"You stay white, and I'll stay black"

I am not even engaging in a dialogue that implies that there are not decent white people out there. There are white people in my own family, and I care about all of them.

However, what I see happening in this forum are quite a few people (who I assume are white) claiming to be minimized or marginalized by law without providing a single concrete fact that supports what they are stating.
It had a bunch of storm front and queers move in years ago. To try to have a discussion based on truth here is like spitting in the wind because you get people like IM2 that are so full of shit they are not worth the effort or time to try to have a decent conversation with. We have mixed marriages in my family too.

No I am not full of shit and I was in a mixed marriage and have a mixed race child. You however are full of shit.

You are ignorant and you actually believe the equal rights laws are somehow denying whites when all they are trying to do is make sure everyone gets the same chances. Whites were not doing this and to pretend they are now is to believe a lie. Without these laws whites would discriminate even more.. You got this whole thing ass backwards and it's basically because you have not taken the time to research matters, you just believe that whites are getting the shaft and that all todays people fighting for civil rights want is revenge against whites or to find ways to discriminate against them. That's about as stupid as it gets.

From the ingraham thread today.

Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.

1. We are not practicing racism. YOu are an asshole.

2. That you characterized not wanting to be held responsible for the sins of other people, long ago as "whining" is just you being a racist asshole. FUck you.

3. This is for you, fucktard.


4. What we have been "sowing" for generations is effort and sacrifice aimed at helping you, you "traditionally disadvantaged" so that you could improve your lot and we could live happily ever after, ei multiculturalism.

5. And your utter dismissal of that, and your insistence of pretending that wanting equality is the same as discriminating against you, is proof that that hope and effort was A. completely misguided and B. a complete and utter failure.

6. FUck you, you race baiting asshole.

No what you have been sowing is racism. And that racism .created disadvantages you stupid ass white boy.

You not having white guilt doesn't change one mother fucking fact.

Thus beginneth todays lesson.

“The Business Case for Racial Equity” quantifies the cost of racism in the U.S.

"The Business Case for Racial Equity” lays out the potential benefits to business, government and the economy of addressing racial inequities, pointing out specific areas of opportunity in housing, education, health and crime and justice. The document outlines the history of discriminatory policies across these areas and the disparities they created, going on to estimate the potential benefits of seizing opportunities to promote equality, including an increase of almost $2 trillion in minority purchasing power and millions of job opportunities for college graduates."

To read the report in its entirety, visit www.wkkf.org.

I don't race bait. I state facts. You are a pussy who can't deal with the truth.

Here is more prick.

The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.
  • If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.

America is becoming both a more diverse nation and a more unequal one. Over the past four decades, wealth inequality has skyrocketed, with nearly half of all wealth accumulation since 1986 going to the top 0.1 percent of households. Today the portion of wealth shared by the bottom 90 percent of Americans is shrinking, while the top 1 percent controls 42 percent of the nation’s wealth.1 At the same time, an increasing share of the American population is made up of people of color, and wealth is starkly divided along racial lines: the typical Black household now possesses just 6 percent of the wealth owned by the typical white household and the typical Latino household owns only 8 percent of the wealth held by the typical white household.2 These wealth disparities are rooted in historic injustices and carried forward by practices and policies that fail to reverse inequitable trends.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

I know what the hell I am talking about. You don't know shit. This latest rant you posted doesn't erase these facts. You not having white guilt doesn't reduce the 2 trillion lost to our economy annually because of your ignorance. The wealth disparities being rooted in historic injustices don't change because you whine about my supposed racism according to your dumb ass.

Face the truth and grow up. I told you once that you are not dealing with past generations of blacks who could not read. were uneducated and did not study such things. You are facing here with me a black man who is an expert in these matters showing you studies and facts that refute every word you say. You have no rebuttal to this boy. So just face the fact that the problems we face are the result of whites forming policies based on racism. Call me all the racist you want, but you have been shown the truth.

This is me.


Not being made to feel guilt or change my position
because a white boy calls me a racist,

Thus ended the lesson.

I am not even engaging in a dialogue that implies that there are not decent white people out there. There are white people in my own family, and I care about all of them.

However, what I see happening in this forum are quite a few people (who I assume are white) claiming to be minimized or marginalized by law without providing a single concrete fact that supports what they are stating.
It had a bunch of storm front and queers move in years ago. To try to have a discussion based on truth here is like spitting in the wind because you get people like IM2 that are so full of shit they are not worth the effort or time to try to have a decent conversation with. We have mixed marriages in my family too.

No I am not full of shit and I was in a mixed marriage and have a mixed race child. You however are full of shit.

You are ignorant and you actually believe the equal rights laws are somehow denying whites when all they are trying to do is make sure everyone gets the same chances. Whites were not doing this and to pretend they are now is to believe a lie. Without these laws whites would discriminate even more.. You got this whole thing ass backwards and it's basically because you have not taken the time to research matters, you just believe that whites are getting the shaft and that all todays people fighting for civil rights want is revenge against whites or to find ways to discriminate against them. That's about as stupid as it gets.

From the ingraham thread today.

Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.
blaming people today for what happened 200 years ago. not all white people are MY people. nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago

As long as whites take credit for things they did 200 years ago they will be blamed for things they did 200 years ago. As long as whites have the same beliefs and attitudes they had 200 years ago they will also be blamed for the things done 200 years ago. Nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago, but those today live as they do because of those 200 years ago and furthermore they are still fucking people.
I already know that the policies of the government are not anti white. It is you who claim they are, not I.

Get you statements straight.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

You presented as "Evidence" that the policies are not anti-white, the fact that the legislators are mostly white.

My example of Bernie Sanders was demonstrate how you are judging people, incorrectly, by their skin color and not their actions, and that your evidence was thus bullshit.

Racist bullshit.

ROFLMAO. You are a disingenuois liar. I stated that the majority of lawmakers are white, which they are, and YOU apparently believe in your warped perception that presentening Sanders was somehow proof that he as a lawmaker is anti white, and real truth is that his policies support the LBGT community of which many WHITES are a part of.

He also supports pro choice for women, which affects WHITE FEMALES. He also supports legalizing marijuana which in legal states had produced new business opportunities for aspiring dispensary owners which INCLUDES WHITE PEOPLE.

Name one policy of his or any lawmaker that is specifically anti white.

You will not, because you can't.

Your argument is silly and immature at best.....like I told you before, it's easier for you to cry that you are a victim and I am "racist". Too funny.

I believe that presenting Sanders as a white leftist who support BLack Lives Matters and other stupid lefty race shit, disproves your position that having white legislators means there is no anti-white government policy.

That was my point, one that you have failed to address at all.

You are a delusional, cherry picking, liar.

Just several posts ago I addressed several of Sanders policies as well as your implied opposition to them and very clearly explained to you how such opposition portrays YOU as a possible "homophobic, anti right to choose, racist bigot who is in favor of a militaristic police force that is not accountable to the public that they are hired to serve for their actions.

In the same response I asked you directly how his support of the LBGT community, his support of a woman's right to choose, and his being in favor of legalizing marijuana qualify him as "anti white".

Once again, you ignored that response.

Your response was "my spin on your positions is irrelevant".....LMAO.

Now you are returning for yet another chapter of your lunacy.

"Bernie Sanders is anti white because he supports BLM".

You are not worthy of the time that it requires to answer you.

You are the one that brought up the skin color of the legislators to argue against their being "Anti-white" policy.

So, I presented Sanders, who is as lefty as you would like, despite his white skin.

Barring any contrary argument from you, that disproves your assumption that white skin equal pro-white.

Beyond that, your post is just blather.
Communist are always a scourge.
It has been suggested that since I am a white person, I cannot know what black people experience in this country.

I cannot pretend that my life is, as yours surely is, "loaded" with black people, for it's not. While there are literally hundreds of individuals whom I consider acquaintances, associates, "social friends," and so on, only a few with whom I'm close are black, and there may be about 20 or so in my entire "circle" of regular, routine, and recurring associations who are black. That is what it is. It's, for me, neither a matter of pride nor shame.

There are two black men whom I first met when we were about five/six years old. Of the two, one, whom I'll here call Jim, I and he have become close enough that we each consider the other and our immediate family members as part of our own families. (The other gentleman is also a friend, but not as tightly so as are Jim and I.) Indeed, Jim is better known to, and our relationship more cherished by, me than are all but one of my first cousins. Though not as close as your spousal relationship, it's going to have to do as it's not possible for us to be closer insofar we are both heterosexual. Along with Jim and my other black friend from my childhood, I have a couple other close friends who are black and a few more close associates and acquaintances who are black. [1]

I happen to be of the mind that I cannot know the black experience, but that I can "almost" understand it. Jim shared with me essentially the same litany of feelings and thoughts that you describe in your OP's final paragraph. I understand those things and sympathize with Jim regarding them, but it's not possible for me to empathize with him about them. What I don't and won't ever in the U.S. face that Jim always does is the risk, the uncertainty associated with not knowing how one, by dint of one's race/skin color, is received and perceived by others with whom one must interact.

Are they being sincere or are they merely paying lip service because its become impolitic not to? How will my kids fare and fit in if I send them to this or that school? Should we buy this house that's in an area that has other blacks already there, or should we buy that house because it's the one we like best even though it's in an area that is "lily white?" Then there's the "role model" question....the matter of knowing that certain actions one pursues may have an impact on one's race as a whole -- not many blacks have that concern, but black high achievers may [2] -- or on material groups within or outside of it. [3]

Those are questions and the trepidations that accompany them doesn't ever enter my mind. I didn't deliberately choose to send my kids to D.C. area schools rather than a New England one because if there occurred a race issue (or worse, God forbid, one involving my kids), I'd be geographically close enough to intervene somehow if need be. It wouldn't occur to me that maybe moving, say, to Chestnut Hill, Society Hill, Gladwyne or Bryn Mawr may, because of my race, be a bad choice. [4] When I meet a new person -- no matter their race --that thought simply does not, as I'm told it does for every black person in America, cower even in the deepest and darkest recesses of my mind. That is a part of the black experience that I cannot imagine I'm ever going to know short of doing something extreme that's more fitting to a comedy movie than reality, which I'm not going to do.

while you can argue with someone’s viewpoint and perceptions, you cannot argue with their experiences. It is what makes them who they are.

