You Might Not Like It, but Hunter Biden’s Shenanigans Are Real News

Hunter Bai Dung lied when he filled out the Federal Form to purchase a pistol.
Before Hunter purchased the pistol it was well known that he was a full-blown cocaine and crack addition. So much so that he was thrown out of the military.


Wtf does that have to do with what you quoted?

If Hunter broke the law he should be held responsible like anyone else, so should Trump kids who lied on their Federal clearance forms.
Hunter doesn't matter unless someone gets ahold of information so damning and irrefutable that it can't be contained. He is well protected so pretty much everything will just be brushed aside and ignored even if it is true.

It's going to take some serious information that demands headlines and grows out of their control to maintain. Until then it's going to be little stuff that won ever make headlines because msm is still mostly a tool of the current administration and they dare not run anything too damaging for fear of reprisal.
Hunter doesn't matter unless someone gets ahold of information so damning and irrefutable that it can't be contained. He is well protected so pretty much everything will just be brushed aside and ignored even if it is true.

It's going to take some serious information that demands headlines and grows out of their control to maintain. Until then it's going to be little stuff that won ever make headlines because msm is still mostly a tool of the current administration and they dare not run anything too damaging for fear of reprisal.

So what????? No one cares about Hunter Biden. Your obsession with him is downright creepy and disgusting. He's not a member of government, and he's not elected to anything. Why do you continue to slander him????

Let's go after Barron Trump shall we? What an arrogant little asshole that kid is. He's likely to grow up and abuse women just like his father and brothers. Not quite right that kid.
So what????? No one cares about Hunter Biden. Your obsession with him is downright creepy and disgusting. He's not a member of government, and he's not elected to anything. Why do you continue to slander him????

Let's go after Barron Trump shall we? What an arrogant little asshole that kid is. He's likely to grow up and abuse women just like his father and brothers. Not quite right that kid.

My obsession? Slander him?

Did you not read anything I said? I didn't slander him and I don't think you know what that word means. Because slander is spoken, libel is written and obviously I wrote what I wrote, I didn't speak it.

And did I sound obsessed? I was just talking in general terms about the situation is all I did.

If anything you're the one obsessed because youre the one that trumps into it for no reason when it wasnt the topic of discussion and started tearing them apart. And you're the one the one calling names, cursing, and speculating wild assumptions about someone. Notice in my post you quoted I did none of those things.
My obsession? Slander him?

Did you not read anything I said? I didn't slander him and I don't think you know what that word means. Because slander is spoken, libel is written and obviously I wrote what I wrote, I didn't speak it.

And did I sound obsessed? I was just talking in general terms about the situation is all I did.

If anything you're the one obsessed because youre the one that trumps into it for no reason when it wasnt the topic of discussion and started tearing them apart. And you're the one the one calling names, cursing, and speculating wild assumptions about someone. Notice in my post you quoted I did none of those things.

My obsession? Slander him?

Did you not read anything I said? I didn't slander him and I don't think you know what that word means. Because slander is spoken, libel is written and obviously I wrote what I wrote, I didn't speak it.

And did I sound obsessed? I was just talking in general terms about the situation is all I did.

If anything you're the one obsessed because youre the one that trumps into it for no reason when it wasnt the topic of discussion and started tearing them apart. And you're the one the one calling names, cursing, and speculating wild assumptions about someone. Notice in my post you quoted I did none of those things.

And you prove my point. Slander, libel, you're still lying about Hunter Biden. Why???

He's a private citizen. Why do are you obsessed with him? I cared about Ivanka and Jared because they were working in the White House, and abusing their power.

Don Jr. and Eric are just useless pieces of shit having no power or authority. Their behaviour is shameful - scamming St. Judes. What a creep. Junior even looks like an oily coke head, which he is. But they weren't in government, so let them destroy their lives, it's none of my concern.

But you clowns are just obsessed with Hunter Biden.
The 2022 version of Billygate

It was a coverup just as what is happening in Washington politics today.
There is too much evidence proving that Hunter Biden has been involved in nefarious acts of criminal enterprises leaning close to if not downright treason.
Why has the evidence of Hunter's laptops been hidden from the public by the DoJ and FBI?
Has Joey Xi Bai Dung finally proved that family despotism and crime rule the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left?
Prove the evidence wrong by releasing the evidence or be honest and begin the prosecution of the Biden crime family.

