you partisans trip me out

Seeing the other side in ruins is good for the country.

Neither side is going to ruin the other in the near future. It's a waste of time to refuse to find ways to cooperate.

I dont see any room left for compromise. There's hardly any value or principal remaining that the right hasn't already given up.

Legal gun ownership. That's about it. No more compromise.

We could get a lot done if people weren't opposed to cooperation. The left is unwilling to even consider building a wall for example, and the conservatives generally are unwilling to offer them something for it. Everybody just stamps their feet and thinks everything should go their way with no compromise. My 6 year old son is more pragmatic than that.
Bullshit, President Trump came to the table willing to sign the DACA agreement for some funding for the wall, and the worthless Dimwitocraps said NO. Dont give me shit about partisan crap, there is one side who wants to ruin this country, the other side trying to save it.

Ugh, DACA amnesty. The last thing any trump voter wanted, a complete betrayal of everything he ran on.

But it still wasn't enough to satisfy the democrats.
It proved that the Dimwitocraps dont give a shit about anyone but themselves and their power.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

The actually difference is republicans allowed Mueller to investigate the TRUMP campaign and Russia collusion, they even went so far as to pass legislation to protect the SC. Democrats are clearly not doing the same with regard to Barr, it's obvious they are freaking out over Barr investigating the spying that occurred against TRUMP. And they know if key figures involved in the FBI investigation start getting indicted it's game over for their plans to impeach TRUMP.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Does it “trip you out” that the fence sitting ‘friends with all’ types actually think there is common ground to be shared between good, proud, real Americans and America hating degenerate filth?
We aren’t fence sitting. We want the fence destroyed.
I don’t like when the two criminal gangs ‘cooperate.’

They need people to be at odds like they are. I think that's working as intended. If people on both sides started to be open to cooperation I think the two (one) party system would start shitting its pants.
Yes. Agreed. It is the people who need to cooperate, not the scummy R and D parties.

Yes it is happening as planned...planned by the two criminal parties and their owners, the extreme wealthy. The people are an easy mark. Most can’t see the fraud being played on them.
So what you are saying is that there are plenty of dumbass people out there being duped because they are too stupid to see what is going on around them?

The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Yeah sure. Because spineless "moderates"(and I used that term loosely) they sway which ever way the wind blows. McCain ran after 8 years of a Liberal Republican that doubled the debt in his 8 years from 4.5 trillion to 9.5 trillion, making programs and 2 wars that no one wanted, yet the moderates vote for Bush because they were tired of Slick Willie Clinton. Then after 8 years of Bush, they sways all the way to Socialist side thus giving 8 years of the most corrupt government ever. And you "dare" call US partisans.
Moderates seek solutions to resolve problems
They are willing to listen to the other side to come to a workable solution

The way politics are supposed to work
The way it used to work

Are you really gonna argue that the right hasn't sold out and lost ground time and time again over the last few decades? Now we've got straight up socialists running for president.

That's what "coming together" got us.
I don’t like when the two criminal gangs ‘cooperate.’

They need people to be at odds like they are. I think that's working as intended. If people on both sides started to be open to cooperation I think the two (one) party system would start shitting its pants.
Yes. Agreed. It is the people who need to cooperate, not the scummy R and D parties.

Yes it is happening as planned...planned by the two criminal parties and their owners, the extreme wealthy. The people are an easy mark. Most can’t see the fraud being played on them.
So what you are saying is that there are plenty of dumbass people out there being duped because they are too stupid to see what is going on around them?

View attachment 258984
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Yeah sure. Because spineless "moderates"(and I used that term loosely) they sway which ever way the wind blows. McCain ran after 8 years of a Liberal Republican that doubled the debt in his 8 years from 4.5 trillion to 9.5 trillion, making programs and 2 wars that no one wanted, yet the moderates vote for Bush because they were tired of Slick Willie Clinton. Then after 8 years of Bush, they sways all the way to Socialist side thus giving 8 years of the most corrupt government ever. And you "dare" call US partisans.
Moderates seek solutions to resolve problems
They are willing to listen to the other side to come to a workable solution

The way politics are supposed to work
The way it used to work

Are you really gonna argue that the right hasn't sold out and lost ground time and time again over the last few decades? Now we've got straight up socialists running for president.

That's what "coming together" got us.
There is a liberal Republican group out there, but they arent the right, they are more middle. Those on the right, are working with the President to put down the FAR, FAR, FAR left agenda that is to finish up what the 1st half white homosexual community agitator promised when he was going to Fundamentally Transform America into a 3rd world shithole and all the "Moderates" who had white guilt stepped up and voted for their own destruction. The partisan right fought tooth and nail, to keep the fagot from achieving his goals.

Anyone remember the Tea Party..

The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

they arent one of the biggest problems,,,that are the problem,,,
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Does it “trip you out” that the fence sitting ‘friends with all’ types actually think there is common ground to be shared between good, proud, real Americans and America hating degenerate filth?
We aren’t fence sitting. We want the fence destroyed.

