You want more/better options for the poor? Lets make a deal

Foreign Aid accounts for far too small a portion of the federal budget to make much of a difference.

Now, if you're talking about drastically shrinking military funding, that's a whole different story. But I don't think that will play well, politically.
Im talking about most foreign expenditures. How many billions have we spent in Bosnia alone since their war? How many people would that, alone, get off the streets or get them proper mental help?

Bosnia isn't the best example for your point. Next time, ask about Israel.

But the answer to your question:

Since 1996, the U.S. has given Bosnia 0.7 B-2 bombers in foreign aid.
Bosnia is a good example. We have given ALOT more than foreign aid. Not to mention, who do you think pays 25% of the UN budget? Who do you think helped pay for DynaCorp?
But yes, Israel is a PERFECT example.

The UN budget, in total, is equivalent to 1 B-2 bomber a year. The US contribution to that is less than 1/1000th of the US yearly military budget.

Also, did you mean DynCorp? I don't know what DynaCorp is, but DynCorp is an American private military contractor, and while I would completely agree with cutting their contracts, that's not "foreign aid" - that's "local aid", given to a company based in Virginia.
We pay for them to be over there. That was my point.
We pay almost all of their yearly revenues. Which is billions.
Yes, DynCorp.

We pay them to be "over there", and we pay them to be "here", too.

But that money isn't going to Bosnia, it's going to American citizens.
1. End the $1.4 trillion of annual tax expenditures which redistribute wealth from the pockets of the middle class to the rich. Level the playing field.

2. Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent going forward. We are living decades longer, we should be working longer. Common sense.

3. Reform health care so that we buy our health insurance the same way we buy our home, auto, and life insurance. No more employer sponsored health insurance tax exemption which is driving up the cost of health care.


Sorry, but Mexicans have fuck-all to do with the state of our economy.
I agree with 1.
IDK about 2. I might just be young, but that seems kinda old to be working full time like that.
3 isn't a bad idea. I could probably get on board.
Immigrants get free shit from our government.
Im talking about most foreign expenditures. How many billions have we spent in Bosnia alone since their war? How many people would that, alone, get off the streets or get them proper mental help?

Bosnia isn't the best example for your point. Next time, ask about Israel.

But the answer to your question:

Since 1996, the U.S. has given Bosnia 0.7 B-2 bombers in foreign aid.
Bosnia is a good example. We have given ALOT more than foreign aid. Not to mention, who do you think pays 25% of the UN budget? Who do you think helped pay for DynaCorp?
But yes, Israel is a PERFECT example.

The UN budget, in total, is equivalent to 1 B-2 bomber a year. The US contribution to that is less than 1/1000th of the US yearly military budget.

Also, did you mean DynCorp? I don't know what DynaCorp is, but DynCorp is an American private military contractor, and while I would completely agree with cutting their contracts, that's not "foreign aid" - that's "local aid", given to a company based in Virginia.
We pay for them to be over there. That was my point.
We pay almost all of their yearly revenues. Which is billions.
Yes, DynCorp.

We pay them to be "over there", and we pay them to be "here", too.

But that money isn't going to Bosnia, it's going to American citizens.
I don't give a damn lol. We are paying money for taking care of ANOTHER Country when our own country is fucked.
I guess you apply that same logic to companies like Lockheed martin? I mean, WE CANT DECREASE THE MILITARY BUDGET BECAUSE WE ARE SPENDING IT ON AMERICANS lol
Again, that was a good example ;)
2. I might just be young, but that seems kinda old to be working full time like that.

When Social Security was launched, only 5.4% of the American people were over the age of 65. It was not meant for everyone. It was meant for those who beat the odds. Average life expectancy was 60.

Do you think it was intended that most blue collar workers were going to live long enough to collect? Nope!

Now it has become an "entitlement", and 15 percent of Americans are over 65. A literal tripling of the SS entitlement load, with Medicare piled on top.

Immigrants get free shit from our government.
Legal immigrants do. So what? It's a drop in the ocean. Mexicans are NOT the reason our economy is shit.

