You own a factory, employ many workers


Classical Liberal
May 24, 2011
Factories can be dangerous places, so you're obliged to address any potentially hazardous safety issues with speed and efficiency. It's your business, so if someone is hurt, you're on the hook.

Then you discover that several of your employees are drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis on their lunch break. It's a clear breech of the company rules, it presents a tremendous liability hazard, and it's illegal.

So, what would you do? You'd fire them, right?

Not if they were union working for the UAW you wouldn't:

13 employees who were fired for getting drunk and high during lunch filed grievances with the UAW and after legal battle spanning almost two years – an independent arbitrator has ruled that the Chrysler Group must rehire

Chrysler ordered to rehire workers caught drinking, smoking pot during lunch

Anyone remember when unions were all about workplace safety? Remember the slogan "an injury to one is the concern of all."

Ah well, screw worker safety. I can't wait to check out the new Chryslers this year...they ought to be just fantastic...:alcoholic: :smoke: :doubt:
That's messed up. Does anyone think this is a good idea?
FOX News caught union workers in Michigan that would meet during work hours at a park to smoke pot and drink, while getting paid their salary....then they'd go back to work to clockout.
Your bailout money hard at work at Chrysler.

[ame=]FOX NEWS 5 --- Chrysler Takes Back 13 Union Workers Caught Drinking Getting High Lunch.avi - YouTube[/ame]

don't worry.. hazelnutbag or rdummy or wrongwinger will be along to defend the worker's 'right' to get fucked up on company time
Factories can be dangerous places, so you're obliged to address any potentially hazardous safety issues with speed and efficiency. It's your business, so if someone is hurt, you're on the hook.

Then you discover that several of your employees are drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis on their lunch break. It's a clear breech of the company rules, it presents a tremendous liability hazard, and it's illegal.

So, what would you do? You'd fire them, right?

Not if they were union working for the UAW you wouldn't:

13 employees who were fired for getting drunk and high during lunch filed grievances with the UAW and after legal battle spanning almost two years – an independent arbitrator has ruled that the Chrysler Group must rehire

Chrysler ordered to rehire workers caught drinking, smoking pot during lunch

Anyone remember when unions were all about workplace safety? Remember the slogan "an injury to one is the concern of all."

Ah well, screw worker safety. I can't wait to check out the new Chryslers this year...they ought to be just fantastic...:alcoholic: :smoke: :doubt:

meh... assuming your wingnut site is accurate in saying the workers had to be rehired, it doesn't say why. perhaps the company didn't follow it's own procedures? perhaps there was insufficient evidence that the person was impaired?

thanks for the link... but i'm going to say, knowing the fauxrage, rightwingnut brigade and how it works, that there's more to this story.... as there always is.
Factories can be dangerous places, so you're obliged to address any potentially hazardous safety issues with speed and efficiency. It's your business, so if someone is hurt, you're on the hook.

Then you discover that several of your employees are drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis on their lunch break. It's a clear breech of the company rules, it presents a tremendous liability hazard, and it's illegal.

So, what would you do? You'd fire them, right?

Not if they were union working for the UAW you wouldn't:

13 employees who were fired for getting drunk and high during lunch filed grievances with the UAW and after legal battle spanning almost two years – an independent arbitrator has ruled that the Chrysler Group must rehire

Chrysler ordered to rehire workers caught drinking, smoking pot during lunch

Anyone remember when unions were all about workplace safety? Remember the slogan "an injury to one is the concern of all."

Ah well, screw worker safety. I can't wait to check out the new Chryslers this year...they ought to be just fantastic...:alcoholic: :smoke: :doubt:

On the face of it, I would agree. However, in reading the article (which was not what I would call neutral) it seems the firing was not based upon them actually being caught but rather because of a news story in which they were observed drinking what was assumed to be alcohol and smoking what was assumed to be pot. There was no evidence as to what the substances actually were nor were breath, urine or blood tests done to establish they had consumed anything.

I'd say Chrysler screwed up their investigation and fired people in violation of the contract.
Factories can be dangerous places, so you're obliged to address any potentially hazardous safety issues with speed and efficiency. It's your business, so if someone is hurt, you're on the hook.

Then you discover that several of your employees are drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis on their lunch break. It's a clear breech of the company rules, it presents a tremendous liability hazard, and it's illegal.