I agree. Of the few blacks I know well, not one of them hasn't multiple times suffered clear and overt discrimination. And these are blacks who have always been and are quite accomplished and well off, very well off, in fact. That tells me that the race-related tribulations they've faced can only be just that, racially motivated. [5] Hell, they are blacks who as youngsters faced ridicule from other blacks, for of all things, "talking like a white person." I have wondered how they managed to grow up to become sane and well adjusted adults given that they have had to face ridicule from blacks and whites.

The key point in the above quoted passage that I think too few whites don't "get" is that when it comes to blacks reaching out enough to a white person that they willingly describe their aspects of their experience with racism, racial discrimination, etc. (and I don't see those things as the same things), trying to "armchair arbitrate/quarterback," raising "what about so and so and what they did/do" questions, or divining alternative explanations for what they describe is the wrong thing to do. That person isn't sharing what someone else did or what happened to someone else.

I used to do it -- and it wasn't easy to get to the "place" where I stopped doing it, both outwardly and , and this is the more important aspect, in my mind -- and eventually Jim just explained to me that to do it is to tacitly deny the person's experience and their ability to know when in their specific experiences the treatment they received cannot have been due to something other than race. In my profession refraining from discounting in one's mind the information another imparts is an aspect of what we call "active listening." In the "old days," it's what people simply called "respect."

I think that respect, or more accurately the absence of it, may be what drives the behavior you identified when you wrote, "It’s being angry at injustice, but being told to shut up and forget about the past, like it has nothing to do with the present." (Was it?) Call it what one wants, but until one genuinely and fully has it for the black person who's relating their experiences and understandings of them, one cannot understand them, much less do anything to improve upon them, and by extension improve upon the fabric of our American society.

  1. Don't make too much of the small quantity of blacks in my life. Black, white, or otherwise, I've very circumspect about whom I'll allow close in my life. As I approach sixty, not including my brother and mother, there are three people in my life whom I consider in the same way I do Jim. There were four, but my wife passed away.
  2. Exceptionally low achieving blacks probably could and may as well, but their inordinately low level of achievement suggests to me that they don't think deeply enough and have not "scaled" high enough up Maslow's pyramid to consider their actions in terms that transcend their individuality, i.e., in terms of their broader impact on society and/or segments of it. The same, I think, is so of low achieving members of any race.
  3. An illustration of the "role model" thing: When Tiger Woods is found "out of sorts" in his car on the side of the road, will some people look at the situation as being illustrative of blacks' poor judgment, or will they see it as indicative of only Tiger's poor judgment? I don't know what was going through Woods' mind. I know that, generally, I wouldn't do or not do something because of the message it may send about people of my race.

    The closest I've come to experiencing the "role model" dilemma is being abroad and having someone there who has few or no experiences with Americans asking me to represent to them "what's up" in some dimension with Americans. I'm not positioned to be a spokesperson or representative of what Americans are like. It's a burden I neither want nor will accept; at best I can be illustrative of what some Americans can be like. It's also a burden, however, that in their own country any black American may have foisted upon them and that they cannot shed, try as they might.
  4. It may not in fact be a big deal one way or another, but hopefully you understand what I'm getting at. Those are just the few areas of Philly (a city I don't know well) that in my life I've developed a tiny bit of familiarity with and have socially visited and that I'm aware are "mighty white."
  5. I'm sure there were instances in which my black friends irked someone -- white, black or otherwise -- when there was no call to do so and/or when they didn't mean to. That occasionally happens to everyone, and it has nothing to do with race. We all have had our moments. We what don't all "have" is fine comportment that yet finds us facing the ill effects of racial bias. Yet my black friends and close acquaintances do have that, and I know them well enough to know they aren't given to ascribing racial underpinnings to every slight, major or minor.
No I am not full of shit and I was in a mixed marriage and have a mixed race child. You however are full of shit.

You are ignorant and you actually believe the equal rights laws are somehow denying whites when all they are trying to do is make sure everyone gets the same chances. Whites were not doing this and to pretend they are now is to believe a lie. Without these laws whites would discriminate even more.. You got this whole thing ass backwards and it's basically because you have not taken the time to research matters, you just believe that whites are getting the shaft and that all todays people fighting for civil rights want is revenge against whites or to find ways to discriminate against them. That's about as stupid as it gets.

From the ingraham thread today.

Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.
blaming people today for what happened 200 years ago. not all white people are MY people. nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago

Today there is still racism, it is more hidden because of political correctness but it is still there. We can call it out when we see it and then work to end it.

Mathew on this board is a great example of this. When he got on this board he spew lots of hate toward blacks and others, then he claimed he is a Democrat and he has never mentioned race in a negative manner again. Do you really think it went away? Nope, he now hides it because he is still what he is. Of course the liberals on this site are okay with it, because he is now claiming to be a liberal but he is still racist.

I know all about the so called liberals and their racism. Racism is bipartisan. The reason blacks have stayed democrats is because the racists in the democratic party have pretty much been negated and few if any rise to elected office. Believe me, we blacks are not satisfied with democrats but at least they do try to listen and we do not hear all this you are blaming whitey crap. They also understand that that our grievance does not end with slavery.

