You Republicans Are Crazy

Sure, but he was just a mayor. He wasn't the GOP nominee.

Got it, so your rationale is its no big deal if a mayor of a major city is a crack head, just don't let a guy with orange hair and a hot wife run for president. We are better off with a lying old hag who has sold out her country and others for a few hundred million.
Didn't say that. A fruitcake mayor is bad, but doesn't compare to the orange fruitcake GOP nominee we have.

Actually I agree that the orange clown is a dopey choice, and the WORTHLESS RNC leadership brought it on themselves. But Politics aside, I'll take my chances with him over a known liar, cheating sellout like Hillary. I honestly think she is the devil.
You're a brainwashed con tool. Did you like Obama? How about bush?

Hated Obama, Bush was a tolerable idiot. So what do I need to do to become Un-brainwashed. Whip out your words of wisdom for me there sport, don't just sit and call me names.
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore
Check Open Primary results. the Democrats helped the Republicans nominate Trump. I know for a fact this has been explained to you, but I suppose Democrats would forget that fact if it helps them shift the blame.
If pure Conservatism is always a winning strategy, why didn't the American Conservatives step up and nominate a true Conservative? If the Tea Party movement is to be taken seriously, why did they fail on the biggest stage in American politics?

Republicans and Republicans alone are to blame for the Trump nomination. I understand the buyer's remorse, but you guys had 17 potential candidates, yet you nominated an incorrigible, reckless, feckless moral Pygmy with disastrous comportment and a distinctly in artful style.

Check the scapegoats at the door. Republicans have only themselves to blame.
That's how bad the other 16 were!
Sure, but he was just a mayor. He wasn't the GOP nominee.

Got it, so your rationale is its no big deal if a mayor of a major city is a crack head, just don't let a guy with orange hair and a hot wife run for president. We are better off with a lying old hag who has sold out her country and others for a few hundred million.
Didn't say that. A fruitcake mayor is bad, but doesn't compare to the orange fruitcake GOP nominee we have.

Actually I agree that the orange clown is a dopey choice, and the WORTHLESS RNC leadership brought it on themselves. But Politics aside, I'll take my chances with him over a known liar, cheating sellout like Hillary. I honestly think she is the devil.
You're a brainwashed con tool. Did you like Obama? How about bush?

Hated Obama, Bush was a tolerable idiot. So what do I need to do to become Un-brainwashed. Whip out your words of wisdom for me there sport, don't just sit and call me names.
I went back to your first post in April and you tell me? Why are you so angry? Are you not making enough? I would need to see the bug up your ass before I can tell you the species.
They're pure evil. Pretty much the dumbest fucking people within our society is telling everyone else to fuck themselfs and pushing the dumbest policies imaginable.
We see the evolution of the GOP. This time in 2012 Ted Nugent made a threat like trump but that was just crazy Ted. We're talking about the fucking GOP nominee.

Or flash back to when Palin was riling up those teabaggers.

The modern devolution of the republican and democrat party began on a little pubic hair on a can of all went down hill from there, both party's are trying to outdo themselves on how low can you go ..
I/we don't see it that way. We see you getting crazier and more extreme each election you lose.

It's almost like you're threatening violence when you lose.

Hillary just has to shut her mouth or strategically tweet the don from Clinton manor.

You can't believe the Clinton's are back? Think how we felt in 2000.

You don't see the theme here tit for tat how low can you go

The democrats attacked Clarence Thomas over a little pubic hair on a can of coke

So the republicans retaliate and impeach bill and put an idiot in the white house Bush Jr.

So the democrats retaliate and hire the do nothing democrat house and Senate which helped the republicans to crash the economy.

The democrats further retaliate and hire a bigger idiot then Bush Jr.

So the republicans further retaliate and hire a do nothing congres and won't work with obama they pass bills and all

But the democrats really retaliate and Reid stalls them and won't let obama veto them

The republicans and democrats further retaliate and nominate a dunce like trump a lying manipulator crook hillary.
If only voters showed up every 2 years. I blame them. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon. It's how they continue to ruin America for the middle class.

I'm middle class. I'll be OK no matter what. I just do better with Democrats and their policies.
Republicans revere Reagan as a god, but his policies set the US on it's current course, and outcome. He cut taxes and went on a spending spree, doubling and then tripling the deficit. But he spent the money on the greatest arms build up the world has ever seen and it created an enormous number of jobs in the military industrial complex. The problem people still think that the tax cuts created the jobs. They didn't . It was the spending.

Within his first two years, food stamp usage doubled, despite tightening of income eligibility requirements. By his second term mid terms, Democrats took back the House, and demanded he raise taxes, and drop the Star Wars defense initiative, which was costly and disappointing. Democrats raised taxes to help slumping revenues, but the tax code was forever changed, and wealth began its steady trickle upward under Reaganomics. That trickle up still continues.