We had full employment in 2007, with just as many (if not more) illegals here as we have now. Then something really bad happened to our economy. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

I'll give you a hint. It had FUCK-ALL to do with Mexicans.
Bosnia isn't the best example for your point. Next time, ask about Israel.

But the answer to your question:

Since 1996, the U.S. has given Bosnia 0.7 B-2 bombers in foreign aid.
Bosnia is a good example. We have given ALOT more than foreign aid. Not to mention, who do you think pays 25% of the UN budget? Who do you think helped pay for DynaCorp?
But yes, Israel is a PERFECT example.

The UN budget, in total, is equivalent to 1 B-2 bomber a year. The US contribution to that is less than 1/1000th of the US yearly military budget.

Also, did you mean DynCorp? I don't know what DynaCorp is, but DynCorp is an American private military contractor, and while I would completely agree with cutting their contracts, that's not "foreign aid" - that's "local aid", given to a company based in Virginia.
We pay for them to be over there. That was my point.
We pay almost all of their yearly revenues. Which is billions.
Yes, DynCorp.

We pay them to be "over there", and we pay them to be "here", too.

But that money isn't going to Bosnia, it's going to American citizens.
I don't give a damn lol. We are paying money for taking care of ANOTHER Country when our own country is fucked.
I guess you apply that same logic to companies like Lockheed martin? I mean, WE CANT DECREASE THE MILITARY BUDGET BECAUSE WE ARE SPENDING IT ON AMERICANS lol
Again, that was a good example ;)


It's amazing to me that the worm has turned to such an extent that I'm now arguing free market dogma against right-wing populism.

First of all, I disagree with your premise that "our own country is fucked". We're far from perfect, but we're doing better than anyone else in the world.

Secondly, DynCorp and Lockheed Martin are both examples of military spending, not foreign aid.
Our immigration quota system is incredibly retarded. Have you guys ever looked at it? The maximum number of immigrants from Mexico allowed is 7 percent of the total.

The idea of fining/punishing employers for a fucked up government immigration system is just as retarded. If a farmer needs 40 lettuce pickers, and he can only find 20 legal immigrants, it is ridiculous to punish him for hiring the necessary labor he needs to prevent the loss of his crop.

If you think Americans are going to fill that gap, you are completely out of touch with reality. An American is not going to leave his tract house, climb into his Ford Focus, and drive 200 miles to pick lettuce for a couple weeks, and then drive 250 miles to pick strawberries for two weeks, and so forth. Not even for 20 bucks an hour. It's been tried.

It is called MIGRANT labor for a reason, and EVERY prosperous society has a large migrant labor force. It's a sign of success.
2. I might just be young, but that seems kinda old to be working full time like that.

When Social Security was launched, only 5.4% of the American people were over the age of 65. It was not meant for everyone. It was meant for those who beat the odds. Average life expectancy was 60.

Do you think it was intended that most blue collar workers were going to live long enough to collect? Nope!

Now it has become an "entitlement", and 15 percent of Americans are over 65. A literal tripling of the SS entitlement load, with Medicare piled on top.

Immigrants get free shit from our government.
Legal immigrants do. So what? It's a drop in the ocean. Mexicans are NOT the reason our economy is shit.

We had full employment in 2007, with just as many (if not more) illegals here as we have now. Then something really bad happened to our economy. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

I'll give you a hint. It had FUCK-ALL to do with Mexicans.
You make a very good case on the SS argument. You shut me up.
Why do you keep mentioning Mexicans? Hek, you are the only one talking about Mexicans.
IDC if its a drop in the bucket or not. How many billions a year go to illegals?
How many would that feed?
I feel like some of you are missing my point, entirely..
Bosnia is a good example. We have given ALOT more than foreign aid. Not to mention, who do you think pays 25% of the UN budget? Who do you think helped pay for DynaCorp?
But yes, Israel is a PERFECT example.

The UN budget, in total, is equivalent to 1 B-2 bomber a year. The US contribution to that is less than 1/1000th of the US yearly military budget.

Also, did you mean DynCorp? I don't know what DynaCorp is, but DynCorp is an American private military contractor, and while I would completely agree with cutting their contracts, that's not "foreign aid" - that's "local aid", given to a company based in Virginia.
We pay for them to be over there. That was my point.
We pay almost all of their yearly revenues. Which is billions.
Yes, DynCorp.

