you partisans trip me out

I think it's possible that we no longer know HOW to cooperate.

We're stuck in this all-or-nothing mess, and innovation appears to be beyond us now.
That's how it's presented in the media...But if you just get up off your ass and go get to know and converse with your neighbors, I bet you won't see anywhere near that kind if division.
I see it regularly in real life. Partisans don't "see" it because they're engaging in the behaviors themselves.
The post has it ass-backwards. People who don't have strong political views are usually ignorant in the literal sense of the word or are psychology damaged in some way or they are lying ironically to try to make a political point.
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Sometimes I wonder if they care about what's good for the country at all. It seems that seeing the other side in ruins is literally the only thing that matters to them.

Seeing the other side in ruins is good for the country.

Neither side is going to ruin the other in the near future. It's a waste of time to refuse to find ways to cooperate.

I dont see any room left for compromise. There's hardly any value or principal remaining that the right hasn't already given up.

Legal gun ownership. That's about it. No more compromise.

We could get a lot done if people weren't opposed to cooperation. The left is unwilling to even consider building a wall for example, and the conservatives generally are unwilling to offer them something for it. Everybody just stamps their feet and thinks everything should go their way with no compromise. My 6 year old son is more pragmatic than that.
Bullshit, President Trump came to the table willing to sign the DACA agreement for some funding for the wall, and the worthless Dimwitocraps said NO. Dont give me shit about partisan crap, there is one side who wants to ruin this country, the other side trying to save it.
and yet the side you say is trying to ruin it feel that THEY are trying to save it and the other side is trying ruin it....
I don’t like when the two criminal gangs ‘cooperate.’

They need people to be at odds like they are. I think that's working as intended. If people on both sides started to be open to cooperation I think the two (one) party system would start shitting its pants.
Yes. Agreed. It is the people who need to cooperate, not the scummy R and D parties.

Yes it is happening as planned...planned by the two criminal parties and their owners, the extreme wealthy. The people are an easy mark. Most can’t see the fraud being played on them.
So what you are saying is that there are plenty of dumbass people out there being duped because they are too stupid to see what is going on around them?

View attachment 258984
they are called "die-hard" party people....
The post has it ass-backwards. People who don't have strong political views are usually ignorant in the literal sense of the word or are psychology damaged in some way or they are lying ironically to try to make a political point.
Its not about your views, its about the hypocrisy. Its about how partisans fall in line no matter what. Integrity and honesty be damned.
Why cant anyone pick up on that? Is the OP that complicatedm
The post has it ass-backwards. People who don't have strong political views are usually ignorant in the literal sense of the word or are psychology damaged in some way or they are lying ironically to try to make a political point.
Its not about your views, its about the hypocrisy. Its about how partisans fall in line no matter what. Integrity and honesty be damned.
Why cant anyone pick up on that? Is the OP that complicatedm
the party diehards would never agree with you on this.........
I see this as all noise to distract Americans from important issues, like paying the national debt down.

So far, to me neither party is worth much anymore, that is why we all need to unit behind third party candidates, forget about ones place of birth, tax returns, and other no issues and focus on the American middle class that has to subsidize America and who the politicians have forgot about.
The post has it ass-backwards. People who don't have strong political views are usually ignorant in the literal sense of the word or are psychology damaged in some way or they are lying ironically to try to make a political point.
There are a lot of perfectly fine, normal people who could give two shits about politics. Not everyone has the same priorities you do. It doesn't make them stupid.
I see this as all noise to distract Americans from important issues, like paying the national debt down.

So far, to me neither party is worth much anymore, that is why we all need to unit behind third party candidates, forget about ones place of birth, tax returns, and other no issues and focus on the American middle class that has to subsidize America and who the politicians have forgot about.
I suppose there has to be some kind of fund raising apparatus, which is what the parties do best, but why rely on a third party when the two majors don't work? It is the party system that leads to a fail, imo. Why can't people run for office on their own agenda, raise their own funds, and be done with it? Why does everyone have to be hostage to a party? When is the last time an Independent ran and made any headway at all? The Dems and the Republicans have both reached the point in their evolution of being entirely corrupt and interested only in their own self perpetuation. So if we vote with our feet (and closed pocketbooks), they go away.
The post has it ass-backwards. People who don't have strong political views are usually ignorant in the literal sense of the word or are psychology damaged in some way or they are lying ironically to try to make a political point.
Its not about your views, its about the hypocrisy. Its about how partisans fall in line no matter what. Integrity and honesty be damned.
Why cant anyone pick up on that? Is the OP that complicatedm
The post has it ass-backwards. People who don't have strong political views are usually ignorant in the literal sense of the word or are psychology damaged in some way or they are lying ironically to try to make a political point.
Its not about your views, its about the hypocrisy. Its about how partisans fall in line no matter what. Integrity and honesty be damned.
Why cant anyone pick up on that? Is the OP that complicatedm
View attachment 259000
Me pointing out obvious hypocrisy makes ME the dumb one?
Are you fucking joking?
Sometimes I wonder if they care about what's good for the country at all. It seems that seeing the other side in ruins is literally the only thing that matters to them.

Seeing the other side in ruins is good for the country.

Neither side is going to ruin the other in the near future. It's a waste of time to refuse to find ways to cooperate.
I don’t like when the two criminal gangs ‘cooperate.’ I would like it if they worked for ALL the people, rather than just the extreme wealthy transnational capitalist class.

If they strictly followed the Constitution, that would nice too.

I know...I’m dreaming. And as long as the people continue with this ridiculous partisanship, nothing will change.

Why are you against the freedom of association?
It's ironic that the post is a partisan rant about ....partisans. This is a forum about political argument. As Harry Truman said "if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen".
It's ironic that the post is a partisan rant about ....partisans. This is a forum about political argument. As Harry Truman said "if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen".
A partisan rant about partisans? Please elaborate
Nothing wrong with political debate. Its the hypocrisy i am yapping about
Can you retarded mother fuckers not read?
The post has it ass-backwards. People who don't have strong political views are usually ignorant in the literal sense of the word or are psychology damaged in some way or they are lying ironically to try to make a political point.
Its not about your views, its about the hypocrisy. Its about how partisans fall in line no matter what. Integrity and honesty be damned.
Why cant anyone pick up on that? Is the OP that complicatedm
View attachment 259000
Me pointing out obvious hypocrisy makes ME the dumb one?
Are you fucking joking?

I did not imply that you're dumb. I implied that you huff your own farts.

Fart sniffer.
The post has it ass-backwards. People who don't have strong political views are usually ignorant in the literal sense of the word or are psychology damaged in some way or they are lying ironically to try to make a political point.
Its not about your views, its about the hypocrisy. Its about how partisans fall in line no matter what. Integrity and honesty be damned.
Why cant anyone pick up on that? Is the OP that complicatedm
View attachment 259000
Me pointing out obvious hypocrisy makes ME the dumb one?
Are you fucking joking?

I did not imply that you're dumb. I implied that you huff your own farts.

Fart sniffer.
I guess you are one of the people i offended with the OP. Sorry, not sorry.
Have a reeses cup.

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