You Republicans Are Crazy

Hillary is against the second amendment and voters who believe in these rights can stop her. Pretty simple but there is not doubt you people are looking really hard for things that are not there like Trump is a racist which is pure bullshit. He was taking on racist and elitist bullies before it was cool.
Trump lawsuit over Palm Beach denying blacks
What Trump Did To Blacks And Jews 30 Years Ago Just Surfaced... This Could Change The Whole Election - World Politicus

Hillary is NOT opposed to the Second Amendment, and has pledged to respect 2nd Amendment Rights, so for starters Trump is lying.

No one is looking hard. Trump was very clear on what he meant. That's why people at the rally walked out on him.
Work on someone else as it isn't working here and there really is no reason to waste your time or mine.

I'm not allowing you to continue to post lies and insinuations. You can try but I will call you on it. It's not about changing your mind. You're a lost cause. It's not allowing any of you racist, mysogynist assholes to get away with posting your lies.
We see the evolution of the GOP. This time in 2012 Ted Nugent made a threat like trump but that was just crazy Ted. We're talking about the fucking GOP nominee.

Or flash back to when Palin was riling up those teabaggers.

The modern devolution of the republican and democrat party began on a little pubic hair on a can of all went down hill from there, both party's are trying to outdo themselves on how low can you go ..
I/we don't see it that way. We see you getting crazier and more extreme each election you lose.

It's almost like you're threatening violence when you lose.

Hillary just has to shut her mouth or strategically tweet the don from Clinton manor.

You can't believe the Clinton's are back? Think how we felt in 2000.

You don't see the theme here tit for tat how low can you go

The democrats attacked Clarence Thomas over a little pubic hair on a can of coke

So the republicans retaliate and impeach bill and put an idiot in the white house Bush Jr.

So the democrats retaliate and hire the do nothing democrat house and Senate which helped the republicans to crash the economy.

The democrats further retaliate and hire a bigger idiot then Bush Jr.

So the republicans further retaliate and hire a do nothing congres and won't work with obama they pass bills and all

But the democrats really retaliate and Reid stalls them and won't let obama veto them

The republicans and democrats further retaliate and nominate a dunce like trump a lying manipulator crook hillary.
If only voters showed up every 2 years. I blame them. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon. It's how they continue to ruin America for the middle class.

I'm middle class. I'll be OK no matter what. I just do better with Democrats and their policies.

I never get why you say that by staying in Michigan and saw first hand how the democrats destroyed detroit.

I ran how so fast away from Illinois after I witnessed first hand how my take home pay was getting smaller and smaller from taxes and democrat policies.
Taxes? You couldn't make it because of taxes? What a loser
I never get why you say that by staying in Michigan and saw first hand how the democrats destroyed detroit.

I ran how so fast away from Illinois after I witnessed first hand how my take home pay was getting smaller and smaller from taxes and democrat policies.

My understand is that while the governance in Detroit was both corrupt and bad, the loss of the US auto industry, bankrupted Detroit. When you lose your entire tax base, it's pretty hard to pay the bills, and that's what happened in Detroit. This is not uncommon in one-industry cities to fail catastrophically, when that industry becomes redundant, or leaves. Ask Pittsburg about being America's Steeltown, when cheap 3rd World Steel hit the market.

This is no way a defense of the corruption and bad judgement of successive Democrats at City Hall, but the city would have had the income to recover from their incompetance/larceny had it not been for the move to Mexico by the US auto company manufacturing plants and the subsequent loss of the tax base, and union jobs.
Do you think dummies like bear understand this or do they really believe "liberal policies" bankrupted Detroit? I'm thinking they believe the stupid shit they say
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore
Meanwhile, the rest of the civilized world is laughing at you and your Obama....:lol:
Hillary is against the second amendment and voters who believe in these rights can stop her. Pretty simple but there is not doubt you people are looking really hard for things that are not there like Trump is a racist which is pure bullshit. He was taking on racist and elitist bullies before it was cool.
Trump lawsuit over Palm Beach denying blacks
What Trump Did To Blacks And Jews 30 Years Ago Just Surfaced... This Could Change The Whole Election - World Politicus
The modern devolution of the republican and democrat party began on a little pubic hair on a can of all went down hill from there, both party's are trying to outdo themselves on how low can you go ..
I/we don't see it that way. We see you getting crazier and more extreme each election you lose.

