You see how Benghazi was handled - Administration did not want to upset the Libyan's

NOLA Gator

Senior Member
Jun 17, 2016
Why would you want Hillary or anyone from this Administration to be President?

House Benghazi report slams administration response to attacks | Fox News

The report said one anti-terrorism security team known as the FAST unit sat waiting for three hours in Rota, Spain, as Marines changed “in and out of their uniforms four times,” and even debated whether they should carry personal weapons, according to one witness. All together, the report said, “it would take nearly 18 hours” for that team to move.
How many Benghazi investigations have there been? And not one has revealed any new information.

These carefully spaced apart "reports" are the political equivalent of bumping a topic that has fallen off the front page of the forum. It's hackery intended to keep the subject alive for political reasons, not out of any desire to learn the truth or new truths.

I bet most people reading this right now who shed crocodile tears over the Four Dead Americans™ can't even name them. They might remember the Ambassador's last name, but that's it.

If you can't name them, you're just a parroting rube. Yeah, that's right.

And I would bet real money not one of you hacks can name the Americans, many more Americans, who were killed during the many more attacks on our diplomatic missions between 2001 through 2008.

I bet you can't even name the diplomat who was killed during that period, much less when and where.

You can go on and on and on about the events which occurred during the night of September 11, 2012, but can't name the diplomat who was killed on Bush's watch. You don't even know when or where. In fact, you probably didn't know one was killed until just now.

You might want to ask yourself why that is, hacks.
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The hacks have set a benchmark. If Trump is elected, and WHEN Americans are killed overseas in an attack on his watch, you can bet your bottom dollar these same hacks will claim, "This time is different! Because...ummmm...because!"

As I pointed out above, many more Americans were killed while these retards were in their comas between 2001 and 2009.

"Yeah, but how many were Ambassadors, huh?" This is all they have in the way of response. It's a bullshit dodge which disrespects the shit out of the dead. Dead Americans killed at our diplomatic compounds don't count if they aren't an ambassador?

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You know those videos the tards like to post of some smug guy asking college kids questions that make them look stupid?

Someone should make a video at the Republican convention asking the attendees to name the Four Dead Americans™ after letting them rant about Benghazi first.
Well when an administration goes for optics and hires militias to guard Americans all one can say is that the administration doesn't give a rats ass about their people abroad.
Well when an administration goes for optics and hires militias to guard Americans all one can say is that the administration doesn't give a rats ass about their people abroad.
The practice of privatizing security and our fighting forces began way before Obama. And under Bush, a lot of our diplomatic missions were attacked, and a lot of Americans were killed.

I didn't see the Republicans initiate countless investigations about all those Americans being slaughtered, did you?

I didn't hear the Right howling for YEARS ON END about it, did you?

Me, either.

This shedding of crocodile tears over Benghazi is hackery. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Remember the Left howling about "mercenaries" during the Bush Administration? All that fuss over Blackwater?

Me, too.

Here's CATO in 2009:

The low visibility and presumed low cost of private contractors appeals to those who favor a global U.S. military presence, but fear that such a strategy cannot command public support. And by using contractors the United States also shift responsibility and blame for its actions. As the United States relies more heavily upon military contractors to support its role as world hegemon, it reinforces the tendency to approach global crises in a unilateral, as opposed to multilateral manner, further ensuring that the burdens will be carried disproportionately by U.S. taxpayers. U.S. use of PMCs is inevitable until people grasp the key point, which is that that contracting is both part of war and part of maintaining a global military hegemonic presence.
The entire Obama administration would be perp walked into federal prison if the freaking mainstream media was doing it's job. Libya was not a threat to U.S. and there was no reason to overthrow the Kadhaffi regime to create a power vacuum for the muslem brotherhood. The insane Obama foreign policy wonks did just that. When the predictable shit hit the fan the Hussein administration ate pizza and watched it as if it was a freaking video game.
Four people dying in the big picture of Middle East politics is profoundly insignificant,

and that can be proven by the fact that if the RW opportunists did not see Benghazi as fine fodder for partisan political gain,

it is a certainty they would not have ever made a peep about it.

You doubt me? Where is the equivalent outrage from the Right over the 4500 Americans who died needlessly in Iraq?

4500. Not 4.
I really would like to see someone make a video at the GOP convention. First, get the rubes to foam at the mouth over Benghazi. Let them really go off and shed crocodile tears over the Four Dead Americans™.

Then...ask them the names of the Four Dead Americans™.

I really wish someone would do that. If I lived near there, I'd do it myself.
By exposing nothing new, do you think it's going to change anyone's mind? Highly partisan rhetoric to describe the same events the other investigations reported is all I'm reading.

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