You People

Proving you’re an uninformed child or just a disagreeable asshole.
Wrong, as always.

You happen to believe that childish sophomoric nonsense. Your belief in such fairy tales informs us all that you are the ill-informed child.

Plus, you’ve always been an asshole. GFY.

I voted for Trump, but I did lament that the two major Party nominees was a pretty miserable choice.

I don’t know. But I also don’t agree. I think Trump (despite some undeniable flaws) was a good President.
And I'd have to put this under "standards are so damn low they might as well not even exist." Seriously - Trump was not a good leader for the country. You may think he was better than Biden, but that's what the whole thread is about. "Better than the other guy" isn't good enough.
I see this lament a lot. And honestly, I get what you’re saying. But whether we like it or not, we still have a primarily two Party system. I could vote for a write in which amounts to not voting at all. Or I could vote for a 3P candidate and essentially not vote at all.
I'm not really even talking about third party. I'll vote for a good candidate, regardless of their party affiliation. Likewise, I won't vote for a bad candidate, regardless of their party affiliation. And that's where I think most partisans drop the ball. They care more above maintaining their party's power and influence than they do about electing a good leader. And they'll support an obviously bad candidate, no matter how bad they are, in the name of defeating the other party. That's killing us.
What’s needed is needed urgently and ASAP. That being the case, both sides (R and D) have an obligation to fix their respective Party. I see no evidence of that happening just yet.
Sadly, neither do I. After Trump humiliated them in 2016, I thought Dems might do some genuine soul searching and change their tune. They haven't even tried. They've just forged ahead with the same tired shit. AND VOTERS LET THEM. They haven't united the country. They've divided it further and seem intent on buying votes instead of inspiring them.
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Perhaps I got you mixed up with someone else. The point is, I don't care whether you vote Libertarian. Just stop voting for shitty candidates. Stop making excuses and stop voting for them. It's the only way things will change. As long as you keep voting for the same old shit, they'll keep serving you the same old shit.
Libertarians are shitty candidates just like the rest of the heap.
Wrong, as always.

You happen to believe that childish sophomoric nonsense. Your belief in such fairy tales informs us all that you are the ill-informed child.

Plus, you’ve always been an asshole. GFY.
You conformist!!!
Libertarians are shitty candidates just like the rest of the heap.
Bootney always says its like they try to lose, and i cant disagree.
They have some decent people running, but then they get fuckin retards as the nom. Like gary and jo.
Do you remember austin peterson from 2016? That young man was a fire cracker. He understood the issues and had solutions. And he actually wasnt an authoritarian. He could have done well. At least, a lot better than than extra chromosome having gary johnson. That guy was a freak! lol
Libertarians are shitty candidates just like the rest of the heap.
Mkay. Like I said. I don't care about your opinion of the Libertarian party. I'm merely asking you to stop voting for shitty candidates.
Wrong, as always.

You happen to believe that childish sophomoric nonsense. Your belief in such fairy tales informs us all that you are the ill-informed child.

Plus, you’ve always been an asshole. GFY.
Much of the chaos, suffering, death and destruction we see in this world is being intentionally created by those people you just voted for…you dumb @#$%-&#—**().
And I'd have to put this under "standards are so damn low they might as well not even exist." Seriously - Trump was not a good leader for the country.
Yes. In fact, he was.
You may think he was better than Biden, but that's what the whole thread is about. "Better than the other guy" isn't good enough.
He’s not just better than the other guy. He was markedly better for the nation.
I'm not really even talking about third party.
Don’t misunderstand. I wasn’t suggesting you were. I brought up 3P as just an obvious alternative if you find both main party candidates unacceptable.
I'll vote for a good candidate, regardless of their party affiliation. Likewise, I won't vote for a bad candidate, regardless of their party affiliation.
How you identify a good candidate is the question. Parry affiliation is a big clue, but shouldn’t necessarily be the sole determinative.
And that's where I think most partisans drop the ball. They care more above maintaining their party's power and influence than they do about electing a good leader.
Again. Perspective. If the political views and positions of the “other” Party are objectionable to a voter, then sometimes it makes sense to bite the bullet. Being a partisan isn’t always a bad choice.
And they'll support an obviously bad candidate, no matter how bad they are, in the name of defeating the other party. That's killing us.
Again, that depends on the positions and attributes of the “other” party. As one example, I find the political views of the Democrat Party to be mostly socialistic and otherwise divisive. If I can cast a vote that matters to prevent them from achieving their agenda, the you can be sure I’ll bite the bullet and vote against their candidate even when my sides candidate is otherwise unworthy of my vote.

In that light, it’s the extreme polarization of the two major Parties that’s at fault.
Bootney always says its like they try to lose, and i cant disagree.
They have some decent people running, but then they get fuckin retards as the nom. Like gary and jo.
Do you remember austin peterson from 2016? That young man was a fire cracker. He understood the issues and had solutions. And he actually wasnt an authoritarian. He could have done well. At least, a lot better than than extra chromosome having gary johnson. That guy was a freak! lol
Yeah Gary was from NM and useless . Jo a supporter of CRT. Both terrible candidates.
Mkay. Like I said. I don't care about your opinion of the Libertarian party. I'm merely asking you to stop voting for shitty candidates.
Well then you are for one party rule. Enjoy your Marxism because that’s what you will get.
Don’t misunderstand. I wasn’t suggesting you were. I brought up 3P as just an obvious alternative if you find both main party candidates unacceptable.
There's another alternative - don't vote. Not voting at all is vastly preferable to voting for a bad candidate. If there's no one on the ballot you can truly support, and you don't want to bother writing someone in, do your country a solid and don't vote.

You've said you think Trump is a good leader. I think that's utterly delusional, but it's better than the Lo2e idiots who say "yep, Trump's a turd, but he's better than Biden, and he's a Republican, so I'm voting for him anyway". These people are flat out traitors in my view. Foisting bad leadership on the country in the name of winning the partisan "culture war".
Being a partisan isn’t always a bad choice.
Preferring the ideology of one party isn't what I call being a partisan. Partisans are people who are primarily interested in scoring points for their party, even if it means supporting crappy candidates, simply because they're loyal to the party.
Again, that depends on the positions and attributes of the “other” party. As one example, I find the political views of the Democrat Party to be mostly socialistic and otherwise divisive. If I can cast a vote that matters to prevent them from achieving their agenda, the you can be sure I’ll bite the bullet and vote against their candidate even when my sides candidate is otherwise unworthy of my vote.
This is a serious point. One I make repeatedly, to crickets. You cannot vote against someone in our system. You can tell yourself that's what you're doing, but it's a lie. You're supporting the candidate you vote for, and that's all that will be recorded when you vote. No one will know who you were supposedly voting against.

It's a serious point because we're gonna get more of whatever we vote for. If we support jackasses merely because they "fight" the other side, we'll be stuck with jackasses for leaders. And they'll have exactly no incentive to change their approach, because they can count on your vote regardless.

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