You Taught The GOP A Lesson: You Want Higher Taxes So They Will Grant Your Wish

What makes you think Obama won't do it anyway? Sequestration will cost a lot of jobs.

Obama doesn't think we need a large standing Army. I figure come the first of the year he'll start base-closings.

It's just one of those things. We have to adapt to the way the economy moves.

I don't have a lot of time to think about somebody else having more than me. When I see somebody driving a nice car I'm not envious of them. If you live in a city that has extremely wealthy folks and poor folks living within a stone's throw from each other I guess there is a lot of that. Problem is Democrats want to make you poor.

Give me one reason why they would want you to be independently wealthy. What incentive does a Democrat have to help you keep your own money? They want you to be poor.

Once you don't need the handouts they lose their power. Believe me, they've figured this out. If they keep us poor they keep their power.

We have more military bases than we need, anyhow. It's one of the biggest wastes of military money...

But here's the thing I've tried to get across and you guys don't get.

We don't need to be rich to deprive the Democrats of their power. Just make sure everyone has a job where he is FAIRLY compensated for his work.

Mitt Romney got rich by getting rid of those good paying union jobs at AmPad and GS Steel and replaced them with Minimum Wage McJobs at Staples and Domino's.

And those darned McJob workers, they just don't kindly starve while admiring your Caddy (Ann owns two of those, when she doesn't ride her Dressage Pony). They actually go to the government for Section 8 housing vouchers and Food Stamps and Medicaid...

And then you wonder why they totally go along with Obama when he says, "Tax the rich to pay for all of that."

YOu see where this "dependency" you whine about is a largely self-inflicted wound?

Well, toodles, off to dinner.
What makes you think Obama won't do it anyway? Sequestration will cost a lot of jobs.

Obama doesn't think we need a large standing Army. I figure come the first of the year he'll start base-closings.

It's just one of those things. We have to adapt to the way the economy moves.

I don't have a lot of time to think about somebody else having more than me. When I see somebody driving a nice car I'm not envious of them. If you live in a city that has extremely wealthy folks and poor folks living within a stone's throw from each other I guess there is a lot of that. Problem is Democrats want to make you poor.

Give me one reason why they would want you to be independently wealthy. What incentive does a Democrat have to help you keep your own money? They want you to be poor.

Once you don't need the handouts they lose their power. Believe me, they've figured this out. If they keep us poor they keep their power.

We have more military bases than we need, anyhow. It's one of the biggest wastes of military money...

But here's the thing I've tried to get across and you guys don't get.

We don't need to be rich to deprive the Democrats of their power. Just make sure everyone has a job where he is FAIRLY compensated for his work.

Mitt Romney got rich by getting rid of those good paying union jobs at AmPad and GS Steel and replaced them with Minimum Wage McJobs at Staples and Domino's.

And those darned McJob workers, they just don't kindly starve while admiring your Caddy (Ann owns two of those, when she doesn't ride her Dressage Pony). They actually go to the government for Section 8 housing vouchers and Food Stamps and Medicaid...

And then you wonder why they totally go along with Obama when he says, "Tax the rich to pay for all of that."

YOu see where this "dependency" you whine about is a largely self-inflicted wound?

Well, toodles, off to dinner.

I've never owned a Caddy. I wouldn't want one of those because they break down too much.

I prefer a Honda or Volkswagen. If I could afford it, a Benz. But Caddilacs are shit. They ride nice but they spend all of their time in the shop.

Oh, and it would be nice if we didn't have to have a military but we don't have a force-field we can cover the United States with.
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I've never owned a Caddy. I wouldn't want one of those because they break down too much.

I prefer a Honda or Volkswagen. If I could afford it, a Benz. But Caddilacs are shit. They ride nice but they spend all of their time in the shop.

Oh, and it would be nice if we didn't have to have a military but we don't have a force-field we can cover the United States with.

Why did I guess you'd miss the point?

Okay- simple version. When you screw over working class people to make bigger profits, they will go to the Government to survive and they will vote for Democrats.

Why is this so complicated for you? This is a mess you've made.

