You might be a domestic terrorist if...

The followers of Mohammed are opposed to everything that is good and decent. They are a plague that needs to be exterminated. If a muslim wants to live in this country, they must abide by our laws and assimilate into our culture. If they refuse to do so, they should immediately be deported. On the other hand, they are known to lie in order to promote the worldwide Caliphate that their religion demands. So it would be best to outlaw Islam in this country, since you cannot trust them.

In another thread you were calling liberals intolerant. I don't know how you could be any more full of shit.
I would be more than happy to tolerate muslims, if they respected our laws and wanted to live in peace. There might actually be some that wish to do so. But their actions prove otherwise. They have a proven track record of living in peace, while they build up their population in their host country. Once their are enough of them, they begin to demand special treatment. Then they get elected to office, and the host countries fate is sealed. They are attempting to do the same thing here. I will not stand by and let them do this.

The vast majority of Muslims respect our laws and live in peace, but that's not good enough for you, the so called tolerant one. Who do you think you're fooling?
muslims have lived in peace in many other countries too. Then they show their true stripes, once there are enough of them to cause problems. It has happened in several European countries. They even have a name for it.

There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

I see. What your problem is, is that you don't like people to be accused of terrorism if those being accused resemble you a little too uncomfortably.

But, let's ignore the fact that you are accusing the government from doing what you are doing yourself, gross stereotyping based on your bigoted views and not much more.
And I see what YOUR problem is. You either support muslims in their efforts to destroy our way of life, or you are incapable of learning from history. It is clear what they are doing. How can you not see it?

Assuming it's a real document. Point to what the OP's link was referring to.
What, you can't read?

Sure I can. I can read through the lines and see that you can't actually prove a point too.
You're a disingenuous hack who issues a challenge, then refuses to acknowledge FACTS when presented to you. You are not worthy of debate. You are a waste of time.

I seriously want to see what you consider proof but you actually need to quote it because I do not know what you see in that link that you think proves a point. Its on you.
You won't see what you don't want to see. That's what hacks do. You asked to see it. I gave you a link to a government document and you questioned it's validity. That's typical of someone who refuses to acknowledge facts when presented to you. It's obvious you didn't read it or you wouldn't need me to quote it for you. You're a hack and a waste of time. Bye bye.
Am I the only person that finds the investigate agencies of the United States are focused on right-wing groups and not Muslims?

Law enforcement agencies in the United States consider anti-government violent extremists, not radicalized Muslims, to be the most severe threat of political violence that they face,” the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security reported this past June, based on surveys of 382 law enforcement groups.

The problem is getting worse, although few outside of law enforcement know it. Multiple confidential sources notified the FBI last year that militia members have been conducting surveillance on Muslim schools, community centers and mosques in nine states for what one informant described as “operational purposes.” Informants also notified federal law enforcement that Mississippi militia extremists discussed kidnapping and beheading a Muslim, then posting a video of the decapitation on the Internet. The FBI also learned that right-wing extremists have created bogus law enforcement and diplomatic identifications, not because these radicals want to pretend to be police and ambassadors, but because they believe they hold those positions in a government they have created within the United States.
No, we ALL see it, some just won't admit it.
In another thread you were calling liberals intolerant. I don't know how you could be any more full of shit.
I would be more than happy to tolerate muslims, if they respected our laws and wanted to live in peace. There might actually be some that wish to do so. But their actions prove otherwise. They have a proven track record of living in peace, while they build up their population in their host country. Once their are enough of them, they begin to demand special treatment. Then they get elected to office, and the host countries fate is sealed. They are attempting to do the same thing here. I will not stand by and let them do this.

The vast majority of Muslims respect our laws and live in peace, but that's not good enough for you, the so called tolerant one. Who do you think you're fooling?
muslims have lived in peace in many other countries too. Then they show their true stripes, once there are enough of them to cause problems. It has happened in several European countries. They even have a name for it.

There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

I see. What your problem is, is that you don't like people to be accused of terrorism if those being accused resemble you a little too uncomfortably.

But, let's ignore the fact that you are accusing the government from doing what you are doing yourself, gross stereotyping based on your bigoted views and not much more.
And I see what YOUR problem is. You either support muslims in their efforts to destroy our way of life, or you are incapable of learning from history. It is clear what they are doing. How can you not see it?

I don't like terrorists, they give me a sad. Muslims or people of any religion who don't break the law or kill people or in general act like assholes I have a problem with. Then again, I'm the tolerant one between the two of us.
Assuming it's a real document. Point to what the OP's link was referring to.
What, you can't read?

