You Taught The GOP A Lesson: You Want Higher Taxes So They Will Grant Your Wish


Oh, the humanity!

Why do you people always bring up Reagan?

Live in the present.

Why? Because before Reagan, debt wasn't even part of our lexicon.

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy?

Ronbo Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!

It's hard to believe that anyone can complain about spending from 2 presidents over 16 years compared to their president who's debt spending was $2,000,000,000,000,000.00 more in only 3 years. This is what you're doing.

5 years ago I would never believe the nonsense that the left comes up with. Even they would never believe it. When I told them what was coming they told me I was crazy. Even the cons here told me I was wasting my breathe.

Face it numb-nuts, Obama is spending faster than Bush and Reagan combined and he has no answer for the ever increasing debt other than "Congress.......I want you to give me a blank check and give up the power to set a debt-ceiling".

This is outright insanity.
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Obama is doing what he always does, going out talking to people who don't know the facts because he knows having to face the folks that do is too embarrassing and uncomfortable a prospect. So he goes out on his taxpayer funded publicity campaign telling lies and demonizing Congress.

Question: If things were so great during the Clinton years why is everyone saying they're trying to keep rates for 98% of us. What is the harm in letting them go back? I want to see what happens. I'm sure the alternatives that Obama gave the Republicans, $1.6 trillion in tax increases, another stimulus, no spending cuts in writing, and the demand for no debt-ceiling are much worse.
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Why? Because before Reagan, debt wasn't even part of our lexicon.

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy?

We've all seen your propaganda 10,000 times. Debt comes from spending on Democrat social programs. Anyone who isn't a complete moron understands that. During the Reagan administration, Tip O'Neill labeled every one of Reagan's budgets "dead on arrival" because they didn't have enough spending. Democrats always want more spending. Then they blame Republicans for the inevitable results of complying with their demands.
Why do you people always bring up Reagan?

Live in the present.

Why? Because before Reagan, debt wasn't even part of our lexicon.

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy?

Ronbo Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!

It's hard to believe that anyone can complain about spending from 2 presidents over 16 years compared to their president who's debt spending was $2,000,000,000,000,000.00 more in only 3 years. This is what you're doing.

5 years ago I would never believe the nonsense that the left comes up with. Even they would never believe it. When I told them what was coming they told me I was crazy. Even the cons here told me I was wasting my breathe.

Face it numb-nuts, Obama is spending faster than Bush and Reagan combined and he has no answer for the ever increasing debt other than "Congress.......I want you to give me a blank check and give up the power to set a debt-ceiling".

This is outright insanity.

Insanity is someone who lives in a vacuum and believes it is normalcy. Obama is NOT spending, the government and the debt is showing all the symptoms and signs of what a very deep recession, contraction and revenue loss does to an economy. President Obama has LOWERED the deficit, slowed government growth and government employees have decreased under Obama. He is the most fiscally conservative President in modern history.

Reality vs. right wing propaganda parroted on this board.

Debt and deficits are two different things. President Obama Cut the Deficit and Slowed Spending to Lowest Level in 50 Years.


Here is the Federal surplus or deficit in dollars...



And Obama is not growing government...that was Bush.

I am so sure that your whining looks childish to me.

I have told you this is not a debate club. I could care if you get a link when all you have to do is Google. Look up credibility and integrity, You are tired, obviously.

What does any of that have to do with you supporting an assertion with a quote?

And btw I said credibility not integrity.

So you're too lazy to support your assertions that's OK just admit it.
Why? Because before Reagan, debt wasn't even part of our lexicon.

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy?

Ronbo Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!

It's hard to believe that anyone can complain about spending from 2 presidents over 16 years compared to their president who's debt spending was $2,000,000,000,000,000.00 more in only 3 years. This is what you're doing.

5 years ago I would never believe the nonsense that the left comes up with. Even they would never believe it. When I told them what was coming they told me I was crazy. Even the cons here told me I was wasting my breathe.

Face it numb-nuts, Obama is spending faster than Bush and Reagan combined and he has no answer for the ever increasing debt other than "Congress.......I want you to give me a blank check and give up the power to set a debt-ceiling".

This is outright insanity.

Insanity is someone who lives in a vacuum and believes it is normalcy. Obama is NOT spending, the government and the debt is showing all the symptoms and signs of what a very deep recession, contraction and revenue loss does to an economy. President Obama has LOWERED the deficit, slowed government growth and government employees have decreased under Obama. He is the most fiscally conservative President in modern history.

