"You stay white, and I'll stay black"

I did not ask if the DBE got that 15-20 percent. I asked why federal contractors get that 15-20 percent as encouragement to do business with a DBE idiot.

Shit man, no wonder some people wouldn't hire you as you cannot read or comprehend worth a damn.

I read fine. You seem unable to explain why such incentives exist.
You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.
My mind is fine you racist ignorant asshole.

Your mind can't be fine if you believe the garbage you post.
Shit man, no wonder some people wouldn't hire you as you cannot read or comprehend worth a damn.

I read fine. You seem unable to explain why such incentives exist.
You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.
My mind is fine you racist ignorant asshole.

Your mind can't be fine if you believe the garbage you post.
Garbage you say. Can't handle the truth so you think you can erase history and hide it. Ain't happening dickwad because again those white men were fighting and dying for your ancestors freedom before they even considered it even though they were not the ones who had enslave your ancestors. Well that is if'n you even had slave ancestors. Hell for all we know it could have been your ancestors selling the others out for the others would be slaves.

John Brown (abolitionist) - Wikipedia
I read fine. You seem unable to explain why such incentives exist.
You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.
My mind is fine you racist ignorant asshole.

Your mind can't be fine if you believe the garbage you post.
Garbage you say. Can't handle the truth so you think you can erase history and hide it. Ain't happening dickwad because again those white men were fighting and dying for your ancestors freedom before they even considered it even though they were not the ones who had enslave your ancestors. Well that is if'n you even had slave ancestors. Hell for all we know it could have been your ancestors selling the others out for the others would be slaves.

John Brown (abolitionist) - Wikipedia


Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 - Wikipedia

This law was passed before Brown was born. This means blacks were fighting being slaves then and before. Yep the government had to pass laws trying to stop slaves from escaping but they did not think of freedom until some white boy decided to fight for them.


You are out of your league here lady. You will get your dumb ass embarrassed if you choose to continue this.

This shit did not end with slavery. Learn that. Then shut up.
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You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.
My mind is fine you racist ignorant asshole.

Your mind can't be fine if you believe the garbage you post.
Garbage you say. Can't handle the truth so you think you can erase history and hide it. Ain't happening dickwad because again those white men were fighting and dying for your ancestors freedom before they even considered it even though they were not the ones who had enslave your ancestors. Well that is if'n you even had slave ancestors. Hell for all we know it could have been your ancestors selling the others out for the others would be slaves.

John Brown (abolitionist) - Wikipedia


Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 - Wikipedia

This law was passed before Brown was born. This means blacks were fighting being slaves then and before. Yep the government had to pass laws trying to stop slaves from escaping but they did not think of freedom until some white boy decided to fight for them.


You are out of your league here lady. You will get your dumb ass embarrassed if you choose to continue this.

This shit did not end with slavery. Learn that. Then shut up.
Fact is you have already exposed your racist ass. Bundy's and any others who inherited their ranches get to keep them and if you wanted a ranch you should have saved your pennies and bought one instead of whining like a bitch. And again IM2 you are already exposed you nasty little racist. If it weren't for my grands family you'd be a slave just like your ancestors. The Brown's and the Owen's were the original boat people and they did not bring in the slaves, their ancestors did help free and even hide the ones that escaped though from traders and slave owners.
Actually that is not true a white male is the most minimized creature out there at the moment when it comes to advantages and extra credits given if all things are consider. Now that isn't to say all white males are decent people it is just telling you the facts when it comes to businesses and contracting, etc.....

I am not even engaging in a dialogue that implies that there are not decent white people out there. There are white people in my own family, and I care about all of them.

However, what I see happening in this forum are quite a few people (who I assume are white) claiming to be minimized or marginalized by law without providing a single concrete fact that supports what they are stating.
It had a bunch of storm front and queers move in years ago. To try to have a discussion based on truth here is like spitting in the wind because you get people like IM2 that are so full of shit they are not worth the effort or time to try to have a decent conversation with. We have mixed marriages in my family too.

No I am not full of shit and I was in a mixed marriage and have a mixed race child. You however are full of shit.

You are ignorant and you actually believe the equal rights laws are somehow denying whites when all they are trying to do is make sure everyone gets the same chances. Whites were not doing this and to pretend they are now is to believe a lie. Without these laws whites would discriminate even more.. You got this whole thing ass backwards and it's basically because you have not taken the time to research matters, you just believe that whites are getting the shaft and that all todays people fighting for civil rights want is revenge against whites or to find ways to discriminate against them. That's about as stupid as it gets.

From the ingraham thread today.

Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.

1. We are not practicing racism. YOu are an asshole.

2. That you characterized not wanting to be held responsible for the sins of other people, long ago as "whining" is just you being a racist asshole. FUck you.