Matthew could have changed the way he thinks. Humans have the capacity to do that.

This line of arguing how you can't be blamed for things done 200 years ago must end. Nobody today built this nation, created the constitution, won the revolutionary war, or fought in the civil war, but you give yourselves credit for those things. You whites take credit for things you did 200 years ago, As long as you give yourselves credit then you must accept the blame.
No whites today do not take credit for things 200 years ago because none of us were here or responsible.
Why are you laughing him,, everyone needs to be taken serious. I take him serious just as the white kid who grew up in harlem and was discriminated. Eminem for example said he had a hard time to make it in the rap business because he is white, I dont laugh at him either.
To fight for everyones civil rights is just. To fight for the rights of your own ris
Why are you laughing him,, everyone needs to be taken serious. I take him serious just as the white kid who grew up in harlem and was discriminated. Eminem for example said he had a hard time to make it in the rap business because he is white, I dont laugh at him either.
To fight for everyone's civil rights is just. To fight for your own race's civil rights is also just, unless your white then its racist. Cowards like IM2 push that narrative because they are to weak to fight the true evil. I encourage IM2 to continue his drivel, it only opens the eyes of more whites and lets them see how hated we truly are.

Your just that stupid aren't you? What civil rights do whites not have that we all need to fight for?
What civil rights do blacks not have?

That's not the question you were asked. Answer the question you were asked.
Do we only fight for the rights we dont have or do we also fight for the rights that you and the big government are trying to take away? You call yourself a man who fights for civil rights and your asking me for the answers? Your only agenda is to turn anyone you can against the white man, you blame him for your failures, you want his apologies, you want him to stoop to your level because your to weak to rise up on your own. Not all but most of your people are morally bankrupt and will continue to fail.
I'm not sure that moral bankruptcy guarantees anyone's failure. There have been and still are many financially successful people who have committed adultery, have multiple failed marriages and have even gone to prison, written books about it and continued their immoral ways.

I'm also not in agreement that most black people are morally bankrupt. I believe that those who are get covered by the press and plastered all over the internet. Those who are not, are largely ignored, as they do not feed into long held stereotypes.
To fight for everyones civil rights is just. To fight for the rights of your own ris
To fight for everyone's civil rights is just. To fight for your own race's civil rights is also just, unless your white then its racist. Cowards like IM2 push that narrative because they are to weak to fight the true evil. I encourage IM2 to continue his drivel, it only opens the eyes of more whites and lets them see how hated we truly are.

Your just that stupid aren't you? What civil rights do whites not have that we all need to fight for?
What civil rights do blacks not have?

That's not the question you were asked. Answer the question you were asked.
Do we only fight for the rights we dont have or do we also fight for the rights that you and the big government are trying to take away? You call yourself a man who fights for civil rights and your asking me for the answers? Your only agenda is to turn anyone you can against the white man, you blame him for your failures, you want his apologies, you want him to stoop to your level because your to weak to rise up on your own. Not all but most of your people are morally bankrupt and will continue to fail.
I'm not sure that moral bankruptcy guarantees anyone's failure. There have been and still are many financially successful people who have committed adultery, have multiple failed marriages and have even gone to prison, written books about it and continued their immoral ways.

I'm also not in agreement that most black people are morally bankrupt. I believe that those who are get covered by the press and plastered all over the internet. Those who are not, are largely ignored, as they do not feed into long held stereotypes.
I agree. High monetary remuneration and moral bankruptcy are not mutually exclusive. They can as readily be co-existential in one person as not.
From the ingraham thread today.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.
blaming people today for what happened 200 years ago. not all white people are MY people. nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago

Today there is still racism, it is more hidden because of political correctness but it is still there. We can call it out when we see it and then work to end it.

Mathew on this board is a great example of this. When he got on this board he spew lots of hate toward blacks and others, then he claimed he is a Democrat and he has never mentioned race in a negative manner again. Do you really think it went away? Nope, he now hides it because he is still what he is. Of course the liberals on this site are okay with it, because he is now claiming to be a liberal but he is still racist.

I know all about the so called liberals and their racism. Racism is bipartisan. The reason blacks have stayed democrats is because the racists in the democratic party have pretty much been negated and few if any rise to elected office. Believe me, we blacks are not satisfied with democrats but at least they do try to listen and we do not hear all this you are blaming whitey crap. They also understand that that our grievance does not end with slavery.

Matthew could have changed the way he thinks. Humans have the capacity to do that.

This line of arguing how you can't be blamed for things done 200 years ago must end. Nobody today built this nation, created the constitution, won the revolutionary war, or fought in the civil war, but you give yourselves credit for those things. You whites take credit for things you did 200 years ago, As long as you give yourselves credit then you must accept the blame.
No whites today do not take credit for things 200 years ago because none of us were here or responsible.

Make all the silly excuses you want, but you do take credit for thing done 200 years ago, and you have the same fucked up racist attitudes whites had 200 years ago.
It had a bunch of storm front and queers move in years ago. To try to have a discussion based on truth here is like spitting in the wind because you get people like IM2 that are so full of shit they are not worth the effort or time to try to have a decent conversation with. We have mixed marriages in my family too.

