You May Not Be Interested in Gleichschaltung, But Gleichschaltung Is Interested in You


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The New Left Is Coming for You.

The first time that many casual observers learned, for example, of the “controversy” involving Scarlett Johansson having been cast to play a transgender character was when she backed out of the production amid an outcry driven by a loud and engaged minority. We have skipped over the part where the aggrieved are kind enough to explain their grievance to the general public—in this case, why it is suddenly inappropriate for a performer to play a role outside his or her demographic. From software engineers with conservative views about same-sex marriage and gender roles to liberal actors (and those who come to their defense) who find occasion to praise conservatives, those who would deter transgressions against transient liberal dogma are upping the ante. Democrats cannot embrace the Hollywood left, appearing alongside actors at rallies and feeding lines to late-night hosts, and expect to avoid association with its most indelicate elements.

Democrats can take heart in the fact that none of this seems likely to overtake their advantages ahead of Donald Trump’s first midterm election. Voters hate one-party government, and they appear set to punish the GOP even though they are voting for a party they admit has lost touch with mainstream America. That’s cold comfort. A Democratic wave in November will propel to Congress a new cast of liberals who are beholden to ideological rigidity and constituencies that will punish aisle-crossing. Those who lament the decline of civil discourse and compromise in Washington haven’t seen anything yet.
I did read this story, and it was news to me that Scarlett Johansson is not a Tranny.

But this story showed me how far the country has slid to the Far Left. Several years ago, the film Myra Breckenridge was made with Raquel Welch playing the Tranny lead. Ms. Welch is not a transexual either, yet it did not cause a stir with the LGBTQQAAI+ community.

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