3. This is for you, fucktard.


4. What we have been "sowing" for generations is effort and sacrifice aimed at helping you, you "traditionally disadvantaged" so that you could improve your lot and we could live happily ever after, ei multiculturalism.

5. And your utter dismissal of that, and your insistence of pretending that wanting equality is the same as discriminating against you, is proof that that hope and effort was A. completely misguided and B. a complete and utter failure.

6. FUck you, you race baiting asshole.

You imply that because a lawmaker has white skin that he will legislate in favor of "his own interests".

Like Bernie Sanders perhaps?


An old white guy, who, I'm sure agrees with you on the vast majority of racial issues.

What you just did there was to judge the legislators by their skin color. Even Bernie Sanders, is not judged, when considered in a group, by his lefty policies but by his skin color.

"Sanders has liberal stances on social issues, having advocated for LGBT rights and against the Defense of Marriage Act.[220] He considers himself a feminist,[221] is pro-choice on abortion, and opposes the de-funding of Planned Parenthood.[222] Sanders has denounced institutional racism and called for criminal justice reform to reduce the number of people in prison,[223] advocates a crackdown on police brutality, and supports abolishing private, for-profit prisons[224][225][226] and the death penalty.[227] Sanders supports Black Lives Matter.[228] He supports legalizing marijuana at the federal level.["

Who's the racist now?

More of your selective intetptetation of what I stated. It is a fact that the majority of lawmakers ARE white. That is not a "racist" statement.

That you judge them based on their skin color, instead of their actions, is a racist statement.

You failed to acknowledge that I also stated that it is their responsibility as laemakers to ensure that "the majority does not have Carte Blanche to discriminate against the minority."

I ignored that, because it has nothing to do with anything that is occurring now.

What is your point except for confirming that you are likely against gay rights, you oppose a women's right to choose, you oppose police forces being held accountable for actions that do not mirror "protecting and serving", you support mass incarceration for profit, instead of policies and programs that REFORM and allow non felony offenders to re enter society, and you are disturbed by Sanders alleged support of Black Lives Matter?

My point was that the fact that the legislators are white, does not mean they are not supporting anti-white discrimination.

I'm judging them by their actions and their policies, you are judging them by their skin color.

Sounds to me like you very well could be a homophobic, anti women's choice, supporter of a milaristic police forces, Alt Right goon.

YOur spin on my positions is not relevant.

Now what? Exactly how do the policies of the above politician restrict you as a white citizen from being successful?

And more directly, how are his policies favoring black or brown citizens over white citizens?

I don't care about sanders personally, I only referenced him to make attack your "point" that having white legislators meant that our government policy was not anti-white.

I already know that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

More of your selective interptetations of what I stated. It is a fact that the majority of lawmakers ARE white. That is not a "racist" statement.

That you judge them based on their skin color, instead of their actions, is a racist statement.

You failed to acknowledge that I also stated that it is their responsibility as laemakers to ensure that "the majority does not have Carte Blanche to discriminate against the minority."

I ignored that, because it has nothing to do with anything that is occurring now.

What is your point except for confirming that you are likely against gay rights, you oppose a women's right to choose, you oppose police forces being held accountable for actions that do not mirror "protecting and serving", you support mass incarceration for profit, instead of policies and programs that REFORM and allow non felony offenders to re enter society, and you are disturbed by Sanders alleged support of Black Lives Matter?

My point was that the fact that the legislators are white, does not mean they are not supporting anti-white discrimination.

I'm judging them by their actions and their policies, you are judging them by their skin color.

Sounds to me like you very well could be a homophobic, anti women's choice, supporter of a milaristic police forces, Alt Right goon.

YOur spin on my positions is not relevant.

Now what? Exactly how do the policies of the above politician restrict you as a white citizen from being successful?

And more directly, how are his policies favoring black or brown citizens over white citizens?

I don't care about sanders personally, I only referenced him to make attack your "point" that having white legislators meant that our government policy was not anti-white.

I already kniw that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

Racist bullshit.

ROFLMAO. You are a disingenuois liar. I stated that the majority of lawmakers are white, which they are, and YOU apparently believe in your warped perception that presentening Sanders was somehow proof that he as a lawmaker is anti white, and real truth is that his policies support the LBGT community of which many WHITES are a part of.

He also supports pro choice for women, which affects WHITE FEMALES. He also supports legalizing marijuana which in legal states had produced new business opportunities for aspiring dispensary owners which INCLUDES WHITE PEOPLE.

Name one policy of his or any lawmaker that is specifically anti white.

You will not, because you can't.

Your argument is silly and immature at best.....like I told you before, it's easier for you to cry that you are a victim and I am "racist". Too funny.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.
They get that 15% to 20% extra to encourage them to sublet contracts to DBE's. The DBE's do not get that 15% to 20%, that is the prime contractors money to keep. Many of those primes have made illegitimate deals to put a DBE of their choice in as their subs. They disadvantage business enterprise only has to be 51% owned by whatever their disadvantage is. The very corrupt large contractors don't care about that 20% as much as they do about having ultimate control over the most important aspects of the contracts.