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It was a coverup just as what is happening in Washington politics today.
There is too much evidence proving that Hunter Biden has been involved in nefarious acts of criminal enterprises leaning close to if not downright treason.
Why has the evidence of Hunter's laptops been hidden from the public by the DoJ and FBI?
Has Joey Xi Bai Dung finally proved that family despotism and crime rule the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left?
Prove the evidence wrong by releasing the evidence or be honest and begin the prosecution of the Biden crime family.

Sorry, I do not know you think you are a serious poster or not, but there is no way I can take anyone that uses this phrase "Joey Xi Bai Dung" as anything more than a troll.
And you prove my point. Slander, libel, you're still lying about Hunter Biden. Why???

He's a private citizen. Why do are you obsessed with him? I cared about Ivanka and Jared because they were working in the White House, and abusing their power.

Don Jr. and Eric are just useless pieces of shit having no power or authority. Their behaviour is shameful - scamming St. Judes. What a creep. Junior even looks like an oily coke head, which he is. But they weren't in government, so let them destroy their lives, it's none of my concern.

But you clowns are just obsessed with Hunter Biden.

Then why hasn't the Biden family begun liable suits against those attempting to make the evidence public?

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You Might Not Like It, but Hunter Biden’s Shenanigans Are Real News

The mainstream press shouldn’t ignore the president’s son’s questionable business practices.
7 Feb 2022 ~~ By Matt Lewis
The troubled presidential scion is in the news again and raising questions about his father, President Joe Biden. This unwanted attention has also renewed questions about the media’s relative lack of interest in the younger Biden’s highly questionable business interests during the 2020 presidential election.
Last week, Politico reported:The New York Times is still digging into Hunter Biden’s business relationships.” The Gray Lady sued the State Department to get emails about Hunter Biden that were sent or received by the US Embassy in Romania. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, these new emails reveal.
Although it garnered more attention on the right than in the mainstream media, last September, Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger, author of The Bidens, confirmed the validity of some of the controversial emails that surfaced during the 2020 campaign—including an email with a Chinese oil executive, referencing equity to be held for “the big guy.” (The big guy was Joe Biden, according to the recipient, Tony Bobulinski, a business partner of Hunter’s.)
Some, like Politico’s Schreckinger and The New York Times’ Ken Vogel, have spent considerable time doing just that. But let’s be honest, if this were any other president’s son, the coverage would have been through the roof.
Even without these post-election revelations and allegations, there was always an appearance of impropriety. We know Hunter was paid a lot of money to serve on the board of a Ukrainian gas company, apparently without ever visiting Ukraine and without any discernible expertise in the energy field. And his father just happened to be the point man there for the Obama administration.
I’ve just explained why the story didn’t get the attention it probably deserved in 2020, but what about in the future? By suing the State Department, The New York Times has signaled that they are serious about investigating the new Hunter Biden revelations. That’s a good start.
Media outlets and investigative reporters should pursue new allegations and leads aggressively, regardless of where that takes them. They shouldn’t let their fear or dislike of Trump guide their reporting.
The credibility of the media is at stake. And in the unlikely event that (as Schweizer’s reporting would suggest) Joe Biden has been compromised by a foreign government, the stakes are a lot higher than that.

Wow! The Daily Beast, the New York Times! Has the man behind the curtain had enough of Biden?
Why does Matt Lewis preface it with, “You May Not Like It?” Who is he placating?
Evidently, there are many on the left who believe NO sin by a democrat rises to the level worthy of investigation.
On the other hand, is Matt Lewis providing cover for his cohorts in the Ministry of Propaganda.
We know this much. Up till now, the majority of the MSM is not made up of real journalists - they’re Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat butt boys.
The Post has a good series on Hunter and his laptop fiasco, including another series by the Daily Mail.
It's no secret that Biden, his son and brother James have created a crime family.
Then there's Joe's views on guns, and crime.
If he was so intent on prosecuting criminal caught with illegal guns, why don't he start with his son.

Maybe you should read this.

"Fox News has reviewed emails from Bobulinski related to the venture — and they don't show that the elder Biden had business dealings with SinoHawk Holdings, or took any payments from them or the Chinese."

"Sources familiar with the matter told the Journal that Hunter and Jim Biden's joint venture never got funds from CEFC China Energy Co. ‒ of which Bobulinski was a partner ‒ and corporate records reviewed by the newspaper indicate Joe Biden had no role in the discussions. "

The biggest fact that shows the claim is a bunch of bullshit is the fact that Joe Biden has publicly released his tax returns. We know where he got his money from. It came from speaking fees, book deals and pensions. Some of it came from investments but there is no evidence of any business partnership with his son.

Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma until 2019. 4 years after Joe Biden left office.
And you prove my point. Slander, libel, you're still lying about Hunter Biden. Why???

He's a private citizen. Why do are you obsessed with him? I cared about Ivanka and Jared because they were working in the White House, and abusing their power.

Don Jr. and Eric are just useless pieces of shit having no power or authority. Their behaviour is shameful - scamming St. Judes. What a creep. Junior even looks like an oily coke head, which he is. But they weren't in government, so let them destroy their lives, it's none of my concern.

But you clowns are just obsessed with Hunter Biden.
I love watching me some squirming leftist anti-American scum when they are faced with facts they can't debate. In the words of the immortal Merle Haggard, "If you don't love it leave it."
And you prove my point. Slander, libel, you're still lying about Hunter Biden. Why???

He's a private citizen. Why do are you obsessed with him? I cared about Ivanka and Jared because they were working in the White House, and abusing their power.

Don Jr. and Eric are just useless pieces of shit having no power or authority. Their behaviour is shameful - scamming St. Judes. What a creep. Junior even looks like an oily coke head, which he is. But they weren't in government, so let them destroy their lives, it's none of my concern.

But you clowns are just obsessed with Hunter Biden.

I proved what point? I didn't say anything about him personally if you actually read what I said. What specifically did I say that was a lie? And if you did find something then show me a link to a credible source that shows my fictious lie is infact a lie.

Again, you're the one obsessed since each time you reply to me you spend more time talking about the trumps for some reason than you do anything else. They aren't even part of this topic.

And I'm still not the one trying to insult people by calling them names.

You Might Not Like It, but Hunter Biden’s Shenanigans Are Real News

The mainstream press shouldn’t ignore the president’s son’s questionable business practices.
7 Feb 2022 ~~ By Matt Lewis
The troubled presidential scion is in the news again and raising questions about his father, President Joe Biden. This unwanted attention has also renewed questions about the media’s relative lack of interest in the younger Biden’s highly questionable business interests during the 2020 presidential election.
Last week, Politico reported:The New York Times is still digging into Hunter Biden’s business relationships.” The Gray Lady sued the State Department to get emails about Hunter Biden that were sent or received by the US Embassy in Romania. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, these new emails reveal.
Although it garnered more attention on the right than in the mainstream media, last September, Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger, author of The Bidens, confirmed the validity of some of the controversial emails that surfaced during the 2020 campaign—including an email with a Chinese oil executive, referencing equity to be held for “the big guy.” (The big guy was Joe Biden, according to the recipient, Tony Bobulinski, a business partner of Hunter’s.)
Some, like Politico’s Schreckinger and The New York Times’ Ken Vogel, have spent considerable time doing just that. But let’s be honest, if this were any other president’s son, the coverage would have been through the roof.
Even without these post-election revelations and allegations, there was always an appearance of impropriety. We know Hunter was paid a lot of money to serve on the board of a Ukrainian gas company, apparently without ever visiting Ukraine and without any discernible expertise in the energy field. And his father just happened to be the point man there for the Obama administration.
I’ve just explained why the story didn’t get the attention it probably deserved in 2020, but what about in the future? By suing the State Department, The New York Times has signaled that they are serious about investigating the new Hunter Biden revelations. That’s a good start.
Media outlets and investigative reporters should pursue new allegations and leads aggressively, regardless of where that takes them. They shouldn’t let their fear or dislike of Trump guide their reporting.
The credibility of the media is at stake. And in the unlikely event that (as Schweizer’s reporting would suggest) Joe Biden has been compromised by a foreign government, the stakes are a lot higher than that.

Wow! The Daily Beast, the New York Times! Has the man behind the curtain had enough of Biden?
Why does Matt Lewis preface it with, “You May Not Like It?” Who is he placating?
Evidently, there are many on the left who believe NO sin by a democrat rises to the level worthy of investigation.
On the other hand, is Matt Lewis providing cover for his cohorts in the Ministry of Propaganda.
We know this much. Up till now, the majority of the MSM is not made up of real journalists - they’re Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat butt boys.
The Post has a good series on Hunter and his laptop fiasco, including another series by the Daily Mail.
It's no secret that Biden, his son and brother James have created a crime family.
Then there's Joe's views on guns, and crime.
If he was so intent on prosecuting criminal caught with illegal guns, why don't he start with his son.
Not Guilty, super dupe....Keep disrespecting our wonderful country, Putinist Trumphead...