No I am not full of shit and I was in a mixed marriage and have a mixed race child. You however are full of shit.

You are ignorant and you actually believe the equal rights laws are somehow denying whites when all they are trying to do is make sure everyone gets the same chances. Whites were not doing this and to pretend they are now is to believe a lie. Without these laws whites would discriminate even more.. You got this whole thing ass backwards and it's basically because you have not taken the time to research matters, you just believe that whites are getting the shaft and that all todays people fighting for civil rights want is revenge against whites or to find ways to discriminate against them. That's about as stupid as it gets.

From the ingraham thread today.

Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.

1. We are not practicing racism. YOu are an asshole.

2. That you characterized not wanting to be held responsible for the sins of other people, long ago as "whining" is just you being a racist asshole. FUck you.

3. This is for you, fucktard.


4. What we have been "sowing" for generations is effort and sacrifice aimed at helping you, you "traditionally disadvantaged" so that you could improve your lot and we could live happily ever after, ei multiculturalism.

5. And your utter dismissal of that, and your insistence of pretending that wanting equality is the same as discriminating against you, is proof that that hope and effort was A. completely misguided and B. a complete and utter failure.

6. FUck you, you race baiting asshole.

No what you have been sowing is racism. And that racism .created disadvantages you stupid ass white boy.

You not having white guilt doesn't change one mother fucking fact.

Thus beginneth todays lesson.

“The Business Case for Racial Equity” quantifies the cost of racism in the U.S.

"The Business Case for Racial Equity” lays out the potential benefits to business, government and the economy of addressing racial inequities, pointing out specific areas of opportunity in housing, education, health and crime and justice. The document outlines the history of discriminatory policies across these areas and the disparities they created, going on to estimate the potential benefits of seizing opportunities to promote equality, including an increase of almost $2 trillion in minority purchasing power and millions of job opportunities for college graduates."

To read the report in its entirety, visit www.wkkf.org.

I don't race bait. I state facts. You are a pussy who can't deal with the truth.

Here is more prick.

The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.

    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.
America is becoming both a more diverse nation and a more unequal one. Over the past four decades, wealth inequality has skyrocketed, with nearly half of all wealth accumulation since 1986 going to the top 0.1 percent of households. Today the portion of wealth shared by the bottom 90 percent of Americans is shrinking, while the top 1 percent controls 42 percent of the nation’s wealth.1 At the same time, an increasing share of the American population is made up of people of color, and wealth is starkly divided along racial lines: the typical Black household now possesses just 6 percent of the wealth owned by the typical white household and the typical Latino household owns only 8 percent of the wealth held by the typical white household.2 These wealth disparities are rooted in historic injustices and carried forward by practices and policies that fail to reverse inequitable trends.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

I know what the hell I am talking about. You don't know shit. This latest rant you posted doesn't erase these facts. You not having white guilt doesn't reduce the 2 trillion lost to our economy annually because of your ignorance. The wealth disparities being rooted in historic injustices don't change because you whine about my supposed racism according to your dumb ass.

Face the truth and grow up. I told you once that you are not dealing with past generations of blacks who could not read. were uneducated and did not study such things. You are facing here with me a black man who is an expert in these matters showing you studies and facts that refute every word you say. You have no rebuttal to this boy. So just face the fact that the problems we face are the result of whites forming policies based on racism. Call me all the racist you want, but you have been shown the truth.

This is me.


Not being made to feel guilt or change my position
because a white boy calls me a racist,

Thus ended the lesson.


Nice cutting and pasting.

THis part stands out.

"The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. "

The title of that section makes a claim about the racial wealth gap being driven by public policy.

BUt instead of offering any support of that race baiting and moronically obviously false claim, it then goes into imagining how good it would be if we could magically eliminate that gap,

dishonestly ignoring the fact that as a society we have been busting our asses to do just that for generations.

Fuck that shit. I'm done and more and more Americans are done with me.

And considering the "gratitude" we've received for our efforts, I'm starting to consider the effort wasted if not actively counterproductive.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.
blaming people today for what happened 200 years ago. not all white people are MY people. nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago

Today there is still racism, it is more hidden because of political correctness but it is still there. We can call it out when we see it and then work to end it.

Mathew on this board is a great example of this. When he got on this board he spew lots of hate toward blacks and others, then he claimed he is a Democrat and he has never mentioned race in a negative manner again. Do you really think it went away? Nope, he now hides it because he is still what he is. Of course the liberals on this site are okay with it, because he is now claiming to be a liberal but he is still racist.

I know all about the so called liberals and their racism. Racism is bipartisan. The reason blacks have stayed democrats is because the racists in the democratic party have pretty much been negated and few if any rise to elected office. Believe me, we blacks are not satisfied with democrats but at least they do try to listen and we do not hear all this you are blaming whitey crap. They also understand that that our grievance does not end with slavery.

Matthew could have changed the way he thinks. Humans have the capacity to do that.

This line of arguing how you can't be blamed for things done 200 years ago must end. Nobody today built this nation, created the constitution, won the revolutionary war, or fought in the civil war, but you give yourselves credit for those things. You whites take credit for things you did 200 years ago, As long as you give yourselves credit then you must accept the blame.
No whites today do not take credit for things 200 years ago because none of us were here or responsible.