Reality vs. right wing propaganda parroted on this board.

Debt and deficits are two different things. President Obama Cut the Deficit and Slowed Spending to Lowest Level in 50 Years.

You must be sniffing Banana Juice. Obama increased the deficit. He's never passed a budget and what he's done is used baseline budgeting as a gimmick to make it look like he's not spending as much because he used current spending as a baseline. He's also keeping his spending down beneath the debt-ceiling on paper by a series of quantitative easing moves. We're on QE3 as of this writing. He's still spending more than any 5 presidents before him combined.
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Why? Because before Reagan, debt wasn't even part of our lexicon.

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy?

We've all seen your propaganda 10,000 times. Debt comes from spending on Democrat social programs. Anyone who isn't a complete moron understands that. During the Reagan administration, Tip O'Neill labeled every one of Reagan's budgets "dead on arrival" because they didn't have enough spending. Democrats always want more spending. Then they blame Republicans for the inevitable results of complying with their demands.

Actually, Reagan's proposed budgets were just as many dollars as the ones eventually passed.

It's just that they had more for feeding old people and less for $600.00 toilet seats.

It's hard to believe that anyone can complain about spending from 2 presidents over 16 years compared to their president who's debt spending was $2,000,000,000,000,000.00 more in only 3 years. This is what you're doing.

5 years ago I would never believe the nonsense that the left comes up with. Even they would never believe it. When I told them what was coming they told me I was crazy. Even the cons here told me I was wasting my breathe.

Face it numb-nuts, Obama is spending faster than Bush and Reagan combined and he has no answer for the ever increasing debt other than "Congress.......I want you to give me a blank check and give up the power to set a debt-ceiling".

This is outright insanity.

Insanity is someone who lives in a vacuum and believes it is normalcy. Obama is NOT spending, the government and the debt is showing all the symptoms and signs of what a very deep recession, contraction and revenue loss does to an economy. President Obama has LOWERED the deficit, slowed government growth and government employees have decreased under Obama. He is the most fiscally conservative President in modern history.

Reality vs. right wing propaganda parroted on this board.

Debt and deficits are two different things. President Obama Cut the Deficit and Slowed Spending to Lowest Level in 50 Years.

You must be sniffing Banana Juice. Obama increased the deficit. He's never passed a budget and what he's done is used baseline budgeting as a gimmick to make it look like he's not spending as much because he used current spending as a baseline. He's also keeping his spending down beneath the debt-ceiling on paper by a series of quantitative easing moves. We're on QE3 as of this writing. He's still spending more than any 5 presidents before him combined.

Oh yea, Obama has used all kinds of budgeting gimmicks and irresponsible spending giveaways and programs; like keeping foreign wars off the budget and using emergency funding instead. Passing a $717 billion unfunded Medicare Part D, including a provision that specifically forbids the federal government from negotiating for lower drug costs. Passing the No Child Left Behind unfunded mandate.

Oh WAIT...that was not Obama, that was Bush...

And Obama the liberal drunk spender gave every Federal employee a raise...

Oh WAIT...Obama put a freeze on all Federal employee salaries, and has re-authorized it.

And Congress passed the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act in February, 2010, which mandates that new spending be offset with spending cuts or new revenue. But no Democrats voted for it...

Oh WAIT...not a SINGLE Republicans voted for it...a Democratic Congress passed that legislation.
Insanity is someone who lives in a vacuum and believes it is normalcy. Obama is NOT spending, the government and the debt is showing all the symptoms and signs of what a very deep recession, contraction and revenue loss does to an economy. President Obama has LOWERED the deficit, slowed government growth and government employees have decreased under Obama. He is the most fiscally conservative President in modern history.

Reality vs. right wing propaganda parroted on this board.

Debt and deficits are two different things. President Obama Cut the Deficit and Slowed Spending to Lowest Level in 50 Years.

You must be sniffing Banana Juice. Obama increased the deficit. He's never passed a budget and what he's done is used baseline budgeting as a gimmick to make it look like he's not spending as much because he used current spending as a baseline. He's also keeping his spending down beneath the debt-ceiling on paper by a series of quantitative easing moves. We're on QE3 as of this writing. He's still spending more than any 5 presidents before him combined.

