You People

Why do you need to see anyone’s tax return? Who do you think you are? Hahaha
obviously you just love being lied to with total garbage and ridiculous conspiracy theories so who would expect you to have any morality left. I don't wanna see it I want the Department of Justice to see it and I want you to see it because you are a brainwashed functional moron conman lover lol
The only point you have is on top of your stupid head.

85% of the country and 99% of the modern world knows you're nuts, brainwashed functional moron. change the channel someday or go back to TV you got damn idiot lol. Or by all means keep it up, you are election poison you're so silly LOL
85% of the country and 99% of the modern world knows you're nuts, brainwashed functional moron. change the channel someday or go back to TV you got damn idiot lol. Or by all means keep it up, you are election poison you're so silly LOL

^^^^ Randomly burbles nonsense
obviously you just love being lied to with total garbage and ridiculous conspiracy theories so who would expect you to have any morality left. I don't wanna see it I want the Department of Justice to see it and I want you to see it because you are a brainwashed functional moron conman lover lol
I’ve never talked to trump or any other politician in dc. Yet you act as if you’re owed something for nothing. Odd prick you are
Seriously, if the best your system can do is Biden and Trump, do your system a favor and put it out of its misery.
The candidates get worse and worse, the quality on both sides is dropping, Look at 2016 and 2020, Trump Clinton, Biden, can it get any worse? America needs a real leader and neither side has one and neither side wants compromise and both sides are willing to let the country continue its slide because both sides are party over country.
The candidates get worse and worse, the quality on both sides is dropping, Look at 2016 and 2020, Trump Clinton, Biden, can it get any worse?
Just wait!
America needs a real leader and neither side has one and neither side wants compromise and both sides are willing to let the country continue its slide because both sides are party over country.
Partisans don't want leaders. They want "fighters". They don't want our country to thrive, they want to "win" the culture war.
Just wait!

Partisans don't want leaders. They want "fighters". They don't want our country to thrive, they want to "win" the culture war.
Nope! Want media to actually be journalists and report crime no matter who created it
Just wait!

Partisans don't want leaders. They want "fighters". They don't want our country to thrive, they want to "win" the culture war.
Which we are losing as more and more people from shit hole countries cross the border.
You peoples standards are so damn low they might as well not even exist. All it takes for you people to support someone is a letter by their name.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Both sides want to complain about the state of the country but its YOUR FAULT it is the way it is. YOU keep voting for it.
Neither side has ANY room to talk about the other.
Grow up, humble yourselves, and STFU.
So, another Mac/Griper

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