You Taught The GOP A Lesson: You Want Higher Taxes So They Will Grant Your Wish

In a country with GNI of roughly $9.8 trillion, and federal outlays of about $3.5 trillion, a flat rate tax would need to be 35%, for balance, or circa 38 to 40% if we wish to chip away at the debt. Add about 7.5% in payroll taxes for MC/SS, not to mention state and local taxes and fees, which would fuck the middle class in the ass, percentage wise.

Wrong. Way off the mark actually.

If all you want to do is replace the income tax then a low rate of 10% or less would do that and then some.

No one has proposed providing all government revenue with a flat income tax.

Okie doke. What's the math? Where are your base assumptions coming from. School me.

I've only done this a fucking hundred times for you idiots.

In 2009 the total income tax revenue was 865.8 Billion

In 2009 the total of all personal income was about 12 Trillion dollars.

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

That works out to an effective tax rate of about 7% on all personal income.

This is not AGI mind you but gross personal income.

If we instituted a flat tax of of 10% on all personal income our tax revenue in 2009 would have been 1.2 Trillion dollars.

If we lower the corporate income tax to the same flat rate we'll see even more revenue as businesses will no longer have incentive to keep money off shore.

Our taxes would be simple to file and there is absolutely no room to cheat or evade taxes.

We would be able to gut the IRS and save billions of dollars.

We wouldn't have to hire accountants and tax attorneys anymore.
So what would this flat rate be?

In a country with GNI of roughly $9.8 trillion, and federal outlays of about $3.5 trillion, a flat rate tax would need to be 35%, for balance, or circa 38 to 40% if we wish to chip away at the debt. Add about 7.5% in payroll taxes for MC/SS, not to mention state and local taxes and fees, which would fuck the middle class in the ass, percentage wise.

Wrong. Way off the mark actually.

If all you want to do is replace the income tax then a low rate of 10% or less would do that and then some.

No one has proposed providing all government revenue with a flat income tax.

Also, let's play pretend, and say we go flat-rate 10%; who's fucked?

Everyone making $44 grand a year or less, which currently have below 10% effective tax rates, on average, due to our progressive tax on income levels.

So for example, someone making near minimum wage, circa $18 grand a year goes from a 2% effective tax rate to 10%. Tax is now 5 times greater. Taxes would increase $1440.

And someone making $2 millon, currently a 21% effective tax rate, on average, pays 47.6% as much as before. Taxes would decrease $220,000.

And the rightie retards wonder why Malcolm Forbes' idiot child favors flat taxes?

Fucking astonishing.
Wrong. Way off the mark actually.

If all you want to do is replace the income tax then a low rate of 10% or less would do that and then some.

No one has proposed providing all government revenue with a flat income tax.

Okie doke. What's the math? Where are your base assumptions coming from. School me.

I've only done this a fucking hundred times for you idiots.

In 2009 the total income tax revenue was 865.8 Billion

Summary of Latest Federal Individual Income Tax Data | Tax Foundation

In 2009 the total of all personal income was about 12 Trillion dollars.

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

That works out to an effective tax rate of about 7% on all personal income.

This is not AGI mind you but gross personal income.

If we instituted a flat tax of of 10% on all personal income our tax revenue in 2009 would have been 1.2 Trillion dollars.

If we lower the corporate income tax to the same flat rate we'll see even more revenue as businesses will no longer have incentive to keep money off shore.

Our taxes would be simple to file and there is absolutely no room to cheat or evade taxes.

We would be able to gut the IRS and save billions of dollars.

We wouldn't have to hire accountants and tax attorneys anymore.

Copy and paste isn't doing anything, except drinking anti-tax "think" tank koolaid.

Now then. Do the math. Go find stuff and figure it out. Don't rely on the "geniuses" who were at the forefront of the folks who were all fired up sure that Supply-Side/Trickle-Down was the cat's pajamas and assured us it would do the polar fucking opposite of what actually happened. Exactly fucking wrong, and you think quoting them is DOING SOMETHING????

No wonder the righties on this site are such ignorant fucks. Jesus.
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In a country with GNI of roughly $9.8 trillion, and federal outlays of about $3.5 trillion, a flat rate tax would need to be 35%, for balance, or circa 38 to 40% if we wish to chip away at the debt. Add about 7.5% in payroll taxes for MC/SS, not to mention state and local taxes and fees, which would fuck the middle class in the ass, percentage wise.

Wrong. Way off the mark actually.

If all you want to do is replace the income tax then a low rate of 10% or less would do that and then some.

No one has proposed providing all government revenue with a flat income tax.

Also, let's play pretend, and say we go flat-rate 10%; who's fucked?

Everyone making $44 grand a year or less, which currently have below 10% effective tax rates, on average, due to our progressive tax on income levels.