It's almost like you're threatening violence when you lose.

Hillary just has to shut her mouth or strategically tweet the don from Clinton manor.

You can't believe the Clinton's are back? Think how we felt in 2000.

You don't see the theme here tit for tat how low can you go

The democrats attacked Clarence Thomas over a little pubic hair on a can of coke

So the republicans retaliate and impeach bill and put an idiot in the white house Bush Jr.

So the democrats retaliate and hire the do nothing democrat house and Senate which helped the republicans to crash the economy.

The democrats further retaliate and hire a bigger idiot then Bush Jr.

So the republicans further retaliate and hire a do nothing congres and won't work with obama they pass bills and all

But the democrats really retaliate and Reid stalls them and won't let obama veto them

The republicans and democrats further retaliate and nominate a dunce like trump a lying manipulator crook hillary.
If only voters showed up every 2 years. I blame them. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon. It's how they continue to ruin America for the middle class.

I'm middle class. I'll be OK no matter what. I just do better with Democrats and their policies.

I never get why you say that by staying in Michigan and saw first hand how the democrats destroyed detroit.

I ran how so fast away from Illinois after I witnessed first hand how my take home pay was getting smaller and smaller from taxes and democrat policies.
Taxes? You couldn't make it because of taxes? What a loser

Me a losee? I did the fucking math, why would I want to live average when I can live above avarage?

You a slave to your masters pay them what ever they want loser.
Hillary is against the second amendment and voters who believe in these rights can stop her. Pretty simple but there is not doubt you people are looking really hard for things that are not there like Trump is a racist which is pure bullshit. He was taking on racist and elitist bullies before it was cool.
Trump lawsuit over Palm Beach denying blacks
What Trump Did To Blacks And Jews 30 Years Ago Just Surfaced... This Could Change The Whole Election - World Politicus
Racist liar....
I/we don't see it that way. We see you getting crazier and more extreme each election you lose.

It's almost like you're threatening violence when you lose.

Hillary just has to shut her mouth or strategically tweet the don from Clinton manor.

You can't believe the Clinton's are back? Think how we felt in 2000.

You don't see the theme here tit for tat how low can you go

The democrats attacked Clarence Thomas over a little pubic hair on a can of coke

So the republicans retaliate and impeach bill and put an idiot in the white house Bush Jr.

So the democrats retaliate and hire the do nothing democrat house and Senate which helped the republicans to crash the economy.

The democrats further retaliate and hire a bigger idiot then Bush Jr.

So the republicans further retaliate and hire a do nothing congres and won't work with obama they pass bills and all

But the democrats really retaliate and Reid stalls them and won't let obama veto them

The republicans and democrats further retaliate and nominate a dunce like trump a lying manipulator crook hillary.
If only voters showed up every 2 years. I blame them. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon. It's how they continue to ruin America for the middle class.

I'm middle class. I'll be OK no matter what. I just do better with Democrats and their policies.

I never get why you say that by staying in Michigan and saw first hand how the democrats destroyed detroit.

I ran how so fast away from Illinois after I witnessed first hand how my take home pay was getting smaller and smaller from taxes and democrat policies.
Taxes? You couldn't make it because of taxes? What a loser

Me a losee? I did the fucking math, why would I want to live average when I can live above avarage?

You a slave to your masters pay them what ever they want loser.
Of course I pay my taxes and still I save and have toys.

I would need to know what your personal problems are before I know why you are so really angry. One thing we know is you don't make enough money. So does that mean you will never retire, own a home, pay off student loans. For republicans, all politics are personal. So why do you suck? Lose your job as a canary in a coal mine?
You don't see the theme here tit for tat how low can you go

The democrats attacked Clarence Thomas over a little pubic hair on a can of coke

So the republicans retaliate and impeach bill and put an idiot in the white house Bush Jr.

So the democrats retaliate and hire the do nothing democrat house and Senate which helped the republicans to crash the economy.

The democrats further retaliate and hire a bigger idiot then Bush Jr.

So the republicans further retaliate and hire a do nothing congres and won't work with obama they pass bills and all

But the democrats really retaliate and Reid stalls them and won't let obama veto them

The republicans and democrats further retaliate and nominate a dunce like trump a lying manipulator crook hillary.
If only voters showed up every 2 years. I blame them. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon. It's how they continue to ruin America for the middle class.