For the bloated military, hate to say it, but most of the world isn't a threat to us. We are bankrupting ourselves to protect rich countries that could easily protect themselves.
I've never owned a Caddy. I wouldn't want one of those because they break down too much.

I prefer a Honda or Volkswagen. If I could afford it, a Benz. But Caddilacs are shit. They ride nice but they spend all of their time in the shop.

Oh, and it would be nice if we didn't have to have a military but we don't have a force-field we can cover the United States with.

Why did I guess you'd miss the point?

Okay- simple version. When you screw over working class people to make bigger profits, they will go to the Government to survive and they will vote for Democrats.

Why is this so complicated for you? This is a mess you've made.

For the bloated military, hate to say it, but most of the world isn't a threat to us. We are bankrupting ourselves to protect rich countries that could easily protect themselves.

I didn't miss your point, I was just trying to be a bit more pleasant. Sorry for trying to act like a decent person to you.

Here's my take on this. You're an envious little shit that feels he has the right to steal from others. I don't like your attitude and to be honest if we were face to face the discussion wouldn't last as long as this one has.

You are a sick individual that is filled with nothing but the worst possible human traits. You have very little redeeming social value and your posts are nothing but drivel not worth reading much less responding to. That's why you spend so much time on people's ignore list. You have personal problems that you seriously need to deal with in other ways. You are basically a troll who gets a thrill up his leg fucking with people's minds but instead you just look foolish in the attempt because that practice would take more intelligence than you possess. Epic Fail.

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I've never owned a Caddy. I wouldn't want one of those because they break down too much.

I prefer a Honda or Volkswagen. If I could afford it, a Benz. But Caddilacs are shit. They ride nice but they spend all of their time in the shop.

Oh, and it would be nice if we didn't have to have a military but we don't have a force-field we can cover the United States with.

Why did I guess you'd miss the point?

Okay- simple version. When you screw over working class people to make bigger profits, they will go to the Government to survive and they will vote for Democrats.

Why is this so complicated for you? This is a mess you've made.

For the bloated military, hate to say it, but most of the world isn't a threat to us. We are bankrupting ourselves to protect rich countries that could easily protect themselves.

I didn't miss your point, I was just trying to be a bit more pleasant. Sorry for trying to act like a decent person to you.

Here's my take on this. You're an envious little shit that feels he has the right to steal from others. I don't like your attitude and to be honest if we were face to face the discussion wouldn't last as long as this one has.

You are a sick individual that is filled with nothing but the worst possible human traits. You have very little redeeming social value and your posts are nothing but drivel not worth reading much less responding to. That's why you spend so much time on people's ignore list. You have personal problems that you seriously need to deal with in other ways. You are basically a troll who gets a thrill up his leg fucking with people's minds but instead you just look foolish in the attempt because that practice would take more intelligence than you posses. Epic Fail.


It's easy to fuck with your mind when you barely have one. The fact you fail to understand the basic argument, because it's just too scary for you, is telling. You've lived off the government teet your whole life, but complain about others who do.

Incidently, the only stealing that is beign done is from me, not the other way around.

If someone puts me on ignore, it usually means they just can't deal with what I have to say. I've crushed them, and I take pride in it.

Congrats, you've been crushed.
When folks are doing well, so many of them shy at paying decent wages for decent jobs to decent people.

That's why the GOP loses many people to the Dems. And when the social values crowd realizes the GOP can never deliver on what they want on abortion, gay rights, prayer in public school, and so forth, they will go back to voting their pocket books as they did before 1980.

The GOP needs to reach out to women and minorities, period, or it will return to the minority for a generation.
When folks are doing well, so many of them shy at paying decent wages for decent jobs to decent people.

That's why the GOP loses many people to the Dems. And when the social values crowd realizes the GOP can never deliver on what they want on abortion, gay rights, prayer in public school, and so forth, they will go back to voting their pocket books as they did before 1980.

The GOP needs to reach out to women and minorities, period, or it will return to the minority for a generation.

You think all employers are Republicans? every time you post you only show that you're a Democrat mole, not a Republican.

Employers pay the market rate for labor. That's the iron law of wages. If people aren't making enough, it's because their skills aren't valuable. blaming that on the Republican party is pure idiocy, and purely a Democrat talking point.

thanks for being a loyal Democrat, Fakey.
It's hearsay. The evidence would never stand up in a court of law.