We pay them to be "over there", and we pay them to be "here", too.

But that money isn't going to Bosnia, it's going to American citizens.
I don't give a damn lol. We are paying money for taking care of ANOTHER Country when our own country is fucked.
I guess you apply that same logic to companies like Lockheed martin? I mean, WE CANT DECREASE THE MILITARY BUDGET BECAUSE WE ARE SPENDING IT ON AMERICANS lol
Again, that was a good example ;)


It's amazing to me that the worm has turned to such an extent that I'm now arguing free market dogma against right-wing populism.

First of all, I disagree with your premise that "our own country is fucked". We're far from perfect, but we're doing better than anyone else in the world.

Secondly, DynCorp and Lockheed Martin are both examples of military spending, not foreign aid.
FOR OTHER PEOPLE. Goddamn man. FOR OTHER PEOPLE. We don't give DynCorp money to keep our peace.
Of course we are better in a lot of ways. Whats wrong with improvement? Whats wrong with improving without wanting our great grandchildren to be born with 100K in debt?
We spend hundreds of billions on other people and we have 600K homeless and 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry. THATS MY POINT
The UN budget, in total, is equivalent to 1 B-2 bomber a year. The US contribution to that is less than 1/1000th of the US yearly military budget.

Also, did you mean DynCorp? I don't know what DynaCorp is, but DynCorp is an American private military contractor, and while I would completely agree with cutting their contracts, that's not "foreign aid" - that's "local aid", given to a company based in Virginia.
We pay for them to be over there. That was my point.
We pay almost all of their yearly revenues. Which is billions.
Yes, DynCorp.

We pay them to be "over there", and we pay them to be "here", too.

But that money isn't going to Bosnia, it's going to American citizens.
I don't give a damn lol. We are paying money for taking care of ANOTHER Country when our own country is fucked.
I guess you apply that same logic to companies like Lockheed martin? I mean, WE CANT DECREASE THE MILITARY BUDGET BECAUSE WE ARE SPENDING IT ON AMERICANS lol
Again, that was a good example ;)


It's amazing to me that the worm has turned to such an extent that I'm now arguing free market dogma against right-wing populism.

First of all, I disagree with your premise that "our own country is fucked". We're far from perfect, but we're doing better than anyone else in the world.

Secondly, DynCorp and Lockheed Martin are both examples of military spending, not foreign aid.
FOR OTHER PEOPLE. Goddamn man. FOR OTHER PEOPLE. We don't give DynCorp money to keep our peace.
Of course we are better in a lot of ways. Whats wrong with improvement? Whats wrong with improving without wanting our great grandchildren to be born with 100K in debt?
We spend hundreds of billions on other people and we have 600K homeless and 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry. THATS MY POINT

Actually, we do give money to DynCorp to "keep our peace" - they've been contracted by the government for various domestic emergencies, such as the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

But that's also my point - the military doesn't "keep our peace" here, either.

You seem to be arguing for cutting military spending, but can't seem to bring yourself to say it.
We pay for them to be over there. That was my point.
We pay almost all of their yearly revenues. Which is billions.
Yes, DynCorp.

We pay them to be "over there", and we pay them to be "here", too.

But that money isn't going to Bosnia, it's going to American citizens.
I don't give a damn lol. We are paying money for taking care of ANOTHER Country when our own country is fucked.
I guess you apply that same logic to companies like Lockheed martin? I mean, WE CANT DECREASE THE MILITARY BUDGET BECAUSE WE ARE SPENDING IT ON AMERICANS lol
Again, that was a good example ;)


It's amazing to me that the worm has turned to such an extent that I'm now arguing free market dogma against right-wing populism.

First of all, I disagree with your premise that "our own country is fucked". We're far from perfect, but we're doing better than anyone else in the world.