So, what would you do? You'd fire them, right?

Not if they were union working for the UAW you wouldn't:

13 employees who were fired for getting drunk and high during lunch filed grievances with the UAW and after legal battle spanning almost two years – an independent arbitrator has ruled that the Chrysler Group must rehire

Chrysler ordered to rehire workers caught drinking, smoking pot during lunch

Anyone remember when unions were all about workplace safety? Remember the slogan "an injury to one is the concern of all."

Ah well, screw worker safety. I can't wait to check out the new Chryslers this year...they ought to be just fantastic...:alcoholic: :smoke: :doubt:

meh... assuming your wingnut site is accurate in saying the workers had to be rehired, it doesn't say why. perhaps the company didn't follow it's own procedures? perhaps there was insufficient evidence that the person was impaired?

thanks for the link... but i'm going to say, knowing the fauxrage, rightwingnut brigade and how it works, that there's more to this story.... as there always is.

OK.. here it is from the huffo puffo leftwing site

Chrysler Workers Drinking: Fired Employees Reinstated At Jefferson North Plant In Detroit

Looks like a 'grievance' on how it was made public... still, these fuckers should have been fired.. they were caught on tape doing this.. it could not be much more cut and dry
Unions are criminal organizations. They make it impossible to fire bad workers and when these auto companies need to downsize, they still have to pay the workers 80%-90% of their salary while they do nothing.

Unions have forced auto companies to pay $80 an hour to work on the assembly line. Of course, dumbfuck liberals wonder why GM and other American companies have problems competing with Honda, Kia, etc.
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Factories can be dangerous places, so you're obliged to address any potentially hazardous safety issues with speed and efficiency. It's your business, so if someone is hurt, you're on the hook.

Then you discover that several of your employees are drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis on their lunch break. It's a clear breech of the company rules, it presents a tremendous liability hazard, and it's illegal.

So, what would you do? You'd fire them, right?

Not if they were union working for the UAW you wouldn't:

13 employees who were fired for getting drunk and high during lunch filed grievances with the UAW and after legal battle spanning almost two years – an independent arbitrator has ruled that the Chrysler Group must rehire

Chrysler ordered to rehire workers caught drinking, smoking pot during lunch

Anyone remember when unions were all about workplace safety? Remember the slogan "an injury to one is the concern of all."

Ah well, screw worker safety. I can't wait to check out the new Chryslers this year...they ought to be just fantastic...:alcoholic: :smoke: :doubt:

meh... assuming your wingnut site is accurate in saying the workers had to be rehired, it doesn't say why. perhaps the company didn't follow it's own procedures? perhaps there was insufficient evidence that the person was impaired?

thanks for the link... but i'm going to say, knowing the fauxrage, rightwingnut brigade and how it works, that there's more to this story.... as there always is.

You want to buy a car whos safety equipment or other major components were installed by a drunk or high person?

Look for the union label if you've screwed up on the job. It'll protect you.

That's what teachers in Bay City, MI do. A teacher can get caught drunk in the classroom and actually be fired...but only after FOUR previous drunk-in-the-classroom offenses.

And I think the same union contract says a teacher caught selling drugs to students can be fired too...after the second offense.

Gotta love those unions.
Factories can be dangerous places, so you're obliged to address any potentially hazardous safety issues with speed and efficiency. It's your business, so if someone is hurt, you're on the hook.

Then you discover that several of your employees are drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis on their lunch break. It's a clear breech of the company rules, it presents a tremendous liability hazard, and it's illegal.

So, what would you do? You'd fire them, right?

Not if they were union working for the UAW you wouldn't:

Chrysler ordered to rehire workers caught drinking, smoking pot during lunch

Anyone remember when unions were all about workplace safety? Remember the slogan "an injury to one is the concern of all."

Ah well, screw worker safety. I can't wait to check out the new Chryslers this year...they ought to be just fantastic...:alcoholic: :smoke: :doubt:

meh... assuming your wingnut site is accurate in saying the workers had to be rehired, it doesn't say why. perhaps the company didn't follow it's own procedures? perhaps there was insufficient evidence that the person was impaired?

thanks for the link... but i'm going to say, knowing the fauxrage, rightwingnut brigade and how it works, that there's more to this story.... as there always is.