Make all the silly excuses you want, but you do take credit for thing done 200 years ago, and you have the same fucked up racist attitudes whites had 200 years ago.

And this is why multiculturalism can't work. Because of people who insist of believing and acting on hateful bullshit.
blaming people today for what happened 200 years ago. not all white people are MY people. nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago

Today there is still racism, it is more hidden because of political correctness but it is still there. We can call it out when we see it and then work to end it.

Mathew on this board is a great example of this. When he got on this board he spew lots of hate toward blacks and others, then he claimed he is a Democrat and he has never mentioned race in a negative manner again. Do you really think it went away? Nope, he now hides it because he is still what he is. Of course the liberals on this site are okay with it, because he is now claiming to be a liberal but he is still racist.

I know all about the so called liberals and their racism. Racism is bipartisan. The reason blacks have stayed democrats is because the racists in the democratic party have pretty much been negated and few if any rise to elected office. Believe me, we blacks are not satisfied with democrats but at least they do try to listen and we do not hear all this you are blaming whitey crap. They also understand that that our grievance does not end with slavery.

Matthew could have changed the way he thinks. Humans have the capacity to do that.

This line of arguing how you can't be blamed for things done 200 years ago must end. Nobody today built this nation, created the constitution, won the revolutionary war, or fought in the civil war, but you give yourselves credit for those things. You whites take credit for things you did 200 years ago, As long as you give yourselves credit then you must accept the blame.
No whites today do not take credit for things 200 years ago because none of us were here or responsible.

Make all the silly excuses you want, but you do take credit for thing done 200 years ago, and you have the same fucked up racist attitudes whites had 200 years ago.

And this is why multiculturalism can't work. Because of people who insist of believing and acting on hateful bullshit.
It will never work. Whites need to wake up and realize that we are hated, slowly being pushed aside until we become a hated minority. No doubt people should live together peacefully and respectfully but it will never happen.
No I am not full of shit and I was in a mixed marriage and have a mixed race child. You however are full of shit.

You are ignorant and you actually believe the equal rights laws are somehow denying whites when all they are trying to do is make sure everyone gets the same chances. Whites were not doing this and to pretend they are now is to believe a lie. Without these laws whites would discriminate even more.. You got this whole thing ass backwards and it's basically because you have not taken the time to research matters, you just believe that whites are getting the shaft and that all todays people fighting for civil rights want is revenge against whites or to find ways to discriminate against them. That's about as stupid as it gets.

From the ingraham thread today.

Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.

1. We are not practicing racism. YOu are an asshole.

2. That you characterized not wanting to be held responsible for the sins of other people, long ago as "whining" is just you being a racist asshole. FUck you.

3. This is for you, fucktard.


4. What we have been "sowing" for generations is effort and sacrifice aimed at helping you, you "traditionally disadvantaged" so that you could improve your lot and we could live happily ever after, ei multiculturalism.

5. And your utter dismissal of that, and your insistence of pretending that wanting equality is the same as discriminating against you, is proof that that hope and effort was A. completely misguided and B. a complete and utter failure.

6. FUck you, you race baiting asshole.

No what you have been sowing is racism. And that racism .created disadvantages you stupid ass white boy.

You not having white guilt doesn't change one mother fucking fact.

Thus beginneth todays lesson.

“The Business Case for Racial Equity” quantifies the cost of racism in the U.S.

"The Business Case for Racial Equity” lays out the potential benefits to business, government and the economy of addressing racial inequities, pointing out specific areas of opportunity in housing, education, health and crime and justice. The document outlines the history of discriminatory policies across these areas and the disparities they created, going on to estimate the potential benefits of seizing opportunities to promote equality, including an increase of almost $2 trillion in minority purchasing power and millions of job opportunities for college graduates."

To read the report in its entirety, visit www.wkkf.org.

I don't race bait. I state facts. You are a pussy who can't deal with the truth.

Here is more prick.

The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.

    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.
America is becoming both a more diverse nation and a more unequal one. Over the past four decades, wealth inequality has skyrocketed, with nearly half of all wealth accumulation since 1986 going to the top 0.1 percent of households. Today the portion of wealth shared by the bottom 90 percent of Americans is shrinking, while the top 1 percent controls 42 percent of the nation’s wealth.1 At the same time, an increasing share of the American population is made up of people of color, and wealth is starkly divided along racial lines: the typical Black household now possesses just 6 percent of the wealth owned by the typical white household and the typical Latino household owns only 8 percent of the wealth held by the typical white household.2 These wealth disparities are rooted in historic injustices and carried forward by practices and policies that fail to reverse inequitable trends.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

I know what the hell I am talking about. You don't know shit. This latest rant you posted doesn't erase these facts. You not having white guilt doesn't reduce the 2 trillion lost to our economy annually because of your ignorance. The wealth disparities being rooted in historic injustices don't change because you whine about my supposed racism according to your dumb ass.

Face the truth and grow up. I told you once that you are not dealing with past generations of blacks who could not read. were uneducated and did not study such things. You are facing here with me a black man who is an expert in these matters showing you studies and facts that refute every word you say. You have no rebuttal to this boy. So just face the fact that the problems we face are the result of whites forming policies based on racism. Call me all the racist you want, but you have been shown the truth.