Hunter Biden paid off tax bill in 2021, but investigation continued: report​

17 Mar 2022 ~~ By Jesse O'Neill
Hunter Biden paid off a tax liability of over $1 million a year after he announced he was under investigation for defrauding the IRS — but he could still face charges in the wide-ranging federal probe, a new report said.
The up-to-date tax bill could make it harder for prosecutors to convict President Joe Biden’s 52-year-old son however, and hinder their ability to win a lengthy sentence if he was convicted, according to The New York Times.
Hunter Biden has been under investigation for failing to pay taxes since his father was vice-president, but the inquiry broadened in 2018 to look into how his international business dealings intersected with President Biden’s political career.
The probe was reportedly kept under wraps by prosecutors as the elder Biden ran for high office.
Last month, a grand jury heard from two former love interests of the younger Biden, who testified about his lavish spending and a paternity suit settlement, as the investigation continued.

Regrettably the case against Hunter Biden and the Biden family is very simple and since it is so simple, there must be highly placed individuals who are preventing it from going forward in a transparent fashion.
Frankly Hunter was out of control and high on drugs a lot, see the videos in the laptop and his record in the NY family court and statements of his behavior in the Mpire strip club etc while he was involved with multiple women when he was a family man. False statements to the court and contempt of court for refusing to release his financial records to prove he was financially incapable of supporting any of his family etc.
At the same time he was getting large sums from foreigners, foreign interests and individuals who were known criminals, etc. According to the press those funds were being used to pay "Biden Family Expenses" -- Bobulinski provided evidence to the DOJ and FBI documenting various facts at hand, Devon Archer and Bevan Cooney (hunter's business partners who went to jail) also provided evidence. The DOJ and FBI according to the press had a money laundering investigation going on Hunter etc..
Follow the money as they say, any rookie Treasury agent or DOJ attorney could prove that Hunter was getting large sums of money pedaling influence and that some of it was being spent in ways that benefited Joe and Jill Biden and others in the family. It is a simple case, easily proven.
Joey Xi's actions to directly intervene and secure a benefit to his son in misuse of office, is an equally easy case on Govt ethics, a rookie attorney in the DOJ and govt ethics division could prove that case with Joey bragging about SOB they fired him on video etc.
All these things are easy to prove if anyone takes the time and unshackles the DOJ. So one has to wonder why... and who... Hunter has not been disbarred for his various ethical and criminal activities and offenses. including lying to the NY family court and contempt of court for refusing to produce the production of subpoenaed records. An attorney cannot do such stuff and expect to continue practicing law, if not a suspension but an outright revocation of his license.. But that never has happened. Why? Who? When? etc., seem to be off the table for any investigator.
See also:
Funny how the Biden’s are the devil business-wise, but the Trump grifter clan are immune to the same crowd!
If YOU think Trump actually did something---why does Pelosi and the corrupt Clinton FBI have to manufacture fake evidence, perjure themselves in court, and still can't find a real crime that Trump has supposedly done?

Speaking of which why do you silly libs keep imaging this shit and still remain unable to produce any evidence or credibility in your claims? Mass brainwashing--gullible druggies watching to many SNL skits unable to distinquish reality from fantasies? Subliminal CNN Messages? Inquiring Minds want to know.
Just imagine if Donald Jr, Eric or Ivanka got caught involved in just one of the crimes Hunters has been caught doing, or not paid the IRS the taxes due.
Can you imagine, discharged from the military for drug use, owing the IRS more than a million dollars, influence pedaling, using his father's office, leaving evidence is crime in laptops, violating Federal guns laws, purchasing a pistol then discarding it in a dumpster and the illegitimate child he fathered with a topless dancer, or the mistress he paid through Rosemont Seneca.
Then there's the $3.5 million gift from the mayor's wife of Moscow, and the 3-carat diamond gift from a Chinese oligarch.
The media would have eaten any of Trump's children alive had there been just one of those incidences were committed
If YOU think Trump actually did something---why does Pelosi and the corrupt Clinton FBI have to manufacture fake evidence, perjure themselves in court, and still can't find a real crime that Trump has supposedly done?

Speaking of which why do you silly libs keep imaging this shit and still remain unable to produce any evidence or credibility in your claims? Mass brainwashing--gullible druggies watching to many SNL skits unable to distinquish reality from fantasies? Subliminal CNN Messages? Inquiring Minds want to know.
Maybe the entire world of journalism and truth, not to mention the best law enforcement and judicial oversight going, brainwashed functional moron Putinist....Trump did it in public as everyone in the world knows except you Fox etc fools...Change the gd channel!

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