You want more/better options for the poor? Lets make a deal

Rather than spend $650 billion dollars on defense, more than the next 8 countries spend combined, let's spend 300 billion which will just be double what our nearest rival spends. Then use that make-jobs-for-red-state-defense-contractors $350 billion and spend it on Americans and fix our damn roads and bridges.

The assclown in the White House thinks the defense budget is $50 billion dollars short! Make America Broke Again.
We gotta buy new planes though, Isaac. When you have to raid the museum for spare parts to repair your planes, it's time to trade.
I am all for bringing all our troops home, we are not the world police, let others in the world take the lead on policing. We don't need to jeopardize our young men and women to bomb Libya or Syria or Afghanistan.

I tire of sending billions and billions overseas ane then the rest of the world gets offended, let the rest of the world brighten up.
wow, again, the Trump campaign called for countries to pony up to pay for our military watching their countries. Did you miss that one? That included the UN. Military presence in the different regions allows for safe travel for Americans. You wish to remove that as well like Harley?
And Mexico is paying for the wall? Until it happens then we will see, I don't like the idea of risking young American lives for conflicts we have no interest in other than the UN says we need to be there, the UN is a worthless group, they beat America up for all that goes wrong and then wants America their to keep the peace.
so you'd prefer to risk private citizens traveling abroad instead?

Just like living here, there are risks. If you want to go to some third world trouble spot, then you get what you get. We are not the world police.
well we have police in our country. sort of the concept of the military in other countries to allow americans safe travel. So now you want to get rid of the police inside the country? wow, I'm laughing now.

I didn't say that, I said we are not the world police. Sorry you did not understand my message.
This is obviously just for discussion purposes, so don't be an ass ;)
What if we focus on America first? We quit funding all these overseas programs, we quit giving the UN 25% of their budget, we bring out troops back, quit worry about the huckster in NK. If he is so bad, why the FUCK are we the only ones threatening that fat asshole? Also, no more funding terrorists.
In return, we can focus on better healthcare(ACTUALLY focusing on good healthcare for the citizens instead of being led by a bunch of lobbyists and shit. Which, BTW, would only happen if we ease pety partisanship. We could then ACTUALLY hold Washington accountable) tuition, food and water and quality of life.
That would help our economy, our citizens and our possibly our MASSIVE level of division.
Immigration still a problem after this? I have that solved too.
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem
This is weird, because I'm usually the one optimistic about human nature and you're the one snarking about what f*heads everyone is, but in this case....
I don't trust the rest of the world to leave us be.
We spend money overseas to keep countries on our side; it's not to be "nice." It's a necessary part of diplomacy.
If we pull out of every military theater and every foreign country, how long do you think it will be before we are attacked?
I don't believe Japan, South Korea, Australia or any other country on that side of the world consider NK a harmless little country. What makes you think we are the only ones taking them seriously? The UN has had sanctions on them for years and has just introduced more. That is a form of threatening. We aren't alone there.
ISIS wants us dead. They're nuts but pulling out and letting them reestablish their caliphate is not going to solve the problem. If the Muslims could handle it alone, they would have. They couldn't and that's why we and Russia and Iran are in there slugging it out while ISIS sends their slugs to our countries to blow themselves up.
America has the biggest military on the planet. That may seem like a lot, maybe too much. Maybe we do need to spend more at home and lower our expectations for what the military can do. I'll give you that. If we do have such massively larger forces than anyone else, maybe it would be safe to downsize some. But not to pull back into our shell and close our eyes to the rest of the world. We can't; if we do, we will lose our place and you will not like the outcome.
diplomacy isn't bought. What a cop out
Goodwill is. That is part of diplomacy.
Goodwill? Is that what you call it?
You really think we care about anyone? Do you think they(foreign nations) think that?
I already said it wasn't to be "nice." It's to get in there and "help" before one of our enemies does. Do you think Russia or China or Iran or whomever would mind spending a few bucks to feed the poor or keep the lights on in a country that is about to disintegrate into the kind of chaos and power vacuum that allowed ISIS to rise?
diplomacy isn't bought. What a cop out
Goodwill is. That is part of diplomacy.
Goodwill? Is that what you call it?
You really think we care about anyone? Do you think they(foreign nations) think that?
I already said it wasn't to be "nice." It's to get in there and "help" before one of our enemies does. Do you think Russia or China or Iran or whomever would mind spending a few bucks to feed the poor or keep the lights on in a country that is about to disintegrate into the kind of chaos and power vacuum that allowed ISIS to rise?
A "power vacuum" has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
This is obviously just for discussion purposes, so don't be an ass ;)
What if we focus on America first? We quit funding all these overseas programs, we quit giving the UN 25% of their budget, we bring out troops back, quit worry about the huckster in NK. If he is so bad, why the FUCK are we the only ones threatening that fat asshole? Also, no more funding terrorists

Right up through here I'm on board with you 100%.

In return, we can focus on better healthcare(ACTUALLY focusing on good healthcare for the citizens instead of being led by a bunch of lobbyists and shit. Which, BTW, would only happen if we ease pety partisanship. We could then ACTUALLY hold Washington accountable) tuition, food and water and quality of life.

That would help our economy, our citizens and our possibly our MASSIVE level of division.

Now youve lost me. The way to help our Poor is very simple.....