No go away fool.

I did not ask if the DBE got that 15-20 percent. I asked why federal contractors get that 15-20 percent as encouragement to do business with a DBE idiot.

Shit man, no wonder some people wouldn't hire you as you cannot read or comprehend worth a damn.

I read fine. You seem unable to explain why such incentives exist.
You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.

Stating that posts you don't like is racist doesn't make it so.

You got some great circular reasoning going on there.

You dismiss all opinions you don't like and call them racist.

THen you use the fact that YOu judged those posts as racist as "Evidence" to support your belief that racism exists.

Pretty stupid of you.
Actually that is not true a white male is the most minimized creature out there at the moment when it comes to advantages and extra credits given if all things are consider. Now that isn't to say all white males are decent people it is just telling you the facts when it comes to businesses and contracting, etc.....

I am not even engaging in a dialogue that implies that there are not decent white people out there. There are white people in my own family, and I care about all of them.

However, what I see happening in this forum are quite a few people (who I assume are white) claiming to be minimized or marginalized by law without providing a single concrete fact that supports what they are stating.
It had a bunch of storm front and queers move in years ago. To try to have a discussion based on truth here is like spitting in the wind because you get people like IM2 that are so full of shit they are not worth the effort or time to try to have a decent conversation with. We have mixed marriages in my family too.

No I am not full of shit and I was in a mixed marriage and have a mixed race child. You however are full of shit.

You are ignorant and you actually believe the equal rights laws are somehow denying whites when all they are trying to do is make sure everyone gets the same chances. Whites were not doing this and to pretend they are now is to believe a lie. Without these laws whites would discriminate even more.. You got this whole thing ass backwards and it's basically because you have not taken the time to research matters, you just believe that whites are getting the shaft and that all todays people fighting for civil rights want is revenge against whites or to find ways to discriminate against them. That's about as stupid as it gets.

From the ingraham thread today.

Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.
blaming people today for what happened 200 years ago. not all white people are MY people. nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago
More of your selective intetptetation of what I stated. It is a fact that the majority of lawmakers ARE white. That is not a "racist" statement.

That you judge them based on their skin color, instead of their actions, is a racist statement.

You failed to acknowledge that I also stated that it is their responsibility as laemakers to ensure that "the majority does not have Carte Blanche to discriminate against the minority."

I ignored that, because it has nothing to do with anything that is occurring now.

What is your point except for confirming that you are likely against gay rights, you oppose a women's right to choose, you oppose police forces being held accountable for actions that do not mirror "protecting and serving", you support mass incarceration for profit, instead of policies and programs that REFORM and allow non felony offenders to re enter society, and you are disturbed by Sanders alleged support of Black Lives Matter?

My point was that the fact that the legislators are white, does not mean they are not supporting anti-white discrimination.

I'm judging them by their actions and their policies, you are judging them by their skin color.

Sounds to me like you very well could be a homophobic, anti women's choice, supporter of a milaristic police forces, Alt Right goon.

YOur spin on my positions is not relevant.

Now what? Exactly how do the policies of the above politician restrict you as a white citizen from being successful?

And more directly, how are his policies favoring black or brown citizens over white citizens?

I don't care about sanders personally, I only referenced him to make attack your "point" that having white legislators meant that our government policy was not anti-white.

I already know that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

That you judge them based on their skin color, instead of their actions, is a racist statement.

I ignored that, because it has nothing to do with anything that is occurring now.

My point was that the fact that the legislators are white, does not mean they are not supporting anti-white discrimination.

I'm judging them by their actions and their policies, you are judging them by their skin color.

YOur spin on my positions is not relevant.

I don't care about sanders personally, I only referenced him to make attack your "point" that having white legislators meant that our government policy was not anti-white.

I already kniw that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

Racist bullshit.

ROFLMAO. You are a disingenuois liar. I stated that the majority of lawmakers are white, which they are, and YOU apparently believe in your warped perception that presentening Sanders was somehow proof that he as a lawmaker is anti white, and real truth is that his policies support the LBGT community of which many WHITES are a part of.

He also supports pro choice for women, which affects WHITE FEMALES. He also supports legalizing marijuana which in legal states had produced new business opportunities for aspiring dispensary owners which INCLUDES WHITE PEOPLE.

Name one policy of his or any lawmaker that is specifically anti white.

You will not, because you can't.

Your argument is silly and immature at best.....like I told you before, it's easier for you to cry that you are a victim and I am "racist". Too funny.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

I did not ask if the DBE got that 15-20 percent. I asked why federal contractors get that 15-20 percent as encouragement to do business with a DBE idiot.

Shit man, no wonder some people wouldn't hire you as you cannot read or comprehend worth a damn.