Oh yea, Obama has used all kinds of budgeting gimmicks and irresponsible spending giveaways and programs; like keeping foreign wars off the budget and using emergency funding instead. Passing a $717 billion unfunded Medicare Part D, including a provision that specifically forbids the federal government from negotiating for lower drug costs. Passing the No Child Left Behind unfunded mandate.

Oh WAIT...that was not Obama, that was Bush...

And Obama the liberal drunk spender gave every Federal employee a raise...

Oh WAIT...Obama put a freeze on all Federal employee salaries, and has re-authorized it.

And Congress passed the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act in February, 2010, which mandates that new spending be offset with spending cuts or new revenue. But no Democrats voted for it...

Oh WAIT...not a SINGLE Republicans voted for it...a Democratic Congress passed that legislation.

Too bad they never adhered to it without doing the slight of hand that is baseline budgeting.

Obama hasn't raised our pay since he's been in office but I keep seeing all kinds of new construction going on all over post. He's still spending massive amounts of money on defense, but not on the folks that do the defending. So if we have any problems all of that construction can be open for destruction from suicide bombers and the people that are still working can come under attack from terrorists with a grudge against infidels. We'll just call it work-place violence. We might as well just turn over our embassies to them too and save the collateral damage.
Why? Because before Reagan, debt wasn't even part of our lexicon.

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy?

We've all seen your propaganda 10,000 times. Debt comes from spending on Democrat social programs. Anyone who isn't a complete moron understands that. During the Reagan administration, Tip O'Neill labeled every one of Reagan's budgets "dead on arrival" because they didn't have enough spending. Democrats always want more spending. Then they blame Republicans for the inevitable results of complying with their demands.

Actually, Reagan's proposed budgets were just as many dollars as the ones eventually passed.

It's just that they had more for feeding old people and less for $600.00 toilet seats.



"Also, the excuse cannot be used that Congress massively increased Reagan's budget proposals. On the contrary, there was never much difference between Reagan's and Congress's budgets, and despite propaganda to the contrary, Reagan never proposed a cut in the total budget." - Murray N. Rothbard - Ludwig von Mises Institute


  • The first budget — passed by all Republicans and a few conservative Southern Democrats.
This increased the debt by $144 Billion.

  • The next 5 budgets — passed by the Republican Senate and signed by Reagan.

  • The last 2 budgets — passed by a Democratic Congress
Totaled slightly less than Reagan requested.

Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

If you really think the GOP is going to be stupid enough to raise taxes on the middle class because the rich will be finally paying their fair share, you're delusional.

What's "delusional" is anybody thinking for even a second that Obama's got any problem raising taxes on the middle class. :rolleyes:
He's just looking for someone else to pin it on. There's not enough "rich people" to pull his bacon out of the fire and the only people who don't know it are what we politely refer to as "useful idiots".
We've all seen your propaganda 10,000 times. Debt comes from spending on Democrat social programs. Anyone who isn't a complete moron understands that. During the Reagan administration, Tip O'Neill labeled every one of Reagan's budgets "dead on arrival" because they didn't have enough spending. Democrats always want more spending. Then they blame Republicans for the inevitable results of complying with their demands.

Actually, Reagan's proposed budgets were just as many dollars as the ones eventually passed.

It's just that they had more for feeding old people and less for $600.00 toilet seats.



"Also, the excuse cannot be used that Congress massively increased Reagan's budget proposals. On the contrary, there was never much difference between Reagan's and Congress's budgets, and despite propaganda to the contrary, Reagan never proposed a cut in the total budget." - Murray N. Rothbard - Ludwig von Mises Institute


  • The first budget — passed by all Republicans and a few conservative Southern Democrats.
This increased the debt by $144 Billion.

  • The next 5 budgets — passed by the Republican Senate and signed by Reagan.

  • The last 2 budgets — passed by a Democratic Congress
Totaled slightly less than Reagan requested.


Well, the Senate hasn't passed a budget in over 4 years so we really don't know, do we?
Drive the bus over the fiscal cliff if the Dems will not agree to sizable, non-negotiable cuts in defense and entitlements over the next three years in return for tax cuts for the middle class and hikes for the wealthy.

As for me and my family, we have always prepared for tomorrow to begin the 2nd Great Depression. We will be fine.
The pay as you go law is one of the reasons we're in this mess. It's what opened the door to sequestration.