Case closed.
if he was disposed it would not be hearsay. if he was the one who heard it first hand it would be evidence. if he heard it through another individual it would be hearsay. apparently you dont understand the legal system very well either.

You obviously don't know the definition of hearsay, moron. If you have video or a recording of someone, it's tangible evidence. If all you have is some disgrunteled former employee claiming he heard so-and-so say this-and-that, it's hearsay.

Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience. When submitted as evidence, such statements are called hearsay evidence. As a legal term, "hearsay" can also have the narrower meaning of the use of such information as evidence to prove the truth of what is asserted. Such use of "hearsay evidence" in court is generally not allowed. This prohibition is called the hearsay rule.

Regardless, the claim isn't worth the paper it's written on. I can claim I heard Obama say he had sex with a five-year-old boy. That would be just as credible as your claim about Cheney.
i dont claim i heard it from Cheney, Paul O'Neill, then Treasury Secretary to Reagan made the claim.
again, your grasp of the american legal system is sorely lacking.

you also seem to have an unhealthy fascination with Obama's sex life. you should probably seek professional health.
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Right. Anyone who disputes your idiocies is a lunatic?

Do you have a video of Cheney saying deficits don't matter? No?

Then just admit you're a moron and get it over with.
wow youre a child if you need video evidence of everything. this has been covered multiples times by multiples sources. if you failed to accept it, then that tin foil hat is bigger than we all previously thought

It's hearsay. The evidence would never stand up in a court of law.

Case closed.
Supposing it's correct that Cheney said that, don't you find it at least mildly amusing that the only time that lolberals want to do like republicans is when they've done or are doing something completely idiotic?....See: Obolshevikcare.

Think about it. :lol:
wow youre a child if you need video evidence of everything. this has been covered multiples times by multiples sources. if you failed to accept it, then that tin foil hat is bigger than we all previously thought

It's hearsay. The evidence would never stand up in a court of law.

Case closed.
Supposing it's correct that Cheney said that, don't you find it at least mildly amusing that the only time that lolberals want to do like republicans is when they've done or are doing something completely idiotic?....See: Obolshevikcare.

Think about it. :lol:
when did a liberal ever claim "deficits don't matter?"
You are placing libertarian values on the Republican Party.

Won't happen.

You freaks from the libertarian wing can "wacka wacka" all you want, but it does not matter.

When the social values crowd sits down, we need working class voters to join us in greater number.

We need them more than you, bripat.
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Why did I guess you'd miss the point?

Okay- simple version. When you screw over working class people to make bigger profits, they will go to the Government to survive and they will vote for Democrats.

Why is this so complicated for you? This is a mess you've made.

For the bloated military, hate to say it, but most of the world isn't a threat to us. We are bankrupting ourselves to protect rich countries that could easily protect themselves.

I didn't miss your point, I was just trying to be a bit more pleasant. Sorry for trying to act like a decent person to you.

Here's my take on this. You're an envious little shit that feels he has the right to steal from others. I don't like your attitude and to be honest if we were face to face the discussion wouldn't last as long as this one has.

You are a sick individual that is filled with nothing but the worst possible human traits. You have very little redeeming social value and your posts are nothing but drivel not worth reading much less responding to. That's why you spend so much time on people's ignore list. You have personal problems that you seriously need to deal with in other ways. You are basically a troll who gets a thrill up his leg fucking with people's minds but instead you just look foolish in the attempt because that practice would take more intelligence than you possess. Epic Fail.


It's easy to fuck with your mind when you barely have one. The fact you fail to understand the basic argument, because it's just too scary for you, is telling. You've lived off the government teet your whole life, but complain about others who do.

Incidently, the only stealing that is beign done is from me, not the other way around.

If someone puts me on ignore, it usually means they just can't deal with what I have to say. I've crushed them, and I take pride in it.

Congrats, you've been crushed.
Only in your mind.....

The reason people put you on ignore is your arguments are ass-backwards from reality. They're so juvenile that it's clear anyone talking to you is dealing with a child. Common-sense and reason are foreign to you. The only thing one has to look forward to when engaging in silly banter with you is that eventually you'll leave.