I read fine. You seem unable to explain why such incentives exist.
You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.

Stating that posts you don't like is racist doesn't make it so.

You got some great circular reasoning going on there.

You dismiss all opinions you don't like and call them racist.

THen you use the fact that YOu judged those posts as racist as "Evidence" to support your belief that racism exists.

Pretty stupid of you.

You just described youself perfectly. Your typical "position" as you call it, follows a consistent pattern of deflecting, denial and frequent outright lying.
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This thread is in response to several questions I’ve been asked recently. It has been suggested that since I am a white person, I cannot know what black people experience in this country.

In 1971 I moved from Lancaster County, PA into North Philadelphia to work at a Christian Youth Organization. I was one of a hand full of whites there. Then in 1980, I married a black man and we have lived together in black neighborhoods ever since. He told me from the very beginning “You stay white, and I’ll stay black,” and that’s what we have done. I feel as though I have been given insights into what black people experience. And since most white people don’t get those insights, I’ve been trying to share what I have learned. While I site other authors and sometimes refer to statistics or something I’ve read, my convictions have come from my experiences alone. And while you can argue with someone’s viewpoint and perceptions, you cannot argue with their experiences. It is what makes them who they are.

Folks have mentioned the Black Experience. My husband has told me many times over the years that the Black Experience in America is that you cannot be yourself. It’s being told by a white catholic brother that you can’t play the trumpet because your lips are too big (he suggests the tuba instead.) It’s being told by the white piano teacher that you can’t play the piano because your fingers are too small. It’s being followed around the store by the salespeople, picking up their negative, suspicious vibe before you even see them. It’s walking down the street with a smile on your face and watching the first white lady you come across tighten the grip on her handbag. It’s standing on the corner when a white person pulls up to the stop sign, sees you and quickly locks all of the doors. It’s seeing black people on the news night after night, in handcuffs, being taken away as criminals. It’s wanting to speak up at work when you see unequal treatment, but knowing you may lose your job if you do. It’s being angry at injustice, but being told to shut up and forget about the past, like it has nothing to do with the present.
I've been told several times I couldn't be waiter because that was a woman's job..

I was a dishwasher at a restaurant while in high school. One day, a couple of cooks quit and we were shorthanded and I moved up to fry cook. Couldn't hardly flip an egg, so the boss told this one waitress to help me out, and she did. The waitress was really good at cooking but women couldn't cook in most places or tend bar either for that matter. I felt ackward being allowed to cook and this older woman who helped me learn the business wasn't allowed to. This was california about 1961. This isn't about race actually but it is about certain prejudices.
That you judge them based on their skin color, instead of their actions, is a racist statement.

I ignored that, because it has nothing to do with anything that is occurring now.

My point was that the fact that the legislators are white, does not mean they are not supporting anti-white discrimination.

I'm judging them by their actions and their policies, you are judging them by their skin color.

YOur spin on my positions is not relevant.

I don't care about sanders personally, I only referenced him to make attack your "point" that having white legislators meant that our government policy was not anti-white.

I already know that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

I already kniw that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

Racist bullshit.

ROFLMAO. You are a disingenuois liar. I stated that the majority of lawmakers are white, which they are, and YOU apparently believe in your warped perception that presentening Sanders was somehow proof that he as a lawmaker is anti white, and real truth is that his policies support the LBGT community of which many WHITES are a part of.

He also supports pro choice for women, which affects WHITE FEMALES. He also supports legalizing marijuana which in legal states had produced new business opportunities for aspiring dispensary owners which INCLUDES WHITE PEOPLE.

Name one policy of his or any lawmaker that is specifically anti white.

You will not, because you can't.

Your argument is silly and immature at best.....like I told you before, it's easier for you to cry that you are a victim and I am "racist". Too funny.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

The "faikure" is all.yours. I very clearly outlined some of his policies to to
Shit man, no wonder some people wouldn't hire you as you cannot read or comprehend worth a damn.

I read fine. You seem unable to explain why such incentives exist.
You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.

Stating that posts you don't like is racist doesn't make it so.

You got some great circular reasoning going on there.

You dismiss all opinions you don't like and call them racist.

THen you use the fact that YOu judged those posts as racist as "Evidence" to support your belief that racism exists.

Pretty stupid of you.

You just described youself perfectly.

1. And Sanders, a "white legislator" is not supporting white interests as you implied earlier. YOu fail.

2. And no, I described you, and your circular reasoning. Lying isn't fooling anyone. Probably not even yourself.
I already know that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

Racist bullshit.

ROFLMAO. You are a disingenuois liar. I stated that the majority of lawmakers are white, which they are, and YOU apparently believe in your warped perception that presentening Sanders was somehow proof that he as a lawmaker is anti white, and real truth is that his policies support the LBGT community of which many WHITES are a part of.