The Dems must be so proud.

C. Enforcement. If Congress enacts PAYGO bills cutting taxes or increasing mandatory expenditures without fully offsetting the costs, the Act specifies a penalty, called "sequestration." If Congress adjourns at the end of a session with net costs – that is, more costs than savings - on the scorecard, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is required to calculate, and the President is required to issue a sequestration order implementing, across-the-board cuts to a select group of mandatory programs in an amount sufficient to offset the net costs on the PAYGO scorecard.

PAYGO subjects mandatory spending to sequestration, with specified exemptions. Exemptions from sequestration include Social Security; most unemployment benefits; veterans’ benefits; interest on the debt; federal retirement; and the low-income entitlements such as Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), and Supplemental Security Income.2 The major remaining mandatory programs, which are subject to sequestration, include most Medicare payments, farm price supports, vocational rehabilitation basic state grants, mineral leasing payments to states, the Social Services block grant, and many smaller programs. The Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010: A Description | The White House
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Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

If you really think the GOP is going to be stupid enough to raise taxes on the middle class because the rich will be finally paying their fair share, you're delusional.

What's "delusional" is anybody thinking for even a second that Obama's got any problem raising taxes on the middle class. :rolleyes:
He's just looking for someone else to pin it on. There's not enough "rich people" to pull his bacon out of the fire and the only people who don't know it are what we politely refer to as "useful idiots".

The top 10% control 90% of the wealth. There is PLENTY of money to keep the budget balanaced and frankly, that's exactly what we did until Reagan drank the Supply Side Koolaid.
If you really think the GOP is going to be stupid enough to raise taxes on the middle class because the rich will be finally paying their fair share, you're delusional.

What's "delusional" is anybody thinking for even a second that Obama's got any problem raising taxes on the middle class. :rolleyes:
He's just looking for someone else to pin it on. There's not enough "rich people" to pull his bacon out of the fire and the only people who don't know it are what we politely refer to as "useful idiots".

The top 10% control 90% of the wealth. There is PLENTY of money to keep the budget balanaced and frankly, that's exactly what we did until Reagan drank the Supply Side Koolaid.

Well why don't we just go to their homes, bust down the doors, and take everything they have while you have the political capital to make it look like it isn't outright theft.
What's "delusional" is anybody thinking for even a second that Obama's got any problem raising taxes on the middle class. :rolleyes:
He's just looking for someone else to pin it on. There's not enough "rich people" to pull his bacon out of the fire and the only people who don't know it are what we politely refer to as "useful idiots".

The top 10% control 90% of the wealth. There is PLENTY of money to keep the budget balanaced and frankly, that's exactly what we did until Reagan drank the Supply Side Koolaid.

Well why don't we just go to their homes, bust down the doors, and take everything they have while you have the political capital to make it look like it isn't outright theft.

don't tempt me...

Frankly, we're probably a lot closer to that kind of thing than you think, because the Wealthy have acted so badly in the last 30 years...
The top 10% control 90% of the wealth. There is PLENTY of money to keep the budget balanaced and frankly, that's exactly what we did until Reagan drank the Supply Side Koolaid.

Well why don't we just go to their homes, bust down the doors, and take everything they have while you have the political capital to make it look like it isn't outright theft.

don't tempt me...

Frankly, we're probably a lot closer to that kind of thing than you think, because the Wealthy have acted so badly in the last 30 years...

Well, heck.....maybe I should give you my address so I can give you a proper greeting.
Well why don't we just go to their homes, bust down the doors, and take everything they have while you have the political capital to make it look like it isn't outright theft.

don't tempt me...

Frankly, we're probably a lot closer to that kind of thing than you think, because the Wealthy have acted so badly in the last 30 years...

Well, heck.....maybe I should give you my address so I can give you a proper greeting.

Dude, I doubt your rich, but I always find it amusing that you guys are willing to throw down for people who'd scew you in a heartbeat.
don't tempt me...

Frankly, we're probably a lot closer to that kind of thing than you think, because the Wealthy have acted so badly in the last 30 years...

Well, heck.....maybe I should give you my address so I can give you a proper greeting.

Dude, I doubt your rich, but I always find it amusing that you guys are willing to throw down for people who'd scew you in a heartbeat.

Most people that make over $200k don't consider themselves rich when you look at what we have to pay to stay that way every year.

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