1. Provide them with opportunities for exycation and job training.

2. Provide short term assistance to those who are improving themselves theough education and at entry level jobs.

3. Provide NOTHING to those failing to attemp to improve themselves.

The workers will improve their lives. The scum will starve. Things will improve overall.
Now youve lost me. The way to help our Poor is very simple.....

1. Provide them with opportunities for exycation and job training.

2. Provide short term assistance to those who are improving themselves theough education and at entry level jobs.

3. Provide NOTHING to those failing to attemp to improve themselves.

The workers will improve their lives. The scum will starve. Things will improve overall.
I tried to be as general as possible.
diplomacy isn't bought. What a cop out
Goodwill is. That is part of diplomacy.
Goodwill? Is that what you call it?
You really think we care about anyone? Do you think they(foreign nations) think that?
I already said it wasn't to be "nice." It's to get in there and "help" before one of our enemies does. Do you think Russia or China or Iran or whomever would mind spending a few bucks to feed the poor or keep the lights on in a country that is about to disintegrate into the kind of chaos and power vacuum that allowed ISIS to rise?
A "power vacuum" has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
Yes, TN, it does. You are talking about cutting off aid to foreign countries. I am explaining why we provide aid to them. You insist on saying I'm wrong. Some of these countries would be communist or Russian satellites if we weren't helping them shore up a shaky economy and unstable, feuding electorate. If that's okay with you, fine. Go for it.
diplomacy isn't bought. What a cop out
Goodwill is. That is part of diplomacy.
Goodwill? Is that what you call it?
You really think we care about anyone? Do you think they(foreign nations) think that?
I already said it wasn't to be "nice." It's to get in there and "help" before one of our enemies does. Do you think Russia or China or Iran or whomever would mind spending a few bucks to feed the poor or keep the lights on in a country that is about to disintegrate into the kind of chaos and power vacuum that allowed ISIS to rise?
A "power vacuum" has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
Yes, TN, it does. You are talking about cutting off aid to foreign countries. I am explaining why we provide aid to them. You insist on saying I'm wrong. Some of these countries would be communist or Russian satellites if we weren't helping them shore up a shaky economy and unstable, feuding electorate. If that's okay with you, fine. Go for it.
"American exceptionalism" is bullshit. Being the world police also makes you terrorists. LOOK AT HOW WE HAVE FUCKED THE WORLD UP. Let someone else do it. Giving these fucking countries billions of dollars and all they want to do is kill us because we are in their country..
"we know whats best! That's why we must police th entire world and not give two shits about their democratic process or what the citizens want. Please ignore the fact we have killed hundreds of thousands of innocents, bombed children, fed/armed/trained terorrists that terrorize countries ETC. PLEASE for the sake of my war mongering IGNORE REALITY" Said OldLadyCheney
"bombing multiple countries every year is the best thing we can do for the world! If we couldn't buy out the countries leaders so we could influence the entire country because we are greedy as fuck, the world would be run by communists!" :rofl:
This is obviously just for discussion purposes, so don't be an ass ;)
What if we focus on America first? We quit funding all these overseas programs, we quit giving the UN 25% of their budget, we bring out troops back, quit worry about the huckster in NK. If he is so bad, why the FUCK are we the only ones threatening that fat asshole? Also, no more funding terrorists.
In return, we can focus on better healthcare(ACTUALLY focusing on good healthcare for the citizens instead of being led by a bunch of lobbyists and shit. Which, BTW, would only happen if we ease pety partisanship. We could then ACTUALLY hold Washington accountable) tuition, food and water and quality of life.
That would help our economy, our citizens and our possibly our MASSIVE level of division.
Immigration still a problem after this? I have that solved too.
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem

Part of the reason Trump got elected was his pretending he was going to do that sort of thing.
I tried to be as general as possible.

The Devil is always in the details. That's been our problem for decades. Eceryone wants to "help" but nobody realky wants to look zt what tbat "help" is really doing.
I agree. I would want things to change. Like you said, skills. I think high school should be spent learning a skill the last year or two. Unless you are going to university.
I mean, we had tech school but it was only an hour a day during your senior year, and it basically means nothing. Just enough to show you if that's something you want to do or not. IMO, that's nowhere NEAR enough.
This is obviously just for discussion purposes, so don't be an ass ;)
What if we focus on America first? We quit funding all these overseas programs, we quit giving the UN 25% of their budget, we bring out troops back, quit worry about the huckster in NK. If he is so bad, why the FUCK are we the only ones threatening that fat asshole? Also, no more funding terrorists.
In return, we can focus on better healthcare(ACTUALLY focusing on good healthcare for the citizens instead of being led by a bunch of lobbyists and shit. Which, BTW, would only happen if we ease pety partisanship. We could then ACTUALLY hold Washington accountable) tuition, food and water and quality of life.
That would help our economy, our citizens and our possibly our MASSIVE level of division.
Immigration still a problem after this? I have that solved too.
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem

Part of the reason Trump got elected was his pretending he was going to do that sort of thing.
yep. What a letdown that was. Heard he was sensing more troops to Afghanistan.. Shit NEVER fucking stops.
Foreign Aid accounts for far too small a portion of the federal budget to make much of a difference.

Now, if you're talking about drastically shrinking military funding, that's a whole different story. But I don't think that will play well, politically.

Then they wouldn't miss It wasn't were gone.

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