Sure I can. I can read through the lines and see that you can't actually prove a point too.
You're a disingenuous hack who issues a challenge, then refuses to acknowledge FACTS when presented to you. You are not worthy of debate. You are a waste of time.

I seriously want to see what you consider proof but you actually need to quote it because I do not know what you see in that link that you think proves a point. Its on you.
You won't see what you don't want to see. That's what hacks do. You asked to see it. I gave you a link to a government document and you questioned it's validity. That's typical of someone who refuses to acknowledge facts when presented to you. It's obvious you didn't read it or you wouldn't need me to quote it for you. You're a hack and a waste of time. Bye bye.

Fuck dude, if you can't find anything in your link to prove a point then don't make it my problem.
What, you can't read?

Sure I can. I can read through the lines and see that you can't actually prove a point too.
You're a disingenuous hack who issues a challenge, then refuses to acknowledge FACTS when presented to you. You are not worthy of debate. You are a waste of time.

I seriously want to see what you consider proof but you actually need to quote it because I do not know what you see in that link that you think proves a point. Its on you.
You won't see what you don't want to see. That's what hacks do. You asked to see it. I gave you a link to a government document and you questioned it's validity. That's typical of someone who refuses to acknowledge facts when presented to you. It's obvious you didn't read it or you wouldn't need me to quote it for you. You're a hack and a waste of time. Bye bye.

Fuck dude, if you can't find anything in your link to prove a point then don't make it my problem.
See post #22, then fuck off.
Sure I can. I can read through the lines and see that you can't actually prove a point too.
You're a disingenuous hack who issues a challenge, then refuses to acknowledge FACTS when presented to you. You are not worthy of debate. You are a waste of time.

I seriously want to see what you consider proof but you actually need to quote it because I do not know what you see in that link that you think proves a point. Its on you.
You won't see what you don't want to see. That's what hacks do. You asked to see it. I gave you a link to a government document and you questioned it's validity. That's typical of someone who refuses to acknowledge facts when presented to you. It's obvious you didn't read it or you wouldn't need me to quote it for you. You're a hack and a waste of time. Bye bye.

Fuck dude, if you can't find anything in your link to prove a point then don't make it my problem.
See post #22, then fuck off.

I thought you actually quoted something that backed up your claim. Nope, still you can't even look at your own multiple paged pdf document and point to something that backs up why you posted it in the first place. Again, I must say, this is your problem, not mine.
You're a disingenuous hack who issues a challenge, then refuses to acknowledge FACTS when presented to you. You are not worthy of debate. You are a waste of time.

I seriously want to see what you consider proof but you actually need to quote it because I do not know what you see in that link that you think proves a point. Its on you.
You won't see what you don't want to see. That's what hacks do. You asked to see it. I gave you a link to a government document and you questioned it's validity. That's typical of someone who refuses to acknowledge facts when presented to you. It's obvious you didn't read it or you wouldn't need me to quote it for you. You're a hack and a waste of time. Bye bye.

Fuck dude, if you can't find anything in your link to prove a point then don't make it my problem.
See post #22, then fuck off.

I thought you actually quoted something that backed up your claim. Nope, still you can't even look at your own multiple paged pdf document and point to something that backs up why you posted it in the first place. Again, I must say, this is your problem, not mine.
I never made a g-damn claim, fuckwad. You wanted to see the memo and I posted it for you, Stupid.
I seriously want to see what you consider proof but you actually need to quote it because I do not know what you see in that link that you think proves a point. Its on you.
You won't see what you don't want to see. That's what hacks do. You asked to see it. I gave you a link to a government document and you questioned it's validity. That's typical of someone who refuses to acknowledge facts when presented to you. It's obvious you didn't read it or you wouldn't need me to quote it for you. You're a hack and a waste of time. Bye bye.

Fuck dude, if you can't find anything in your link to prove a point then don't make it my problem.
See post #22, then fuck off.

I thought you actually quoted something that backed up your claim. Nope, still you can't even look at your own multiple paged pdf document and point to something that backs up why you posted it in the first place. Again, I must say, this is your problem, not mine.
I never made a g-damn claim, fuckwad. You wanted to see the memo and I posted it for you, Stupid.