I'm middle class. I'll be OK no matter what. I just do better with Democrats and their policies.

I never get why you say that by staying in Michigan and saw first hand how the democrats destroyed detroit.

I ran how so fast away from Illinois after I witnessed first hand how my take home pay was getting smaller and smaller from taxes and democrat policies.
Taxes? You couldn't make it because of taxes? What a loser

Me a losee? I did the fucking math, why would I want to live average when I can live above avarage?

You a slave to your masters pay them what ever they want loser.
Of course I pay my taxes and still I save and have toys.

I would need to know what your personal problems are before I know why you are so really angry. One thing we know is you don't make enough money. So does that mean you will never retire, own a home, pay off student loans. For republicans, all politics are personal. So why do you suck? Lose your job as a canary in a coal mine?
You sound like quite the accomplished taker....:lol:
If only voters showed up every 2 years. I blame them. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon. It's how they continue to ruin America for the middle class.

I'm middle class. I'll be OK no matter what. I just do better with Democrats and their policies.

I never get why you say that by staying in Michigan and saw first hand how the democrats destroyed detroit.

I ran how so fast away from Illinois after I witnessed first hand how my take home pay was getting smaller and smaller from taxes and democrat policies.
Taxes? You couldn't make it because of taxes? What a loser

Me a losee? I did the fucking math, why would I want to live average when I can live above avarage?

You a slave to your masters pay them what ever they want loser.
Of course I pay my taxes and still I save and have toys.

I would need to know what your personal problems are before I know why you are so really angry. One thing we know is you don't make enough money. So does that mean you will never retire, own a home, pay off student loans. For republicans, all politics are personal. So why do you suck? Lose your job as a canary in a coal mine?
You sound like quite the accomplished taker....:lol:
In your minds, anyone who likes social security is a taker. Yes I am a successful liberal. I was angry when the GOP was shipping jobs overseas and ruined the global economy. Why are you mad?

Back when bush was sending 700,000 jobs overseas a month you told blue collar to go back to school or start a business. What are you saying now?
I never get why you say that by staying in Michigan and saw first hand how the democrats destroyed detroit.

I ran how so fast away from Illinois after I witnessed first hand how my take home pay was getting smaller and smaller from taxes and democrat policies.
Taxes? You couldn't make it because of taxes? What a loser

Me a losee? I did the fucking math, why would I want to live average when I can live above avarage?

You a slave to your masters pay them what ever they want loser.
Of course I pay my taxes and still I save and have toys.

I would need to know what your personal problems are before I know why you are so really angry. One thing we know is you don't make enough money. So does that mean you will never retire, own a home, pay off student loans. For republicans, all politics are personal. So why do you suck? Lose your job as a canary in a coal mine?
You sound like quite the accomplished taker....:lol:
In your minds, anyone who likes social security is a taker. Yes I am a successful liberal. I was angry when the GOP was shipping jobs overseas and ruined the global economy. Why are you mad?

Back when bush was sending 700,000 jobs overseas a month you told blue collar to go back to school or start a business. What are you saying now?
I am angry you liberals shipped jobs overseas and ruined the American economy....

Back when Obama was passing 10's of thousands of job/industry killing regulations sending millions of jobs a month overseas you told blue collar workers you would kill their industries. What are you saying now?
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.
Your friends are as fucked up as you are. Why should everyone care about yours and their opinion? Europe has some mighty flawed office holders.

Hillary has far worse problems that making liberals butthurt over words. Her incompetence, lying and corruption are serious national concerns. You guys don't care but that makes you the problem, not everybody else.
I never get why you say that by staying in Michigan and saw first hand how the democrats destroyed detroit.

I ran how so fast away from Illinois after I witnessed first hand how my take home pay was getting smaller and smaller from taxes and democrat policies.
Taxes? You couldn't make it because of taxes? What a loser

Me a losee? I did the fucking math, why would I want to live average when I can live above avarage?

You a slave to your masters pay them what ever they want loser.
Of course I pay my taxes and still I save and have toys.

I would need to know what your personal problems are before I know why you are so really angry. One thing we know is you don't make enough money. So does that mean you will never retire, own a home, pay off student loans. For republicans, all politics are personal. So why do you suck? Lose your job as a canary in a coal mine?
You sound like quite the accomplished taker....:lol:
In your minds, anyone who likes social security is a taker. Yes I am a successful liberal. I was angry when the GOP was shipping jobs overseas and ruined the global economy. Why are you mad?