This is me.


Not being made to feel guilt or change my position
because a white boy calls me a racist,

Thus ended the lesson.


Nice cutting and pasting.

THis part stands out.

"The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. "

The title of that section makes a claim about the racial wealth gap being driven by public policy.

BUt instead of offering any support of that race baiting and moronically obviously false claim, it then goes into imagining how good it would be if we could magically eliminate that gap,

dishonestly ignoring the fact that as a society we have been busting our asses to do just that for generations.

Fuck that shit. I'm done and more and more Americans are done with me.

And considering the "gratitude" we've received for our efforts, I'm starting to consider the effort wasted if not actively counterproductive.

Too funny. Earlier in this same thread you were indignant over people like me only caring about the interests of my family and myself and were outraged over "us" supporting policies that "fuck over poor little you".

Now you are back to this self serving bullshit about "lack of gratitude for what WE have done"

Just who the fuck is "WE"? And what have YOU done besides whine about being a victim?

No one owes YOU or anyone else an ounce of gratitude.
To fight for everyones civil rights is just. To fight for the rights of your own ris
To fight for everyone's civil rights is just. To fight for your own race's civil rights is also just, unless your white then its racist. Cowards like IM2 push that narrative because they are to weak to fight the true evil. I encourage IM2 to continue his drivel, it only opens the eyes of more whites and lets them see how hated we truly are.

Your just that stupid aren't you? What civil rights do whites not have that we all need to fight for?
What civil rights do blacks not have?

That's not the question you were asked. Answer the question you were asked.
Do we only fight for the rights we dont have or do we also fight for the rights that you and the big government are trying to take away? You call yourself a man who fights for civil rights and your asking me for the answers? Your only agenda is to turn anyone you can against the white man, you blame him for your failures, you want his apologies, you want him to stoop to your level because your to weak to rise up on your own. Not all but most of your people are morally bankrupt and will continue to fail.
I'm not sure that moral bankruptcy guarantees anyone's failure. There have been and still are many financially successful people who have committed adultery, have multiple failed marriages and have even gone to prison, written books about it and continued their immoral ways.

I'm also not in agreement that most black people are morally bankrupt. I believe that those who are get covered by the press and plastered all over the internet. Those who are not, are largely ignored, as they do not feed into long held stereotypes.
Why are you trying so hard to be accepted by the black race? If you really loved these people you would help them instead of coddling them.
And that's what another white person says.

Look correll, it's like this, we aren't looking for that, but at the same time we have the right to want that. You guys have fucked us for over 200 years..

You whites are still practicing racism prick. Get it? We know that. Get it? You guys aren't dealing with a bunch of uneducated lacks who can't read anymore. So you can't tell us how racism is over while still practicing it and we are going to believe it.

For example pussies like you want to whine about not being held responsible for what your ancestors in the past did. Yet you hold the same beliefs. Blacks are lazy. Blacks do not want to work, Blacks want everything handed to then, Blacks are violent. Blacks are criminal. Blacks lack morals. All the same mother fucking beliefs your punk ass ancestors held. Yet you guys think we are stupid and just because we can sit besides you in a bathroom stall and take a shit that everything is done and you are absolved. You believe the same as your ancestors. You will be blamed for the same things.

What ye sows ye shall also reap. Whites are not immune to this spiritual law,

Understand that and stop whining about somebody wanting revenge against your white asses,

Then do this,

So stop being racists.
blaming people today for what happened 200 years ago. not all white people are MY people. nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago

Today there is still racism, it is more hidden because of political correctness but it is still there. We can call it out when we see it and then work to end it.

Mathew on this board is a great example of this. When he got on this board he spew lots of hate toward blacks and others, then he claimed he is a Democrat and he has never mentioned race in a negative manner again. Do you really think it went away? Nope, he now hides it because he is still what he is. Of course the liberals on this site are okay with it, because he is now claiming to be a liberal but he is still racist.

I know all about the so called liberals and their racism. Racism is bipartisan. The reason blacks have stayed democrats is because the racists in the democratic party have pretty much been negated and few if any rise to elected office. Believe me, we blacks are not satisfied with democrats but at least they do try to listen and we do not hear all this you are blaming whitey crap. They also understand that that our grievance does not end with slavery.

Matthew could have changed the way he thinks. Humans have the capacity to do that.

This line of arguing how you can't be blamed for things done 200 years ago must end. Nobody today built this nation, created the constitution, won the revolutionary war, or fought in the civil war, but you give yourselves credit for those things. You whites take credit for things you did 200 years ago, As long as you give yourselves credit then you must accept the blame.
No whites today do not take credit for things 200 years ago because none of us were here or responsible.

Make all the silly excuses you want, but you do take credit for thing done 200 years ago, and you have the same fucked up racist attitudes whites had 200 years ago.
wtf? you do not know me or my attitude, yet you have shown yours on here, it isn't pretty
blaming people today for what happened 200 years ago. not all white people are MY people. nobody today fucked anyone 200 years ago

Today there is still racism, it is more hidden because of political correctness but it is still there. We can call it out when we see it and then work to end it.