OK.. here it is from the huffo puffo leftwing site

Chrysler Workers Drinking: Fired Employees Reinstated At Jefferson North Plant In Detroit

Looks like a 'grievance' on how it was made public... still, these fuckers should have been fired.. they were caught on tape doing this.. it could not be much more cut and dry

They were fired based on a video?

You drug tests?

No drop in performance?

Just a video?

If I were to "video" CEOs on their 2 martini that cause for this sort of action as well?

Because..I think not.
Factories can be dangerous places, so you're obliged to address any potentially hazardous safety issues with speed and efficiency. It's your business, so if someone is hurt, you're on the hook.

Then you discover that several of your employees are drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis on their lunch break. It's a clear breech of the company rules, it presents a tremendous liability hazard, and it's illegal.

So, what would you do? You'd fire them, right?

Not if they were union working for the UAW you wouldn't:

13 employees who were fired for getting drunk and high during lunch filed grievances with the UAW and after legal battle spanning almost two years – an independent arbitrator has ruled that the Chrysler Group must rehire

Chrysler ordered to rehire workers caught drinking, smoking pot during lunch

Anyone remember when unions were all about workplace safety? Remember the slogan "an injury to one is the concern of all."

Ah well, screw worker safety. I can't wait to check out the new Chryslers this year...they ought to be just fantastic...:alcoholic: :smoke: :doubt:

meh... assuming your wingnut site is accurate in saying the workers had to be rehired, it doesn't say why. perhaps the company didn't follow it's own procedures? perhaps there was insufficient evidence that the person was impaired?

thanks for the link... but i'm going to say, knowing the fauxrage, rightwingnut brigade and how it works, that there's more to this story.... as there always is.

The UAW opposes drug testing at every turn.

Injury and illness reporting. We must develop an environment that encourages reporting. Injury and illness reports, including near-miss incidents, can be important warning signs of work hazards. We oppose and will seek to eliminate management practices that discourage reporting, including:
Threatening, discriminating against and firing workers who report workplace injuries and illness.

Monetary incentives or other rewards or punishments that are based on reported injuries.

“Behavior-based safety” schemes that focus solely on worker actions and not on hazard identification.

Drug testing and/or discipline triggered solely by an incident report.

Health and Safety | UAW

How ironic that is in their Health and Safety procedures?

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Factories can be dangerous places, so you're obliged to address any potentially hazardous safety issues with speed and efficiency. It's your business, so if someone is hurt, you're on the hook.

Then you discover that several of your employees are drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis on their lunch break. It's a clear breech of the company rules, it presents a tremendous liability hazard, and it's illegal.

So, what would you do? You'd fire them, right?

Not if they were union working for the UAW you wouldn't:

Chrysler ordered to rehire workers caught drinking, smoking pot during lunch

Anyone remember when unions were all about workplace safety? Remember the slogan "an injury to one is the concern of all."

Ah well, screw worker safety. I can't wait to check out the new Chryslers this year...they ought to be just fantastic...:alcoholic: :smoke: :doubt:

meh... assuming your wingnut site is accurate in saying the workers had to be rehired, it doesn't say why. perhaps the company didn't follow it's own procedures? perhaps there was insufficient evidence that the person was impaired?

thanks for the link... but i'm going to say, knowing the fauxrage, rightwingnut brigade and how it works, that there's more to this story.... as there always is.

OK.. here it is from the huffo puffo leftwing site

Chrysler Workers Drinking: Fired Employees Reinstated At Jefferson North Plant In Detroit

Looks like a 'grievance' on how it was made public... still, these fuckers should have been fired.. they were caught on tape doing this.. it could not be much more cut and dry

maybe... if you tested the substances.

they have to live by their own rules. it's not really complicated.

you don't know what they are and cussing about a couple of people who lost their jobs when you don't know the whole story isn't productive.
Trade unions are notorious for it. The painters take a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with ice and beers. The sweaty bucket they call it.
I didn't realize smoking pot in a Michigan park was legal...especially on the clock for work.

Nevermind drinking alcohol on the job at the park away from work.

Eh, dumbfuck?

So your workers lied about being at work and were doing illegal things like doing drugs and drinking & driving. Drinking and driving didn't turn out so well for the Cowboys with their employees.....dumbfuck.