So for example, someone making near minimum wage, circa $18 grand a year goes from a 2% effective tax rate to 10%. Tax is now 5 times greater. Taxes would increase $1440.

And someone making $2 millon, currently a 21% effective tax rate, on average, pays 47.6% as much as before. Taxes would decrease $220,000.

And the rightie retards wonder why Malcolm Forbes' idiot child favors flat taxes?

Fucking astonishing.

What ever happened to fair share?

If 2% is fair for you why should 18 or 20% be fair for someone else?

Tell me why is income any different than any other taxable commodity?

You don't whine about the so called poor paying gas and real estate tax do you?

You see you don't want fair and equitable what you want is based on your personal animosity towards people who make more than you.
Wrong. Way off the mark actually.

If all you want to do is replace the income tax then a low rate of 10% or less would do that and then some.

No one has proposed providing all government revenue with a flat income tax.

Also, let's play pretend, and say we go flat-rate 10%; who's fucked?

Everyone making $44 grand a year or less, which currently have below 10% effective tax rates, on average, due to our progressive tax on income levels.

So for example, someone making near minimum wage, circa $18 grand a year goes from a 2% effective tax rate to 10%. Tax is now 5 times greater. Taxes would increase $1440.

And someone making $2 millon, currently a 21% effective tax rate, on average, pays 47.6% as much as before. Taxes would decrease $220,000.

And the rightie retards wonder why Malcolm Forbes' idiot child favors flat taxes?

Fucking astonishing.

What ever happened to fair share?

If 2% is fair for you why should 18 or 20% be fair for someone else?

Tell me why is income any different than any other taxable commodity?

You don't whine about the so called poor paying gas and real estate tax do you?

You see you don't want fair and equitable what you want is based on your personal animosity towards people who make more than you.

Ya got me. But then, the fuck I give = 0. Thus I never speak of it, unless I want oral pleasure from the GF, and have being doing most of the heavy lifting. Ya know, "C'mon baby, be fair now. Daddy needs some love, too."

That help?
Wrong. Way off the mark actually.

If all you want to do is replace the income tax then a low rate of 10% or less would do that and then some.

No one has proposed providing all government revenue with a flat income tax.

Also, let's play pretend, and say we go flat-rate 10%; who's fucked?

Everyone making $44 grand a year or less, which currently have below 10% effective tax rates, on average, due to our progressive tax on income levels.

So for example, someone making near minimum wage, circa $18 grand a year goes from a 2% effective tax rate to 10%. Tax is now 5 times greater. Taxes would increase $1440.

And someone making $2 millon, currently a 21% effective tax rate, on average, pays 47.6% as much as before. Taxes would decrease $220,000.

And the rightie retards wonder why Malcolm Forbes' idiot child favors flat taxes?

Fucking astonishing.

What ever happened to fair share?

If 2% is fair for you why should 18 or 20% be fair for someone else?

Tell me why is income any different than any other taxable commodity?

You don't whine about the so called poor paying gas and real estate tax do you?

You see you don't want fair and equitable what you want is based on your personal animosity towards people who make more than you.
if all income should be treated fairly, then why are capital gains treated differently than income earned from a job?
Also, let's play pretend, and say we go flat-rate 10%; who's fucked?

Everyone making $44 grand a year or less, which currently have below 10% effective tax rates, on average, due to our progressive tax on income levels.

So for example, someone making near minimum wage, circa $18 grand a year goes from a 2% effective tax rate to 10%. Tax is now 5 times greater. Taxes would increase $1440.

And someone making $2 millon, currently a 21% effective tax rate, on average, pays 47.6% as much as before. Taxes would decrease $220,000.

And the rightie retards wonder why Malcolm Forbes' idiot child favors flat taxes?

Fucking astonishing.

What ever happened to fair share?

If 2% is fair for you why should 18 or 20% be fair for someone else?

Tell me why is income any different than any other taxable commodity?

You don't whine about the so called poor paying gas and real estate tax do you?

You see you don't want fair and equitable what you want is based on your personal animosity towards people who make more than you.
if all income should be treated fairly, then why are capital gains treated differently than income earned from a job?

that is a product of our fucked up tax code.
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What ever happened to fair share?

If 2% is fair for you why should 18 or 20% be fair for someone else?

Tell me why is income any different than any other taxable commodity?

You don't whine about the so called poor paying gas and real estate tax do you?

You see you don't want fair and equitable what you want is based on your personal animosity towards people who make more than you.
if all income should be treated fairly, then why are capital gains treated differently than income earned from a job?

that is a product of our fucked up tax code.
and endorsed by only the GOP/TP.
You people who believe that the fucking government stealing 15% of your life time income for the off the books slush fund known as Social Security is a good thing.

As Rush Limbaugh points out, if you retire at 65 and live to 73, you get everything you paid into Social security back. Limbaugh.

