You People

It's always like this talking to a partisan drone. To them, the world is black and white - or rather red and blue. If you disagree with them, you are assigned the "enemy" label, and acquire all their traits and preferences of the opposing party.

They literally can't think outside of this box.
Demofks want us to believe xiden got more legitimate votes than obammy! 47 year politician that has done absolutely nothing. Nadda. Nope
You peoples standards are so damn low they might as well not even exist. All it takes for you people to support someone is a letter by their name.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Both sides want to complain about the state of the country but its YOUR FAULT it is the way it is. YOU keep voting for it.
Neither side has ANY room to talk about the other.
Grow up, humble yourselves, and STFU.
Methinks my friend doth overgeneralize.
It's always like this talking to a partisan drone. To them, the world is black and white - or rather red and blue. If you disagree with them, you are assigned the "enemy" label, and acquire all their traits and preferences of the opposing party.

They literally can't think outside of this box.
They’ve been conditioned since birth by the educational system and old media to think within the narrow confines of the duopoly. They can’t see anything else and refuse to believe there is a better way.

The big corporations and oligarchs must laugh to themselves at how easy it is to dupe the American public.
IDK man.. I dont think I am. Just look around.
Brother I grok what you’re saying. But I just don’t agree that it applies to everyone here.

Quite a few? I’ll grant you that. But everyone? Nah. I don’t think that’s accurate.
I also doubt it’s that high.
Yeah, maybe. We could do a poll, but that seems pretty useless.

But .... what portion of voters would admit that Biden vs. Trump was a miserable choice in 2020? How many would say that neither one would be a good President. Yet the vast majority still voted for one of them.
I also doubt it’s that high.
Yeah, maybe. We could do a poll, but that seems pretty useless.
But .... what portion of voters would admit that Biden vs. Trump was a miserable choice in 2020?
I voted for Trump, but I did lament that the two major Party nominees was a pretty miserable choice.
How many would say that neither one would be a good President.
I don’t know. But I also don’t agree. I think Trump (despite some undeniable flaws) was a good President.
Yet the vast majority still voted for one of them.
I see this lament a lot. And honestly, I get what you’re saying. But whether we like it or not, we still have a primarily two Party system. I could vote for a write in which amounts to not voting at all. Or I could vote for a 3P candidate and essentially not vote at all.

Even starting a 3P would be a huge task and would take years. The Libertarian Party can’t manage a credible campaign at the national level, for example.

What’s needed is needed urgently and ASAP. That being the case, both sides (R and D) have an obligation to fix their respective Party. I see no evidence of that happening just yet.

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