He also supports pro choice for women, which affects WHITE FEMALES. He also supports legalizing marijuana which in legal states had produced new business opportunities for aspiring dispensary owners which INCLUDES WHITE PEOPLE.

Name one policy of his or any lawmaker that is specifically anti white.

You will not, because you can't.

Your argument is silly and immature at best.....like I told you before, it's easier for you to cry that you are a victim and I am "racist". Too funny.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

The "faikure" is all.yours. I very clearly outlined some of his policies to to
I read fine. You seem unable to explain why such incentives exist.
You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.

Stating that posts you don't like is racist doesn't make it so.

You got some great circular reasoning going on there.

You dismiss all opinions you don't like and call them racist.

THen you use the fact that YOu judged those posts as racist as "Evidence" to support your belief that racism exists.

Pretty stupid of you.

You just described youself perfectly.

1. And Sanders, a "white legislator" is not supporting white interests as you implied earlier. YOu fail.

2. And no, I described you, and your circular reasoning. Lying isn't fooling anyone. Probably not even yourself.

You are the one lying to himself correll.

Bernie Sanders has spent his career representing white issues as he is from a highly majority white state and represents white people and their concerns.

Personally I dismiss racist opinions as racist. Not opinions I don't like.

Because people here are making racist statements. Racism does exist and just because someone white says it doesn't , well you can't tell the chicken he's full of hate for the fox if the chicken tells the fox to go fuck himself instead of taking to escape route the fox suggests.
More of your selective intetptetation of what I stated. It is a fact that the majority of lawmakers ARE white. That is not a "racist" statement.

That you judge them based on their skin color, instead of their actions, is a racist statement.

You failed to acknowledge that I also stated that it is their responsibility as laemakers to ensure that "the majority does not have Carte Blanche to discriminate against the minority."

I ignored that, because it has nothing to do with anything that is occurring now.

What is your point except for confirming that you are likely against gay rights, you oppose a women's right to choose, you oppose police forces being held accountable for actions that do not mirror "protecting and serving", you support mass incarceration for profit, instead of policies and programs that REFORM and allow non felony offenders to re enter society, and you are disturbed by Sanders alleged support of Black Lives Matter?

My point was that the fact that the legislators are white, does not mean they are not supporting anti-white discrimination.

I'm judging them by their actions and their policies, you are judging them by their skin color.

Sounds to me like you very well could be a homophobic, anti women's choice, supporter of a milaristic police forces, Alt Right goon.

YOur spin on my positions is not relevant.

Now what? Exactly how do the policies of the above politician restrict you as a white citizen from being successful?

And more directly, how are his policies favoring black or brown citizens over white citizens?

I don't care about sanders personally, I only referenced him to make attack your "point" that having white legislators meant that our government policy was not anti-white.

I already know that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

That you judge them based on their skin color, instead of their actions, is a racist statement.

I ignored that, because it has nothing to do with anything that is occurring now.

My point was that the fact that the legislators are white, does not mean they are not supporting anti-white discrimination.

I'm judging them by their actions and their policies, you are judging them by their skin color.

YOur spin on my positions is not relevant.

I don't care about sanders personally, I only referenced him to make attack your "point" that having white legislators meant that our government policy was not anti-white.

I already kniw that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

Racist bullshit.

ROFLMAO. You are a disingenuois liar. I stated that the majority of lawmakers are white, which they are, and YOU apparently believe in your warped perception that presentening Sanders was somehow proof that he as a lawmaker is anti white, and real truth is that his policies support the LBGT community of which many WHITES are a part of.

He also supports pro choice for women, which affects WHITE FEMALES. He also supports legalizing marijuana which in legal states had produced new business opportunities for aspiring dispensary owners which INCLUDES WHITE PEOPLE.

Name one policy of his or any lawmaker that is specifically anti white.

You will not, because you can't.

Your argument is silly and immature at best.....like I told you before, it's easier for you to cry that you are a victim and I am "racist". Too funny.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

You are a delusional, cherry picking, liar.

Just several posts ago I addressed several of Sanders policies as well as your implied opposition to them and very clearly explained to you how such opposition portrays YOU as a possible "homophobic, anti right to choose, racist bigot who is in favor of a militaristic police force that is not accountable to the public that they are hired to serve for their actions.

In the same response I asked you directly how his support of the LBGT community, his support of a woman's right to choose, and his being in favor of legalizing marijuana qualify him as "anti white".

Once again, you ignored that response.

Your response was "my spin on your positions is irrelevant".....LMAO.

Now you are returning for yet another chapter of your lunacy.

"Bernie Sanders is anti white because he supports BLM".

You are not worthy of the time that it requires to answer you.
Last edited:
You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

ROFLMAO. You are a disingenuois liar. I stated that the majority of lawmakers are white, which they are, and YOU apparently believe in your warped perception that presentening Sanders was somehow proof that he as a lawmaker is anti white, and real truth is that his policies support the LBGT community of which many WHITES are a part of.