Secondly, DynCorp and Lockheed Martin are both examples of military spending, not foreign aid.
FOR OTHER PEOPLE. Goddamn man. FOR OTHER PEOPLE. We don't give DynCorp money to keep our peace.
Of course we are better in a lot of ways. Whats wrong with improvement? Whats wrong with improving without wanting our great grandchildren to be born with 100K in debt?
We spend hundreds of billions on other people and we have 600K homeless and 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry. THATS MY POINT

Actually, we do give money to DynCorp to "keep our peace" - they've been contracted by the government for various domestic emergencies, such as the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

But that's also my point - the military doesn't "keep our peace" here, either.

You seem to be arguing for cutting military spending, but can't seem to bring yourself to say it.
bringing our troops home and stopping intervention didn't do it for ya?
I am all for bringing all our troops home, we are not the world police, let others in the world take the lead on policing. We don't need to jeopardize our young men and women to bomb Libya or Syria or Afghanistan.

I tire of sending billions and billions overseas ane then the rest of the world gets offended, let the rest of the world brighten up.
This is obviously just for discussion purposes, so don't be an ass ;)
What if we focus on America first? We quit funding all these overseas programs, we quit giving the UN 25% of their budget, we bring out troops back, quit worry about the huckster in NK. If he is so bad, why the FUCK are we the only ones threatening that fat asshole? Also, no more funding terrorists.
In return, we can focus on better healthcare(ACTUALLY focusing on good healthcare for the citizens instead of being led by a bunch of lobbyists and shit. Which, BTW, would only happen if we ease pety partisanship. We could then ACTUALLY hold Washington accountable) tuition, food and water and quality of life.
That would help our economy, our citizens and our possibly our MASSIVE level of division.
Immigration still a problem after this? I have that solved too.
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem
your entire premise is based off of the US being disconnected from the Globe. How are you going to do that? Are you now going to ban Citizens from traveling abroad? I just have to laugh at the illogical thoughts that come from here.

twinkle your nose and the rest of the world is gone eh?
Lol what OP did you read?
well yours of course. You want a smaller military. One that is based only in the US.
This is obviously just for discussion purposes, so don't be an ass ;)
What if we focus on America first? We quit funding all these overseas programs, we quit giving the UN 25% of their budget, we bring out troops back, quit worry about the huckster in NK. If he is so bad, why the FUCK are we the only ones threatening that fat asshole? Also, no more funding terrorists.
In return, we can focus on better healthcare(ACTUALLY focusing on good healthcare for the citizens instead of being led by a bunch of lobbyists and shit. Which, BTW, would only happen if we ease pety partisanship. We could then ACTUALLY hold Washington accountable) tuition, food and water and quality of life.
That would help our economy, our citizens and our possibly our MASSIVE level of division.
Immigration still a problem after this? I have that solved too.
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem
your entire premise is based off of the US being disconnected from the Globe. How are you going to do that? Are you now going to ban Citizens from traveling abroad? I just have to laugh at the illogical thoughts that come from here.

twinkle your nose and the rest of the world is gone eh?
Lol what OP did you read?
well yours of course. You want a smaller military. One that is based only in the US.
I just don't want to police the world, man. We do some fucked up shit. And only seem to fuck up shit. GRANTED, I understand hindsight is 20/20
I am all for bringing all our troops home, we are not the world police, let others in the world take the lead on policing. We don't need to jeopardize our young men and women to bomb Libya or Syria or Afghanistan.

I tire of sending billions and billions overseas ane then the rest of the world gets offended, let the rest of the world brighten up.
wow, again, the Trump campaign called for countries to pony up to pay for our military watching their countries. Did you miss that one? That included the UN. Military presence in the different regions allows for safe travel for Americans. You wish to remove that as well like Harley?
This is obviously just for discussion purposes, so don't be an ass ;)
What if we focus on America first? We quit funding all these overseas programs, we quit giving the UN 25% of their budget, we bring out troops back, quit worry about the huckster in NK. If he is so bad, why the FUCK are we the only ones threatening that fat asshole? Also, no more funding terrorists.
In return, we can focus on better healthcare(ACTUALLY focusing on good healthcare for the citizens instead of being led by a bunch of lobbyists and shit. Which, BTW, would only happen if we ease pety partisanship. We could then ACTUALLY hold Washington accountable) tuition, food and water and quality of life.
That would help our economy, our citizens and our possibly our MASSIVE level of division.
Immigration still a problem after this? I have that solved too.
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem
your entire premise is based off of the US being disconnected from the Globe. How are you going to do that? Are you now going to ban Citizens from traveling abroad? I just have to laugh at the illogical thoughts that come from here.

