family in any way.
That would make your decision to vote for or prefer Biden emotional rather than logical.
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that
It's a snap. You sound sad, angry, in denial, and vindictive. I'm pretty happy!:cool:

And, what are you "happy" about ?
(I think you're making it up)

You said you were tired of Democrats AND what could you possibly be happy about?

I am happy the election was won by Joe Biden and trump will fail to overthrow it. I put up with the whiny left last time and I will put up with the whiny right this time. I am happy my sons are doing well in their career fields, they went to school for. I am happy my daughter just started a new job in the career field she went back to school for. We are just happy and satisfied, the things we (my wife of 46 years and I) planned for and worked for and sacrificed for paid off and put us and our family in our present position.

Do you realize....for even one second....that you're stating you are happy....your family is happy.......ALL UNDER DONALD TRUMP ?

Can you name even ONE thing that Biden will do for your or your family that will make things better for you or your family? Just one.

I'm a happy, positive minded individual, making my way under whatever administration comes along. I may post opinions on here, but I don't live and breath politics as some do on here, screaming fraud, threatening violence, leave the country, the Rep/Dem are evil, and other over the top emotions. I was raised by level headed, pragmatic people, of good work ethic and I learned the value of a positive attitude.
The leader of our country will not be a lying, self admitted p*ssy grabbing, that appears to be trying to overthrow the government of my country. I think the new administration will get a better handle on Covid, without the science deniers and trouble makers of the trump administration, allowing the government to possibly work for more American. We will not sink into authoritarian rule. I will not be embarrassed daily by the over the top tweets from the Mad King. Assholes always make me happy, happy when they leave, that is.

You make no sense.
All these stupid claims by the left were fabricated.

So tell us....Specifically, what policies of joe will make America better?

Or did you just vote to remove the orange man bad as you were told to by CNN ?

I suspect he will put people that care about the environment in charge of the environment, people with experience in public education in charge of education. It is doubtful he will get into a pissing contest with NOAA or the National Weather Service. He has a history of working across the aisle to get things done. I think he will make the attempt, that has not been done for the last 4 years or longer. I do not think he will intentionally try to antagonize the people that did not vote for him. I think his 4 years will be toward better government and rebuilding some of the institution attacked and damaged by the trump administration. We will see. I gave trump 9 months before I decided he totally sucked and was unfit for office, though glad Hillary lost. I will know more after 9 months of Joe Bide, and have high hope for the centrist view going forward.
It's a snap. You sound sad, angry, in denial, and vindictive. I'm pretty happy!:cool:

And, what are you "happy" about ?
(I think you're making it up)

You said you were tired of Democrats AND what could you possibly be happy about?

I am happy the election was won by Joe Biden and trump will fail to overthrow it. I put up with the whiny left last time and I will put up with the whiny right this time. I am happy my sons are doing well in their career fields, they went to school for. I am happy my daughter just started a new job in the career field she went back to school for. We are just happy and satisfied, the things we (my wife of 46 years and I) planned for and worked for and sacrificed for paid off and put us and our family in our present position.

Do you realize....for even one second....that you're stating you are happy....your family is happy.......ALL UNDER DONALD TRUMP ?

Can you name even ONE thing that Biden will do for your or your family that will make things better for you or your family? Just one.

I'm a happy, positive minded individual, making my way under whatever administration comes along. I may post opinions on here, but I don't live and breath politics as some do on here, screaming fraud, threatening violence, leave the country, the Rep/Dem are evil, and other over the top emotions. I was raised by level headed, pragmatic people, of good work ethic and I learned the value of a positive attitude.
The leader of our country will not be a lying, self admitted p*ssy grabbing, that appears to be trying to overthrow the government of my country. I think the new administration will get a better handle on Covid, without the science deniers and trouble makers of the trump administration, allowing the government to possibly work for more American. We will not sink into authoritarian rule. I will not be embarrassed daily by the over the top tweets from the Mad King. Assholes always make me happy, happy when they leave, that is.

You make no sense.
All these stupid claims by the left were fabricated.

So tell us....Specifically, what policies of joe will make America better?

Or did you just vote to remove the orange man bad as you were told to by CNN ?

I suspect he will put people that care about the environment in charge of the environment, people with experience in public education in charge of education. It is doubtful he will get into a pissing contest with NOAA or the National Weather Service. He has a history of working across the aisle to get things done. I think he will make the attempt, that has not been done for the last 4 years or longer. I do not think he will intentionally try to antagonize the people that did not vote for him. I think his 4 years will be toward better government and rebuilding some of the institution attacked and damaged by the trump administration. We will see. I gave trump 9 months before I decided he totally sucked and was unfit for office, though glad Hillary lost. I will know more after 9 months of Joe Bide, and have high hope for the centrist view going forward.

He has a history of getting a done?

