You People

hey, just throwing this out in the wind, When I handed the election official my sheet with my name, address and signature, before she handed me my code to go back to the voting machine, she asked me if I had done a mail in ballot. Didn't dawn on me until this morning, why would she need to ask me such a question? Wouldn't that have been documented in my file?

So my mind this morning is like, well, if they have no clue who they sent ballots to in the mail, or better yet fail to track them, the voting process is broke. I can't say it any simpler.
Ot is not perfect.
It is the best we can get....and it's pretty darned good.
Especially since the 3 party never offers anything. And I think that’s the way the like it.
Why would they bother? You cowards are going to vote D and R regardless. Even if it buries us. Even as it buries us.
But in the meantime, you're still dutifully voting for the duopoly. YOU are the reason we get such shitty candidates. You give them your vote regardless.

Things won't change until we say "no".
My first goal is to vote against the duopoly. If I have no choice, I vote for the best candidate, which, unfortunately, lately, has ONLY been GOP candidates because the Dems have completely gone wackadoodle.

Abbott was a tyrant son of a bitch during covid and Mrs. Bootney and I SWORE that we would replace that son of a bitch or otherwise NEVER support his hot wheel ass again. We did just that.

No duopoly candidate in Texas got our vote this time.
My first goal is to vote against the duopoly.
While I appreciate your intent, I don't vote pretend to "against" anyone. That's the core logic of Lo2e and it's delusional. Bottom line is, our system doesn't allow you to vote against anyone. All you can do is vote for someone else. Your vote will be recorded as support for the candidate you vote for and nothing else.
If I have on choice, I vote for the best candidate, which, unfortunately, lately, has ONLY been GOP candidates because the Dems have completely gone wackadoodle.
You always have a choice. If there are no candidates on the ballot you can support, write someone in - or don't vote. But we've got to stop supporting bad leadership.
I work with a nice black lady who I consider a friend. Although she was pro Union in the past she thinks that our Union sucks and is totally corrupt. So I pointed out to her the type of politicians that our Union is always nudging us to vote for: DeLuzio, Fetterman, Wolf, Biden, Hillary. And I told her maybe that should be your first clue as to why they're so corrupt and never come through for us the way that they promise. Asshole liberals love to try to shame you for being a conspiracy theorist.... But what else is it when unions and political parties get together to pacify the working class and minorities..and then deliver nothing. How long does it have to go on before you get the picture? Yet Republicans and even moderates are constantly made out to be the racists and fascists by the blue side! How stupid do you have to be to miss that Democrats and liberals are looking for a scapegoat to distract people from the truth about themselves????? How fucking stupid!!??!! How LONG does it take?!?!? I'm a Republican and I'm sickened as to how blacks are being just used by the party that most of them vote for!
not only that, demofks in your list feel blacks are inferior to them and the blacks need them. Can there be anything more insulting? And those blacks pull that insulting lever every year. The logic fails flat.
Why would they bother? You cowards are going to vote D and R regardless. Even if it buries us. Even as it buries us.
I am not a Democrat or a Republican. Y’all always cry about the duopoly and do nothing about it. I can’t help you if you won’t help yourselves. Hell ..I voted for two of your candidates that only had D’s as opposition and you STILL couldn’t pull it out.

What have the Libertarians done for me that I should owe them anything but a mercy vote?
While I appreciate your intent, I don't vote pretend to "against" anyone. That's the core logic of Lo2e and it's delusional. Bottom line is, our system doesn't allow you to vote against anyone. All you can do is vote for someone else. Your vote will be recorded as support for the candidate you vote for and nothing else.

You always have a choice. If there are no candidates on the ballot you can support, write someone in - or don't vote. But we've got to stop supporting bad leadership.
doing nothing supports idiots. It's proven after every voting cycle. Blacks are still voting for demofks and still complaining about nothing working for them. The demofks insult them and they still vote for them. Until blacks understand how the demofks use them, this cycle will never change. The precinct maps are designed to allow dems to get the black votes to win. I just laugh, and say same old same old here in chicago.
I am not a Demicrat or a Republican. Y’all always cry about the duopoly and do nothing about it. I can’t help you if you won’t help yourselves. Hell ..I voted for two of your candidates that only had D’s as opposition and you STILL couldn’t pull it out.

What have the Libertarians done for me that I should owe them anything but a mercy vote?

Give me a break on liberation bs.
You peoples standards are so damn low they might as well not even exist. All it takes for you people to support someone is a letter by their name.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Both sides want to complain about the state of the country but its YOUR FAULT it is the way it is. YOU keep voting for it.
Neither side has ANY room to talk about the other.
Grow up, humble yourselves, and STFU.
where would you rather live though? Lebanon? trust me you don't lol, unless it's to party with me!

What have the Libertarians done for me that I should owe them anything but a mercy vote?
I don't expect someone like you to vote for libertarians. You mentioned the Greens. They're probably more your style.
I am not a Democrat or a Republican. Y’all always cry about the duopoly and do nothing about it. I can’t help you if you won’t help yourselves. Hell ..I voted for two of your candidates that only had D’s as opposition and you STILL couldn’t pull it out.

What have the Libertarians done for me that I should owe them anything but a mercy vote?
Blue, until they take money out of it, your saga will never end. That's a fact.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant & free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was & never will be."

Thomas Jefferson
Unfortunately the nation is full of ignorant people. This is why we have the criminal duopoly. No one informed and intelligent would ever vote for the duopoly.
hey, just throwing this out in the wind, When I handed the election official my sheet with my name, address and signature, before she handed me my code to go back to the voting machine, she asked me if I had done a mail in ballot. Didn't dawn on me until this morning, why would she need to ask me such a question? Wouldn't that have been documented in my file?

So my mind this morning is like, well, if they have no clue who they sent ballots to in the mail, or better yet fail to track them, the voting process is broke. I can't say it any simpler.
This is really scary to me too. If they aren't documenting the mail in ballots immediately when they come in, how many many people are able to double vote? I've always said the mail in ballots need to be in the counting room by the time the polls close or they won't be counted. But maybe we need to have them arrive a week or two before the polls close and entered into the system so that nobody can vote twice. And those signed envelopes should be retained until the election and all challenges are fully settled in case somebody is denied a vote unfairly.
This is really scary to me too. If they aren't documenting the mail in ballots immediately when they come in, how many many people are able to double vote? I've always said the mail in ballots need to be in the counting room by the time the polls close or they won't be counted. But maybe we need to have them arrive a week or two before the polls close and entered into the system so that nobody can vote twice. And those signed envelopes should be retained until the election and all challenges are fully settled in case somebody is denied a vote unfairly.
well again, it's a lack of accountability or no chain of custody. There aren't fair elections due to mail in balloting.
You peoples standards are so damn low they might as well not even exist. All it takes for you people to support someone is a letter by their name.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Both sides want to complain about the state of the country but its YOUR FAULT it is the way it is. YOU keep voting for it.
Neither side has ANY room to talk about the other.
Grow up, humble yourselves, and STFU.
I voted Green Libertarian…

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