You Taught The GOP A Lesson: You Want Higher Taxes So They Will Grant Your Wish

It's hearsay. The evidence would never stand up in a court of law.

Case closed.
Supposing it's correct that Cheney said that, don't you find it at least mildly amusing that the only time that lolberals want to do like republicans is when they've done or are doing something completely idiotic?....See: Obolshevikcare.

Think about it. :lol:
when did a liberal ever claim "deficits don't matter?"

1.3 TRILLION A YEAR! What the FUCK do you THINK Obama is saying??
when did a liberal ever claim "deficits don't matter?"

Actions speak louder than words.
cause and effect are a better measure of the deficit. but then again i dont expect the right to be able to understand any of this.


Ezra Klein: Doing the math on Obama's deficits - The Washington Post
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

The lesson isn't over yet, bitch.

Sit down and take notes.

We're about to fix the economy you broke.

No one will ever trust you again.

How does it feel to become irrelevant?
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

The lesson isn't over yet, bitch.

Sit down and take notes.

We're about to fix the economy you broke.

No one will ever trust you again.

How does it feel to become irrelevant?

60 + years of democratic control of the government in part or whole and you're blaming Republicans? Why are liberals so god damn retarded?
Actions speak louder than words.
cause and effect are a better measure of the deficit. but then again i dont expect the right to be able to understand any of this.


Ezra Klein: Doing the math on Obama's deficits - The Washington Post

Tax cuts are not a cost.

Guess the left will never understand this.
tax cuts are a cost as they reduce revenue. if tax cuts are not offset by spending costs then your balance sheet will not balance. does the right not understand simple accounting?
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Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

The lesson isn't over yet, bitch.

Sit down and take notes.

We're about to fix the economy you broke.

No one will ever trust you again.

How does it feel to become irrelevant?

60 + years of democratic control of the government in part or whole and you're blaming Republicans? Why are liberals so god damn retarded?

Because we know the difference between democratic (adjective) and Democratic (noun), as retard should know.
The lesson isn't over yet, bitch.

Sit down and take notes.

We're about to fix the economy you broke.

No one will ever trust you again.

How does it feel to become irrelevant?

60 + years of democratic control of the government in part or whole and you're blaming Republicans? Why are liberals so god damn retarded?

Because we know the difference between democratic (adjective) and Democratic (noun), as retard should know.

If I used a capital d it would mean I was showing a sign of respect. I would never do that just like I will never write obama name with a capital o fuck you.
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

Exactly--this country elected a President who has been campaigning for the last 5 years for higher taxes--and THEY'RE going to get higher taxes.

I just hope that no one really believed that 2% or 5% of the population aka the 250K crowd and over could pay down the existing 16 trillion in red ink, with another 64 trillion in unfunded liabilities for social security--medicare--medicade and Obamacare too.---:lol::lol:


$100.00 bills stacked on pallets. 16 trillion in red ink now--with another 64 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

They voted for it--they got it.
No one thinks the over 250K crowd can pay down the red ink, but they can pay their fair share of it.
Sure and that 49% should be paying their fair share as well.

Kinda funny how only SOME FOLKS need to pay that FAIR SHARE.
The Middle Class already has to high of a tax rate. It's time for us to get a tax cut & the Rich & Poor to catch up.
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Sure and that 49% should be paying their fair share as well.

Kinda funny how only SOME FOLKS need to pay that FAIR SHARE.
do you know why 47% of americans pay no income tax? over the past 30 years the GOP has been on a mission to lower taxes rates and tax liability. well at some point that rate will go to zero, which is what has happened in this situation. as you continuously lower rates, eventually the standard deduction will offset any amount of taxes that you would have had to pay. this is what is happening, so is the GOP really going to be upset that they got exactly what they were trying to do?
Don't pay your taxes, America.There. Solved. Next problem. Wouldn't that be something, if America simply said, "Enough!" If Americans didn't eat Hamburger Helper and keep the thermostat at 66 degrees all winter so they could save enough money to give to the federal government, which would once again spend it like Liberace at a candelabra shop? (Sorry to those under 50 - for the younger set, think Miley Cyrus at a tattoo parlor).

What if Americans decided that the federal government and the 535 men and women in Congress paid - by us - to run our government just aren't up to the task? What if they said - all 308 million (yes, all the babies, too) - that those servants we've hired may even be suffering from dementia and must be stopped immediately? They must be nuts, right, thinking they can spend $3.6 trillion when we give them only $2.5 trillion?

CURL: The five-word solution to the 'fiscal cliff' - Washington Times
Sure and that 49% should be paying their fair share as well.

Kinda funny how only SOME FOLKS need to pay that FAIR SHARE.

They are, already. It's progressive taxation. Bill Gates pays the same on his first hundred grand in income, that I do. And at anytime Bill chooses to not pay income tax, he merely needs to lower his income to that of the 49% who you claim are not paying taxes, but in fact are, including FIT. The 49% was estimated, ONE YEAR, due to a special tax credit, which was in place in hopes of dragging our ass out the the Bush 43 Great Recession trough.

Fact. Check it out.
47%f all AMericans pay ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAX.. the rest of us are carrying these leeches around on our backs.

Show me, assuming you mean wage-earners. It's a koolaid-drenched Rightie myth, with no basis in fact.
Every body should pay something, I agree.

And those who have benefited so much from our social compact should certainly pay their fair share.

Sure and that 49% should be paying their fair share as well.

Kinda funny how only SOME FOLKS need to pay that FAIR SHARE.
47%f all AMericans pay ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAX.. the rest of us are carrying these leeches around on our backs.

Many of those 47% are STILL paying Social Security tax, Medicare taxes, state sales taxes, state income taxes, property taxes, fees, licenses, etc. And, yes, they pay federal income taxes as well, it's just when all their nice middle class deductions are taken out - ones Republicans fought for - they get money back.

They go to their jobs and they work hard. The fact that you call them "leeches" probably demonstrate why the GOP has lost touch with regular folks.

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