Now, imagine a goon like you on the clock kills someone driving back to the plant. Hmmmm, I wonder if some scumbag liberal lawyer is going to sue the auto company for their DRUNK EMPLOYEE on the clock killing someone.

Go fuck yourself you inbred piece of shit.

meh... assuming your wingnut site is accurate in saying the workers had to be rehired, it doesn't say why. perhaps the company didn't follow it's own procedures? perhaps there was insufficient evidence that the person was impaired?

thanks for the link... but i'm going to say, knowing the fauxrage, rightwingnut brigade and how it works, that there's more to this story.... as there always is.

OK.. here it is from the huffo puffo leftwing site

Chrysler Workers Drinking: Fired Employees Reinstated At Jefferson North Plant In Detroit

Looks like a 'grievance' on how it was made public... still, these fuckers should have been fired.. they were caught on tape doing this.. it could not be much more cut and dry

They were fired based on a video?

You drug tests?

No drop in performance?

Just a video?

If I were to "video" CEOs on their 2 martini that cause for this sort of action as well?

Because..I think not.
Factories can be dangerous places, so you're obliged to address any potentially hazardous safety issues with speed and efficiency. It's your business, so if someone is hurt, you're on the hook.

Then you discover that several of your employees are drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis on their lunch break. It's a clear breech of the company rules, it presents a tremendous liability hazard, and it's illegal.

So, what would you do? You'd fire them, right?

Not if they were union working for the UAW you wouldn't:

Chrysler ordered to rehire workers caught drinking, smoking pot during lunch

Anyone remember when unions were all about workplace safety? Remember the slogan "an injury to one is the concern of all."

Ah well, screw worker safety. I can't wait to check out the new Chryslers this year...they ought to be just fantastic...:alcoholic: :smoke: :doubt:

meh... assuming your wingnut site is accurate in saying the workers had to be rehired, it doesn't say why. perhaps the company didn't follow it's own procedures? perhaps there was insufficient evidence that the person was impaired?

thanks for the link... but i'm going to say, knowing the fauxrage, rightwingnut brigade and how it works, that there's more to this story.... as there always is.

The UAW opposes drug testing at every turn.

Injury and illness reporting. We must develop an environment that encourages reporting. Injury and illness reports, including near-miss incidents, can be important warning signs of work hazards. We oppose and will seek to eliminate management practices that discourage reporting, including:
Threatening, discriminating against and firing workers who report workplace injuries and illness.

Monetary incentives or other rewards or punishments that are based on reported injuries.

“Behavior-based safety” schemes that focus solely on worker actions and not on hazard identification.

Drug testing and/or discipline triggered solely by an incident report.

Health and Safety | UAW

How ironic that is in their Health and Safety procedures?


kind of like the NRA opposes gun regulation, i guess.

but drug testing doesn't tell you if someone is impaired... it tells you if someone has used within x number of days.... and it isn't even consistent in terms of the number of days b/c how long it takes for pot to get out of your system depends on how much you smoked, on your metabolism, on your size... and a lot of other factors.

so why is it your employer's business what you do when you're off work if you're not impaired AT work.

that's why unions oppose drug testing.
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meh... assuming your wingnut site is accurate in saying the workers had to be rehired, it doesn't say why. perhaps the company didn't follow it's own procedures? perhaps there was insufficient evidence that the person was impaired?

thanks for the link... but i'm going to say, knowing the fauxrage, rightwingnut brigade and how it works, that there's more to this story.... as there always is.

The UAW opposes drug testing at every turn.

Injury and illness reporting. We must develop an environment that encourages reporting. Injury and illness reports, including near-miss incidents, can be important warning signs of work hazards. We oppose and will seek to eliminate management practices that discourage reporting, including:
Threatening, discriminating against and firing workers who report workplace injuries and illness.

Monetary incentives or other rewards or punishments that are based on reported injuries.

“Behavior-based safety” schemes that focus solely on worker actions and not on hazard identification.

Drug testing and/or discipline triggered solely by an incident report.

Health and Safety | UAW

How ironic that is in their Health and Safety procedures?


kind of like the NRA opposes gun regulation, i guess.

Except for owning a gun is legal..

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