And it doesn't prove anything. That's why I'm asking you to be specific about what you found in the document. It;'s as simple as that.
  • Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
  • Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
  • Survivalist literature (fictional books such as "Patriots" and "One Second After" are mentioned by name)
  • Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
  • Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
  • Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
  • Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government
  • Homeschooling
  • Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
  • Belief in a New World Order conspiracy
Except for the last one I pretty much fit in all those.
You won't see what you don't want to see. That's what hacks do. You asked to see it. I gave you a link to a government document and you questioned it's validity. That's typical of someone who refuses to acknowledge facts when presented to you. It's obvious you didn't read it or you wouldn't need me to quote it for you. You're a hack and a waste of time. Bye bye.

Fuck dude, if you can't find anything in your link to prove a point then don't make it my problem.
See post #22, then fuck off.

I thought you actually quoted something that backed up your claim. Nope, still you can't even look at your own multiple paged pdf document and point to something that backs up why you posted it in the first place. Again, I must say, this is your problem, not mine.
I never made a g-damn claim, fuckwad. You wanted to see the memo and I posted it for you, Stupid.

And it doesn't prove anything. That's why I'm asking you to be specific about what you found in the document. It;'s as simple as that.
Did you have to train to be this stupid? One last time: You asked to see the document and I posted it. PERIOD. I'm not fucking trying to prove anything, moron. I'm gonna have to nominate you for USMB's dumbest liberal contest. You're running neck and neck with Bodie at this point but I think you may be even dumber than her (if that's possible).
Fuck dude, if you can't find anything in your link to prove a point then don't make it my problem.
See post #22, then fuck off.

I thought you actually quoted something that backed up your claim. Nope, still you can't even look at your own multiple paged pdf document and point to something that backs up why you posted it in the first place. Again, I must say, this is your problem, not mine.
I never made a g-damn claim, fuckwad. You wanted to see the memo and I posted it for you, Stupid.

And it doesn't prove anything. That's why I'm asking you to be specific about what you found in the document. It;'s as simple as that.
Did you have to train to be this stupid? One last time: You asked to see the document and I posted it. PERIOD. I'm not fucking trying to prove anything, moron. I'm gonna have to nominate you for USMB's dumbest liberal contest. You're running neck and neck with Bodie at this point but I think you may be even dumber than her (if that's possible).
Yep. Some people just have a talent for doubling down on stupid.
Fuck dude, if you can't find anything in your link to prove a point then don't make it my problem.
See post #22, then fuck off.

I thought you actually quoted something that backed up your claim. Nope, still you can't even look at your own multiple paged pdf document and point to something that backs up why you posted it in the first place. Again, I must say, this is your problem, not mine.
I never made a g-damn claim, fuckwad. You wanted to see the memo and I posted it for you, Stupid.

And it doesn't prove anything. That's why I'm asking you to be specific about what you found in the document. It;'s as simple as that.
Did you have to train to be this stupid? One last time: You asked to see the document and I posted it. PERIOD. I'm not fucking trying to prove anything, moron. I'm gonna have to nominate you for USMB's dumbest liberal contest. You're running neck and neck with Bodie at this point but I think you may be even dumber than her (if that's possible).

I didn't ask to see 'a document'. I asked to see something that backs up the OP's link. Specifically I said this:

Just curious. Can you go directly to the Department of Homeland Security and find this list?

Your link did not provide this list. Please go away.
See post #22, then fuck off.

I thought you actually quoted something that backed up your claim. Nope, still you can't even look at your own multiple paged pdf document and point to something that backs up why you posted it in the first place. Again, I must say, this is your problem, not mine.
I never made a g-damn claim, fuckwad. You wanted to see the memo and I posted it for you, Stupid.

And it doesn't prove anything. That's why I'm asking you to be specific about what you found in the document. It;'s as simple as that.
Did you have to train to be this stupid? One last time: You asked to see the document and I posted it. PERIOD. I'm not fucking trying to prove anything, moron. I'm gonna have to nominate you for USMB's dumbest liberal contest. You're running neck and neck with Bodie at this point but I think you may be even dumber than her (if that's possible).
Yep. Some people just have a talent for doubling down on stupid.

You're the one who didn't answer my post. So, question stands, find some proof that backs up your OP's link.
Time for another "Dumbest Liberal" contest. Watch for it, folks. :lol:

Look at you grasping for the approval of others because you failed to make a point and need the comfort of strangers.
Time for another "Dumbest Liberal" contest. Watch for it, folks. :lol:

Look at you grasping for the approval of others because you failed to make a point and need the comfort of strangers.

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