Do not throw pearls before swine it's been said and brother the scent of pork follows you everywhere you go. You're an idiot of the first degree. A simpleton unparalleled. Your mind is out to lunch. My guess is when someone says you have an air about you they don't mean it in a good way. Not only do you spell bad but my guess is you smell bad.

Dumb, ugly, smelly, and stupid. I hope I haven't left anything out. If one were to look up putrid soulless puss-bucket your picture would be there.

Crush that.
Only in your mind.....


Crush that.

I think the fact you have been reduced to childish name-calling shows who won the argument here...

And frankly, being put on ignore by the likes of Cecille and Lady-Shit-Slinger is a badge of honor. Saves me the time of repeatedly making them look stupid.
No, he understands your "basic argument" perfectly: he worked his ass off instead of sitting on the couch sucking a bong, he bought rental properties instead of flashy clothes and lap dances. He is the exact OPPOSITE of you, and you hate him because of it.
No, he understands your "basic argument" perfectly: he worked his ass off instead of sitting on the couch sucking a bong, he bought rental properties instead of flashy clothes and lap dances. He is the exact OPPOSITE of you, and you hate him because of it.

I think you'd actually have to look at the way I dress. It's very utilitarian. I don't spend a lot of money on clothes... I don't buy new shoes until the old ones wear out. Nor did I smoke a bong. I went to college, joined the Army, owned rental properties, and continually improved myself. And I find that thanks to the wonderful policies of Republicans, I'm not doing better than my dad did, who merely just joined a union after he came back from WWII.

He didn't even touch my basic argument, and neither did you.

I'll try it again, so you can miss the point one more time.

In the last 30 years, those with the wealth, the 1%, the plutocrats, whatever you want to call them, have used all sorts of neat tricks to get rid of those nice, fat working class salaries that working folks earned during the New Deal. "Right to Work", "At Will Employment", moving factories to Mexico or China, replacing people with machines at Customer Service centers that eventually send you to talk to someone in the Philippines or India.

In short, Mitt gets rid of the good paying Union job at GS Steel and replaces it with a McJob at Staples.

And those fucking working people. Those bastards. They don't just curl up and die quetly while admiring one of Stepford Ann's Caddies as it drives by. Dammit, they go out and they get food stamps. they get section 8 housing (vouchers that Muddy was happy to cash, the rugged individualist he was) they use Medicaid when their company cancels Health insurance.

And then for some reason, they vote for Democrats.

To put it even more simply for you. Who makes me dependent on a lifeline? The guy who pushed me into the water to start with, or the guy who threw me the lifeline? And who am I more likely to feel gratitude for afterwards, and who will I feel contempt for.

This is why the GOP has lost 5 out of 6 popular votes in the last 20 years.
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Jarlaxle protest too much. He is the dude who likes the flashy ladies and the lap dances.

No, he understands your "basic argument" perfectly: he worked his ass off instead of sitting on the couch sucking a bong, he bought rental properties instead of flashy clothes and lap dances. He is the exact OPPOSITE of you, and you hate him because of it.
No, he understands your "basic argument" perfectly: he worked his ass off instead of sitting on the couch sucking a bong, he bought rental properties instead of flashy clothes and lap dances. He is the exact OPPOSITE of you, and you hate him because of it.

I think you'd actually have to look at the way I dress. It's very utilitarian. I don't spend a lot of money on clothes... I don't buy new shoes until the old ones wear out. Nor did I smoke a bong. I went to college, joined the Army, owned rental properties, and continually improved myself. And I find that thanks to the wonderful policies of Republicans, I'm not doing better than my dad did, who merely just joined a union after he came back from WWII.

He didn't even touch my basic argument, and neither did you.

I'll try it again, so you can miss the point one more time.

In the last 30 years, those with the wealth, the 1%, the plutocrats, whatever you want to call them, have used all sorts of neat tricks to get rid of those nice, fat working class salaries that working folks earned during the New Deal. "Right to Work", "At Will Employment", moving factories to Mexico or China, replacing people with machines at Customer Service centers that eventually send you to talk to someone in the Philippines or India.