He also supports pro choice for women, which affects WHITE FEMALES. He also supports legalizing marijuana which in legal states had produced new business opportunities for aspiring dispensary owners which INCLUDES WHITE PEOPLE.

Name one policy of his or any lawmaker that is specifically anti white.

You will not, because you can't.

Your argument is silly and immature at best.....like I told you before, it's easier for you to cry that you are a victim and I am "racist". Too funny.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

The "faikure" is all.yours. I very clearly outlined some of his policies to to
You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.

Stating that posts you don't like is racist doesn't make it so.

You got some great circular reasoning going on there.

You dismiss all opinions you don't like and call them racist.

THen you use the fact that YOu judged those posts as racist as "Evidence" to support your belief that racism exists.

Pretty stupid of you.

You just described youself perfectly.

1. And Sanders, a "white legislator" is not supporting white interests as you implied earlier. YOu fail.

2. And no, I described you, and your circular reasoning. Lying isn't fooling anyone. Probably not even yourself.

You are the one lying to himself correll.

Bernie Sanders has spent his career representing white issues as he is from a highly majority white state and represents white people and their concerns.

Personally I dismiss racist opinions as racist. Not opinions I don't like.

Because people here are making racist statements. Racism does exist and just because someone white says it doesn't , well you can't tell the chicken he's full of hate for the fox if the chicken tells the fox to go fuck himself instead of taking to escape route the fox suggests.

Katstevie was making the argument that white interests are the driving force in government policy because we have white legislators.

Sanders is a liberal, who does not define himself by race but by ideology.

I challenge you to show how Sanders has supported anything that a lefty like kat would consider white interests.
That you judge them based on their skin color, instead of their actions, is a racist statement.

I ignored that, because it has nothing to do with anything that is occurring now.

My point was that the fact that the legislators are white, does not mean they are not supporting anti-white discrimination.

I'm judging them by their actions and their policies, you are judging them by their skin color.

YOur spin on my positions is not relevant.

I don't care about sanders personally, I only referenced him to make attack your "point" that having white legislators meant that our government policy was not anti-white.

I already know that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

I already kniw that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

Racist bullshit.

ROFLMAO. You are a disingenuois liar. I stated that the majority of lawmakers are white, which they are, and YOU apparently believe in your warped perception that presentening Sanders was somehow proof that he as a lawmaker is anti white, and real truth is that his policies support the LBGT community of which many WHITES are a part of.

He also supports pro choice for women, which affects WHITE FEMALES. He also supports legalizing marijuana which in legal states had produced new business opportunities for aspiring dispensary owners which INCLUDES WHITE PEOPLE.

Name one policy of his or any lawmaker that is specifically anti white.

You will not, because you can't.

Your argument is silly and immature at best.....like I told you before, it's easier for you to cry that you are a victim and I am "racist". Too funny.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

You are a delusional, cherry picking, liar.

Just several posts ago I addressed several of Sanders policies as well as your implied opposition to them and very clearly explained to you how such opposition portrays YOU as a possible "homophobic, anti right to choose, racist bigot who is in favor of a militaristic police force that is not accountable to the public that they are hired to serve for their actions.

In the same response I asked you directly how his support of the LBGT community, his support of a woman's right to choose, and his being in favor of legalizing marijuana qualify him as "anti white".

Once again, you ignored that response.

Your response was "my spin on your positions is irrelevant".....LMAO.

Now you are returning for yet another chapter of your lunacy.

"Bernie Sanders is anti white because he supports BLM".

You are not worthy of the time that it requires to answer you.

You are the one that brought up the skin color of the legislators to argue against their being "Anti-white" policy.

So, I presented Sanders, who is as lefty as you would like, despite his white skin.

Barring any contrary argument from you, that disproves your assumption that white skin equal pro-white.

Beyond that, your post is just blather.
I am not even engaging in a dialogue that implies that there are not decent white people out there. There are white people in my own family, and I care about all of them.

However, what I see happening in this forum are quite a few people (who I assume are white) claiming to be minimized or marginalized by law without providing a single concrete fact that supports what they are stating.
It had a bunch of storm front and queers move in years ago. To try to have a discussion based on truth here is like spitting in the wind because you get people like IM2 that are so full of shit they are not worth the effort or time to try to have a decent conversation with. We have mixed marriages in my family too.

No I am not full of shit and I was in a mixed marriage and have a mixed race child. You however are full of shit.

You are ignorant and you actually believe the equal rights laws are somehow denying whites when all they are trying to do is make sure everyone gets the same chances. Whites were not doing this and to pretend they are now is to believe a lie. Without these laws whites would discriminate even more.. You got this whole thing ass backwards and it's basically because you have not taken the time to research matters, you just believe that whites are getting the shaft and that all todays people fighting for civil rights want is revenge against whites or to find ways to discriminate against them. That's about as stupid as it gets.