Can't happen bud....probably won't ever happen. The 'gap' between party philosophies has grown far too wide. EMBRACE THE DIVIDE!
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Yeah sure. Because spineless "moderates"(and I used that term loosely) they sway which ever way the wind blows. McCain ran after 8 years of a Liberal Republican that doubled the debt in his 8 years from 4.5 trillion to 9.5 trillion, making programs and 2 wars that no one wanted, yet the moderates vote for Bush because they were tired of Slick Willie Clinton. Then after 8 years of Bush, they sways all the way to Socialist side thus giving 8 years of the most corrupt government ever. And you "dare" call US partisans.
Moderates seek solutions to resolve problems
They are willing to listen to the other side to come to a workable solution

The way politics are supposed to work
The way it used to work

Are you really gonna argue that the right hasn't sold out and lost ground time and time again over the last few decades? Now we've got straight up socialists running for president.

That's what "coming together" got us.
There is a liberal Republican group out there, but they arent the right, they are more middle. Those on the right, are working with the President to put down the FAR, FAR, FAR left agenda that is to finish up what the 1st half white homosexual community agitator promised when he was going to Fundamentally Transform America into a 3rd world shithole and all the "Moderates" who had white guilt stepped up and voted for their own destruction. The partisan right fought tooth and nail, to keep the fagot from achieving his goals.

Anyone remember the Tea Party..

The left drags the "center" along with them and moves it further and further away leaving normal people stuck on the "far-right" because we have ideas that were perfectly acceptable just a decade ago.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Does it “trip you out” that the fence sitting ‘friends with all’ types actually think there is common ground to be shared between good, proud, real Americans and America hating degenerate filth?
I guess my point went over your head too man
I thought my point was pretty clear. I am complaining about hypocrisy. i am complaining about partisan shitheads picking their "team" over the country.
Moderates seek solutions to resolve problems
They are willing to listen to the other side to come to a workable solution

The way politics are supposed to work
The way it used to work

The left and right seem to see each other as an evil that's incapable of working towards something good for the nation. Not working together is necessary in their view because working with evil will lead to more evil. This black and white good vs evil shit needs to go.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Yeah sure. Because spineless "moderates"(and I used that term loosely) they sway which ever way the wind blows. McCain ran after 8 years of a Liberal Republican that doubled the debt in his 8 years from 4.5 trillion to 9.5 trillion, making programs and 2 wars that no one wanted, yet the moderates vote for Bush because they were tired of Slick Willie Clinton. Then after 8 years of Bush, they sways all the way to Socialist side thus giving 8 years of the most corrupt government ever. And you "dare" call US partisans.
It isn't about "swaying which ever way the wind blows;" it is about not chaining yourself to a ready-made platform that has been decided upon by a group interested only in maintaining its own power.
People have the right to make their OWN decisions about everything. Sorry.
Moderates seek solutions to resolve problems
They are willing to listen to the other side to come to a workable solution

The way politics are supposed to work
The way it used to work

The left and right seem to see each other as an evil that's incapable of working towards something good for the nation. Not working together is necessary in their view because working with evil will lead to more evil. This black and white good vs evil shit needs to go.
and the one thing they need to work together on is applying the constitution
It isn't about "swaying which ever way the wind blows;" it is about not chaining yourself to a ready-made platform that has been decided upon by a group interested only in maintaining its own power.
People have the right to make their OWN decisions about everything. Sorry.

Think for myself you say?!?!?!

That's crazy talk.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Even worse, if a muslim kills people, republicans think its great while dems hate it.
If a white national kills people, the left harps on it while the republicans act like it is a fluke.

The partisan nonsense is killing us.
The word "insane" is pretty strong don't you think? The insanity seems to be on the democrat side where old folks are assaulted for wearing a hat that indicates support for the President and republicans are shot at by a socialist democrat and Hollywood celebrities threaten the President with everything including assault, arson, kidnapping and murder. Otherwise strong political views are what make the forum work. People who don't feel strongly about their political views are usually uneducated or borderline autistic.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Yeah sure. Because spineless "moderates"(and I used that term loosely) they sway which ever way the wind blows. McCain ran after 8 years of a Liberal Republican that doubled the debt in his 8 years from 4.5 trillion to 9.5 trillion, making programs and 2 wars that no one wanted, yet the moderates vote for Bush because they were tired of Slick Willie Clinton. Then after 8 years of Bush, they sways all the way to Socialist side thus giving 8 years of the most corrupt government ever. And you "dare" call US partisans.
The premise of this thread went right over your head.
I thought my point was pretty clear. I am complaining about hypocrisy. i am complaining about partisan shitheads picking their "team" over the country.
There are two "teams". I pick my "team" based on which is least damaging to my country. I have always picked republican.
People who don't feel strongly about their political views are usually uneducated or borderline autistic.
There's a difference between feeling strongly about your political views and obediently falling in line with whatever your chosen tribe says, deflecting for it no matter what, hypocritically attacking the other tribe for the same things your own tribe does, and refusing to accurately understand the other tribe's perspective.

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