you partisans trip me out

You forgot race. Because on one side you have the Republicans who are nearly all white and on the other side you have everyone else. And there are whites Republicans hate like gays and atheists and scientists and college professors and people who believe in women’s rights and so on.........

Disagreeing with people or calling them a kook when they say stupid things is not hate. This is hate:

Unknown 10.18.59 PM.jpeg
I see this as all noise to distract Americans from important issues, like paying the national debt down.

So far, to me neither party is worth much anymore, that is why we all need to unit behind third party candidates, forget about ones place of birth, tax returns, and other no issues and focus on the American middle class that has to subsidize America and who the politicians have forgot about.

All a third party would do is weaken one of the other two parties. And you're not going to get "everybody" to do it. That's like trying to get everybody to stop committing crimes, give up drinking, give up smoking, give up drugs.

So we have to deal with the cards that are given us. It's why the most important election is the primaries. The primaries tell the party which way we want the party to go. It tells them what issues are the most important to us. It tells them what kind of candidates we would like to see.
Moderates seek solutions to resolve problems
They are willing to listen to the other side to come to a workable solution

The way politics are supposed to work
The way it used to work

The left and right seem to see each other as an evil that's incapable of working towards something good for the nation. Not working together is necessary in their view because working with evil will lead to more evil. This black and white good vs evil shit needs to go.
and the one thing they need to work together on is applying the constitution

What they need to agree on first is what the Constitution says.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Yeah sure. Because spineless "moderates"(and I used that term loosely) they sway which ever way the wind blows. McCain ran after 8 years of a Liberal Republican that doubled the debt in his 8 years from 4.5 trillion to 9.5 trillion, making programs and 2 wars that no one wanted, yet the moderates vote for Bush because they were tired of Slick Willie Clinton. Then after 8 years of Bush, they sways all the way to Socialist side thus giving 8 years of the most corrupt government ever. And you "dare" call US partisans.
Moderates seek solutions to resolve problems
They are willing to listen to the other side to come to a workable solution

The way politics are supposed to work
The way it used to work

Okay. Trump wanted 8 billion dollars for the wall. The Democrats didn't want any wall. Did the Democrats even try to meet at half-point like 4 billion dollars?
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Didn’t go insane when Trump asked Russia for e-mails. Barely noticed it.
Wasn’t OK or not okay with Hillary asking China for tax returns.
I thought Mueller did a good job.
I think he should have subpoenaed Trump but I certainly still trust him.
The AG shouldn’t have accepted the report since it clearly wasn’t complete.

Your characterizations are as partisan as some on the hard left and hard right.
Sometimes I wonder if they care about what's good for the country at all. It seems that seeing the other side in ruins is literally the only thing that matters to them.

Seeing the other side in ruins is good for the country.

Neither side is going to ruin the other in the near future. It's a waste of time to refuse to find ways to cooperate.
I think it's possible that we no longer know HOW to cooperate.

We're stuck in this all-or-nothing mess, and innovation appears to be beyond us now.

Which is why I've been saying what we really need to do is divide this country in half right down the middle. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Because we will never see a middle-ground with both parties drifting more and more partisan.
Sometimes I wonder if they care about what's good for the country at all. It seems that seeing the other side in ruins is literally the only thing that matters to them.

Seeing the other side in ruins is good for the country.

“What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,” Jefferson
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Even worse, if a muslim kills people, republicans think its great while dems hate it.
If a white national kills people, the left harps on it while the republicans act like it is a fluke.

The partisan nonsense is killing us.

I doubt anyone thinks it’s great when there is a killing. One thing liberals do is blame the killer, not the religion the killer clearly does not represent. Most Conservatives do the opposite.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

The first question is, how do you define "going insane?"

If people discuss issues of the day, week or month, I don't call that going insane. The Democrats are now going insane post Mueller report. They want congressional hearings, Senate hearings with lawyers, impeach Trump, do whatever low and deviant thing to try and obtain Trump's tax records, calling an honest public servant like Barr a liar, a hand picked puppet, a man of no integrity? That's what I call insane.

I don't know how much evil right-wing entertainment you listen to, but I listen five days a week at least 8 hours a day. And I can tell you that the show hosts on the right that negatively criticized Mueller before are still doing it today. The people who always said Mueller was an upstanding American (like Hough Hewitt) are still saying it today. I don't see any of them that changed their opinion of Mueller.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Want a laugh?

Click the list button and look at those that agree/winner/thanks you.
Sometimes I wonder if they care about what's good for the country at all. It seems that seeing the other side in ruins is literally the only thing that matters to them.

Seeing the other side in ruins is good for the country.

“What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,” Jefferson

Start with your own?
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Even worse, if a muslim kills people, republicans think its great while dems hate it.
If a white national kills people, the left harps on it while the republicans act like it is a fluke.

The partisan nonsense is killing us.