twinkle your nose and the rest of the world is gone eh?
Lol what OP did you read?
well yours of course. You want a smaller military. One that is based only in the US.
I just don't want to police the world, man. We do some fucked up shit. And only seem to fuck up shit. GRANTED, I understand hindsight is 20/20
their presence makes travel abroad possible.
I am all for bringing all our troops home, we are not the world police, let others in the world take the lead on policing. We don't need to jeopardize our young men and women to bomb Libya or Syria or Afghanistan.

I tire of sending billions and billions overseas ane then the rest of the world gets offended, let the rest of the world brighten up.
wow, again, the Trump campaign called for countries to pony up to pay for our military watching their countries. Did you miss that one? That included the UN. Military presence in the different regions allows for safe travel for Americans. You wish to remove that as well like Harley?
And Mexico is paying for the wall? Until it happens then we will see, I don't like the idea of risking young American lives for conflicts we have no interest in other than the UN says we need to be there, the UN is a worthless group, they beat America up for all that goes wrong and then wants America their to keep the peace.
I am all for bringing all our troops home, we are not the world police, let others in the world take the lead on policing. We don't need to jeopardize our young men and women to bomb Libya or Syria or Afghanistan.

I tire of sending billions and billions overseas ane then the rest of the world gets offended, let the rest of the world brighten up.
wow, again, the Trump campaign called for countries to pony up to pay for our military watching their countries. Did you miss that one? That included the UN. Military presence in the different regions allows for safe travel for Americans. You wish to remove that as well like Harley?
And Mexico is paying for the wall? Until it happens then we will see, I don't like the idea of risking young American lives for conflicts we have no interest in other than the UN says we need to be there, the UN is a worthless group, they beat America up for all that goes wrong and then wants America their to keep the peace.
so you'd prefer to risk private citizens traveling abroad instead?
I am all for bringing all our troops home, we are not the world police, let others in the world take the lead on policing. We don't need to jeopardize our young men and women to bomb Libya or Syria or Afghanistan.

I tire of sending billions and billions overseas ane then the rest of the world gets offended, let the rest of the world brighten up.
wow, again, the Trump campaign called for countries to pony up to pay for our military watching their countries. Did you miss that one? That included the UN. Military presence in the different regions allows for safe travel for Americans. You wish to remove that as well like Harley?
And Mexico is paying for the wall? Until it happens then we will see, I don't like the idea of risking young American lives for conflicts we have no interest in other than the UN says we need to be there, the UN is a worthless group, they beat America up for all that goes wrong and then wants America their to keep the peace.
so you'd prefer to risk private citizens traveling abroad instead?

Just like living here, there are risks. If you want to go to some third world trouble spot, then you get what you get. We are not the world police.
I am all for bringing all our troops home, we are not the world police, let others in the world take the lead on policing. We don't need to jeopardize our young men and women to bomb Libya or Syria or Afghanistan.

I tire of sending billions and billions overseas ane then the rest of the world gets offended, let the rest of the world brighten up.
wow, again, the Trump campaign called for countries to pony up to pay for our military watching their countries. Did you miss that one? That included the UN. Military presence in the different regions allows for safe travel for Americans. You wish to remove that as well like Harley?
And Mexico is paying for the wall? Until it happens then we will see, I don't like the idea of risking young American lives for conflicts we have no interest in other than the UN says we need to be there, the UN is a worthless group, they beat America up for all that goes wrong and then wants America their to keep the peace.
so you'd prefer to risk private citizens traveling abroad instead?

Just like living here, there are risks. If you want to go to some third world trouble spot, then you get what you get. We are not the world police.
well we have police in our country. sort of the concept of the military in other countries to allow americans safe travel. So now you want to get rid of the police inside the country? wow, I'm laughing now.

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