Mathew on this board is a great example of this. When he got on this board he spew lots of hate toward blacks and others, then he claimed he is a Democrat and he has never mentioned race in a negative manner again. Do you really think it went away? Nope, he now hides it because he is still what he is. Of course the liberals on this site are okay with it, because he is now claiming to be a liberal but he is still racist.

I know all about the so called liberals and their racism. Racism is bipartisan. The reason blacks have stayed democrats is because the racists in the democratic party have pretty much been negated and few if any rise to elected office. Believe me, we blacks are not satisfied with democrats but at least they do try to listen and we do not hear all this you are blaming whitey crap. They also understand that that our grievance does not end with slavery.

Matthew could have changed the way he thinks. Humans have the capacity to do that.

This line of arguing how you can't be blamed for things done 200 years ago must end. Nobody today built this nation, created the constitution, won the revolutionary war, or fought in the civil war, but you give yourselves credit for those things. You whites take credit for things you did 200 years ago, As long as you give yourselves credit then you must accept the blame.
No whites today do not take credit for things 200 years ago because none of us were here or responsible.

Make all the silly excuses you want, but you do take credit for thing done 200 years ago, and you have the same fucked up racist attitudes whites had 200 years ago.
wtf? you do not know me or my attitude, yet you have shown yours on here, it isn't pretty

My attitude is beautiful.
Today there is still racism, it is more hidden because of political correctness but it is still there. We can call it out when we see it and then work to end it.

Mathew on this board is a great example of this. When he got on this board he spew lots of hate toward blacks and others, then he claimed he is a Democrat and he has never mentioned race in a negative manner again. Do you really think it went away? Nope, he now hides it because he is still what he is. Of course the liberals on this site are okay with it, because he is now claiming to be a liberal but he is still racist.

I know all about the so called liberals and their racism. Racism is bipartisan. The reason blacks have stayed democrats is because the racists in the democratic party have pretty much been negated and few if any rise to elected office. Believe me, we blacks are not satisfied with democrats but at least they do try to listen and we do not hear all this you are blaming whitey crap. They also understand that that our grievance does not end with slavery.

Matthew could have changed the way he thinks. Humans have the capacity to do that.

This line of arguing how you can't be blamed for things done 200 years ago must end. Nobody today built this nation, created the constitution, won the revolutionary war, or fought in the civil war, but you give yourselves credit for those things. You whites take credit for things you did 200 years ago, As long as you give yourselves credit then you must accept the blame.
No whites today do not take credit for things 200 years ago because none of us were here or responsible.

Make all the silly excuses you want, but you do take credit for thing done 200 years ago, and you have the same fucked up racist attitudes whites had 200 years ago.
wtf? you do not know me or my attitude, yet you have shown yours on here, it isn't pretty

My attitude is beautiful.
You have the fucked up racist attitude. You havent said what credit I take for something done 200 years ago. I can't claim credit for anything before my existence.
By the way, what am I taking credit for?

You are here making excuses as to why we can't blame people in the past. so don't ask dumb ass questions.

Do you know how many times I've heard than from a white person since I started posting in forums 20 years ago?

If I had a dollar for each time I got that bullshit I'd be living next door to Warren Buffet.

Do you celebrate the Fourth of July?
I know all about the so called liberals and their racism. Racism is bipartisan. The reason blacks have stayed democrats is because the racists in the democratic party have pretty much been negated and few if any rise to elected office. Believe me, we blacks are not satisfied with democrats but at least they do try to listen and we do not hear all this you are blaming whitey crap. They also understand that that our grievance does not end with slavery.

Matthew could have changed the way he thinks. Humans have the capacity to do that.

This line of arguing how you can't be blamed for things done 200 years ago must end. Nobody today built this nation, created the constitution, won the revolutionary war, or fought in the civil war, but you give yourselves credit for those things. You whites take credit for things you did 200 years ago, As long as you give yourselves credit then you must accept the blame.
No whites today do not take credit for things 200 years ago because none of us were here or responsible.

Make all the silly excuses you want, but you do take credit for thing done 200 years ago, and you have the same fucked up racist attitudes whites had 200 years ago.
wtf? you do not know me or my attitude, yet you have shown yours on here, it isn't pretty

My attitude is beautiful.
You have the fucked up racist attitude. You havent said what credit I take for something done 200 years ago. I can't claim credit for anything before my existence.

Nah my attitude is neither fucked up or racist. Whites like you have a distorted version of racism running though your minds whereby if anyone says anything truthful about what whites have done or continue doing they are a racist. That's not racism, and the person making such comments is not a racist. It is what is called the truth.

I don't have to say that you take credit for things done 200 years ago to know that you white people take credit for things done 200 years ago when you want to but then when we start talking about the wrongs whites do then suddenly we can't blame people for what happened 200 years ago.
By the way, what am I taking credit for?

You are here making excuses as to why we can't blame people in the past. so don't ask dumb ass questions.

Do you know how many times I've heard than from a white person since I started posting in forums 20 years ago?

If I had a dollar for each time I got that bullshit I'd be living next door to Warren Buffet.

Do you celebrate the Fourth of July?
You can blame the people from the past but not people NOW for the past

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