Reagan started the NAFTA negotiations saying that if Mexicans had good jobs available to them at home, they'd stop flooding into the US in such numbers. He seems to have been correct on that score as Mexican immigration is much lower than it was in the 80's. But Mexico's boom has come at the expense of both Canadian and American manufacturing.
They're pure evil. Pretty much the dumbest fucking people within our society is telling everyone else to fuck themselfs and pushing the dumbest policies imaginable.
We see the evolution of the GOP. This time in 2012 Ted Nugent made a threat like trump but that was just crazy Ted. We're talking about the fucking GOP nominee.

Or flash back to when Palin was riling up those teabaggers.

The modern devolution of the republican and democrat party began on a little pubic hair on a can of all went down hill from there, both party's are trying to outdo themselves on how low can you go ..
I/we don't see it that way. We see you getting crazier and more extreme each election you lose.

It's almost like you're threatening violence when you lose.

Hillary just has to shut her mouth or strategically tweet the don from Clinton manor.

You can't believe the Clinton's are back? Think how we felt in 2000.

You don't see the theme here tit for tat how low can you go

The democrats attacked Clarence Thomas over a little pubic hair on a can of coke

So the republicans retaliate and impeach bill and put an idiot in the white house Bush Jr.

So the democrats retaliate and hire the do nothing democrat house and Senate which helped the republicans to crash the economy.

The democrats further retaliate and hire a bigger idiot then Bush Jr.

So the republicans further retaliate and hire a do nothing congres and won't work with obama they pass bills and all

But the democrats really retaliate and Reid stalls them and won't let obama veto them

The republicans and democrats further retaliate and nominate a dunce like trump a lying manipulator crook hillary.
If only voters showed up every 2 years. I blame them. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon. It's how they continue to ruin America for the middle class.

I'm middle class. I'll be OK no matter what. I just do better with Democrats and their policies.

I never get why you say that by staying in Michigan and saw first hand how the democrats destroyed detroit.

I ran how so fast away from Illinois after I witnessed first hand how my take home pay was getting smaller and smaller from taxes and democrat policies.
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore
You already nominated one of the worlds biggest and worst liars. You gonna change your mind now?
What you just said is actually a lie.
No that is an opinion due to facts through her own mouth and testimony.
Do you know who's a bigger liar on politifact is? Trump or hillary. And trumps a newb
Hillary again has proven she is a liar. She has a trail of dead bodies where ever she goes. Trump has been misquoted. Trust Politifact? for what propaganda not proof, I think not.
I never get why you say that by staying in Michigan and saw first hand how the democrats destroyed detroit.

I ran how so fast away from Illinois after I witnessed first hand how my take home pay was getting smaller and smaller from taxes and democrat policies.

My understand is that while the governance in Detroit was both corrupt and bad, the loss of the US auto industry, bankrupted Detroit. When you lose your entire tax base, it's pretty hard to pay the bills, and that's what happened in Detroit. This is not uncommon in one-industry cities to fail catastrophically, when that industry becomes redundant, or leaves. Ask Pittsburg about being America's Steeltown, when cheap 3rd World Steel hit the market.

This is no way a defense of the corruption and bad judgement of successive Democrats at City Hall, but the city would have had the income to recover from their incompetance/larceny had it not been for the move to Mexico by the US auto company manufacturing plants and the subsequent loss of the tax base, and union jobs.
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore
Check Open Primary results. the Democrats helped the Republicans nominate Trump. I know for a fact this has been explained to you, but I suppose Democrats would forget that fact if it helps them shift the blame.
If pure Conservatism is always a winning strategy, why didn't the American Conservatives step up and nominate a true Conservative? If the Tea Party movement is to be taken seriously, why did they fail on the biggest stage in American politics?

Republicans and Republicans alone are to blame for the Trump nomination. I understand the buyer's remorse, but you guys had 17 potential candidates, yet you nominated an incorrigible, reckless, feckless moral Pygmy with disastrous comportment and a distinctly in artful style.

Check the scapegoats at the door. Republicans have only themselves to blame.
Check open primaries, the Democrats voted for Trump. He also had media help, since he was covered constantly, and Cruz was demonized by the party because he wasn't Establishment. You either should already know this, or you didn't watch the election unfold.
Hillary again has proven she is a liar. She has a trail of dead bodies where ever she goes. Trump has been misquoted. Trust Politifact? for what propaganda not proof, I think not.

Hillary is much less a liar than Trump. There are dead bodies only in the minds of Republican wingnuts.

I posted a link to the video of him saying it. He was not misquoted. He repeated this at a second rally, so it's not a joke, nor is it an accident. Hundreds of people got up and left the second rally, when he said this.
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore

"If" Wikileaks finds something bad? Admit it, KNOW more bad stuff is going to come out about Hillary because she's corrupt as the day is long! It's not a question of "if" with's a question of "when"!
Hillary is against the second amendment and voters who believe in these rights can stop her. Pretty simple but there is not doubt you people are looking really hard for things that are not there like Trump is a racist which is pure bullshit. He was taking on racist and elitist bullies before it was cool.
Trump lawsuit over Palm Beach denying blacks
What Trump Did To Blacks And Jews 30 Years Ago Just Surfaced... This Could Change The Whole Election - World Politicus

Hillary is NOT opposed to the Second Amendment, and has pledged to respect 2nd Amendment Rights, so for starters Trump is lying.