I doubt anyone thinks it’s great when there is a killing. One thing liberals do is blame the killer, not the religion the killer clearly does not represent. Most Conservatives do the opposite.

No, liberals blame the gun. Liberals blame white privilege. Liberals make excuses for the killers.
Sometimes I wonder if they care about what's good for the country at all. It seems that seeing the other side in ruins is literally the only thing that matters to them.

Seeing the other side in ruins is good for the country.

Neither side is going to ruin the other in the near future. It's a waste of time to refuse to find ways to cooperate.
I think it's possible that we no longer know HOW to cooperate.

We're stuck in this all-or-nothing mess, and innovation appears to be beyond us now.
The inability to cooperate is theater. They still pass hundreds of bills every year. Hundreds that we really do not need. The important shit seems to still get screwed over by congress no matter how divided they seem to be.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Even worse, if a muslim kills people, republicans think its great while dems hate it.
If a white national kills people, the left harps on it while the republicans act like it is a fluke.

The partisan nonsense is killing us.

I doubt anyone thinks it’s great when there is a killing. One thing liberals do is blame the killer, not the religion the killer clearly does not represent. Most Conservatives do the opposite.

Great, liberals blame the killer then set them free, great job....dumbass.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

The first question is, how do you define "going insane?"

If people discuss issues of the day, week or month, I don't call that going insane. The Democrats are now going insane post Mueller report. They want congressional hearings, Senate hearings with lawyers, impeach Trump, do whatever low and deviant thing to try and obtain Trump's tax records, calling an honest public servant like Barr a liar, a hand picked puppet, a man of no integrity? That's what I call insane.

I don't know how much evil right-wing entertainment you listen to, but I listen five days a week at least 8 hours a day. And I can tell you that the show hosts on the right that negatively criticized Mueller before are still doing it today. The people who always said Mueller was an upstanding American (like Hough Hewitt) are still saying it today. I don't see any of them that changed their opinion of Mueller.

How about the Ben-Gotcha hearings—were they “insane”? Seemed to be a lot of Senate hearings about that after investigations were finished.

And did you guys call Hillary Clinton any names?

Let me guess…that was something totally different…right?
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Even worse, if a muslim kills people, republicans think its great while dems hate it.
If a white national kills people, the left harps on it while the republicans act like it is a fluke.

The partisan nonsense is killing us.

I doubt anyone thinks it’s great when there is a killing. One thing liberals do is blame the killer, not the religion the killer clearly does not represent. Most Conservatives do the opposite.

Great, liberals blame the killer then set them free, great job....dumbass.

Well, up until November last year, 30+ states were run by Republicans….that means they ran the Prison systems. If anyone was “setting them free” it was the Republicans….dumbass.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Even worse, if a muslim kills people, republicans think its great while dems hate it.
If a white national kills people, the left harps on it while the republicans act like it is a fluke.

The partisan nonsense is killing us.

I doubt anyone thinks it’s great when there is a killing. One thing liberals do is blame the killer, not the religion the killer clearly does not represent. Most Conservatives do the opposite.

No, liberals blame the gun. Liberals blame white privilege. Liberals make excuses for the killers.

Liberals do point out that white mass shooters have a habit of surviving…..
Blacks who violate traffic laws and commit petty crimes seem to have a habit of dying….

Then again…that is the truth. You wouldn’t know much about that.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Even worse, if a muslim kills people, republicans think its great while dems hate it.
If a white national kills people, the left harps on it while the republicans act like it is a fluke.

The partisan nonsense is killing us.

I doubt anyone thinks it’s great when there is a killing. One thing liberals do is blame the killer, not the religion the killer clearly does not represent. Most Conservatives do the opposite.

Great, liberals blame the killer then set them free, great job....dumbass.

Well, up until November last year, 30+ states were run by Republicans….that means they ran the Prison systems. If anyone was “setting them free” it was the Republicans….dumbass.

Wow, imagine that, they weren't being released in those states....dumbass.
You forgot race. Because on one side you have the Republicans who are nearly all white and on the other side you have everyone else. And there are whites Republicans hate like gays and atheists and scientists and college professors and people who believe in women’s rights and so on.........
So no white democrats? LOL, all your front runners WHITE fks. You’re so brainwashed you have tied in your blood
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Even worse, if a muslim kills people, republicans think its great while dems hate it.
If a white national kills people, the left harps on it while the republicans act like it is a fluke.

The partisan nonsense is killing us.

I doubt anyone thinks it’s great when there is a killing. One thing liberals do is blame the killer, not the religion the killer clearly does not represent. Most Conservatives do the opposite.

Great, liberals blame the killer then set them free, great job....dumbass.

Well, up until November last year, 30+ states were run by Republicans….that means they ran the Prison systems. If anyone was “setting them free” it was the Republicans….dumbass.
Except most of the crime, criminals, and prisons are in blue states - shit for brains.
Don't pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

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