From the ingraham thread today.

Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.
blaming people today for what happened 200 years ago. not all white people are MY people. nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago

Today there is still racism, it is more hidden because of political correctness but it is still there. We can call it out when we see it and then work to end it.

Mathew on this board is a great example of this. When he got on this board he spew lots of hate toward blacks and others, then he claimed he is a Democrat and he has never mentioned race in a negative manner again. Do you really think it went away? Nope, he now hides it because he is still what he is. Of course the liberals on this site are okay with it, because he is now claiming to be a liberal but he is still racist.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.

Stating that posts you don't like is racist doesn't make it so.

You got some great circular reasoning going on there.

You dismiss all opinions you don't like and call them racist.

THen you use the fact that YOu judged those posts as racist as "Evidence" to support your belief that racism exists.

Pretty stupid of you.

You just described youself perfectly.

1. And Sanders, a "white legislator" is not supporting white interests as you implied earlier. YOu fail.

2. And no, I described you, and your circular reasoning. Lying isn't fooling anyone. Probably not even yourself.

You are the one lying to himself correll.

Bernie Sanders has spent his career representing white issues as he is from a highly majority white state and represents white people and their concerns.

Personally I dismiss racist opinions as racist. Not opinions I don't like.

Because people here are making racist statements. Racism does exist and just because someone white says it doesn't , well you can't tell the chicken he's full of hate for the fox if the chicken tells the fox to go fuck himself instead of taking to escape route the fox suggests.

Katstevie was making the argument that white interests are the driving force in government policy because we have white legislators.

Sanders is a liberal, who does not define himself by race but by ideology.

I challenge you to show how Sanders has supported anything that a lefty like kat would consider white interests.

With all due respect to IM2, you need not take a chickenshit, cowardly approach towards me by challenging another adult to illustrate how anyone "supports" what I consider to be "white interests".

*Sanders supports LBGT rights. The white community is typically at the forefront of that cause.

*Sanders supports women's right to be pro choice. When hundreds of thousands of white females showed up to protest the inaugural event of #45, many white females spoke publicly on that issue. Google it and you will see the truth.

*Sanders supports legalization of marijuana. The majority of legal dispensaries are owned by white people.
I've repeated this to you for the last time. Sanders is not anti white, and the majority his policies by default support the interest of a predominately white liberal base.

You have failed epically at effectively presenting a point of view that even makes sense in disputing this fact. You know it, which is why you will not be a credible adult and stand corrected.

The entertainment value of making you look like a dumbass has run its course.
It had a bunch of storm front and queers move in years ago. To try to have a discussion based on truth here is like spitting in the wind because you get people like IM2 that are so full of shit they are not worth the effort or time to try to have a decent conversation with. We have mixed marriages in my family too.

No I am not full of shit and I was in a mixed marriage and have a mixed race child. You however are full of shit.

You are ignorant and you actually believe the equal rights laws are somehow denying whites when all they are trying to do is make sure everyone gets the same chances. Whites were not doing this and to pretend they are now is to believe a lie. Without these laws whites would discriminate even more.. You got this whole thing ass backwards and it's basically because you have not taken the time to research matters, you just believe that whites are getting the shaft and that all todays people fighting for civil rights want is revenge against whites or to find ways to discriminate against them. That's about as stupid as it gets.

From the ingraham thread today.

Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.
blaming people today for what happened 200 years ago. not all white people are MY people. nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago

Today there is still racism, it is more hidden because of political correctness but it is still there. We can call it out when we see it and then work to end it.

Mathew on this board is a great example of this. When he got on this board he spew lots of hate toward blacks and others, then he claimed he is a Democrat and he has never mentioned race in a negative manner again. Do you really think it went away? Nope, he now hides it because he is still what he is. Of course the liberals on this site are okay with it, because he is now claiming to be a liberal but he is still racist.

I know all about the so called liberals and their racism. Racism is bipartisan. The reason blacks have stayed democrats is because the racists in the democratic party have pretty much been negated and few if any rise to elected office. Believe me, we blacks are not satisfied with democrats but at least they do try to listen and we do not hear all this you are blaming whitey crap. They also understand that that our grievance does not end with slavery.

Matthew could have changed the way he thinks. Humans have the capacity to do that.

This line of arguing how you can't be blamed for things done 200 years ago must end. Nobody today built this nation, created the constitution, won the revolutionary war, or fought in the civil war, but you give yourselves credit for those things. You whites take credit for things you did 200 years ago, As long as you give yourselves credit then you must accept the blame.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

The "faikure" is all.yours. I very clearly outlined some of his policies to to
I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.

Stating that posts you don't like is racist doesn't make it so.

You got some great circular reasoning going on there.

You dismiss all opinions you don't like and call them racist.