No one is looking hard. Trump was very clear on what he meant. That's why people at the rally walked out on him.
They're pure evil. Pretty much the dumbest fucking people within our society is telling everyone else to fuck themselfs and pushing the dumbest policies imaginable.
We see the evolution of the GOP. This time in 2012 Ted Nugent made a threat like trump but that was just crazy Ted. We're talking about the fucking GOP nominee.

Or flash back to when Palin was riling up those teabaggers.

The modern devolution of the republican and democrat party began on a little pubic hair on a can of all went down hill from there, both party's are trying to outdo themselves on how low can you go ..
I/we don't see it that way. We see you getting crazier and more extreme each election you lose.

It's almost like you're threatening violence when you lose.

Hillary just has to shut her mouth or strategically tweet the don from Clinton manor.

You can't believe the Clinton's are back? Think how we felt in 2000.

You don't see the theme here tit for tat how low can you go

The democrats attacked Clarence Thomas over a little pubic hair on a can of coke

So the republicans retaliate and impeach bill and put an idiot in the white house Bush Jr.

So the democrats retaliate and hire the do nothing democrat house and Senate which helped the republicans to crash the economy.

The democrats further retaliate and hire a bigger idiot then Bush Jr.

So the republicans further retaliate and hire a do nothing congres and won't work with obama they pass bills and all

But the democrats really retaliate and Reid stalls them and won't let obama veto them

The republicans and democrats further retaliate and nominate a dunce like trump a lying manipulator crook hillary.
If only voters showed up every 2 years. I blame them. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon. It's how they continue to ruin America for the middle class.

I'm middle class. I'll be OK no matter what. I just do better with Democrats and their policies.

Its not a secrete weapon, in the midterms the smart repuclians and moderites turn out like normal, the dumb democrats never vote for policy that effects their lives..

They just vote for prom king or queen of the day.
Hillary is against the second amendment and voters who believe in these rights can stop her. Pretty simple but there is not doubt you people are looking really hard for things that are not there like Trump is a racist which is pure bullshit. He was taking on racist and elitist bullies before it was cool.
Trump lawsuit over Palm Beach denying blacks
What Trump Did To Blacks And Jews 30 Years Ago Just Surfaced... This Could Change The Whole Election - World Politicus

Hillary is NOT opposed to the Second Amendment, and has pledged to respect 2nd Amendment Rights, so for starters Trump is lying.

No one is looking hard. Trump was very clear on what he meant. That's why people at the rally walked out on him.
Work on someone else as it isn't working here and there really is no reason to waste your time or mine.
So they're going to respect us and think we're all smart if we return the Clinton circus back to the White House?

The truth is, they should be laughing their assess off whichever of these two win.
Hillary is against the second amendment and voters who believe in these rights can stop her. Pretty simple but there is not doubt you people are looking really hard for things that are not there like Trump is a racist which is pure bullshit. He was taking on racist and elitist bullies before it was cool.
Trump lawsuit over Palm Beach denying blacks
What Trump Did To Blacks And Jews 30 Years Ago Just Surfaced... This Could Change The Whole Election - World Politicus

Hillary is NOT opposed to the Second Amendment, and has pledged to respect 2nd Amendment Rights, so for starters Trump is lying.

No one is looking hard. Trump was very clear on what he meant. That's why people at the rally walked out on him.

Hillary has pledged to respect 2nd Amendment rights? Really? So she's not proposing new gun control laws?
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore
Check Open Primary results. the Democrats helped the Republicans nominate Trump. I know for a fact this has been explained to you, but I suppose Democrats would forget that fact if it helps them shift the blame.
If pure Conservatism is always a winning strategy, why didn't the American Conservatives step up and nominate a true Conservative? If the Tea Party movement is to be taken seriously, why did they fail on the biggest stage in American politics?

Republicans and Republicans alone are to blame for the Trump nomination. I understand the buyer's remorse, but you guys had 17 potential candidates, yet you nominated an incorrigible, reckless, feckless moral Pygmy with disastrous comportment and a distinctly in artful style.

Check the scapegoats at the door. Republicans have only themselves to blame.

All that is true, and he is still better than the pantsuit bulldyke that the idiot fall-in-line democrats nominated.....aaaah with the help of a little shenanigans from Debbie schultz
So they're going to respect us and think we're all smart if we return the Clinton circus back to the White House?

The truth is, they should be laughing their assess off whichever of these two win.

And yelling for our help whenever they get their sissy asses attacked.
They're pure evil. Pretty much the dumbest fucking people within our society is telling everyone else to fuck themselfs and pushing the dumbest policies imaginable.
Actually it is the US Democratic party that is pure evil.

Democratic party, Dresden, Hiroshima etc.

Democratic party, pro-slavery.

Democratic party, pro-experimenting on humans without the victims' knowledge or prior consent.

Democratic party, how fucking evil can you get, jackass?
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