Back when bush was sending 700,000 jobs overseas a month you told blue collar to go back to school or start a business. What are you saying now?
When did the GOP ship jobs overseas?

The takers in society are people like you. You make money selling illegal drugs, pay no tax on it and enjoy what workers provide.
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore

Not going to happen. Hillary is our candidate, and any claims of some big surprise is just wishful thinking for the right.
Assange is a right winger?
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.
Your friends are as fucked up as you are. Why should everyone care about yours and their opinion? Europe has some mighty flawed office holders.

Hillary has far worse problems that making liberals butthurt over words. Her incompetence, lying and corruption are serious national concerns. You guys don't care but that makes you the problem, not everybody else.
Bla bla. You Republicans don't care what over half of America and most of the rest of the world thinks. So much so that your corporate owned and controlled media has put blinders on us. God forbid we hear what the rest of the world thinks about such things as climate change or evolution.
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.
Your friends are as fucked up as you are. Why should everyone care about yours and their opinion? Europe has some mighty flawed office holders.

Hillary has far worse problems that making liberals butthurt over words. Her incompetence, lying and corruption are serious national concerns. You guys don't care but that makes you the problem, not everybody else.
Bla bla. You Republicans don't care what over half of America and most of the rest of the world thinks. So much so that your corporate owned and controlled media has put blinders on us. God forbid we hear what the rest of the world thinks about such things as climate change or evolution.
You mean the takers? No, we don't give a flying fuck what you think.....
Taxes? You couldn't make it because of taxes? What a loser

Me a losee? I did the fucking math, why would I want to live average when I can live above avarage?

You a slave to your masters pay them what ever they want loser.
Of course I pay my taxes and still I save and have toys.

I would need to know what your personal problems are before I know why you are so really angry. One thing we know is you don't make enough money. So does that mean you will never retire, own a home, pay off student loans. For republicans, all politics are personal. So why do you suck? Lose your job as a canary in a coal mine?
You sound like quite the accomplished taker....:lol:
In your minds, anyone who likes social security is a taker. Yes I am a successful liberal. I was angry when the GOP was shipping jobs overseas and ruined the global economy. Why are you mad?

Back when bush was sending 700,000 jobs overseas a month you told blue collar to go back to school or start a business. What are you saying now?
When did the GOP ship jobs overseas?

The takers in society are people like you. You make money selling illegal drugs, pay no tax on it and enjoy what workers provide.
I have a good paying job too. And besides remember I was just kidding?

When did GOP ship jobs overseas? If you have to ask I'm putting you on retard. That's different than ignore. Retard tells me when a fucking retard is responding to me. I mean come on brother
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.
Your friends are as fucked up as you are. Why should everyone care about yours and their opinion? Europe has some mighty flawed office holders.

Hillary has far worse problems that making liberals butthurt over words. Her incompetence, lying and corruption are serious national concerns. You guys don't care but that makes you the problem, not everybody else.
Bla bla. You Republicans don't care what over half of America and most of the rest of the world thinks. So much so that your corporate owned and controlled media has put blinders on us. God forbid we hear what the rest of the world thinks about such things as climate change or evolution.
Who said anything about that? Are you this stoned already? Or still?
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.
Your friends are as fucked up as you are. Why should everyone care about yours and their opinion? Europe has some mighty flawed office holders.

Hillary has far worse problems that making liberals butthurt over words. Her incompetence, lying and corruption are serious national concerns. You guys don't care but that makes you the problem, not everybody else.
Bla bla. You Republicans don't care what over half of America and most of the rest of the world thinks. So much so that your corporate owned and controlled media has put blinders on us. God forbid we hear what the rest of the world thinks about such things as climate change or evolution.
You mean the takers? No, we don't give a flying fuck what you think.....
That's why you lose. The truth is trumps trying to con those uneducated blue collar white takers. What are you offering them?
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore

Yes there is a core of conservatives that do live in a bubble where anyone who doesn't agree with them isn't just another American that has a different view. They are evil incarnate. This has been drilled into the heads of the people in this bubble by conservative-talk-radio and Faux News for 25 years now. And this is where it has lead. They defend trump on ANYTHING. He said himself he could shoot someone and they'd still support him, and they would. These people are so brainwashed by con-media that up is down and they do view 'others' as evil on Earth.

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