THen you use the fact that YOu judged those posts as racist as "Evidence" to support your belief that racism exists.

Pretty stupid of you.

You just described youself perfectly.

1. And Sanders, a "white legislator" is not supporting white interests as you implied earlier. YOu fail.

2. And no, I described you, and your circular reasoning. Lying isn't fooling anyone. Probably not even yourself.

You are the one lying to himself correll.

Bernie Sanders has spent his career representing white issues as he is from a highly majority white state and represents white people and their concerns.

Personally I dismiss racist opinions as racist. Not opinions I don't like.

Because people here are making racist statements. Racism does exist and just because someone white says it doesn't , well you can't tell the chicken he's full of hate for the fox if the chicken tells the fox to go fuck himself instead of taking to escape route the fox suggests.

Katstevie was making the argument that white interests are the driving force in government policy because we have white legislators.

Sanders is a liberal, who does not define himself by race but by ideology.

I challenge you to show how Sanders has supported anything that a lefty like kat would consider white interests.

And Katsteve is right.
I already know that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

Racist bullshit.

ROFLMAO. You are a disingenuois liar. I stated that the majority of lawmakers are white, which they are, and YOU apparently believe in your warped perception that presentening Sanders was somehow proof that he as a lawmaker is anti white, and real truth is that his policies support the LBGT community of which many WHITES are a part of.

He also supports pro choice for women, which affects WHITE FEMALES. He also supports legalizing marijuana which in legal states had produced new business opportunities for aspiring dispensary owners which INCLUDES WHITE PEOPLE.

Name one policy of his or any lawmaker that is specifically anti white.

You will not, because you can't.

Your argument is silly and immature at best.....like I told you before, it's easier for you to cry that you are a victim and I am "racist". Too funny.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

I read fine. You seem unable to explain why such incentives exist.
You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.

Stating that posts you don't like is racist doesn't make it so.

You got some great circular reasoning going on there.

You dismiss all opinions you don't like and call them racist.

THen you use the fact that YOu judged those posts as racist as "Evidence" to support your belief that racism exists.

Pretty stupid of you.

You just described youself perfectly.

1. And Sanders, a "white legislator" is not supporting white interests as you implied earlier. YOu fail.

2. And no, I described you, and your circular reasoning. Lying isn't fooling anyone. Probably not even yourself.

The burden of proof is upon you
I already know that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

Racist bullshit.

ROFLMAO. You are a disingenuois liar. I stated that the majority of lawmakers are white, which they are, and YOU apparently believe in your warped perception that presentening Sanders was somehow proof that he as a lawmaker is anti white, and real truth is that his policies support the LBGT community of which many WHITES are a part of.

He also supports pro choice for women, which affects WHITE FEMALES. He also supports legalizing marijuana which in legal states had produced new business opportunities for aspiring dispensary owners which INCLUDES WHITE PEOPLE.

Name one policy of his or any lawmaker that is specifically anti white.

You will not, because you can't.

Your argument is silly and immature at best.....like I told you before, it's easier for you to cry that you are a victim and I am "racist". Too funny.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

I read fine. You seem unable to explain why such incentives exist.
You can't read or comprehend. I edited it and bolded post #314 for you can see that you quoted it. YOU DO NOT get special credits or special treatment for being ignorant or a moron in the USA and if you have been in the past it needs to be stopped immediately.

I read and comprehend fine. You are ignorant. Really. You think you can sit on your white ass and claim hat racism is a thing of the past and that such policies need to end when we read pages of racism from whites in places like this. Have you lost your mind?

You have not yet explained why the .federal government made this requirement. You have explained why you think this is done, but you have not explained why the government felt it necessary to make this a policy.

Stating that posts you don't like is racist doesn't make it so.

You got some great circular reasoning going on there.

You dismiss all opinions you don't like and call them racist.

THen you use the fact that YOu judged those posts as racist as "Evidence" to support your belief that racism exists.

Pretty stupid of you.

You just described youself perfectly.

1. And Sanders, a "white legislator" is not supporting white interests as you implied earlier. YOu fail.

2. And no, I described you, and your circular reasoning. Lying isn't fooling anyone. Probably not even yourself.

You are indeed correct. One time in a row, except for one caveat.

You're lying and deflecting IS in fact fooling YOU.

Furthermore, I'm not just "implying" that Sanders supports white interests. I am flat out saying that he does, and have have along the way challenged you to prove that he does not.

Yet you have not specifically identified ONE policy of his that specifically impacts white people in an detrimental manner.

So what do you consider to be a "pro white" agenda?

White Nationalist, Neo Nazi belief systems that minimize the contributions of every other demographic in America?

It appears that the majority of your rants reek of glorifying what you call "marginalized whites" who have allegedly suffered unselfishly to "provide for every non white citizen in America, and therefore are owed a debt of gratitude.
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