Just a question why are we in a mess ?
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
We're expected to believe a drooling fucktard locked in a basement, with a spawn that has videos of him raping Chinese children on an abandoned laptop, got a TON more votes than the first jogger president and the first potentially female president.

Yeah, sounds legit.

This makes one realize that the kenyan lawn jockey didn't win in '08 or '12. No fucking way. Who knew voting machines were being used with predetermined, programmable outcomes. These fucking traitors need to be destroyed.
Lol, you’re just unable to accept reality. Laughable really. The people have spoken, deal with it.
What people?

19 million illegal rapist mexicans?
I rest my case

You just popped on a cop car
I suspect you will simply put up with it, period. I doubt you will shut up. I can see it now. I will have to put up with whining republicans for 4 years, just as I had to put up with whining democrats for 4 years.

Poor thing.
Being you sounds really hard :itsok:
It's a snap. You sound sad, angry, in denial, and vindictive. I'm pretty happy!:cool:

Way to be unifying


Yeah, he brags about how well he and his family are doing......then proudly states he removed the President who did that for him.
I guess he believes if the police are defunded, his city is looted and burned to the ground by leftists he'll be better off.
I'm telling you. These people are not playing with a full deck

in fact, I think they're only holding a Joker
America hasn't been invaded by Body snatchers, more like brain snatchers.

There you go again, on and on and on. This president did not do this for me. I retired before he came to office, due to my own planning and work. He did nothing for me and mine. I cannot think of a single city that has defunded their police, certainly not the one I live in or any town of more the 200 people in Tennessee. People that ran on that mostly lost in Mayor or above elections. It is not a moderate/Centrist position. Not cities in Tennessee burned and no cities burned down. Get a grip or seek help.
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.



And even more votes then Obama, Biden got. :D If people can't see that the election was definitely rigged they are just being totally naïve and not being logical at all. Even the mainstream UK daily mail admits it.

  • Joe Biden has racked up more than 70million votes, breaking Barack Obama's 2008 popular vote record of 69.5million
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
See, that's exactly why I gave you the simplest, most raw, basic answer I could think of. Because your obviously feeble intellect ("leftists") couldn't handle anything with meat on it.

No, you have no clue what Biden will do. none.
I am attempting to discuss seem unable

Aaaaaaaaaaaand you're *STILL* enslaved to that crutch that this is "political". Exactly what I mean that you can't handle it.

We're in "General Discussion" by the way.

You are not capable.

Understood. You people are sub par and will bury yourselves. You won't see it until it kicks you square in the face. And it will.

Enjoy !

Umm... "you people"?

Who is "you people"? Non-sociopaths? The honest? Those with character? Those with sufficient stones to not melt into a whiny little bitch-puddle when they LOSE?

And yet you can't come up with a single reason to vote for Joe.....let me let you in on a little secret.

You voted for Joe because you are ignorant, uninformed and a lemming who cannot think for herself

You believe yourself to be "brilliant" yet you draw welfare. Maybe that's what Joe holds for you? A welfare check?

How do you know that Pogo is on welfare? How do you know what Pogo knows or doesn't know?

BTW: what is your reason for voting for trump?

Pogo has not denied it.
something else she said long ago.

As far as trump, believe me, I wasn't happy with everything he did. but I do think most of what he did was good for America.

The democrats have moved to far radically left. AOC and many Democrats want Socialism.
based on study and recent examples such as venezela, my opinion is that Socialism is a very bad move and will result in great economic hardships for all.
Trump was by no means perfect.......but he kept America on track.

We are going to see some really bad times ahead economically with Biden / harris. Again, based on their stated policies.

And watch, Everything that Biden does the lamestream media will say it is so wonderful.

Oh people are getting locked up for not wearing masks and going to FEMA camps for not taking the vaccine. CNN will be like, Biden is so wonderful and such a president for freedom.

That is how idiotic they are.
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want

Again super twat how does going to green energy work if you have $1 dollar a gas?
It doesn’t. Why does nobody want to take my bet?!
So you don't want green energy then..
See, that's exactly why I gave you the simplest, most raw, basic answer I could think of. Because your obviously feeble intellect ("leftists") couldn't handle anything with meat on it.

No, you have no clue what Biden will do. none.
I am attempting to discuss seem unable

Aaaaaaaaaaaand you're *STILL* enslaved to that crutch that this is "political". Exactly what I mean that you can't handle it.

We're in "General Discussion" by the way.

You are not capable.

Understood. You people are sub par and will bury yourselves. You won't see it until it kicks you square in the face. And it will.

Enjoy !

Umm... "you people"?

Who is "you people"? Non-sociopaths? The honest? Those with character? Those with sufficient stones to not melt into a whiny little bitch-puddle when they LOSE?

And yet you can't come up with a single reason to vote for Joe.....let me let you in on a little secret.

You voted for Joe because you are ignorant, uninformed and a lemming who cannot think for herself

You believe yourself to be "brilliant" yet you draw welfare. Maybe that's what Joe holds for you? A welfare check?