In short, Mitt gets rid of the good paying Union job at GS Steel and replaces it with a McJob at Staples.

And those fucking working people. Those bastards. They don't just curl up and die quetly while admiring one of Stepford Ann's Caddies as it drives by. Dammit, they go out and they get food stamps. they get section 8 housing (vouchers that Muddy was happy to cash, the rugged individualist he was) they use Medicaid when their company cancels Health insurance.

And then for some reason, they vote for Democrats.

To put it even more simply for you. Who makes me dependent on a lifeline? The guy who pushed me into the water to start with, or the guy who threw me the lifeline? And who am I more likely to feel gratitude for afterwards, and who will I feel contempt for.

This is why the GOP has lost 5 out of 6 popular votes in the last 20 years.

Actually it's not.

The government isn't helping you. Not by extending unemployment benefits when they know their destructive anti-business policies got you laid off in the first place, or unions ran a business out of town.

Government is wasteful. The Obama administration took wasteful government to an art form. How can he not be a hypocrite when he spends $1.4 billion on himself. The entire house of Windsor only spends $57 million on themselves. Can the British Royal family be more frugal and penny-pinching than our president?

Yes they can.

Obama couldn't even keep within his budget of a billion dollars. He had to borrow $25 million from Bank of America. Bet he cut them a deal on the class action suit that's pending against them.

Giving people handouts is only a temporary measure, especially when you shove regulations down an industry's throat that ends up decimating it and costing thousands if not millions of jobs.

And understand this you POS; If Obama insists on ruining the job market and housing market in my town I'm not gonna let the city or some rich billionaire have what I worked for. So if I have to offer clean housing to Section 8 recipients then I will regardless how I feel about it. Some of them are actually nice people that need help.
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Jarlaxle protest too much. He is the dude who likes the flashy ladies and the lap dances.

No, he understands your "basic argument" perfectly: he worked his ass off instead of sitting on the couch sucking a bong, he bought rental properties instead of flashy clothes and lap dances. He is the exact OPPOSITE of you, and you hate him because of it.

Only from my wife...
Actually it's not.

The government isn't helping you. Not by extending unemployment benefits when they know their destructive anti-business policies got you laid off in the first place, or unions ran a business out of town.

Government is wasteful. The Obama administration took wasteful government to an art form. How can he not be a hypocrite when he spends $1.4 billion on himself. The entire house of Windsor only spends $57 million on themselves. Can the British Royal family be more frugal and penny-pinching than our president?

Yes they can.

Obama couldn't even keep within his budget of a billion dollars. He had to borrow $25 million from Bank of America. Bet he cut them a deal on the class action suit that's pending against them.

Giving people handouts is only a temporary measure, especially when you shove regulations down an industry's throat that ends up decimating it and costing thousands if not millions of jobs.

And understand this you POS; If Obama insists on ruining the job market and housing market in my town I'm not gonna let the city or some rich billionaire have what I worked for. So if I have to offer clean housing to Section 8 recipients then I will regardless how I feel about it. Some of them are actually nice people that need help.

Guy, you can't take "government handouts", and then whine about them. That just makes you a hypocrite. If downturns in the market caused by the greed of the 1%/Plutocrats have forced people into Section 8, that's a tragedy.

The problem with the whole economy is not that the unions ran companies out of business and not that regulations kept them from putting poisons in the water.

The problem is that their greed has screwed things up. Because these people never understand the concept of "enough".

And then after screwing their customers and employees at every turn, they stand their slack-jawed when those folks turn around and vote for Democrats...

There are some merits to Capitalism. Just not the way it's currently being practiced in this country.
I hear you, dude.

Buty ou need to understand that you are on the wrong side here.

Good for Mud and his iniative. But many here on the Board have much more than he does and disagree with him on economics and government policy.

To suggest that those who disagree are lazy does not reflect reality, only your bias.

Jarlaxle protest too much. He is the dude who likes the flashy ladies and the lap dances.

No, he understands your "basic argument" perfectly: he worked his ass off instead of sitting on the couch sucking a bong, he bought rental properties instead of flashy clothes and lap dances. He is the exact OPPOSITE of you, and you hate him because of it.

Only from my wife...

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