Frankly, I've never been fond of the Trust fund or pretending social security is a retirement program when it isn't. But we're AMERICANS, dammit. It's not like we are ever going to admit we have an obligation to each other like those Europeans!

Incidently, the guy who raised the confiscation level to 15%?


Fucking socialist!

And people can take care of their parents if they want it's just that most of them don't want to have their parents live with them in their old age.

yeah, because, hey, how dare we have any obligation to each other. Part of what is wrong with this country, really. "I've got mine, fuck you"... or known in it's short form "I'm a republican!"

And really if your house isn't paid for by the time you retire because you kept refinancing every few years whose fault is that?

The banks. Obviously. Look refinance, second mortgages, reverse mortgages, the banking industry is built on trying to pull a fast one on you.
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

If you really think the GOP is going to be stupid enough to raise taxes on the middle class because the rich will be finally paying their fair share, you're delusional.

Come now Joe, you did take and pass basic mathematics in grade school, right? well then, add up projected revenue, and subtract it from projected liabilities, the end result is a negative number, now that is a number less than but not equal to -0-, it is what we affectionately call a deficit! Now Joe, lets look at the sum total of potential revenue that one can tax, as many have pointed out if those earning $48,000 are not taxed than the result is still a negative number,-0-, following me? than how do you make up the difference between a negative number and -0-, borrow some more? As Mr. Dean said, his party, your party, will need to broaden the tax base, that means expanding to include a greater number, and who do you think represents that greater number?
Everybody should pay, from poor to rich, something.

The rich should pay hugely for the benefits they have received in the last 30 years. Simply raise the capital gains to 39.6% of everybody.
IF I WAS BOENER, I'd demand a tax increase on the lower 40% on top of the upper 2%.

Time for them to put some teeth in the game.
IF I WAS BOENER, I'd demand a tax increase on the lower 40% on top of the upper 2%.

Time for them to put some teeth in the game.

How about treating the subject with the respect that it warrants instead of a political statement to advance your pathetic political philosophy.
IF I WAS BOENER, I'd demand a tax increase on the lower 40% on top of the upper 2%.

Time for them to put some teeth in the game.

How about treating the subject with the respect that it warrants instead of a political statement to advance your pathetic political philosophy.


If you're going to raise taxes on one class...Well, why not raise them on the real class that gets away with not paying?
You people who believe that the fucking government stealing 15% of your life time income for the off the books slush fund known as Social Security is a good thing.

As Rush Limbaugh points out, if you retire at 65 and live to 73, you get everything you paid into Social security back. Limbaugh.

you might listen to blowhards on the radio but I don't

Frankly, I've never been fond of the Trust fund or pretending social security is a retirement program when it isn't. But we're AMERICANS, dammit. It's not like we are ever going to admit we have an obligation to each other like those Europeans!

Obligation to whom? I have no obligation to support you.

Incidently, the guy who raised the confiscation level to 15%?
add the employer contribution and the medicare confiscation and it's 15% that is until Bam Bam decided that he could fund SS and cut the employee contribution.

And people can take care of their parents if they want it's just that most of them don't want to have their parents live with them in their old age.

yeah, because, hey, how dare we have any obligation to each other. Part of what is wrong with this country, really. "I've got mine, fuck you"... or known in it's short form "I'm a republican!"

They-re your parents you take care of them

And really if your house isn't paid for by the time you retire because you kept refinancing every few years whose fault is that?

The banks. Obviously. Look refinance, second mortgages, reverse mortgages, the banking industry is built on trying to pull a fast one on you.

Yeah all those banks just walked into your house and forced you to keep refinancing your house.
Everybody should pay, from poor to rich, something.

The rich should pay hugely for the benefits they have received in the last 30 years. Simply raise the capital gains to 39.6% of everybody.

That will do wonders for the economy. It should create the worst depression since 1929.

Who do the rich owe for the wealth they created in the last 30 years?
[ame=]Ray Stevens - Obama Budget Plan - YouTube[/ame]

Obama money! This is what a family would need to do to copy the government!

Come now Joe, you did take and pass basic mathematics in grade school, right? well then, add up projected revenue, and subtract it from projected liabilities, the end result is a negative number, now that is a number less than but not equal to -0-, it is what we affectionately call a deficit! Now Joe, lets look at the sum total of potential revenue that one can tax, as many have pointed out if those earning $48,000 are not taxed than the result is still a negative number,-0-, following me? than how do you make up the difference between a negative number and -0-, borrow some more? As Mr. Dean said, his party, your party, will need to broaden the tax base, that means expanding to include a greater number, and who do you think represents that greater number?

Or we can just increase the rate the rich pay to a lot higher than they were before Bush.

Shit, back in the Reagan days, the rich paid 50% top marginal rates.

Incidently, people earing less than 48K are taxed. That's the point.

SOmehow, I don't think you're rich, and you live in mortal fear they might pay their fair share.

Talk about puppets.

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