You People

Yeah, maybe. We could do a poll, but that seems pretty useless.

But .... what portion of voters would admit that Biden vs. Trump was a miserable choice in 2020? How many would say that neither one would be a good President. Yet the vast majority still voted for one of them.
Same for 2016. Trump got elected because Hillary is so disgusting.

But, the stupid "Libertarians" thought Gary "Feel The" Johnson (like Bernie "Feel the Burn" Sanders) was a better choice over Austin Petersen (who gave up on the pathetic party and is now a Republican). Hard as I tried, I just couldn't feel the Johnson.
Bootney always says its like they try to lose, and i cant disagree.
They have some decent people running, but then they get fuckin retards as the nom. Like gary and jo.
Do you remember austin peterson from 2016? That young man was a fire cracker. He understood the issues and had solutions. And he actually wasnt an authoritarian. He could have done well. At least, a lot better than than extra chromosome having gary johnson. That guy was a freak! lol
I was just saying this a minute ago.

Austin Petersen is known for his famous quote.: "My ideal: gay couple defense pot farm with machine guns"

The guy was an incredible debater. He destroyed all of them yet we were stuck with Gary "feel the" Johnson.

It's like the libertarian party wants to lose.
You peoples standards are so damn low they might as well not even exist.
i got heels higher than the standards of most folks Harley , and they're covered in pig sh*t at that......
yogurt face.JPG


I voted for Trump, but I did lament that the two major Party nominees was a pretty miserable choice.

I don’t know. But I also don’t agree. I think Trump (despite some undeniable flaws) was a good President.

I see this lament a lot. And honestly, I get what you’re saying. But whether we like it or not, we still have a primarily two Party system. I could vote for a write in which amounts to not voting at all. Or I could vote for a 3P candidate and essentially not vote at all.

Even starting a 3P would be a huge task and would take years. The Libertarian Party can’t manage a credible campaign at the national level, for example.

What’s needed is needed urgently and ASAP. That being the case, both sides (R and D) have an obligation to fix their respective Party. I see no evidence of that happening just yet.
candidates beholding to a party because of money is the issue. Not to acknowledge that is the problem is even greater.
The guy was an incredible debater. He destroyed all of them yet we were stuck with Gary "feel the" Johnson.
Petersen would be great, but I don't get the disdain for Johnson. I can see how his folksy, even at times goofy, demeanor could turn some people off. But he had a solid track record as governor.

At the end of the day, leaders, in my view, need to be uniters. They need to rise above the culture wars and find our common ground. I got the sense Johnson could do that. He could represent libertarian ideals in ways that weren't patently offensive to Ds and Rs. He also seemed like a genuinely nice guy. Weirdly, I think that's why many people dismissed him.

Of all the candidates on the ballot whom I didn't mark off the list as being "bad" (all one of them), Johnson was the best. That's why he got my vote.

Regardless, this thread isn't really about the Libertarian Party. It's about why people are stuck in the two-party death spiral, why they can't seem to break out.

I've pretty much decided to stop voting at this point. I'll be looking for any candidate with a genuine goal of implementing RCV, at any level. I'll vote for them. But I won't bother voting for anyone who doesn't pursue that change, regardless of whatever else they have to say. It's the only thing I can think of that might break the zombies out of their trance.
Petersen would be great, but I don't get the disdain for Johnson. I can see how his folksy, even at times goofy, demeanor could turn some people off. But he had a solid track record as governor.
Well, adding the dopey sot GOP retread from Marxataxachusetts to his veep slot, and calling him the "original libertarian", might possibly lead to some questions about his judgement.
I don't believe most of the participants on this board are Americans, much like many other things swarming with its opponents. So, you people, in this context doesn't mean much now does it.
the Founding Fathers not only had a diversity of political ideology, they had a diversity of religious beliefs

America was built on the idea of diversity of ideas!

America has NEVER been a friend of Stalinism or Nazism or any other flavor of authoritarianism. Even monarchy.

We spent untold trillions getting rid of commies all over the world.

Diversity with Stalinist pigs, we don't need.

Sorry if that offends your sensibilities. But it will be enforced. Eventually - eventually - America always sends these people packing.

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