How do you know that Pogo is on welfare? How do you know what Pogo knows or doesn't know?

BTW: what is your reason for voting for trump?

Pogo has not denied it.
something else she said long ago.

As far as trump, believe me, I wasn't happy with everything he did. but I do think most of what he did was good for America.

The democrats have moved to far radically left. AOC and many Democrats want Socialism.
based on study and recent examples such as venezela, my opinion is that Socialism is a very bad move and will result in great economic hardships for all.
Trump was by no means perfect.......but he kept America on track.

We are going to see some really bad times ahead economically with Biden / harris. Again, based on their stated policies.

And watch, Everything that Biden does the lamestream media will say it is so wonderful.

Oh people are getting locked up for not wearing masks and going to FEMA camps for not taking the vaccine. CNN will be like, Biden is so wonderful and such a president for freedom.

That is how idiotic they are.
You're just blabbering
Tell us slade how does it work if gas is not $ 20 bucks a gallon, shit for brains
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want
Common man, how does people switching over to green energy cheap

If fucking gas is $1
Tell us slade how does it work if gas is not $ 20 bucks a gallon, shit for brains
The man who can't finish a scripted sentence.
The man who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium with supporters.


Which one are you?
View attachment 417792
View attachment 417793
I will be laughing at you sorry ass progs as your gasoline prices will necessarily skyrocket again along with everything else that has to have fossil fuels deliver. I will laugh at you when you are huddle in that shack with no heat being able to comfort you during winter time. I laugh when BLM shows up demanding that you Whities give up your house because it belongs to them.....
What were gas’s prices in Obama’s last two years? Lower than any of trumps??

Be specific, how did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling Obama accomplish this?
Youre the one trying to spread fear of skyrocketing gas prices under Biden. I think the fact that it didn’t happen under Obama and in fact reached lower numbers than Toxic Trump says it all

We'll have to wait and see.
The world is a different place than it was in 2008-16

The fact is that Trump was big on promoting Americas energy independence.
Oil pipelines and fracking all made gas cheaper.

The Biden Adminstration promises to end all that and push the nation towards Green energy.
I suspect this alone will cause the price of gasoline to reach new highs inthe USA after Biden gets into office.

Right here and now (you can come back later and see I was correct) I predict that midway through Bidens term, gas prices will reach $6.00 per gallon or more.

This is not fear mongering, it is looking at the fact of fundamental policy differences.
Haha. $6 a gallon?! I will absolutely bet you anything you like against that

How is it logical not to have $6 bucks a gallon of joe wants green energy?
It isn’t logical. Would you care to make a bet? Anything you want
Common man, how does people switching over to green energy cheap

If fucking gas is $1

Well, don't worry if Biden does get in after cheating, you can bet your bottom dollar gas will go back up to atleast 3 bucks a gallon.
See, that's exactly why I gave you the simplest, most raw, basic answer I could think of. Because your obviously feeble intellect ("leftists") couldn't handle anything with meat on it.

No, you have no clue what Biden will do. none.
I am attempting to discuss seem unable

Aaaaaaaaaaaand you're *STILL* enslaved to that crutch that this is "political". Exactly what I mean that you can't handle it.

We're in "General Discussion" by the way.

You are not capable.

Understood. You people are sub par and will bury yourselves. You won't see it until it kicks you square in the face. And it will.

Enjoy !

Umm... "you people"?

Who is "you people"? Non-sociopaths? The honest? Those with character? Those with sufficient stones to not melt into a whiny little bitch-puddle when they LOSE?

A pretty dress your wearing pogo..

View attachment 417803

So that's fairly typical. I ask "Where is the Bronx", and I get a weirdo pic and "that's a pretty dress".

They don't dare answer that question, and we both know why.
Did you know Republicans took every toss up House seat...all 27...every single one...

and they took every 'leans Republican'...all 26...

...on top of that they took seven of the 'leans Democrat"...

Sounds like a Red Wave to me...

... yet somehow you expect is to believe Biden won?

I don't think so.

Are you doubling down on Duh Stoopid?

What in the wide world of blue fuck to House races have to do with a repudiation of Orange Crash? Do you actually think House Reps are who vote for the POTUS? Your post is constructed of a nonzero number of idiocies.

Every toss up House race broke for Republicans.

Then the Republicans took every single 'leans Republican' race. Dems didn't win any ...or any toss ups.

And then the Republicans took seven 'lean Democrat' races.

Plus, the Democrats were talking about not only flipping the Senate...but taking 10 seats.

That didn't happen either.

Also...the Dems didn't flip a single state legislature. Republicans flipped two.

But supposedly Joe Biden won?


Not legally anyway.

Your attempts to force 2+2 to equal five are so weak you must couch them in personal attacks in every post.

Everyone sees right through them.

You are dismissed.

Diga me Tonto --- what the fuck House seat is the Presidency?

What a dumbass.

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